I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 2087: go undercover

To deal with the foundation of Tianzhi's organization in the market, it is necessary to monopolize it, which is also the purpose of his investment in the company.

The purpose is clear, but it is difficult to implement, which makes Qin Hongyu a little embarrassed.

"It's not so smooth, their company is deeply entrenched and it's not easy to deal with."

Tianzhi organizes a group in the urban area of ​​d called Tianshu Group. It is a company that produces and sells electrical appliances, smart appliances, and some modern equipment. It has strong funds.

Strong capital, this is not easy to get, the rest of my life thinks for a while, such a large enterprise will not be without loopholes.

As long as you catch some loopholes and expose them normally, you will definitely be able to suppress your opponents.

"If you want to find a way to do things, let me do it."

Yu Sheng planned to investigate in person, and he dispatched a snake to apply for Tianshu Group to become a member of the company.

To interview formal internal members, you need to have qualification certificates, as well as some professional certificates, and the most important thing is to have skills.

Snake said, "I know all the knowledge in these fields. Even if I don't, I can learn quickly. The key is the certificate."

He was a little embarrassed, after all, it took time to get this thing.

Time is precious, and for tasks and so on, the snake understands that.

Yu Sheng also understands this, but he already has an idea.

"I'll do it."

Yu Sheng called Fan Tianlei, and through the relationship, he could go to the assessment within three days, and the certificate would be issued on the spot after the assessment.

Of course, these documents are still true, after all, snakes do have technology in this field.

"Okay, thank you so much."

Snake has wanted to test these certificates for a long time. If he has these, his field will be broader. Even if he does not follow Yu Sheng in the future, there is still a way to make a living.

The way of a counselor has always been something that everyone has to experience. Snake, as a newcomer, still attaches great importance to this.

Yu Sheng waved his hand, "Okay, just treat it as a gift for the mission."

For the rest of my life, I haven't thought about the gift and reward, but now it's the first to cheap this guy.

"You have to behave well," Yu Sheng said.

"Don't worry, I will notify you as soon as I find out."

Snake is very confident, he has the confidence to complete the undercover infiltration task.

A business game begins.

This city **** can also see some things in the entertainment industry, so Yu Sheng also knows more partners of Tianshu, including reaching out to the entertainment industry.

A few days have passed since the leisure time, and since the last street bite incident, nothing strange has happened.

The reason why these things didn't happen, Yu Sheng felt that it wasn't that the Tianzhi organization didn't move, but that they were forbearing in some aspects, or they didn't want to expose their existence prematurely.

Research and development secretly, they can still do it.

These colleagues who can do it, the rest of my life still thinks that they have to do something more bizarre.

I don't know if these things have passed through the ancient warriors, because since the collapse of the large tomb in the north, a series of ancient warriors have been buried underground, and some of them have gone their separate ways on the spot.

The buried people have never appeared, and the ancient warriors who escaped have also integrated into the society.

In the society of City D, there are still many hidden crises. The dark spots that cannot be seen may be some non-human beings lurking.

These beings are mutants and bloodline ones.

Bloodline practitioners have more awakenings than ancient warriors. Modern bloodline awakenings are rare, and there are fewer active awakenings like Yu Sheng.

A small number of bloodline people can successfully activate the bloodline in their bodies through some rituals.

Most of the bloodline people are bloodline people themselves, showing that the ancient warriors are a kind of bloodline people.

The mutants, on the other hand, are a kind of bloodline person created through experiments. They can't call them bloodline person because their body is uncertain, and they are in a kind of half-human, half-corpse.

Destroying mutants is also in the plan for the rest of his life.

In the Tianshu Group Building, Snake successfully interviewed and was notified to work.

Colleagues at work, they first have to take pictures, and since the location of the pictures is a funeral home.

Everyone knows that a funeral home is a place to deal with corpses. If you want to take pictures there, you will take pictures of the deceased. What do the living people do? This is what snakes are wondering.

Unable to solve the puzzled matter, Snake began to ask for help, so he made a phone call.

"Oh, I know."

"Just go with you."

