I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 2096: newcomer

It has to be said that those with the power of bloodline have strong physical potential, excellent repair ability and other abilities.

"Are you alright?" He Chenguang asked.

Xiaoxuan nodded, looked back at the other party, and revealed a sly smile.

"I'm fine, just take a rest."

She just felt that the place where she had just been hit was a little numb, and she didn't feel much else.

He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing were both speechless. Is this the owner of the power of blood, which is shocking.

"Let's continue."

Xiaoxuan said modestly, she came here to join them, so she couldn't slack off.

He Chenguang nodded, and then gave the other party some basic training to train the special forces who had just joined.

Xiaoxuan cooperated very well, showing a pure red and white smile, her whole person exuding a bright and capable, and she was familiar with the process at once.

"Learn so fast."

Wang Yanbing also said that she felt that according to this, Xiaoxuan's progress may be very rapid, and it is possible to keep up with them or even surpass them.

He Chenguang had a gleam of light, then looked at Wang Yanbing, who was resting, and nodded.

The three people in the training room were practicing separately. He Chenguang, the ancient martial artist's handwriting, was comprehending. Suddenly, the whole body felt refreshed. After training, the efficiency of physical fitness has been improved.

"come on."

Hei Man sometimes comes to watch and then gives an evaluation.

For the rest of his life, he spent the rest of his life comprehending the six-star pattern in his room. Perhaps in the near future, he would like to use this pattern to fight.

"Tianzhi Organization, how much do you know about them?"

He was a little puzzled, and his eyes became a little brighter. If the other party used this kind of thing to do bad things, he would definitely stop it.

Yu Sheng repeatedly deduced, and felt that the six stars were mysterious and unpredictable, and he noticed that this picture did not seem to be complete.

However, he wanted to find the completed picture, and where did he go to find it.

"forget about it."

After Yu Sheng came out and took a breath of air, he felt that it was time to go to Hongmeng to take a look.

After arriving here, he stopped the car. Since the last time He Chenguang and the others moved, the place has been in a mess, and it can be seen that it is being repaired.

"There are no more guests here, come here in a while."

A member of the Red Alliance said solemnly, and at the same time there was a hint of alertness on his face.

Yu Sheng nodded, and then looked around here.

"What are you doing, didn't you let you go?"

A member came over and said that he seemed a little angry that the person did not listen.

"I can't even look at it, it's not that I have done any shameful deeds here." Yu Sheng replied.

This time, this person was completely on fire, and they exuded an aura, and Yu Sheng found out that since they were all bloodline people, they all looked at him immediately.

"The Red Alliance has gone, why not find some useful jobs."

Yu Sheng looked at these people and said that he didn't want them to be bound by the Red Alliance here.

"Shut up and don't ask, these things are not something you can inquire about."

After speaking, they began to look at the rest of their lives and were a little curious.

"You are not afraid of us, you are also a bloodline person."

Suddenly they surrounded Yu Sheng, as if they didn't want to let it go.

"It came just right. It must be the accomplices of those people last time. Let's see if we arrest you and ask if it is those people."

As soon as they said that, they shot, and their moves were fatal.


Yu Sheng just waved his hand, and then his body shook, and these people dispersed and fell to the side, without any strength to fight back.

This shocked them, and their eyes were also looking at Yu Sheng.

"Let your boss come out, otherwise, I have no guarantee that this place will be destroyed."

Yu Sheng did not have any scruples, and directly smashed a wall and said.

They didn't slack off and left after hearing Yu Sheng's words.

"Who is looking for me?"

After a while, a voice came, and more than a dozen bloodline people appeared behind them at the same time, all exuding a powerful aura.

"I'm looking for you. I don't think your place can continue to operate. You give a price and I'll buy it."

Yu Sheng looked at them, very calm, as if there was nothing to shy away from discussing the conditions directly.

"When did we say we were going to transfer? This is the base of our Red Alliance. Who are you? You dare to make trouble."

Hong Zifeng is a little anxious, although they are a small organization and not very large, but not everyone can bully.

"It doesn't matter who I am, it doesn't make sense to tell you, because if you don't move here, I'll move it for you."

