I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1995: world change

"damn it……"

After the black bear heard Yu Sheng's words, the black bear was very angry.

He never thought that he was actually stopped by the people of the Sun Country today, the black bear stared at the rest of his life in front of him, and there was a little sparkle in his eyes.

The black bear said coldly, "Damn you..."

After Yu Sheng heard it, he laughed dumbly, Yu Sheng sneered, and then Yu Sheng shot like lightning.

Yu Sheng's shot was extremely fast. At this time, the black bear was also aware of Yu Sheng's shot, and the black bear was furious, and punched him towards Yu Sheng.

The black bear has full confidence in his own strength. He believes that Yu Sheng will never be his opponent, so when the black bear attacks Yu Sheng, there is still a little sneer and killing intent in the bottom of his eyes.


The black bear came to Yu Sheng almost in the blink of an eye.

But at this moment, Yu Sheng suddenly changed direction.

"Bajiquan, Tieshan relies on..."

As Yu Sheng's mind moved, the next second, Yu Sheng grabbed the black bear's arm, and then, Yu Sheng's body leaned towards the black bear fiercely.

not only that……

When approaching the black bear, Yu Sheng also mobilized the blood in his body, an indescribable power, breaking out of Yu Sheng's body.

Terrifying power erupted, which greatly changed the expressions of the black bears who came into contact with Yu Sheng.



The next second, the black bear's body flew out violently, and with a bang, it fell to the ground beside him.

"How can it be?"

The black bear looked at Yu Sheng in shock, and there was an incredible color in the black bear's eyes.

He never thought that Yu Sheng's attack power would be so strong? How is this possible?

He is very clear about his strength and speed, but he doesn't know why, Yu Sheng this guy is faster than his strength and speed.

It's not at all possible, unless, this guy is more tyrannical than him.

However, he is half the strength of the general of the country, and he is only one step away from advancing to the level of the general of the country. Once he reaches the level of the general of the country, his strength will undergo earth-shaking changes.

Even the black bear did not expect that the strength of the seemingly young Yu Sheng in front of him would be so strong.

Even black bears take it seriously.

The black bear stared at the rest of his life with an indescribable prudence.

Yu Sheng is also staring straight at the black bear. There is a little light flickering in Yu Sheng's eyes. Yu Sheng can detect that this black bear is very strong, but in general, compared with him, it is still a lot worse, especially, he Now, half of his feet have stepped into the realm of General Zhen Guo, and coming here once has caused his strength to increase exponentially. Therefore, this makes Yu Sheng's strength more and more tyrannical.

"Come again..."

Yu Sheng did not intend to let go of the black bear in front of him, and attacked the black bear again.

Yu Sheng's attack is fast and accurate, and every move is straight to the point.

Yu Sheng's attack is extremely powerful.

When the black bear noticed this scene, he also hurriedly dodged.

However, the black bear was horrified to find that Yu Sheng's attack seemed to have eyes. No matter how he avoided or defended, he could be detected by Yu Sheng and immediately changed his attack state again.

Such a strange scene, even the black bear, is incomparably horrified.


Another muffled sound resounded, and the black bear's body took a few steps back, and then a little blood flowed out from the corner of the black bear's mouth. It was obvious that the black bear was injured.

When the black bear noticed this scene, even the black bear couldn't help taking a breath. The black bear stared at the rest of his life, killing intent surged.

"How can this **** boy be so strong?"

Rao is a black bear who feels a little incredible. According to his thoughts, Yu Sheng's strength should not be so strong. However, when he fought Yu Sheng, Yu Sheng's fighting power was too strong.

And Yu Sheng's attack is very strange, I don't know why.

When Yu Sheng's attack landed on the black bear, the black bear groaned again, and then the black bear's body flew out.


The black bear's body slammed into the ground.


The black bear stared at Yu Sheng with stunned eyes. He never thought that his strength would be nothing in front of Yu Sheng.

How is this possible?

With his own strength, he is definitely a leader, but he never thought that it was not as strong as Yu Sheng's strength.

Yu Sheng came to the black bear again, Yu Sheng sneered and glanced at the black bear, but at the same time, Yu Sheng was also amazed at his own combat power.

Because Yu Sheng discovered that although his realm was only the realm of General Zhen Guo, his combat power was very, very tyrannical.

This is probably not just the strength of General Zhen Guo.

But anyway, this is a good thing for him.

Yu Sheng just stared straight at the black bear, his eyes kept flickering, Yu Sheng came to the black bear, he glanced at the black bear with a sneer.

Under his own attack, the black bear has been severely injured.

Yu Sheng said coldly, "Stop..."

With Yu Sheng's roar, it shocked everyone around him. At this time, Yu Sheng said coldly: "Now your leader is in my hands, stop me."

As Yu Sheng's voice fell, the expressions of the other two also changed drastically. They suddenly looked at Yu Sheng in front of them. After seeing the black bear beside Yu Sheng, both of them were furious.


"He captured our leader."

"Damn things..."

Both of them couldn't help but yelled at each other.

"What should we do? Shall we kill this kid?"

"No, it's too dangerous." The other person couldn't help but said: "The leader has been arrested, we can't act rashly."

For a while, the two men started talking.

At this time, He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing also all looked at Yu Sheng in front of them. When they saw the black bear beside Yu Sheng, they were all slightly relieved.

"Fortunately, this guy Yu Sheng defeated the black bear."

"It seems that Yu Sheng's strength has improved again, and he is the general of the town. I don't know why this guy's strength has improved so quickly."


"Let's watch each other first, and don't let them act rashly, lest these guys attack the rest of their lives."


