I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 2006: rolling

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Everyone is looking for a place to hide.

Yet at this moment.


Another dull voice resounded, one of them trembled suddenly, his pupils lost their color instantly, and then lay limply on the ground.

There was disbelief in his eyes.

"How can it be…"

He couldn't believe it, he never dreamed that Yu Sheng would shoot so fast...

Was it a second or a little more than a second to shoot back and forth?

This guy, don't you need to aim and lock the enemy?

How can it be so fast?

However, until he died, he did not want to understand what was going on here.

At this moment, his body fell to the ground, and blood flowed out from the wound.

When Shura saw this scene, his pupils shrank suddenly, and Shura was full of astonishment.

"What a quick shot."

Shura didn't expect that Yu Sheng's shooting speed would be so fast, even faster than his shooting speed.

How did this guy do it?

Shura stared solemnly at Yu Sheng, and there was an indescribable cautiousness in his eyes.

At this moment, Shura and the others were hiding. However, the scientist staggered and stayed where he was. The whole person was panic-stricken, like a frightened rabbit.

Yu Sheng ignored the scientist, but turned his eyes to another direction, this place is where Shura hides his body.

Shura stared coldly at the rest of his life, killing intent surged.

It was this **** **** that led to the annihilation of his team. Now there are only three of him, and one of them has lost his combat effectiveness.

All of this is due to the **** in front of him.

Thinking of this, Shura's killing intent surged.

But at this time.

Long Xiaoyun and Lei Zhan all came here, and they quickly hid themselves. They did not enter the flat ground, but were still on the cliff.

They are careful here.

"Those guys are ahead."

Lei Zhan said solemnly.

Long Xiaoyun's expression condensed when he heard the words, Long Xiaoyun suddenly looked not far away, and there was a bit of solemnity in Long Xiaoyun's eyes.

Immediately, Long Xiaoyun noticed a figure.

Sure enough, there was a figure in front of him. At this time, Long Xiaoyun's expression was also solemn. Long Xiaoyun whispered: "Let's kill him."


"I'll make a move."

Lei Zhan nodded slightly, and then, Lei Zhan aimed his gun at one of the figures, and Lei Zhan's eyes flashed a strange light.


As Lei Zhan pulled the trigger, in the next second, the bullet came out of the chamber.

A bullet is like passing through layers of space.

However, the figure that was being aimed at, noticed that behind him, as if something was about to get in, the feeling of danger made his hair tremble.

For a moment, his pupils shrank suddenly.

"Not good...dangerous..."

He never expected that someone would attack them from behind? Could it be the person who attacked them before? Impossible, isn't he in front?


He moved hastily, trying to dodge the bullet.

But... he was a little slower after all, and the bullet shot directly into his body.

Fortunately, this shot did not kill him.


At this moment, Long Xiaoyun pulled the trigger again.

When the man had just landed, another bullet was directly embedded in his head, and the blood was mixed with the brain and sputtered out.

The man's body fell heavily to the ground.

At this moment, only Shura and one seriously injured person were left.


Shura suddenly looked at the battle beside him, which made Shura furious.



Shura fired two shots behind him without hesitation.

However, Long Xiaoyun and Lei Zhan were already hidden at the moment, and this shot couldn't hurt them at all.

At this moment, Shura can be described as being attacked from front and back.

When Shura noticed this, Shura snorted coldly, and then Shura said, "Help me cover."


Shura's figure moved and ran towards the distance.

After the seriously injured person noticed this scene, he hurriedly put up his gun. As long as there was a change in the rest of his life, he would shoot without hesitation.

Although he was seriously injured,...

He still endured the pain on his body and aimed in the direction of Yu Sheng.

Because he knew that if he didn't kill these people, I'm afraid that both of them would have to die here, so no matter what the result was, he had to find a way to kill this guy.

Until he thinks about it.

Suddenly, he saw Yu Sheng jump up suddenly, the sudden situation caused his pupils to shrink suddenly, and his face showed a look of horror.


He didn't expect that Yu Sheng suddenly jumped up at this moment, is this guy crazy?

But this happened to be his chance.


He aimed at Yu Sheng and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

The rest of my life had been anticipated.

The reason why Yu Sheng jumped out is to lure this guy and let this guy shoot, because only in this way can he have a chance to kill the opponent.

"as expected…"

The moment he jumped out, this guy was fooled.

Yu Sheng sneered and pulled the trigger without hesitation.


A bullet pierced through the opponent's hole.

However, at this moment.

The other party's bullet rubbed Yu Sheng's body and did not have any effect on Yu Sheng at all, and all of this seemed to have been expected in Yu Sheng.

This is the sixth sense of war.

very scary.

The sixth sense of war can make the safest decision on the battlefield.

Some people obviously have no knowledge, but when they arrive on the battlefield, they can lead troops to fight, and the most important thing is that they can often win battles.

This may be because of the sixth sense of war.

When the war comes, they will always make the most correct choice to win.

That's the horror of the sixth sense of war.

This sixth sense of war is divided into two types, one is born, one is born with the sixth sense of war, and the second is acquired.

Compared with the natural sixth sense of war, the acquired sixth sense of war is naturally a little bit worse, and its sensitivity is not as high as the natural one.

However, the acquired sixth sense of war must not be underestimated.

Yu Sheng landed steadily, then rolled and hid.

However... look at that figure again.

I don't know when.

From the eyebrows of this figure, there is an extra peanut.

The bullet penetrated the man's head, and the penetrating power was extremely strong. Even the blood and brains were taken out by the bullet. At this time, his eyes were still full of incredible and shocking colors.

