I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 2024: weird appearance

He thought the other party found him.

Looking at the center of the church, he found that the other party's eyes were not looking towards him.

"Sect Leader, no one is following us."

Lilith and Yadis both looked at the direction they came from at the same time.

The leader took a deep look at the entrance and said lightly to the surrounding: "Friend, since you are here, why don't you come out and meet, you sneaked into us, what are you trying to do?"

Hearing what the sect master said, the people in the hall suddenly became nervous.

Yu Sheng also looked at him in surprise, and found that although this guy was full of self-confidence, he probably didn't notice him.

He didn't show up.

Lilith and Yadis looked at the back carefully.

No one was seen, but a black aura appeared on Yadis' body, spreading from his body to the outside.

In the black air, there seems to be some kind of unique perception ability.

"No one's leader."

When he finished saying this, Yu Sheng felt relieved.

Lilith spoke at this time, her voice was full of special pink meaning, just hearing the voice made Yu Sheng feel hot. .

He immediately adjusted the temperature of his body. Who would have thought of the characteristics of being invulnerable to cold and heat, it made him very calm at this time.

It seems that this should be something special about the two of them.

Soon both of them were quiet.

The leader said lightly: "Elder Shen's formation has been triggered, and after so long, he and the three Landis brothers have not returned. I think they must have encountered a master."

"I don't think it's accidental about the entrance to the secret realm. Since that master didn't appear with us, I think it is very likely that he went to the secret passage to the secret realm."

"Sect Master, that's a good thing!"

Lilith said happily, every time she speaks, she can make men feel special.

Yadis smiled and said, "Should we go over and take a look? The gate has not been destroyed, can he enter the secret realm through the wall?"

The leader said in a deep voice: "The world has undergone tremendous changes. Who can imagine what kind of power he will have in the next second?"

"The world is giving people all kinds of abilities, and we need to adapt."

This explanation is perfect, and the rest of my life is also very happy to listen to it.

Indeed, this guy is very eloquent, and he believed everything he said.

Anyone who can become a leader will surely be fooled.

"Call the evil dog, maybe he can find something else, his talent, will give us a good help."

After hearing the word dog, Yu Sheng had no interest in staying here.

He got up directly and rushed to the secret road.

He can hide his breath, change his body shape, and even pretend to be exactly the same as his surroundings, but he can't cover up the smell on his body.

The talent of the evil dog must be about the same as that of the dog.

You can't risk exposing yourself, and it's not fun to be besieged at that time.

Coming to the secret passage of the secret realm again, Yu Sheng hesitated for a moment and decided to go down and have a look.

With the regeneration bloodline of the lizard, it is now slightly more evolved.

He believes that even if he is in danger, he has enough time to escape.

Not long after Yu Sheng entered, inside the hall, the angry roar of the leader came.

He felt humiliated when he thought that someone had been beside them all the time, spying on them.

"Lord, maybe the other party will have talents like invisibility."

"Yes, this doesn't mean that he has enough strength, it's just that he is born suitable for existence in the dark."

The wicked dog barked twice and said, "Sect Master, he just left here and returned to the secret passage in the secret realm."


"Go and have a look."

The high-level people attach great importance to this place. Since a few days ago, the inside of the mine has become more and more chaotic.

The huge fluctuations in spiritual power made the mining of spiritual mines difficult.

And this news is only known to a very small number of high-level officials.

This is to keep everyone from getting into trouble.

Now they are even more guessing, did the things below come up, turn around and go back?

Following behind the evil dog, they soon came to the secret passage of the secret realm.

The evil dog lay on the wall next to him and smelled it for a long time: "He came from here, and then entered the secret passage."

Just based on the remaining breath, you can determine the coming and going of the other party.

His talent is too suitable for reconnaissance.

"It's a human, and he's not far from the entrance of the cave, friend, we found you!"

The evil dog shouted at the entrance of the cave.

The leader glanced at Lilith and Yadis, they took a step back, one stood in front of the crack, and the other blocked the hole.

The black air on Yadis completely closed the door.

