I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 2019: fighting

The principle of the formation, Yu Sheng is very clear, there are some mysteries used in it, and even some Qimen Dunjia, with a magical scene.

Ordinary people may not be able to understand, let alone see through the mystery of the formation.

The rest of life is different.

Although he didn't know much about the formation, he was able to see through the mystery of the formation based on the atmosphere around him.

It can only be said that the opponent's method of arranging the formation is really ordinary. If it is replaced by a particularly powerful formation, he really cannot see through it.

"Don't worry, just follow me."

Yu Sheng bent down and picked up a stone from the ground, smashed it hard against a blank space in the distance.

When the stone fell, the miasma in front of them seemed to become a little clearer.

That is the key to the formation. If the integrity is destroyed, the effect of the formation will be weakened.

"Yu Sheng, at your feet!" Er Niu pointed at Yu Sheng's feet and shouted in panic.

Less than a centimeter below Yu Sheng's feet, there is a landmine.

They didn't find out just now.

If it weren't for the rest of my life, it's enough to imagine how dangerous this minefield is.

Others will have to pay a price if they want to pass.

Yu Sheng said calmly: "This formation has the special effect of concealing and confusing, as well as the effect of enhancing the outbreak."

Saying that, he pointed to the surroundings and said, "As far as these mines are in front of me, once they erupt, they can directly blow up the entire area."

In God's organization, there are also Chinese people.

Possibly a hidden master.

Song Kai patted his chest: "Let's not delay here, let's go."

The same is true for the others. They are professional combat personnel, but in the minefield, they simply cannot exert their abilities.

Like a beast trapped in a cage, the bound life and death cannot be controlled by itself.

Seeing that they were about to pass through the minefield, a huge explosion suddenly came in the direction of the river on the left.

Across the distance, several people were shaken and their bodies were unstable.

Haoxuan didn't trigger the mine.

Yu Sheng was keenly aware that their aura was also shaken a little unstable.

And the breath became more and more irritable, and the mine array was triggered!

He dragged Er Niu and threw it in the distance.

Immediately after, the others were all thrown into the distance by him.

When Yu Sheng was the only one left, the aura of the mine formation began to become violent. The mines blessed by this formation should have been more stable.

Now it's starting to be unstable. I think God's organization found something different.

That hidden master, this is about to start a killing spree.

Why is this so?

The intelligence said it was safe, but since entering the Black Forest, they have been in danger.

Yu Sheng looked at the position and jumped one after another.

Shouting to let the others run forward quickly, as far as they can run.

Looking at the situation in the distance, you can see that once the mine array is activated, the effect will be particularly amazing.

Now, for the first time in the rest of my life, I can unfold my full speed.

He jumped out of the minefield in an instant, and when he ran behind a few people, all of them suddenly fell into silence.

There was a tremendous amount of pressure, which made several people feel nervous for breathing.

It's going to explode!

"Get down!"

Ye Chen shouted and got into a small grass pit.

The others were all lying on the ground.






Continuous explosions, shock waves like tsunamis, swept in continuously.

It lasted a full minute.

The soil and smoke in the sky, as well as the dregs of grass and trees, kept falling.

Look down from the sky.

No one can be seen.

An unmanned plane passed by, and after circling the sky for a few times, it left here.

In the depths of the Black Forest.

A man held a silver goblet and took a sip of the bright red wine.

Only those around him could smell the pungent blood.

It is deer blood.

He licked his lips, reached out and brushed his blond hair, and proudly looked at the big screen in front of him.

"International military organizations, do you really think that they can destroy us if they unite?"

"Holy Lord, you are wise."

The people below cheered happily.

"The Mine Array is Master Hao's masterpiece. This work of art has avoided the sacrifice of many of us, and it also allows these guys to know how to treat us."

"It's ridiculous to think of us as third-rate characters and think that if there are more people, they will threaten us."

After the Holy Master finished speaking, his face became cold: "Everyone is ready to take their places, and clean up the rest of these guys for me."

