I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1990: 1 spring water

And there are many murals on this building, and these strokes give people a very ancient feeling.

Moreover, what is even more amazing is that there are planes and other things on this mural, because these planes are painted very similar, which makes the rest of my life feel amazing.

He was also a little curious, where exactly is this place, and why is there such a world hidden in such an underground world?

Really incredible.

Yu Sheng continued to search here, and after a while, they found a place.

At this time, Wang Yanbing said loudly: "Yusheng, come and see."

As this sound resounded, the people present immediately ran to the place where Wang Yanbing went, and when they came to the place where Wang Yanbing went, Yu Sheng and He Chenguang all had solemn expressions on their faces. With a little vibration.

"Look here ahead..."

Yes, what caught their eyes was a pool of water. Judging from the top of the pool, the pool water could hold ten people to soak in.

However, what shocked Yu Sheng and He Chenguang the most was that the water in the pool was not exhausted.

If it was replaced with something else, the water in this pond would have almost dried up, but the pond water here shows no signs of drying up. Such a scene made Yu Sheng a little curious.

What is the pool water here?

"There seems to be a problem with the water in this pool." He Chenguang said: "It's so crystal clear, that's okay, there are still these turbid things in this pool water, it's really strange, it's been so many years, this The place is not exhausted, does it mean that this is a spring?"

He Chenguang's words made Wang Yanbing nodded slightly and said, "Yeah, the pool water here looks so strange, and it really makes people feel a little weird."

"Should we go in and have a look?" He Chenguang hesitated for a while, and said slowly.

"Will it be dangerous?" Wang Yanbing raised his brows and said solemnly when he heard the words.

"Probably not?" He Chenguang paused and said, "The pool water here is not very deep. We will not lose our bodies if we sit cross-legged in it. We shouldn't have any major problems here. Bar?"

As soon as He Chenguang's words came out, Wang Yanbing and Yu Sheng froze slightly. Their brains were running fast, and Wang Yanbing said slowly, "If you say that, it seems like the same thing."

Following Wang Yanbing's words, Yu Sheng said slowly, "I'll go down and have a look first."

There is such a pool of water in this place, it does feel a little weird.

"The rest of my life..."

Wang Yanbing was shocked when he heard the words, and hurriedly looked at Yu Sheng and said, "Don't be impulsive, this kind of place is not a good place, and no one knows if there is any danger."

As Wang Yanbing said these words, Yu Sheng laughed and said slowly, "It's alright."

Immediately, Yu Sheng walked down slowly. After Yu Sheng walked down, Yu Sheng took a deep breath and sat here. At this time, Yu Sheng was slightly surprised.

"What a weird pool."

"The temperature of the pool water is moderate and a little warm, as if something has entered my body. What's going on?"

Yu Sheng, who had just stepped into the pool, suddenly became a little surprised, which made Yu Sheng feel indescribably weird.

The pool water here doesn't look like any pool water, but the temperature inside is just right, about forty degrees, very warm, and...

As he entered the pool water, it made Yu Sheng feel like his pores were all opened, and that feeling made Yu Sheng feel indescribably comfortable.

Yu Sheng pondered.

Immediately, Yu Sheng was quietly soaking in it. At this time, Yu Sheng discovered that the turbidity in this water had gradually entered his body, and his body was also quietly changing. That kind of change, Rao is full of unspeakable surprises for the rest of his life.

"My body seems to be getting stronger?"

When Yu Sheng noticed this, Yu Sheng was also shocked.

"Really getting stronger?"

Yu Sheng has indescribable surprise, what kind of water is this water, and how can it make my body stronger? It's completely unreasonable?

Yu Sheng was also a little dumbfounded.

"Yu Sheng, how is it?"

He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing both looked at Yu Sheng nervously and couldn't help asking.

After Yu Sheng heard the words, he quickly said, "You two, come down quickly."

"There's something wrong with the water here. Feel it."

