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The rest of the people slaughtered towards Yu Sheng one after another. Their shots were extremely fierce and domineering, and when they started, they were even more aggressive.


This made Yu Sheng a little surprised.

These people have extraordinary skills, and it can be seen from the skills of these people that they do not seem to have been trained in the military region.

Especially the moves they made, he actually noticed the shadow of martial arts.

It shouldn't be martial arts, it should be fighting skills.

The real martial arts is actually a killing technique.

It's just that these so-called martial arts were more popular in ancient times, because in ancient times, people who learned martial arts could enter the imperial court and serve the imperial court.

If you are lucky, you can protect the court officials and even the emperor, so in ancient times, some people liked to practice martial arts.

Of course, this martial arts practice is not something that ordinary people can consume. After all, you must be very particular about eating here, and you can't just eat whatever you want.

In that age of starvation, food is very important.

Yu Sheng noticed that the moves of these people looked like those ancient moves. Every move and every move of theirs was to the point, and there was no room for the enemy to go back.

As long as it is hit by the opponent, it is very likely to be killed directly by the opponent.

This is the most direct feeling of the rest of my life.

Yu Sheng was also slightly puzzled, wondering who the other party was? When did you provoke the other party, and why did the other party kill you?

Yu Sheng thought of this, and immediately kicked one of them fiercely.

The rest of his life today is no longer the rest of his life. The current rest of his life is even more powerful, and the power is a bit terrifying. It is not comparable to anyone at all.

These people, although the strength is not bad, but if they are replaced by soldiers at the level of emperors and even soldiers, they might really be killed by these people.

However, now he is the strength of General Zhenguo...

This body of strength can be called a township. Even in this entire China, it is definitely a top existence. If you want to win him, I am afraid you have to pay some price.


Yu Sheng saw three figures running towards him, Yu Sheng sneered, and then, with a flick of Yu Sheng's hand, there were three cold beams that were thrown towards the people around him.


Before these people could react, they were just a dog biting **** and fell to the ground.

They stabbed their faces on the ground, wiped away bloodstains one after another, and their skins were stabbed.

It hurts so much that they grimaced.

"what happened?"

They were horrified.

At this moment, they were all a little puzzled.

Because they didn't know why, they felt as if their legs were out of control, and they suddenly fell to the ground and poked on the ground.

Such a scene, even they are shocked.

They hurriedly looked at their legs, and at this moment, they saw that there was an extra silver needle on their legs.

Seeing such a strange scene, they were even more horrified.

"Silver needle?"

They are no strangers to Yinzhen, after all, they are also Chinese.

It's just that they can hurt people with silver needles these days, but it's not easy. They never thought that such a thing would happen.

Such a scene made their faces extremely heavy.

They pulled out the silver needle.

However, after they pulled out the silver needles, these people still felt that their legs were motionless, as if their lower limbs were paralyzed.

This scene made them even more terrified.

Yu Sheng smiled coldly when he saw this scene.

He used a silver needle and a flying knife to directly insert it into the lower limbs of these people. These people didn't respond, so they were directly attacked.

Moreover, the silver needles cut off their central nervous system. Even if they were pulled out, they would not be able to recover for a while. Judging from this situation, it would be difficult to act within an hour or two.

Now they seem to be paralyzed, so they feel a little scared.

But the rest of my life is not going to tell them.

These people are following behind him inexplicably, and now they are blocking themselves here. These guys seem to want to kill themselves.

Don't give yourself much chance at all.

What makes Yu Sheng more confused is, who are these people? Why are you in such a hurry to kill yourself? And there doesn't seem to be any enmity between him and these people, right?

Yu Sheng set his eyes on the leader.

The leader also looked at Yu Sheng.

This leader never imagined that Yu Sheng, this guy, was so powerful in combat. There were so many people on his side who were no match for this guy. He had killed several of them without saying anything, and he didn't seem to be blushing. Whew, these guys didn't cause any trouble for this guy.

In such a scene, even the leader couldn't help taking a breath. He stared at Yu Sheng in shock, with a heavy look on his face.

"Who the **** are you?" Yu Sheng stared coldly at the leader in front of him, with a strong killing intent in his eyes, and the suffocating aura from this body also gushed out from this moment.

The leader noticed this terrifying evil spirit, and even this leader couldn't help taking a deep breath.

"This guy……"

This leader never imagined that Yu Sheng would be so perverted? This Nima, how many people must be killed to condense such a terrifying evil spirit?

You know, killing people these days is illegal, and... there are absolutely not so many people in China that you can kill, even if you are abroad, you can't kill so many people, right? Condensing such a terrifying evil spirit?

not to mention.

Once this person kills a lot of people, it is very likely to form a psychological disorder.

This is also the main reason why as special forces often do psychological counseling.

Otherwise, the whole person is likely to collapse.

The more you kill, the easier it is to crash.

I didn't expect the rest of my life in front of me, motherfucker. From this situation, this guy definitely killed more than a little bit of people. Judging from such murderousness, it was not even less than tens of thousands of people, even 100,000 people. possible?

You have killed tens of thousands of people this year?

Even if you go out to perform a mission, is it impossible?

Moreover, even if there is a warring area, it is not as easy as you think to kill tens of thousands of people.

Of course, if it is the soldiers under their hands, there is still a chance to kill them together. As long as the two sides invest a lot of soldiers, it is possible to cause tens of thousands of injuries.

However, this kid is only one of his meows, and if he kills one person a day, it will take ten thousand days, ten a day, and a thousand days.

Is this kid the executioner?

Absolutely impossible. The executioner's words would not be able to kill so many people. How could there be so many prisoners on death row in the world.