Without closing the door, they have to leave a way back for themselves.

Yu Sheng didn't respond to them. He didn't think about how to communicate with each other.

Said he was here to arrest them?

Isn't that a brain disease?

Said he wanted to go down and have a look? Then why bother talking to them?

He was in a dilemma, he couldn't think of what he was going to say to the other party, and he didn't want to go down.

Although he was confident that he could escape, his heart was still full of worries.

At this time, the leader walked to the entrance of the cave and glanced at the evil dog.

The vicious dog stood behind him, with a wide robe blocking his body, only a small part of it was exposed in front of the hole.

"I appreciate your ability. If you can come out and communicate, if you are willing to join us, I can give you good conditions."

At the same time as he spoke, the leader's hand was behind him, and the evil dog's few strokes made him instantly know.

Yu Sheng still did not speak.

Looking at the sect leader's fair, slightly immature face, and looking behind the sincerity, I always feel so hypocritical.

Suddenly he moved, Yu Sheng frowned.

Sure enough, this guy is hypocritical enough, when he was chatting with Zi, he directly attacked.

The distance between the two sides is at least twenty meters, and the rest of his life is not afraid of his outbreak.

What about the powerhouse at the level of the **** of war in the country?

Compared with his explosive power, it is simply ridiculous.

Above the surrounding cave walls, a piece of root hair came out, blocking where he was just now.

And he had already rushed out and ran deeper into the cave.

"You chase me if you have something, don't talk about it."

At the moment when the leader chased in, Yu Sheng suddenly felt that it seemed like he could go down and have a try.

This kind of thinking and strangeness is like he can run away at any time, and even if he encounters danger, he can find someone to back him up.

I feel a lot more at ease.

The leader's speed is extremely fast. In less than three seconds, he rushed to the position of Yu Sheng, and his roots were easily destroyed by him.

Brave white light, burning quickly.

Looking back, Yu Sheng felt that it would be safe to open a little distance.

This guy is scary, why don't you stay away from him?

The leader looked at the mine tunnel used by the overseer and fell into hesitation.

There was not much chaos in this mine, it was in the mine of the miners next to it.

They have already sealed the opening there.

This passage is the closest to the secret realm, and it is also the most worrying.

He didn't dare to make sure that there was no harm there.

What exactly exists underneath has always been a mystery.

The intruders can come here, and they must have a lot of secret control over them.

He even thought that this guy must be the one who made Elder Shen and Brother Landis unable to come back.

Maybe he already has a lot of information about the secret realm.

Thinking of this, he was about to turn around and leave.

Mine can not, but he can not take risks.

As long as the hole is sealed and someone is sent to watch it, the other party will never be able to escape.

At this moment, he saw a figure appear on the edge of his light.

The other party pointed at him: "The leader of what God's organization is, he is a coward from afar, child, go home and wrap your diapers. You are so afraid of me, are you worried about urinating your pants? Let your subordinates send a few Come in."

The leader of God's organization, who was going to leave, was pointed and humiliated in this way.

A flush appeared on his pale face.

Embarrassed, angry, ashamed!

He had never been so humiliated.

"You will be punished by God!"

He stretched out his hand, and a white ray of light shot out from his hand instantly, attacking at an extremely fast speed like the rest of his life.

Long range attack?

Yu Sheng felt that his ability was good, his fists were covered with frost, turned into two ice balls, and he threw them out.

After colliding with the white light, the white light was blocked by the ice ball, and it escaped everywhere. The white light near the ice ball, the scattered light was busy, and when it touched the surroundings, it made a sizzling sound.

Has an extremely terrifying scorching power.

Yu Sheng was stunned.

The opponent's ability is really powerful and terrifying.

The Zhenguo God of War is the Zhenguo God of War.

He was not cowardly, he just took a few steps back to ensure his own safety.

"Just these two times? Our neighbor kid invited you to be a barbecue chef. Would you go?"

The wicked dog can't listen anymore, how can the leader of the leader be humiliated like this.

"Boy, don't run if you have the guts, I'll fight you one-on-one."