After he finished speaking, Yu Sheng began to clear the field and smashed the wall, only to see that he had a hammer in his hand at some point.

This was like a joke and surprised everyone in the Red Alliance. They didn't expect that since someone single-handedly wanted to tear down the door of their organization.

"I really thought we were easy to bully."

The leader, Hong Zifeng, grabbed it with one hand, and saw a leaf-shaped thing appearing on his palm, which was the power of the Teng bloodline.

Yu Sheng waved his hand directly, rushed out a small beast and directly swallowed the vines.


Hong Zifeng felt a little stimulated, and the power of the opponent's blood restrained him.

"It's not surprising, you three-legged cat kung fu, don't show off, if you don't evacuate here, then today is the day your Red Alliance disappears."

Yu Sheng said with a flame-like aura.

This suddenly changed the faces of the group of people behind, making them feel how could there be such a strong person.

So strong, how can they deal with this kind of breath, all of them are probably not as good as each other.

"Who are you?"

Hong Zifeng was a little flustered, and he finally realized that he had provoked someone he shouldn't have provoked.

Yu Sheng replied, "I don't need to say more about what you have done. At the same time, experiment with the power of blood, use some animals for research, and put them out for auction at the same time."

Yu Sheng is staring at them. Now, instead of letting them think about it, let them retreat. There is no room for negotiation. If there is a change, kill them.

Hong Zifeng's face was very dry. Indeed, this is the secret of their organization, and it is generally not disclosed to the public. I don't know where this person learned about this, which made him indignant.

"So what, you can report us, or complain to us, and let us be sanctioned."

Hong Zifeng continued, "What you call justice is not just talking about it, there must be evidence."

Yu Sheng sneered, he no longer wanted to talk nonsense with the other party, and threw a punch.

Hong Zifeng raised his vigor and bloodline, and saw that he was surrounded by Teng Tiao's breath, which was airtight.

"The sixth sense of the battle formation, the awakening of the eagle eye bloodline, the awakening of the swift power of the cheetah, and the awakening of the bloodline of the Millennium Tyrannosaurus Rex."

Yu Sheng's eyes were red, and then he punched a lot of things in the past.


In the sound of an explosion, Hong Zifeng bleeds from the corner of his mouth, and falls a little embarrassed.

"Disband, or die, you choose one."

Yu Sheng looked at him, not joking.

When threatening his own life and death, no one is not serious, even if he is the ruler of the Red Alliance.

"Okay, I promise you to disband."

Red and purple maple is also taken, they did not expect such a day after all.

Originally, he operated this base only for biochemical research, but later found a business opportunity to stop here. He did not set up a large scale, but he did not expect to be disbanded by one person.

There were about ten soldiers behind him, and none of them made a sound, because they knew that all the animals in the research institute had run away, and new blood vessels had not been developed, so they had no income.

"Look, isn't it sad that none of you are helping you?"

Yu Sheng looked at him like this, and also looked at these soldier kings and said, "Let me draw out the power of my own blood for you."

Pulling out the power of blood, is this person joking, you must know that once the power of blood is integrated, it will last a lifetime.

But what they didn't know was that Yu Sheng's methods were superb, and they saw that he took out the silver needle and sealed the blood of Hong Zifeng.

Sure enough, the power of this person's bloodline was implanted.

"Do not."

Under the operation of the rest of his life, Red Zifeng only felt that one of its own substances was being lost and spread outside the body. It was a kind of rare blood, and there was a rattan in the blood phantom.

The rest of his life took it and sealed it in a small jar.

The power of the bloodline that Hong Zifeng was pulled away like this was shocking.

These people in the back didn't dare to say anything more, for fear that it would be their turn next, and they could not guarantee whether the rest of their lives would take action against them.

In fact, the rest of his life did not intend to let them go.

"Give you a choice, die, or remove the power of the bloodline."

When these people heard it, their faces turned pale, with anger, and they felt humiliated.

After all, they are also bloodline people. Even if they go outside, their status is extremely noble. It seems that they have been reprimanded here. Since they choose to remove the power of bloodline, they will completely become ordinary people.

"What a big tone, who do you think you are."

After he finished speaking, he threw himself up, not giving Yu Sheng a chance to react.