"Yes, Holy Lord!"


The people below have already arranged a strategy.

How could they not know about such a big action against them by the international military organization.

He just kept hiding himself, just for the thunder blow just now.

The international military organization was also frightened by the huge explosion.

They try to contact the teams.

There are only sporadic responses.

As soon as the war started, it had already fallen into the Jedi.

Heiyun's face was extremely difficult to see.

Although he has privileges, such a huge loss is enough to make him go to the International Military Tribunal.

"Damn, God's organization is hiding so deeply, so the undercover must have been..."

He sighed, the undercover agent either defected or was found tortured to death.

The only option now is to quickly call the rest of the staff back.

He had people fire flares.

Now that it has been discovered, drones can appear.

Want to help evacuees.

But the organization of God would not let them leave so easily, and a large number of people rushed into the miasma.

They have a special secret technique that can shield the influence of miasma.

In the miasma, several people were climbing up from the ground.

It was Yu Sheng and the others that the explosion just now buried them in a large amount of soil.

Fortunately, they ran far enough that the shock wave brushed past their heads, and the explosion did not cause much damage to them.

Yu Sheng drilled out of the soil and dug out other people from the soil.

Behind them, in the black forest, there were constant gunshots.

"what happened?"

Erniu slapped the dirt on his body and asked Yu Sheng naively.

"We are in an ambush, and the other party will definitely pursue the victory now, and I don't know how many people will be killed."

"Isn't there an undercover agent? Why is it like this?"

Song Kai was a little puzzled.

"The undercover mutiny or killed."

Just thinking about it, you will know what happened for the rest of your life.

"Then what do we do now? Continue or withdraw?"

There was some worry in He Chenguang's eyes.

"There is no order to retreat, we are soldiers, we can only move forward."

The earth buried them in the ground, and they didn't see the flares and drones.

Yu Sheng turned his eyes, now they have a very good chance.

He looked into the distance, and victory was very close to them.

The people organized by God rushed into the black forest and started to kill.

Many members of the peacekeeping force were frightened.

They have gone through hundreds of battles, but they still can't suppress their fears.

The battle strength between the two sides is almost the same, and the experience is extremely rich.

When one side is afraid, the other side has the upper hand.

People keep falling down.

The people who mocked and despised Yu Sheng just now were surrounded by a group of members of the God Organization.

She looked a little desperate.

"Damn, our intelligence department is a bunch of shit!"

"It's useless to scold, how to escape, think of a way!"

"I can't rush out, there is a small **** right now, and we can't hold it."

"If you can't leave, just fight with them!"

A few people can only fight to the death.

After waiting for three minutes, none of the people organized by God came to attack.

A dense cloud of miasma floated over.

"There is no wind around, why is this **** miasma floating over?"

"You can see that the miasma is red, and there are all kinds of insects flying around in it, and there are snakes and scorpions on the ground. God, what is this!"

"I heard that people in this country have the ability to control bugs, so they won't let us meet them, right?"

"What do we do now? We don't even have the chance to go all out if we leave here. If we don't leave, we will be killed by these bugs."

If you walk, you will die, if you don't go, you will die!

The road in front of them was completely blocked.

A real dead end.

Now they have no choice but to pray to God.

"God, save us!"

"God, save us!"

"God, save us!"

Several people prayed sincerely.

At this moment, a gunshot sounded.

A group of men and horses rushed out from the rear of the Black Forest. The gunfire was loud and accurate.

Every time a gun was fired, a large number of people organized by God fell.

They looked from under the slope.

Just happened to see Yu Sheng and them.

"It's those little guys!"

"My God, their marksmanship is really good."

"God sent them to save us."

"Brothers, go out and get out of here."

Years of military experience let them know that now is the best time. Taking advantage of the chaos in God's organization, they rushed to make a breakthrough and cooperated with them for the rest of their lives.

Quickly kill these people.

Captain Chris, looking at Yu Sheng and others in front of him, was full of guilt.

