I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 2016: to the black forest

The realm of General Zhen Guo, this realm is basically equivalent to the ultimate of a soldier king, extremely powerful.

In order to break through to such a realm, it also requires a high level of talent.

It also requires a very good commanding ability.

Unexpectedly, this guy Yu Sheng has broken through to this level so quickly. How did this guy do it?

For a while, He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and others were all envious.

They have been chasing after Yu Sheng, but for some unknown reason, they found that as they chased, the gap between them and Yu Sheng was getting bigger and bigger.

Mingming felt that he was about to catch up, but only later did he realize that the gap between the two of them was even bigger.

Rao is that they all sighed endlessly.

After Yu Sheng and He Chenguang and others finished talking, they left here. After returning to the dormitory, Yu Sheng sank into the system.

At this time, Yu Sheng's eyes kept flickering.

"System, open the mall."

"DiDi, the host opens the mall."

Immediately, Yu Sheng saw a lot of things in the mall, and Yu Sheng stared at these things, which made Yu Sheng a little excited.

Now he has fused his bloodlines and has three thousand bloodlines.

Of course, these 3000 blood vessels have not been fully activated, they only have 23 blood vessels.

Yu Sheng didn't know what would happen if all three thousand blood vessels were activated.

He always felt that the activation of the three thousand blood vessels would have endless benefits for him, but... so far, he has only activated 23 blood vessels. To activate the three thousand blood vessels, he has to wait until the year of the monkey and the month of the horse.

Therefore, even the rest of my life is deeply helpless.

Yu Sheng didn't think much about it.

Yu Sheng took a deep breath and immediately said, "System, refresh the mall a hundred times."

"DiDi, the host's 1 million military merit points are deducted, and the system mall is being refreshed."

Yu Sheng set his eyes on the mall, his eyes kept flickering, wanting to see what he had refreshed, but the speed of the mall was extremely fast, even if Yu Sheng's eyes were working well, it was useless.

Yu Sheng wanted to use his own earth-sensing shooting technique, but he found that this thing seemed to be a little difficult to use in the system.

Therefore, this has caused Yu Sheng to not know what has been refreshed, and can only wait until the system is refreshed.

"DiDi, the host successfully refreshed the mall."

When the system's voice echoed in Yu Sheng's mind, it shocked Yu Sheng's spirit, and Yu Sheng's face showed a little joy.

Without any hesitation, he looked into the system mall.

See you in the rest of your life.

In this mall, a dazzling array of things appeared, and the rest of my life was full of surprises.

In the end, something appeared in front of Yu Sheng.

"Forest elves?"

When Yu Sheng saw this scene, even Yu Sheng was a little stunned and shocked.

"What is a forest elves? How could this thing appear?"

Rao was a little dumbfounded for the rest of his life. He didn't expect that such a forest elf would appear here. This was a big joke.

Why does it sound so sci-fi?

"System, buy forest elves."

Although I don't know what this thing is, Yu Sheng vaguely feels that this thing should be a good thing.

It's right to buy him.

Moreover, there is also a voice in his heart telling him that he can buy it, this thing can bring him huge benefits.

"DiDi, after deducting the host's 1 million military merit points, the purchase of the forest elves was successful."


When Yu Sheng heard the news, even Yu Sheng's face became a little unnatural. Yu Sheng never thought that the forest elves were so expensive.

One million military merit, your mother is cheating.

Yu Sheng was speechless.

And Yu Sheng also discovered that as the system level increased, this thing became more expensive. For some reason, he always felt that the system was also a sinkhole.

Yu Sheng took a deep breath.

Immediately, he said, "Fusion of forest elves."

"DiDi, the host successfully merged with the forest elves."

The voice fell, and Yu Sheng felt that his body had undergone a quiet change. At this moment...

Yu Sheng found that his body seemed to fit the forest better.

Moreover, he still has a very special feeling that in the forest, he will not lose his way, nor will he encounter any danger, because...

He felt that the forest elves had the ability to seek good luck and avoid evil.