The leader's brain was running fast, thinking about the origin of Yu Sheng. The leader was also frightened by Yu Sheng. This Yu Sheng was too perverted. He had never seen such a perverted person before.

I don't even know how this transformation was done.

Killing so many people is not afraid of being punished.

The leader took a deep breath and stared at Yu Sheng coldly.

Even if Yu Sheng is so strong, he is not afraid.

Because his name is Bai San.

Back then, when he was alone, he was still able to escape the siege and suppression of thousands of people, and even killed hundreds of enemies. This kind of record was a sensation at the time, and countless people were scared to hear the news.

He can also be said to have been killed from the battlefield.

Therefore, even in the face of Yu Sheng, he still has no fear, on the contrary, he has a strong fighting spirit, and he also wants to try to see how strong this kid is.

Immediately, Bai San stood in front of Yu Sheng, and Yu Sheng was also looking at Bai San from a distance. The distance between the two was at least twenty or thirty meters away.

But the momentum of the two continued to soar.

The momentum of the two people collided, and Bai San's eyes suddenly narrowed, and the killing intent also rippled.

When Yu Sheng saw this scene, he even smiled coldly.


At this time, Bai San suddenly roared, and his body jumped up, and then he stepped towards Yu Sheng and rushed to kill.

It's terribly fast.

Seeing this, Yu Sheng smiled coldly.

"Bang bang bang..."

Yu Sheng fired three shots without hesitation.

These three bullets instantly locked the three directions of Bai San.


When Bai San noticed Yu Sheng raised his gun, Bai San's face changed greatly, followed by a burst of curses.

"This **** doesn't talk about martial arts so much."

Bai San never thought that Yu Sheng, this guy, would shoot in front of him, so he didn't talk about martial arts.

It's ten **** people.

Even Bai San was slightly speechless.

Bai San hurriedly avoided the three bullets.

Of course, Bai San didn't wait until the bullet was fired before dodging. If that was the case, he was basically dead. No matter how fast he was, it was impossible to beat the bullet.

Bullets can exceed the speed of sound.

So, he just judged where the bullets would go by the way he held the gun for the rest of his life.


Three bullets for the rest of his life blocked him to the death, and didn't give him a chance to react at all.


Bai San dodged two bullets, but the third bullet still did not dodge, which caused Bai San to be shot in the body, and then, Bai San's body fell to the ground, he hurriedly Get up and roll aside.

Bai San's face also turned pale at this moment.

Looking at his shoulder again, blood flowed down his shoulder. Obviously, his shoulder was injured...


Bai Sanman stared at the rest of his life angrily, and his whole body was about to explode with anger.

"Ha ha……"

Seeing this, Yu Sheng smiled coldly.

Do you really think you are going to fight him alone?

Brain pumped.

This guy, in the beginning, let so many people attack him shamelessly, and now he wants to fight him alone, it's just a joke.

Yu Sheng looked at his bullets.

Immediately, Yu Sheng fired a few more shots at Bai San.

"Bang bang..."

Just as Yu Sheng raised his hand to shoot, Bai San's pupils shrank suddenly, and when he moved, he rushed to the side...

However, the marksmanship of the rest of his life is so sharp.

Just as his figure rushed to the side, Yu Sheng hit the opponent's thigh with another shot.

Yu Sheng glanced at Bai San lying on the ground and sneered.

There was no bullet in his pistol by now.

Not even if you want to shoot.


Even so, it was enough for him.

Yu Sheng just stared at Bai San so directly. At the beginning, if Bai San's strength was 10, then now Bai San's strength is at most five.

The combat power has been cut in half at least.

Yu Sheng said in a low voice, "Tell me, who are you? Why did you come to kill me?"

Bai San stared at Yu Sheng with a gloomy expression, killing intent surged.

At this moment, Bai San can't wait to smash the rest of his life into ten thousand pieces. This kid is really too sinister and cunning.

I don't know who this kid learned from, so immoral.

If Yu Sheng knew about it, he would definitely say directly: "Of course I learned from Fan Tianlei."

Who made Fan Tianlei so pitiful?

Bai San didn't mean to speak, he just stared at Yu Sheng, but Yu Sheng could feel that this guy Bai San wanted to kill him.


Bai San has already been shot twice, although it is not fatal, but if Bai San wants to kill him, it is unlikely.

If he wants to kill Bai San, it will be very easy.

"tell me……"

Yu Sheng's eyes widened, and an imposing manner rushed towards his face.

After Bai San noticed Yu Sheng's aura, Bai San's expression changed drastically.


"This guy……"

Bai San couldn't help but took a step back, his body was swaying, and deep in his eyes, there was a strong dread.

I didn't expect Yu Sheng to have such a strong momentum, this guy...

It's really scary.

"Don't say yes?"

Yu Sheng saw that Bai San was indifferent, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said softly: "Soon, you will tell me everything you know."

"Ha ha!"

Immediately, Yu Sheng moved and came to Bai San.

Bai San noticed, his expression horrified, and he stretched out his hand to prepare to attack.

However, Yu Sheng's speed was faster than Bai San's, and he didn't even give Bai San much time to prepare.

Yu Sheng grabbed Bai San's arm, and then, with a little force.


A crisp business Bai San's face was pale, and the whole person seemed to be suffering from great pain, and looked at Yu Sheng in awe.

"It's really bearable..."

Yu Sheng was a little surprised.

I have to say that Bai San's bones are really hard enough. You must know that what he uses is the hand that divides the muscles and the bones. Because he has studied Chinese medicine, he has an extremely good understanding of the bones and acupuncture points of the human body.

This time, I was replaced by an ordinary special forces soldier, I am afraid that I can't bear such severe pain, but this guy didn't say a word.

I have to say, this guy is very hard-boned.

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