I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 2004: Hunting moments for the rest of your life

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Everyone is talking about it here, but the pace under their feet is not slow at all, and they leave here quickly.

At this time, Yu Sheng was like an elves in the dark. Yu Sheng paid attention to the situation around him, using his hands and feet together, crawling in the mountains.

If anyone saw this scene, they would surely exclaim.

Because it's so weird.

This guy Yu Sheng can move freely on this mountain. Such a scene is simply too scary.

Generally speaking, no one has ever been able to move freely on this mountain, which is simply a pervert.

Yu Sheng quickly came to this group of people not far away. At this moment, Yu Sheng's eyes flashed a little strange light, and Yu Sheng looked sharp.

"It's a good opportunity."

Yu Sheng glanced at the scientific staff at the back, Yu Sheng pondered a little, then, Yu Sheng took out a grenade, and then glanced at the staff in front.

Yu Sheng was carefully hidden above, and no one noticed the existence of Yu Sheng.

Yu Sheng took a deep breath.


next second.

Yu Sheng opened the insurance, he held the grenade in his hand and waited secretly.

After waiting for a certain number of seconds, Yu Sheng threw the grenade directly.

The moment Yu Sheng threw the grenade down, the person walking at the front was stunned for a moment.


The person at the front suddenly saw that something fell from above, which made the person at the front a little confused and a little surprised.


When the person at the front noticed the grenade, the pupils of the person at the front suddenly shrank.

"No...it's a grenade..."


The next second, the explosion sounded.

The sudden grenade directly blew up several people alive, and even the people behind them suddenly shrank their pupils when they noticed this scene.

"No, grenade..."

All the people around were a little scared. Their feet trembled, and even a person fell directly from the cliff. As for the scientist, it was okay, he was pulled by the people on the side, so he didn't fall.

"What's the matter? Where did the grenade come from?"

"What the **** is going on?"

An angry roar resounded, and all the people present were looking upwards, but because the stone blocked their sight, none of the people present could see anything.

For a time, everyone was a little angry.

"Damn, damn..."

"Up there, there must be someone up there."

Someone suddenly exclaimed.

"What's up there? What are you kidding? How could there be someone up there?"

"Yeah, how could there be someone here? Absolutely impossible, there are smooth stone walls above, no one can go up." Someone immediately retorted.


There are smooth stone walls on it, how can there be people, so it is absolutely impossible for people.

"The grenade fell from the body?"

For a time, the faces of the people present were a little ugly, and the sudden grenade made them a little stunned. Many of this group of people are soldiers and gods, and their strength is superior, but...

In the face of this grenade falling from the sky, even they have no way, they are in this ghost place, and it is impossible to avoid where to go.

After all, this place is too narrow. If you are not careful, you will fall off the cliff. Once you fall off the cliff, even they will surely die.

No matter how strong they are, it won't help.

Thinking of this, everyone's faces became more and more ugly.

"What should we do? What should we do?" Someone said solemnly.

"Come on, let's get out of here quickly..."

Immediately, everyone walked quickly towards the front, wanting to leave here as soon as possible.


This scene was watched by Long Xiaoyun and Lei Zhan. Both of them couldn't help taking a breath. The two of them looked at this scene in shock, completely dumbfounded.

"Damn it..."

Especially Lei Zhan, he couldn't help but ask: "Is this kid always so fierce? If you use a grenade directly in this kind of place, what if it blows up the scientist?"

Lei Zhan was also taken aback by Yu Sheng's audacity. Lei Zhan never imagined that Yu Sheng, this guy, would have such audacity.

Isn't this a joke?

Where is your mother's place? There is a cliff on this side. If you are not careful, people will fall from the top. In such a ghost place, it is not suitable for fighting, but even fighting is not suitable for grenades. At most Use a sniper rifle to snipe the enemy.

But I never thought that Yu Sheng, this guy is so fierce, this guy is not a person at all...

Even Lei Zhan didn't want to complain anymore. At this moment, he was a little worried about the safety of scientists' lives. After the rest of his life was so messed up, wouldn't this kill them?

When Long Xiaoyun heard the words, he was also slightly speechless.

"It's a bit fierce indeed."

Even Long Xiaoyun doesn't know how to describe Yu Sheng anymore. I have to say that Yu Sheng's approach is indeed a bit fierce. Rao is Long Xiaoyun, who is a little shocked. I don't know what Yu Sheng is. What are you doing, in such a narrow area, if you are not careful, you may even be killed by yourself.

This guy actually threw the grenade directly... What is he thinking, they are here to save people, not to kill these people. As for whether they can kill these people, it doesn't matter, the important thing is the scientists.

"What do we do? This kid won't be in danger, right? And this kid has always been above our heads, with a rock wall on top of it, it's hard to crawl, this guy won't fall off, right?"

Lei Zhan didn't know much about Yu Sheng. Although he had some minor conflicts with Yu Sheng before, it was limited to minor conflicts, but Lei Zhan didn't know about Yu Sheng.

Therefore, Lei Zhan was a little worried.

It was the first time he had seen such a way of fighting. For a while, even Lei Zhan was a little messy, and he didn't know how to describe it.

It just feels a bit silly.

Long Xiaoyun was silent for a while and said, "Anyway, let's follow him first."


Lei Zhan didn't say much at the moment. The two of them walked forward cautiously. They didn't dare to expose their vision to each other's eyes, so they could only follow from a distance, for fear of being discovered by the other party.

Once the other party finds out their words, the other party is likely to shoot at them.

It will be more troublesome then.

As they moved quickly, Yu Sheng carefully glanced at the person below, and a faint sneer appeared on the corner of Yu Sheng's mouth.