Especially in the forest, it is especially obvious.

This makes Yu Sheng also pleasantly surprised.

"It's interesting."

When Yu Sheng noticed this scene, even Yu Sheng looked overjoyed.

"I can seek good luck and avoid evil, and I can also detect the dynamics in the forest. In this way, my ability has improved a lot."

The rest of my life is full of surprises.

He felt that obtaining a forest elves was not too bad for him.

It's just that his military merit...

After Yu Sheng thought of this, he couldn't help but look at his panel.

"Name: Yu Sheng"

"Age: 24 years old."

"Rank: Lieutenant Colonel."

"Attributes: Root Bone 35, Perception 35, Constitution 35, Strength 35, Speed ​​35"

"Realm: General Zhenguo."

"Military merit: 200,000 points."

"Skills: 3000 bloodline, world actor-level acting, earth induction shooting, radar warning, cosmic simulation training ground, arc shooting, counterfeiting, perception card, ps artifact, hacking skills, advanced data calculation, demining manual, shooting technique , training room, chess master, piano master, gunfighting technique, god-level medical technique, explosives demolition manual, gambling god-level gambling technique, god-level military technique, senior chef, god-level fighting technique, reverberation around the beam, tomb robbery notes, martial arts experience , the sixth sense of war, forest elves.

"Items: Drawings of 9th-generation fighter jets, blueprints of bulletproof vests, world battlefield passages, jade beads, first-class 2, second-class 4."

In his own panel, the military merit value is only 200,000, that is to say, the 200,000 is only enough to refresh the mall 20 times.

Moreover, even if you refresh the mall, you may not be able to afford the things in the mall with the money you have left...

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng was also a little speechless, and for a while, he didn't know how to describe this matter.

But it's fine.

At least 200,000 are left to use.

Yu Sheng took a deep breath!

In the next month, Yu Sheng did not have any assignments. He just stayed in the military camp every day. When he was idle and bored, he went to chat with Lao Wu. Yu Sheng was also thinking about whether to marry Lao Wu and go home.

When they were soldiers, they had to stay in the military camp every day, and they were much less concerned about taking care of their families.

Sometimes this is the case. When you are a soldier, you may give up a lot of things, and there is no way out.

However, some things always need someone to do.

For the rest of his life, for the next month, apart from training, he would eat and sleep every day.

Or it's flirting.

It was a pleasant day.

Even Fan Tianlei didn't like Yu Sheng when he saw it.

I don't know why, seeing Yu Sheng dangling in front of him every day, Fan Tianlei felt a pain in the **** and wanted to beat Yu Sheng, this guy is too bad.

But, he can't beat the rest of his life.

Fan Tianlei was also slightly speechless.

However, on this day.

Fan Tianlei suddenly called Yu Sheng to the office.

Not only Yu Sheng, but also He Chenguang and the others entered Fan Tianlei's office.

At this moment, Fan Tianlei looked solemn, with an indescribable solemnity.

When Yu Sheng noticed Fan Tianlei's appearance, he knew that something must have happened. Otherwise, Fan Tianlei would not be so serious.

Yu Sheng, He Chenguang and the others all stared at Fan Tianlei.

"I called you here this time because I have something to say." Fan Tianlei said solemnly.

"What's the matter, so serious?" Song Kaifei said in surprise, "Chief of Staff, you are rarely so serious."

"Yeah, it's the first time I've seen the chief of staff be so serious. Is there another big problem?"

"Chief of Staff, isn't it because you are going to fall in love?"

"Fuck off."

Fan Tianlei's face darkened when he heard the words, and he scolded, "Take me serious, now it's business."


As soon as Fan Tianlei said these words, Song Kaifei and the others all looked solemn, and immediately they became a little dignified.

Since Fan Tianlei said it was a serious matter, then this matter is definitely not easy.

"This time, it's about the organization of God." Fan Tianlei said sharply: "According to the information from our personnel, we have found the organization of God, and their home is in the Black Forest."

