I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 2022: be surprised

Even Yu Sheng was shocked by this news.

Elder Shen is an extremely stable person, the moment he was shocked by the news for the rest of his life.

He had already arranged several stones by his side, which seemed to be simple stones, but Yu Sheng clearly felt that there was a powerful force in the surrounding air beside him.


He saw it right away.

It turned out that this Elder Shen was the master of mines who arranged mine formations. He knew before that some powerful masters could arrange mine formations and use the principles of formation to arrange mines, but he didn't expect it to be true. It seems that the world has really changed.

Thinking of this, he rolled his eyes.

"How many spirit stones do you have? How much will you give me if I join you?"

He didn't promise the other party in one word, that was too abrupt and not enough to dispel the other party's defense.

"Inexhaustible and inexhaustible, depending on your strength, as long as you join our organization, you can at least get the second-class spiritual stone supply in the future. At that time, with your talent that can continue to grow stronger, we will follow you. Sooner or later the whole world will be unified."

"You will definitely become a myth by then."

Elder Shen's promise does sound particularly attractive.

Yu Sheng thought about it carefully, if he really owned the spirit mine, he could indeed do this.

Of course, even if there is no spiritual mine, with the system, he can still do this. .

He fell into thinking, Elder Shen looked at him carefully, and constantly arranged some means on himself.

Yu Sheng suddenly raised his head to look at him: "What about your leader?"

Elder Shen sneered: "He is a foreigner, and we are in the same blood. I hope from the bottom of my heart that our family can truly unify the world."

"Since I started to be a bad guy, I have never done anything to my own people."

This guy is a special nationalist, Yu Sheng looked at him in surprise.

"I'm going. If that guy feels threatened, will he kill me directly?"

When Elder Shen saw the questions he raised, every one of them was a heart-warming answer, and he was overjoyed.

His words are half true and half false, and after seeing Yu Sheng's strength, he really wants to invest in him in the future.

But if the organization really wants to kill Yu Sheng, he will not take measures to protect Yu Sheng if there is no absolute strength against the organization.

Both sides are acting, and they are also cheating.

Just from the very beginning, Elder Shen's decision had already destined him to be trapped by the rest of his life.

"I brought you here, and I will definitely help you. If the sect master really wants to deal with you, I will try to stop it. We will win together, and we will lose even if we lose. I will do it."

The righteous words that Elder Shen said, Yu Sheng thought for a full minute.

Then he gritted his teeth and said, "Can you help me pick up my family? I'm worried they will be in trouble."

"no problem."

"Can you provide the treatment I once had?"

"You and I have already embarked on the road of cultivation, why do you still care about those mundane things, as long as a spiritual stone can be obtained anywhere in the world, the wealth that can be exchanged is much higher than any treatment you have ever had. what."

Elder Shen really believed that Yu Sheng would join them.

"If that's the case, then I, then I..."

"Why are you hesitating? If you really succeed in your cultivation, you will not only be able to be proud of the world and become a human emperor, but also have the possibility of immortality and boundless longevity!"

Full power, longevity.

Whole new world.

Each is extremely attractive to people.

"Done, I'll join!"

Yu Sheng made up his mind and agreed to Elder Shen.

At this time, the energy fluctuation around Elder Shen has become much larger.

This guy has been continuously increasing his defense for the rest of his life.

Seeing Yu Sheng's promise, Elder Shen also let out a sigh of relief.

He smiled and said, "If that's the case, then come with me and take off your equipment, so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings for a while."

He wanted to test the sincerity of the rest of his life.

Yu Sheng immediately took off his equipment without saying a word. Seeing this scene, Elder Shen reduced his vigilance.

"Follow me, I'll take you to see the leader."

No matter what thoughts you will have for the rest of your life, as long as you follow him to the Holy See, then they will have the final say.

Yu Sheng nodded and followed behind him, his eyes constantly looking at him.

He knew that Elder Shen had been guarding him.

Everyone is a master, and no one is stupid.

Soon they arrived at the previous minefield and looked at the mess around them.