Yu Sheng probably understood the meaning according to Snake's description, and most of the funeral grounds were also their activities.

Taking pictures in that kind of place means that when the time comes, they will do something to the snake.

"But what if I get exposed."

Snakes don't wait for them to do bad things to themselves, and definitely avoid them.

To avoid them, you must first take action to avoid them.

If you take action rashly, the undercover plan will be in vain.

"I'll be there when the time comes."

Yu Shengshuo hung up the phone.

Qin Hongyu said, "Is there anything I can help you with?"

He felt that the boss was restless, as if thinking about something.

As an assistant, when the boss thinks about things, he should assist him. This is what he thinks should be done.

should do things as if it were his duty.

Yu Sheng nodded, "I have something to do. Next, you should pay more attention to the consultation of some merchants, and just get the business done."

"Get the business done."

Qin Hongyu was speechless. Isn't this what he has always done? It doesn't seem to have changed much.

It's rare that he hasn't changed for the rest of his life and hasn't blamed him.

"I see."

Qin Hongyu could only nod his head, and then walked away.

After walking away, he went to work on some things, and told Yu Sheng about the latest operations, and Yu Sheng gave him the top plan, as well as plans to acquire some small companies.

"Acquiring companies, it costs a lot of money."

Qin Hongyu also knows that doing this can expand a lot of things, but from acquisition to subsequent investment, it uses a lot of capital, manpower and material resources.

"Don't be afraid, after the acquisition, there will naturally be orders."

The rest of my life left after leaving behind the fact that there would be an order.

At the same time, the snake also arrived at the funeral home, and Yu Sheng was outside to observe that the car had entered and he had also entered.

The snake was taken into a room with a stretcher and others, and the door was locked after entering.

Locking the door is weird, and it's even more terrifying in a room in the funeral home.

The snake was brought here without reacting, and it was too late to get out.

"What are you doing?"

He was a little frightened.

If he knew earlier, he should have taken more precautions, and he didn't know if the rest of his life had arrived, and if there was any way to save him, this was what he thought in his heart.

Thinking of this, he felt a little suffocated, because he was pressed here without stopping after he came in. All of those people were very skilled and bloodline people. He couldn't resist, and it felt bad now.

Yu Sheng is of course the first time to come. At this time, observing outside is naturally a precaution.

I saw a syringe taken out, as if to inject medicine.

One officer did this, and the other one picked out a transparent guy from a pot on the side.

These things are animals with transparent bodies, like shrimps, and they are still beating.

It's just that when he jumped up, he was caught back by the staff all of a sudden.

Yu Sheng watched them gesture at the snake's head, and Yu Sheng knew what they wanted to do. This was to implant this kind of thing in the snake's mind.

It's creepy to think about putting such a thing in your head, which has to make people suspicious, do the people who are interviewing in this company have to be called here to implant such a thing.

If so, what will happen to the entire company, where people have been invaded by parasites and turned into puppets?

The puppet man, the rest of his life knows what it is, that is, a living corpse, an existence like a living corpse.

When such Dongguan analysis is implanted in the brain, it must be sucking the brain, or destroying the brain tissue, and then controlling the host through this organism.

After controlling the host, they can do what they want to do, such as manpower to produce things, or white-collar workers in the office area can be in place in one step.

After Yu Sheng knew this, he secretly videotaped it.

The snake was immobilized and immobile.

Even if he wanted to degenerate into a snake-man form, it would be useless, because being clamped by a fixed steel ring would only get tighter and tighter.

When he was extremely nervous, he closed his eyes when he understood that the syringe was very close to him.

Close your eyes and don't look at it. After this process, he should also join the walking dead.

According to this development, Yu Sheng may not be able to be contacted in the future, and even some secrets will be leaked, so that the people of this organization will bite Yu Sheng in turn.

Thinking of being bitten for the rest of his life, he sighed a little, feeling that he was so useless that he got into this state.

For the rest of his life, he shot at the same time when he was desperate.

He had to shoot, and if it was later, the snake would be shot.

As soon as a whirlwind hit, the two of them were knocked on the forehead and fainted to the ground.