Yu Sheng smiled and shot.

"Bang bang bang."

These bloodline people are not opponents at all. The enemies who are close to the rest of their lives are brought down immediately, and there is no way to fight back.

They showed horrified expressions, as if they had encountered a terrible thing, and they did not expect to be easily settled by others, making their usual pride feel like being stepped on.

"If you don't accept it, you can still come if you don't accept it."

Yu Sheng has a strong body, and the terrifying aura there is enough to sweep everything in general.

"Is that human being."

They are also bloodline people, and they have become extremely unconfident at this moment, why are the same bloodline people in different situations.

It's like the gap between a tall, rich, handsome, and a short, poor camel.

Yu Sheng just glanced at them coldly, and said, "It's fine if you don't let you die. Anyway, you can save a life, and whoever is bloodline will only do bad things."

When he was talking, Yu Sheng was already ready for needles, one by one sparkling.

"What is this for, don't tell me."

They realized that their final result might be pulled away from the power of the blood veins like Hong Zifeng, so they were immediately terrified.

"I do not want."

A person was pinned down for the rest of his life, unable to move, and then the needle was forcibly administered.

Gu Tianyi's silver needle and Yu Sheng's understanding of the power of blood, immediately plunged into it, drawing out a stream of air and a drop of blood.

This blood was put into the bottle by him, and then sealed. The man has since fainted, and it is impossible to accept this fact.

Without the power of blood, they would be busy doing things like ordinary people, and could no longer rely on the power of blood to serve as bodyguards and thugs.


When it came to the second person, he was very unconvinced and shot at Yu Sheng, but before he had time to stop, Yu Sheng stunned the opponent.

I saw Yu Sheng succeeded another person, and a drop of blood was put into a bottle.

There was already a rush in the bottle, because so many different blood condensed together, something must have happened, and they were unwilling to be melted by each other.

Yu Sheng said that they wanted to fight to reach the strongest state.

"I don't know what the final result will be."

Yu Sheng left after pulling out the power of blood, and returned to his residence.

When he came back, he glanced towards the training room, but he didn't expect that they were still practicing.

Ah Man taught by the side from time to time, and became a martial arts consultant.

Xiaoxuan learns quickly, has the power of bird blood, and is extremely adaptable. Except for some high-load sports, he will pant, and she will not pant in general physical training.

"It's good, I'll be strong in the future."

Feeling that her waistline was slowly shrinking, she was satisfied and anxious, and there would be lines soon.

Yu Sheng felt a little distressed when he saw He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing sweat on their foreheads.

This is not because they feel distressed in training, but because of how hard they work, there will always be a gap between them and the bloodline.

"It's better, I will try to inject the power of blood into you." Yu Sheng said.

"Inject that thing?"

He Chenguang's eyes swayed a little for a moment.

For them, this is no longer the way to do it, making them sad.

"let me consider it."

In the end, He Chenguang said that he did not directly refuse.

Wang Yanbing nodded, his opinion was the same as He Chenguang.

Yu Sheng sighed, he knew from the bottom of his heart that they would not accept this kind of thing easily. After all, if they accepted it, it would be unscrupulous in order to become stronger.

Even if they can achieve their goals, what's the point of unscrupulous means, they generally follow that if they have it, they have it, and if they don't have it, they don't have it. The simple strength is real.

It's like a person, if he is not beautiful, he will have plastic surgery. For most people, they can't get past this hurdle, and they feel bad about it. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

But He Chenguang did not directly refuse, but euphemistically delayed.

Yu Sheng felt that maybe he needed a night to think about it.

Gently opening the jar, the blood inside has fused into a drop of blood. This drop of blood looks good, but he does not intend to use him for experiments for the rest of his life, and he intends to give it to Dr. D for research.

Dr. D waited for the rest of his life in the laboratory for a long time, and when the rest of his life came, he was still warmly entertained.

"It's great that you're finally here."

Dr. D danced eagerly, staring at the bottle in Yu Sheng's hand.

"Well, and bring something good, but don't be too happy, this drop of blood essence may have become the blood king."

The so-called blood king is that ordinary blood has spirituality, can move independently, and has its own thinking.

"Blood King is better and has more research value," Dr. D said.

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