"Now, we are going to destroy the God Organization."

As Fan Tianlei said these words, Yu Sheng, He Chenguang and the others were all stunned.

"Purge God's Organization?"

Even Yu Sheng was slightly surprised.

He also did not expect that the organization would actually want to purge such an organization. Does it make sense?

Where is the Black Forest?

Yu Sheng was a little puzzled.

Generally speaking, if they were not in Huaxia, they would be too lazy to clear such an organization. After all, clearing such an organization requires negotiation and peacekeeping troops.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to do.

What's going on here is really troublesome.

Yu Sheng was very puzzled.

At this time, Fan Tianlei took a deep look at Yu Sheng, and then said, "This organization is right at our junction, and there is a world-famous black forest there. The black forest contains great terror, and it is a virgin forest. And that's where God's Organization is."

"This time, the reason why the God Organization was purged was because they brought us great trouble, and even targeted our special forces."

"Especially recently, God's organization has killed many of us."

"So, no matter what, we have to find a way to eliminate the God organization."

Yu Sheng's expression became a little dignified as soon as he said these words. At this moment, he understood what Fan Tianlei meant.

Moreover, the organization of God has also brought him great trouble. He also wants to destroy this organization, but it is not so easy to destroy this organization. The other party is a top expert.

There is an even stronger presence inside.

Especially the controller of this God organization is even more terrifying.

No one knows how strong the opponent is.

"Is it dangerous to attack rashly?" Yu Sheng suddenly looked at Fan Tianlei.

God's organization is very powerful, and they must be very vigilant. If they are not strong enough, rashly attacking will only bring them huge trouble.

So I will have this question for the rest of my life.

Fan Tianlei said, "It's not a big problem."

"Our strength is fully capable of eliminating God's Organization, and this time we will have a master to participate. I believe that with his participation, we can definitely eliminate God's Organization."


When everyone heard this, they immediately shouted loudly.


Fan Tianlei nodded slightly.

"By the way, Chief of Staff, have you checked where their base camp is for this underworld? Is there a way to destroy the underworld?"

Yu Sheng suddenly thought of Yin Si.

Yin Si is a behemoth. Even Yu Sheng doesn't know how many masters there are in Yin Si, only that they are all very scary.

If possible, the rest of my life would like to kill Yin Shi too.

All along, Yinsi has brought him a lot of trouble.

And Yinsi is extremely powerful, so when he goes abroad, he has to be very careful.

Even in the country, he can't guarantee that he is safe. These guys are really too powerful, which makes Yu Sheng very jealous.

If possible, he would like to uproot the Yin Si and kill the Yin Si directly.


When Fan Tianlei heard Yu Sheng's words~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fan Tianlei's face twitched fiercely.

In order to investigate the organization of God, they lost a lot of people. This organization is too cunning, which caused a lot of their people to die.

Hence the investigation to this extent.

As for Yin Si...

This is an organization that is even more terrifying than the organization of God. There are so many masters in it. There are dozens of masters at the level of the general of the town. One can imagine how strong the opponent's power is.

Moreover, over the years, there have been many people who want to look for the Yin Si, but... no one can find the entrance to the Yin Si, and no one knows where the Yin Si is.

And some of the more vicious people they were looking for were silently assassinated.

Everyone knows that this matter was actually done by the people of the Yin Division.

This is also a warning from Yinsi to everyone.

Unexpectedly, Yu Sheng, this guy, even wanted to find Yin Si...

Fan Tianlei was slightly speechless.

What if you find Yin Shi? They are definitely no longer in the country. If they are in the country, the army will overwhelm the territory, and even a salvo of missiles will come directly to cover bombing. No matter how powerful they are, they will not be able to withstand the bombardment of artillery shells.


If they are abroad, can they do this?

It's definitely not possible...

If you are about to approach, the international situation will be chaotic...you will be condemned.

As for finding a small force to destroy the Yin Si, this is even more impossible. They are all extremely cunning, and they may be destroyed before they even get close to the base.

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