They looked up at Yu Sheng, still struggling to resist, obviously they didn't want to just fall asleep like this.


Yu Sheng looked at the two of them, came over and kicked one by one, kicking them in the face, causing them to spit blood from their nose and mouth, and then fainted.

After seeing the fainting, Yu Sheng rescued the snake, and then the snake searched them and got a certificate.

"This is the badge issued after the experiment is successful. With this, you can go to work." Snake said.

After he finished speaking, he looked at the two people, "How do they deal with it, so that the Tianshu Group will not find it abnormal."

"It's alright, I'm afraid these people are not internal staff, they are all external hires, and these people will not stop talking after they are busy.",

Yu Sheng said analytically, and then killed the two directly, went directly to a room and threw them into the furnace for cremation.

When they left for the rest of their lives, they concealed their breath and smoothed out the traces of their past.

The place has suddenly recovered to the appearance that no one has ever been here, and there will be no footprints.

Snake went to work the next day, and as expected, there was no obstacle, and he was assigned to the archives and reference room.

There were some documents in the reference room, which he secretly opened and looked at. There were almost no locks here, so he could just hold them and read them.

No precautions are set up, because everyone here is controlled by a parasite, everyone's eyes are blurred, and they will only bury their heads in work.

They don't work very fast, and they're like puppets, but they get the job done.

Not to mention excellent completion can also be simply completed, which shows that their IQ level is still at the original level.

This level is very peculiar. According to the snake's speculation, the parasites in these people's minds should also be restricted, and they can't swallow the brain tissue. They can only cut off some neurons, and they can simply work.

At work, the first day snake passed on Yu Sheng that he had dozens of important documents, some of which he had not read, and wanted Yu Sheng to read it first.

Yu Sheng was not polite, opened these materials, and found the business secrets of the Tianshu organization inside.

It turns out that they are produced by formulating raw materials, and then assembled through the process and listed on the market.

This is no different from an ordinary company.

If there is a difference, it is that some materials are inferior, and they use a special chemical to solidify him.

Solidification These products are liquids that hold for a certain amount of time to solidify, but over time they loosen and the product breaks down.

After it is broken, customers can only buy new ones and re-buy them here, implementing a model.

The main thing is that their products are cheap.

Yu Sheng saw that there was no problem with this business model, but he thought it was a bit too much to deliberately control the life of the product.

In fact, these are not too much. The most important thing is the Tianshu Group. These people have been killed in disguise and turned into walking dead who can only work.

If you become a walking dead, then there will be no humanization, just a machine to help others, and these people only sleep for five hours a day.

Yu Sheng used the power of blood directly, he dripped a drop of blood, and then spread out, and immediately invaded the bodies of these employees in this company.

The parasitic body they controlled was like a formidable enemy, and faced with the bloodline of the witch gu for the rest of their lives, they felt a little ignorant. This was too evil.

At the same time, they couldn't stand the evil and were directly turned into pus and blood, which was then discharged from their ears.

After the parasitic blood was removed, these people regained some sanity, but they were not flexible and had some dementia.

Yu Sheng and Snake took them out of here.

It's very strange here that there are no security guards or people from the Tianzhi organization. They may think that after being controlled by the parasite, they don't need to take precautions, so they have no scruples.

After Yu Sheng rescued these people, he immediately disclosed what he knew. Among them, Tianshu Group's experiments on parasites were already stone hammers. With these major events, they could face a kind of storm.

For several days, City D kept reporting the news of Tianshu Group, and there were also a series of product problems that were revealed, and word of mouth plummeted.

In the midst of a plummeting business ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yu Sheng hurriedly asked Qin Hongyu to persuade some investors to join them. As a result, two hundred partners joined them that day.

Since then, the Tianshu Group has been like an empty shell.

When it became an empty shell and was discovered, it was only two weeks later.

The employees of Tianshu Group have all run away, except for some people who have implanted parasites.

Some ordinary members resigned directly, and the company was in danger of going bankrupt all of a sudden.

After the bankruptcy, the income of Tianzhi Organization will be less, and Yu Sheng does not believe that they will not send people to solve the problem.


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