As soon as Yu Sheng's words came out, He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing were stunned. They glanced at Yu Sheng in astonishment, and then the two of them looked at each other again, and then they both went into the pool one after another.

After they came into the pool and finished it, Wang Yanbing and He Chenguang said in surprise, "It's really weird. The temperature of the pool water here seems to be moderate."

"Not only that, how do I feel that something enters my body through my pores." He Chenguang suddenly said.


Immediately afterwards, He Chenguang noticed something was not right, which made He Chenguang's face change slightly: "No, no...my body...my physical fitness seems to be getting stronger?"

The sudden change caused He Chenguang to change greatly.

"It seems, is it really getting stronger?"

Wang Yanbing also noticed the strangeness here. The sudden situation surprised him and the others. Wang Yanbing asked: "What is the pool water here? Why can we make our strength stronger? What is this? what's the matter?"

Wang Yanbing was also stunned.

It was the first time he had seen pool water that could make people stronger. Wang Yanbing could clearly feel that the pool water here seemed to transform their bodies, making their physical fitness better and stronger.

Such a strange change, this is Rao Wang Yanbing and He Chenguang are very shocked.

"Absorb the pool water here first, I think it should be good for us." Yu Sheng took a deep breath and said slowly.


Immediately, they immersed their bodies in the water, and the rest of their lives was the same. They didn't know how to absorb the contents of the pool water, so they could only let their bodies absorb it on their own.

Yu Sheng frowned, hesitated for a moment, and then began to run the blood in his body, causing the blood in his body to gradually boil.

Obviously, Yu Sheng stimulated the blood of the divine beast in his body.

Yu Sheng also wanted to see whether the pool water here would change much if he stimulated the blood of the beasts in his body.


After Yu Sheng stimulated the blood in his body, Yu Sheng suddenly realized that his blood seemed to have suction, madly absorbing the turbid substances in the pool.

As a large amount of substances are absorbed by Yu Sheng, Yu Sheng also feels that his body is undergoing a quiet change, and the change is very obvious.

The rest of my life at this time was very shocking.


Soon, Yu Sheng noticed something was not right, because Yu Sheng was horrified to find that the bottleneck in his body actually had some cracks, and he seemed to have touched the realm of General Zhen Guo.

"How can it be……"

When Yu Sheng noticed this scene, Rao was a little stunned. Yu Sheng never dreamed that such a thing would happen.

General Township!

This is the town general...

There is an insurmountable chasm between this God of War and the general of the town. So far, I don't know how many people are stuck in this realm.

To break through is as difficult as reaching the sky. Even for the rest of my life, I have been stuck in this realm for a long time. I never expected that there would be signs of breaking through at this moment.

Xia Yu feels that unless he draws other blood, it is logically difficult to break through to the realm of the general of the town, but...

In this pool of water, there were signs that he could break through, but Yu Sheng was a little surprised by such a scene.

Yu Sheng's eyes flickered with indescribable surprise.

Immediately, Yu Sheng began to absorb the turbidity in the pool. Yu Sheng vaguely felt that the reason why he was able to break through should have a lot to do with the turbidity in the pool.

Yu Sheng began to let his body absorb it, and then Yu Sheng slowly closed his eyes, and the turbidity in the pool water was also quietly transforming Yu Sheng and He Chenguang and their bodies.

I don't know how much time has passed!

After Yu Sheng and the others woke up, Yu Sheng and He Chenguang and others all glanced at the pool water. They saw that the turbidity in the pool water had quietly disappeared.

Moreover, the pool water here has been unable to transform their bodies.

At this moment, Wang Yanbing suddenly said in surprise: "The pool water here seems to be useless."

"The essence of the pool water has been absorbed by us."

"Now my strength has increased to the perfect state of the Emperor of Soldiers..."

At this time, He Chenguang clasped his hands, and then He Chenguang had an indescribable surprise.

When Wang Yanbing heard the words, he also felt his body. As Wang Yanbing felt the changes in his body, even Wang Yanbing showed a deep joy to Zhao Si'er.