He walked to Yu Sheng: "Thank you for saving us. I apologize to you for my previous rudeness and ask you to forgive me."

The other team members did the same, and together they apologized like Yu Sheng.

Er Niu, Song Kai, Xu Tianlong, He Chenguang, and Wang Yanbing all looked smug, but Yu Sheng looked at a big tree in the distance.

With a flash, he ran towards the tree.

People looked at his figure in surprise, and Chris and others were even more surprised by the speed of the rest of their lives.

"He's faster than a leopard."

"I actually laughed at such a master before."

Several people were even more ashamed. They were rescued by Yu Sheng and others before, and they were not surprised because of the guns.

Now that I saw Yu Sheng's skills, I really realized that this team that saved them was not easy.

The last remaining contempt in their hearts was taken away by them all.

All are satisfied.

It's just that neither they nor the team members knew what Yu Sheng was going to do. Ten seconds later, the poisonous miasma standing in front of Yu Sheng gave them the answer.

"There is someone in the tree!"

In the scope, there is no way to see where the person in the tree is.

They just rely on their own intuition to make judgments.

Yu Sheng saw that the other party's camouflage was very good. In the dense foliage, he was able to completely blend in with the surroundings.

The camouflage of the other party is really powerful, but the power of his fusion blood allows his eyes to capture what ordinary people can't see.

Previously, he felt that there was something moving there. After taking a closer look, he found that the aura there was different from the surrounding.

If it wasn't for his ability to see anger, he would definitely not be able to find out that it was a human being who was judged to be moving.

He had already climbed the tree, but the other party was still calm and did not make any movement.

The poisonous miasma surrounded the tree, and the rest of his life moved too fast.

The snakes and worms didn't have time to attack him, and he had already reached the position where the other party was just now.

In just two seconds, the other party disappeared.

He looked at the aura around him, his figure flashed one after another, and he kept shooting at the surroundings.

Above his head, a group of poisonous miasma appeared again.

Yu Sheng jumped over immediately.

These poisonous miasmas were artificially ground with poisonous grass powder, and his antidote was not afraid of them at all.

His vision was blocked again, but Yu Sheng had already determined the opponent's position.

Using the same trick twice against the same master is to seek death on your own.

There was a gunshot, and the opponent was hit by Yu Sheng.

He is jumping like the tree next to him, this guy is as nimble as a monkey.

After being shot, he grabbed a branch, made several big loops, and even jumped up again.

Yu Sheng looked at him coldly and jumped on the tree.

The elven blood makes him more flexible than the opponent.

He jumped up from a height of more than ten meters, turned around in the air, landed on a tree trunk, and then jumped up again like a dance.

The person reached the sky above the opponent~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He ruthlessly kicked the master who was about to grab the tree trunk and fell.

If it wasn't for the other party's landing, he would have grabbed a twig and relieved him.

If he hit the ground, he would have to fall to his death.

Then Yu Sheng jumped from the tree and came to the ground.

His actions completely convinced the Chris team. From the heartfelt conviction just now, he was about to fall into the ground.

Erniu and the others came over and aimed their guns at the master on the ground.

He was gasping for breath, and blood kept flowing from his mouth and chest.


"When did you learn how to dance in the woods?"

Erniu and several people asked Yu Sheng in surprise.

Yu Sheng pointed to the surroundings: "The war is still going on, so I don't have time to chat."

Saying that, he squatted in front of the master: "Aren't you low in the hand of God?"

The other party didn't speak, Yu Sheng squeezed his fingers with his hands.

Squeeze hard.

His fingers shattered directly.

But this master is also a ruthless person, so he didn't even call him.

He didn't say a word when he was injured in any way.

Seeing him being so cruel, Yu Sheng glanced at Chris Erniu and the others next to him: "So nervous, do you have the urge to urinate, or feel like you want to poop?"

Several people looked at him with embarrassed expressions.

"It's convenient now, and feed him to eat."

The master crawling on the ground stood up, trying to resist.

Yu Sheng directly interrupted his hands and feet and plucked his chin.

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