He couldn't believe that things would turn out like this.

Obviously he was the first to fire the gun, but why was he killed by the enemy?

What puzzled him the most was why he didn't hit the opponent with this shot? According to his thoughts, this shot is enough to kill Yu Sheng, and Yu Sheng cannot survive this shot, but...

The rest of his life survived.

In other words, the shot did not hit the rest of his life.

When he thought of this, his eyes gradually lost the color, and he himself was lying on the spot.

Shura also noticed this scene, and Shura's eyes were split.

"Damn bastard, **** bastard..."

Shura was instantly furious.

"Damn you..."

The next second, Shura came to Yu Sheng and punched him.

When Yu Sheng saw this, he got up instantly. Yu Sheng had already lost his sniper rifle. In the face of Shura's melee combat, using a sniper rifle would also become a burden for him. Therefore, Yu Sheng threw away the sniper rifle without hesitation, and just punched him. It was slammed towards Shura fiercely.


Accompanied by a muffled sound.

The fists of the two people collided, and their bodies trembled suddenly. Then, they both took a step back, and at this time Yu Sheng stared at Shura coldly, killing intent surged.

"So strong..."

After Shura noticed this blow, even Shura felt a sense of astonishment in his heart, and Shura stared at the extremely young Yu Sheng in front of him with some surprise.

Shura thought that this was a master, and the master's grade should not be too young, but he never thought that the strength of the rest of his life was so powerful.

Shura stared at Yu Sheng, killing intent surging.

"Damn things..." Shura stared at Yu Sheng through gritted teeth, and said solemnly: "You killed so many of me, and today, I will definitely kill you."

After Yu Sheng heard this, he laughed dumbly, and Yu Sheng said coldly: "You stepped into our territory and dared to hijack our scientists. Today, you can't escape."

Yu Sheng has also been moved to kill.

This guy, who dares to step in here to hijack their scientists, is courting death, and he must kill this guy no matter what.


Shura, his eyes suddenly turned red.


Shura shouted and killed Yu Sheng.

Yu Sheng is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Yu Sheng is constantly fighting on the battlefield to hone himself. Now Yu Sheng has become extremely powerful, especially this combat experience is extremely rich.

"Boom bang bang..."

Yu Sheng and Shura collided with each other, and the muffled sound continued to resound, while Shura was retreating.


In the next second, Yu Sheng and Shura's fists slammed into each other's chests one after another.

"The realm of General Township..."

Shura stared at Yu Sheng in surprise: "How is it possible, such a young general of the township..."

Shura was terrified.

In the realm of General Zhen Guo, he absolutely cannot escape. You must know that he has only just broken through to the realm of General Zhen Guo, and he is extremely powerful.

In his opinion, this trip to China will not encounter any danger by virtue of his own strength.

The realm of this warrior **** to the general of the town is itself an insurmountable ditch, and this realm, even in the world, is very rare.

I never imagined that I would encounter a general of the township here, and he was still such a young general of the township. How is this possible?

If this kid is allowed to grow up, what realm will this kid grow to?

I am afraid that even Marshal Zhenguo can try it.

Over the years, in the whole world, there are very few people who can reach Marshal Zhenguo. There are only a few people. The most terrifying is the Grand Marshal Zhenguo.

There are no two in the world.

Unexpectedly, this kid turned out to be the general of the country, and he was still so young. If he was given a few years, this kid would probably grow into a giant.

Thinking of this, Shura's killing intent became even stronger.

"No, you have to kill this guy in front of you."

"Huaxia must not appear in the Grand Marshal of the town."

Thinking of this, Shura's killing intent became even stronger.

Once Yu Sheng grows up, there will be a great threat to them, which they absolutely do not allow, so no matter what, they cannot let Yu Sheng break through to a higher realm.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used on both Android and Apple. 】

Shura stared at Yu Sheng, killing intent surging.

And Yu Sheng was also staring at Shura, and Yu Sheng could also feel it. The Shura in front of him was a general of the country, and it was the first time he had seen such a powerful master.

I have to say that this guy is very strong...


Even if the strength is strong, now, he has the ability to kill the opponent.


The rest of my life shot like lightning.

Shura noticed, and also followed suit.

This time, the two of them won't keep any hands anymore, because both of them are very clear in their hearts that if they still keep their hands at this moment, then they are very likely to die here.

"Boom bang bang..."

The muffled sound continued to resound, and Shura and Yu Sheng fought together.

Long Xiaoyun and Lei Zhan in the distance came here. They quickly came to the scientist's side. Long Xiaoyun hurriedly said, "Professor Bai, how are you? Are you alright?"

"It's okay, thank you." Professor Bai took a deep breath. After seeing Long Xiaoyun and Lei Zhan, he felt a lot safer.

"It's fine, now we'll take you out of here."

"Then he..."

Professor Bai looked at Yu Sheng in the distance and couldn't help saying.

"He'll be fine, we'll take you out of here first." Long Xiaoyun said quickly.

They also don't know if there are other enemies in this place. uukanshu. If there are other enemies, it would be too dangerous for Professor Bai to be here.

So they have to leave here with Professor Bai.


Professor Bai followed Long Xiaoyun and they left quickly.

At this time, Yu Sheng was fighting with Shura to the point of fierceness. Shura was more and more surprised as Shura fought, because Shura did not expect that Yu Sheng was so perverted. Is he still a person?

How could he be so strong?

Even he is extremely fearful.

Chapter two thousand and six crushing

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