"I, I am also in the late stage of the Soldier Emperor, and I am about to reach Consummation, only one step away."

Wang Yanbing was also surprised.

They never imagined that such a pool of water would actually allow them to increase their strength so much, which was something they never expected.

"Yu Sheng, how are you?"

At this moment, Wang Yanbing and He Chenguang both looked towards Yu Sheng. Both of them had already made a breakthrough, so what about Yu Sheng? Has it also broken through?

Yu Sheng heard the words, but shook his head slightly and said, "I haven't."

Although Yu Sheng has not made a breakthrough yet, Yu Sheng can feel that now, he has reached the realm of a half-step general, and he only needs one step to officially enter the realm of Zhen Guo general.

In such a scene, even Yu Sheng has an indescribable joy. He can feel that his strength has improved a lot.

If he encounters a master of Banbu Zhenguo General, he can also suppress it with all his strength.

Surprise for the rest of my life.

"I didn't expect that we could make a breakthrough here. This pool water is really magical. What kind of pool water is this, and why can it improve our strength?"

Wang Yanbing looked at the pool water here in surprise and couldn't help but ask.

"Who knows." He Chenguang shook his head and said, "I can feel that the turbidity in the pool water has a great effect on our body transformation. The pool water here is ordinary pool water."

"These turbid objects are the most important things, but in any case, this time we have broken through the existing realm, which is also beneficial to us."


All three were beaming with joy.

This time, the trip to the underground world really made them feel a little surprised.

Yu Sheng took a deep breath and immediately said, "System, open my panel."

"DiDi, the host panel is being generated."

As the system's voice fell, a panel appeared in front of Yu Sheng's eyes.

"Name: Yu Sheng (code name: Yaoji

"Age: 24 years old."

"Military Rank: Major~www.wuxiaspot.com~Attributes: Root Bone 34, Perception 34, Constitution 34, Strength 34, Speed ​​34 (Ordinary Person 1

"Realm: Half-step General Zhenguo."

"Military merit: 300,000 points."

"Skills: world-class acting skills, 100-year-old dragon elephant blood, 100-year golden-winged Dapeng blood, 100-year western white tiger blood, 100-year roaring dog blood, 100-year-old man-eating willow gene, 100-year-old drug-addicting grass gene, 100-year-old unicorn mythical beast blood, 100-year-old six-year-old blood Eared macaque blood, Centennial Kunpeng divine beast blood, Centennial Bodhi heart, Millennium Tyrannical Dragon blood, Millennium plum blossom gene, Millennium chameleon blood, Millennium candle dragon divine beast blood, Millennium cactus gene, Millennium Qiongqi divine beast blood, Ten thousand years Chaos divine beast blood, Ten thousand years of chaotic divine beast blood Nianxuan turtle mythical beast blood, ten thousand years gecko blood, ten thousand years nine-tailed fox mythical beast blood, ten thousand years free wandering mythical beast blood, earth induction shooting, radar warning, cosmic simulation training ground, arc shooting, counterfeiting, perception card, ps Artifacts, Hacking Skills, Advanced Data Calculation, Demining Manual, Shooting Technique, Training Room, Chess Master, Piano Master, Gunfighting Technique, God-level Medical Technique, Explosives Demolition Manual, Gambler-level Gambling Technique, Heavenly Weapon Technique, Advanced Chef, god-level fighting skills, lingering voices, tomb robbery notes, martial arts experience."

"Items: drawings of the ninth generation fighter jets, blueprints of bulletproof vests, world battlefield passages."

Xia Yu looked at this panel, especially in this realm column, Yu Sheng saw that his realm had indeed reached the realm of a half-step general.

Just one step away, he will be able to advance to the realm of General Zhen Guo.

These two realms can be said to be a horizontal ditch, and they are not the same.

However, Yu Sheng felt that as long as he was patient and polished, he would definitely advance to this realm. Once he stepped into this realm, his whole body would undergo earth-shaking changes.

At this moment, the rest of my life is also a little bit looking forward to.

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