Immediately, He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing became cautious again. They were all staring at the two figures in front of them. For a while, the people present were confronting each other.

At this time, Yu Sheng ignored those two people, because Yu Sheng knew very well that these two people did not dare to shoot easily, not to mention that there were Wang Yanbing and He Chenguang on the side, and neither of them would definitely disagree. Will let the other party leave here so easily.

At this time, Yu Sheng suddenly looked at the black bear and said coldly, "Who are you guys? Why did you kill us?"

As soon as Yu Sheng's words came out, the black bear's face turned ashen, the black bear snorted coldly, and said, "You can't expect to know any news from me."

As the black bear said these words, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Yu Sheng's mouth. Yu Sheng sneered and said in a low voice: "Before you, there were many people who were stubborn in front of me."

"But they..."

When he said this, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Yu Sheng's mouth, and he said calmly: "In the end, they all said it..."

"Do you want to try it too?"

As soon as Yu Sheng's words came out, the black bear also laughed, and the black bear taunted: "My black bear has been able to get in until now, what kind of scene has never been experienced."

"I live on the edge of life and death all year round, and I am not afraid of death, let alone torture..."

The black bear was a little disdainful.

The torture suffered by black bears is not too small. Moreover, they fight outside all year round. Even gunshot wounds and knife wounds are commonplace. He doesn't think there is any kind of torture method for the rest of his life.

What's more, there is nothing in this place, what kind of methods can I use for the rest of my life? Or just kill him for the rest of his life...


It's him who kills the rest of his life...

Yu Sheng took a deep look at the black bear. At this time, Yu Sheng slowly walked in front of the black bear. The black bear was lying on the ground, and the black bear stared at Yu Sheng.

At this moment, the black bear couldn't stand up, because the black bear felt that his internal organs were as if it had been hit hard. The pain caused the black bear to even stand up.

It is conceivable how strong the power of Yu Sheng is.

Yu Sheng glanced at the black bear, then sneered, and then took out a few silver needles from his body. At this time, Yu Sheng casually glanced at the black bear, and then Yu Sheng shook his hand, and the silver needle appeared there. On the black bear.

The next second, the black bear froze for a moment.

The black bear then mocked: "Haha, are you going to use this kind of thing to force me?"

"You underestimate me too much."

The black bear's face was full of ridicule. The black bear did not think that such a small silver needle could cause him any harm.

But in the next second!

The black bear suddenly felt an indescribable pain pouring into his heart, which shocked the black bear.

"What's the matter? Why does it hurt so much?"

The black bear suddenly became a little short of breath, the kind of heart-piercing pain, the pain made the black bear even more round eyes, as if he had seen a ghost.


The pain didn't last long. Suddenly, the black bear felt as if countless ants were crawling on his body. The itchy feeling made the black bear can't help scratching his body...

At this moment, the black bear felt that his body was in unbearable pain.

The black bear did not expect that his body would have these reactions, and even the black bear was extremely angry.

"Damn boy, what did you do to me?"

The black bear can't believe that just a few small silver needles can make his life worse than death. Is this kid not human?

For a time, the black bear was also more afraid.

However, when Yu Sheng saw the appearance of the black bear, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he said lightly, "It's nothing, it's just a small experiment on your body."

"I trust you, you'll be fine."

"I also hope you can hold on for a while longer, and your mouth won't be so soft."

"Come on."

Yu Sheng laughed.



Before the black bear could speak, suddenly, the black bear felt an extremely strong pain erupting in his body, and the pain made the black bear extremely horrified and shocked.

Black Bear never imagined that such a thing would happen.

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts..."

The black bear's hands quickly grabbed onto his body, but because the black bear grabbed too hard, this caused the black bear's body to have scars.

At this moment, the black bear was completely dumbfounded.

"Save me, save me..."

After waiting for a while, the black bear at this moment had no strength all over his body. Looking at the black bear's skin, there were a lot of bloodstains, and some places were blurred by the black bear's own grasp.

After Yu Sheng saw the scene in front of him, Rao was slightly sighed, and I have to say that this silver needle is really useful.

You can basically tell by looking at the appearance of the black bear, this black bear...

It's too awful.

Yu Sheng looked at the black bear in front of him so lightly, Yu Sheng said flatly, "What do I ask you to say, I can help you relieve the pain, otherwise, you will have to suffer so much here all the time."

"But don't worry, this pain will not let you die."

"But it will always make you so miserable."

After the black bear heard this sentence, the black bear was also a little scared.

He has lived his whole life, and he has never seen such a strange method. A few small silver needles can actually cause people to suffer unbearably, and that kind of pain is more painful than the punishment he received. .

The black bear felt that the rest of his life was a demon.

The black bear stared at Yu Sheng with gnashing teeth, and said solemnly: "I said, I said..."

"Help me, help me."

Hearing the black bear's words, Yu Sheng laughed, and then Yu Sheng took a silver needle and stabbed the black bear twice, at this time Yu Sheng slowly opened his mouth and said, "I'll stab you twice now, but temporarily let you not It will be so painful, but... fifteen minutes later, your body will be in pain again."

"It didn't feel good just now, did it?"


The black bear looked at Yu Sheng in horror~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He gritted his teeth and said, "What do you want?"

"What do I ask, what do you answer."

"As long as I am satisfied, I will naturally help you relieve the pain on your body."

As Yu Sheng's words came out, the black bear at this time gave Yu Sheng a deep look, and the black bear gritted his teeth and said solemnly, "What do you want to know?"

People have to bow their heads under the eaves. At this moment, the black bear has been grasped by the rest of his life, and even the black bear cannot resist.

(End of this chapter)

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