"If that's the case, then I can only kill you in this kind of place..."

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng took a deep breath. Immediately, Yu Sheng picked up a pistol. Under these conditions, using a pistol was naturally the most appropriate.

Yu Sheng aimed his pistol at the body of one of them.

The rest of his life did not aim at the vital parts.


Yu Sheng pulled the trigger without hesitation.


A shrill scream resounded, and the man slipped and fell directly downward.

The shrill scream resounded throughout the valley, and for a time, the hearts of the people present suddenly sank.

At this moment, there are about ten people left, especially the leader, Shura.

Shura's whole heart sank into his throat, he knew that there must be other people above him, otherwise, his people would not die.

And he also heard the sound of shooting, the sound was very close, and it came from above.

Shura was extremely angry.

Shura said sharply: "There is someone above our heads, let's pay attention."

As Shura's stern shout resounded, the surrounding people quickly became alert, and the surrounding people couldn't help but say, "Asura, how the **** are people lurking here."

"Sura, now we are being targeted."

The faces of the people around are a little ugly. They are in the light, and the rest of their lives are in the dark, which makes them feel a little tricky. They did not expect that such a thing would happen, and they felt a little nonsense.

"Could it be a drone?"

"Impossible, if it's a drone, there will be a sound when the drone starts, it can't be a drone." Someone said solemnly.

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"Someone must be over us."

"Damn, it's so weird, let's get out of here quickly and pay attention to the sky above the realm."

The expressions of Shura and the others were extremely gloomy, and they were very angry.

At this moment, they can't wait to leave here immediately, but there is no way.

Yu Sheng is like a ghost, lurking above this place, and Yu Sheng relies on the cover of stones, so the other party has no way to take him.

At this time, Yu Sheng's eyes flashed, and then Yu Sheng followed carefully. There were a lot of people on the other side, and it was not easy to kill them all at once.

In particular, these people are not weak in combat. If they fight against them on flat ground, they will be in trouble, so Yu Sheng also wants to kill as many enemies as possible.

Yu Sheng stared at the surroundings.

At this time, Shura was also staring at the top. Once Yu Sheng appeared, he would shoot without hesitation.

Yu Sheng took a deep breath, Yu Sheng slowed down his speed, and after a while, Yu Sheng carefully looked towards Shura and the others.

When Yu Sheng saw Shura and the others, a faint sneer appeared on the corner of Yu Sheng's mouth.


Another dull gunshot resounded, and Yu Sheng pulled the trigger without hesitation.

A bullet pierced through the front hole.

Before the person could react, the bullet penetrated the person's body, and the person's body fell toward the cliff beside him.


The screams resounded again.

This greatly changed Shura's expression.


Shura hurriedly turned around and fired a shot in the sky.


The bullet hit the surrounding stone wall, and the bullet was instantly disintegrated, but Shura was aware of Yu Sheng's voice.

"Damn... there are indeed people."

After Shura noticed Yu Sheng, Shura was furious.

Shura did not expect that there were indeed people in this place, and it was troublesome now.

At first, he also felt that it was a little unlikely that someone was above. After all, it was full of stone walls, and it was impossible for ordinary people to crawl on it.

But I never dreamed that there were really people above.

Moreover, they are extremely insidious and cunning, because they are not very convenient, so I have been targeting them for the rest of my life.

For a while, there was a little anger on their faces.

"Oh shit."

Shura gritted his teeth for a while, and then Shura cautiously stared at the surroundings, his eyes flickering constantly.

Just then.

Shura's ears moved a little, and he heard a voice.

After Shura heard this voice, Shura's eyes flashed.


Shura carefully took out a grenade, and deep in Shura's eyes, there was a little sharp color.

Immediately, Shura opened the grenade insurance, and Shura counted silently in his heart.

The next second, Shura directly threw the grenade towards the sky.


A burst of explosion resounded, which startled everyone around.

"Shura, what's going on..."

"The grenade I threw." Shura said sharply: "The other party is above our heads."

As Shura said these words, the people around them nodded solemnly, and they took a deep breath.

They all knew that the enemy was above their heads, but they had nothing to do.

They can only leave this ghost place first.


What gave them some headaches was that the other party kept harassing them, and their people died one by one. I'm afraid they would all die when they reached the other side.

They were a little puzzled.

How on earth did the rest of their lives get above their heads?

Could it be that there are planes or something else that is not smart?

This made them extremely puzzled, and so far they have not understood what the situation is.

And at this moment, the rest of the life above this is a little relieved.

"Unexpectedly, these guys actually know how to treat others with their own way."

Yu Sheng also did not expect that Shura threw the grenade up. It seemed that Shura wanted to use the grenade to blow him alive.


This grenade is not easy to control. If you are not sure about the time, the grenade is likely to explode in mid-air not far from them.

Once the grenade exploded in mid-air not far from them, there was no need to say the consequences.

They must be unlucky.

Therefore, Shura must grasp the timing of the quasi grenade, and he has to throw the grenade towards the sky as best he can.

Otherwise, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can only be the unlucky ones.

And Yu Sheng was also some distance away from this place. When the grenade exploded, even Yu Sheng was taken aback.

Fortunately nothing major.

Yu Sheng took a deep breath and thought to himself: "It seems that we have to pay attention to these people, not all of them are fools."

"Especially the guy just now. He has excellent combat power. This guy is probably not a simple character. If this guy can be killed, the rest of the people will be much easier to clean up."

When Yu Sheng thought of this, Yu Sheng's eyes became sharp again.

Chapter 2004: The hunting moment of the rest of my life

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