Lilith and Yadis also came to the entrance of the cave, and Lilith asked Yadis to stay at the door.

"I'm going to help."

"Lilith, the charm you used in the hall just now didn't work on that guy. It's useless for you to go down. It's better for me to go."

Yadis asked Lilith to stay.

This beauty who has special lethal power to men, if they go to fight, they will appear to be particularly incompetent.

The black aura on Yadis came out again.

The leader sensed his arrival, and the light on his body became weaker.

Leaning on the wall to one side, chatting with Yu Sheng: "The following is full of danger, you must not try this passage, friend, we have no grudges, why can't we have a good chat?"

While showing his favor, in his heart, he thought about what to ask when he caught someone.

Yu Sheng was keenly aware that something was wrong around him.

He stretched out his hand and touched the ground, and a special row of tiny moss appeared instantly.

someone is coming.

There is no modern equipment on his body, but he can still see things in the dark for the rest of his life. With the blood of the candle dragon, he can control the black and white of the world.

He glanced at the cave and found that because of the light, there was a cloud of black gas approaching here, but he didn't notice it.

"Want to attack me? Naive."

After discovering them, Yu Sheng immediately stepped back again.

This time, he took the initiative to attack, the surrounding temperature dropped rapidly, and the blood of the sika deer made him leave a lot of ice on the ground.

Then he changed the surrounding light slightly, allowing his figure to disappear into the darkness.

Yadis has been approaching cautiously, looking to get closer to the target.

His hind legs were tense.

Then suddenly the black energy from the whole body burst out.

Like a rocket launcher, his body bounced out, and his fist slammed into the target in front of him.


One punch fell, and he hit it!

Very hard, very hard!

It didn't look like a human body, he stood down and touched it, and it turned out to be ice cubes.

In such a short period of time, the other party made a pile of ice cubes to replace himself.

Yadis screamed badly, he was blocked by black energy just now, and was discovered early.

People were waiting for him to make a move, and now he hit it with all his strength.

It is a good opportunity for the opponent to make a move.


He was kicked in the back hatefully.

Juli made him lie on the ground and crashed into the wall of the cave.

When he reacted just now, he had already covered his head.

Fortunately, he just felt pain.

With a scream, the man fell to the ground.

The other party didn't want to fight. After giving him a blow, he quickly retreated and disappeared into the secret passage again.

When the leader and the evil dog arrived, he already felt that he had recovered a little.

"Damn guy, he can see through your black mist, he must have a talent similar to that of a vicious dog."

The leader analyzed: "From his innate ability~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he has more innate abilities than all of us, hiding, penetrating walls, investigating, and even the strength of his shots are extremely extraordinary."

He glanced back at the entrance of the hole, and suddenly had the illusion that the other party was deliberately tempting them to go down.

"Do you feel it? He seems to want us to go downstairs with him."

The evil dog immediately said: "Yes, this guy is so capable. After he can do it right under our noses, he retreats safely, which proves that he has a way to leave here in the first place."

On the ground, Yadis finally slowed down a little, he gasped heavily, and then stood up with a smile.

"Sect Master, don't worry, that guy has been poisoned by my corpse, and it will be over in a short time."

As Yadis spoke, he lightly patted his back.

The leader and the evil dog also showed a relaxed look on their faces.

On Yadis' back, a human face kept opening and closing its mouth.

There was a trace of flesh on the teeth.

At this time, Yu Sheng's face was a little ugly, and his whole body was stinging.

Hearing Yadis' words, he knew that he was poisoned.

But isn't he invincible?

It's too late to think about this.

The pain all over his body became more and more obvious.

He didn't dare to stay, and could only escape into the depths of the cave.

Corpse poison!

Could it be said that a hundred poisons do not invade, excluding corpse poison?

Yu Sheng cursed the system in his heart.

The system was scolded for speaking.

"Ding, please keep the host respectful to the system."

"Respect your uncle, you actually gave me a defective product."

"Host, please pay attention to the words you use, otherwise all the poisons will be invaded." Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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