Yu Sheng suddenly shouted: "Hey!"

Elder Shen turned around in fright, and a cloud of white aura immediately attacked Yu Sheng fiercely.

Yu Sheng dodged and was hit on the arm. He asked Elder Shen in a cold voice, "What do you mean?"

Seeing that Yu Sheng was beaten to the ground by him, Elder Shen was also taken aback, Yu Sheng didn't attack him just now.

"What are you calling?"

He asked Yu Sheng.

"When I saw this, I just wanted to praise your formation. What do you mean by turning around and attacking me and beating half of my body like this?"

Yu Sheng's body was **** and looked very bad.

Hearing Yu Sheng's words, Elder Shen looked a little embarrassed.

"Sorry sorry."

"Sorry for a fart, half of my body is now crippled, and it will take at least half an hour to recover."

Elder Shen said helplessly: "I'm waiting for you here, but don't yell."

"Fart, I see you from the beginning to the end, and you didn't make up your mind to believe me."

When this scene happened, Elder Shen couldn't explain it for a while.

He carefully looked at the rest of his life on the ground, discerning his eyes and demeanor, and he finally made up his mind: "Brother, I was really wrong, it was I who treated the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, and I apologize to you. "

Saying that, he really bowed to Yu Sheng.

At this moment, Yu Sheng stood up abruptly, and at the same time, rushed towards him.

His hands turned into sharp knives, and he slashed at Elder Shen fiercely.

All he wants is distance. Elder Shen has a defensive formation on his body, and he can see it clearly.

If you want to kill this old man with one blow, you have to let him get close to you for the rest of your life.

At this time, the wounds on his body have long since disappeared, and everything is just his own illusion.

Elder Shen was dazed by what happened in front of him, and just now he made a bet and chose to believe in the rest of his life.

Who knew the choice he made, and gave him a slap in the face in a moment.

The sharp blade is about to fall, and the force above is wrapped in a gust of wind.

Elder Shen tried his best to stimulate his body protection formation, and after the collision between the two sides, the huge force still sent him flying out.

There is not enough time to control the formation, and his defensive formation can only play to the worst extent.

This is also the reason why Yu Sheng wants to be close to him.

Now the formation on his body is destroyed, Yu Sheng is approaching again, and the sharp blade is approaching again.

Elder Shen shouted anxiously: "Spare my life!"

"I have a secret, spare my life!"

The sharp blade stopped in front of Elder Shen at the last moment, and Yu Sheng looked at him coldly: "The truth?"

"Truth, absolute truth."

Elder Shen looked at Yu Sheng with anxiety and fear, for fear that Yu Sheng would kill him.

"Tell me."

"The emergence of spiritual mines, do you know why? Do you know where the changes in the earth come from? I know! The changes in this world are not accidental. There are many places on the earth that used to have no secrets. Do you know where it is?"

Yu Sheng really didn't know what he said.

But he has a strong background as his support, and he has not received relevant news from the organization. Could it be that the God organization can know these things?

He looked at Elder Shen in amazement.

"If you want to know that, I can tell you."

"After all, we are all of the same race, with the same bloodline."

When Elder Shen was talking, his eyes suddenly flickered.

Yu Sheng had been guarding against him all the time, and when he saw this guy's expression was a little strange, he sneered.

The thorns on the ground turned into vines, entangling his whole body, especially his arms and hands, which were carefully wrapped every inch.

Can't move.

"Tell me about it."

Elder Shen is a little desperate. He did have some careful thoughts just now, but at this moment, he can only put away these thoughts.

He couldn't figure out why Yu Sheng was so perverted, how could this boy of his mother have any ability.

Ability to manipulate plants, change the surrounding weather, and even heal quickly.

The fighting ability is also super strong.

Could it be that there really is that kind of cultivation genius with the aura of the protagonist in this world?

Thinking of this, he felt that if he really fulfilled his promise to the rest of his life, and truly followed him in the future, he might be able to reach an unexpected height.

At this moment, he let go of all the thoughts in his mind.

He calmly told Yu Sheng everything he knew.

The change of the world comes from the spatial fusion of the earth.

In other words, there is some force that is interacting with the space of the earth.

Once completed, Earth may become part of another world, or another world becomes part of Earth.

And the space where they once lived will also be redefined in the universe.

It is similar to a crossing that is forcibly pulled.

His explanation was straightforward, and Yu Sheng understood it.

"Why does the other party want to merge with the earth?"

Elder Shen pondered for a moment and said: "World invasion, or space cracks, but this is all my guess. There are records in ancient books that are world invasions. The ancient invasions made our world appear different. This kind of myth and legend, but later people are more willing to believe that it is caused by the weakening of the spiritual energy of the earth."

"I've only seen these things, and I don't know if they're true or not, so I don't dare to tell you nonsense."

The words of the current Elder Shen are obviously a lot more reliable.

Sure enough, extraordinary means have to be used to get these guys to explain honestly.

Yu Sheng asked him what special secret place appeared in the world, and Elder Shen actually explained it to Yu Sheng honestly one by one.

He doesn't know much, there are five secret places in total, which are called secret realms.

The appearance of this kind of secret realm has attracted the attention of the United Nations, and many high-level countries have also known about these places.

In addition to the communication effect, the satellite has already lost its original detection function.

The great changes of the earth every day have led to the rapid decline of the function of satellites, the gravitational magnetic field, and in short, the deterioration of the current signal, which are all caused by the changes of the earth.

There is no corresponding message in the organization, but God organizes these special organizations, and they have their own way of delivering messages.

It is normal to know this.

Yu Sheng glanced at Elder Shen.

Ask him, "Would you like to follow me?"

"Yes, let me frankly say that your ability is the strongest I have ever seen. You have so many means, more than a few cultivators. I can't imagine your future achievements. ."

The rest of my life was a little embarrassing.

But this old man is really useful.

"Tell out the information in the God organization truthfully, as well as the secrets of the God organization you mentioned.

"There are seven others with similar strength to me. We are all God's apostles, and there are two left and right hands of God. Their strengths are all at the primary level of Zhen Guo Ares, and the leader is almost beyond the masters of Zhen Guo Ares."

"As for the secret of God's organization, it is actually about the spiritual mine. Under the spiritual mine, there is a bottomless secret passage, which contains extremely strong spiritual energy. Cultivation at the edge has several times the effect."

"And that secret passage seems to have a huge horror. We sent a lot of people to explore, but none of them came up."

The more I listen to it, the more interested it becomes.

"Is there any specific data? Or information?"


Elder Shen said helplessly: "Even if God's apostle goes down, he still won't be able to come up~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But the spiritual power inside is so abundant and scary, I think there must be a treasure."

"It's like a treasure in the West, protected by giant dragons? So all those who go down are killed?"

Yu Sheng laughed and chatted with him, such an atmosphere made Elder Shen particularly relaxed.

He believed that the rest of his life had begun to believe in himself.

Thinking that he might really follow Yu Sheng in the future, a relaxed smile appeared on his face.

"Yes, but I think you can go down. I just observed that your body has an extremely unique ability to change. If you have a special ability to hide, I think the treasure below will definitely belong to you."

It has to be said that his words are particularly seductive.

Yu Sheng nodded, and the thorns wrapped around Elder Shen were slowly removed.

Elder Shen's eyes lit up.

He felt that he saw hope, but out of caution, he put his hands on his body and drew gently.

The surrounding energy was mobilized by him.

He also has to protect himself.

At this moment, the back suddenly became cold.

He looked at Yu Sheng next to him and found that there was a huge gap in his back.

There was blood flowing out of it constantly. He wanted to ask why he wanted to kill himself, but it was getting darker and darker in front of him.

Killing Elder Shen was an idea that Yu Sheng had at the very beginning.

This extremely unstable factor, he did not want to stay by his side all the time.

You know what you need to know. If you really ask him to follow him to explore God's organization in the future, he can't guarantee his own safety.

The rest of my life does not intend to entrust my safety to such a person. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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