I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 2099: make knives

"Who are you?"

The man who spoke had a stubborn face that was as sharp as a knife, but his eyes flashed a little, as if moving and dodging.

Yu Sheng looked at him and didn't say too many options to do it directly.


Another person was grabbed by him, picked up like a chicken, and twisted frantically there.

"Who knows the headquarters of Fallen Sun Ridge." Yu Sheng asked without expression.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

The knife cut man's face was stern, and at the same time he spoke a little awkwardly. Obviously, he was a little uneasy in his heart, and he didn't know how to persuade this devil to go away.

"Don't say it, there is only one ending, and that is death."

Yu Sheng slammed out a punch, and the person in his hand was killed immediately, and he was killed without even having time to let out a wailing.


It has to be said that Yu Sheng's strength has left a mark on their hearts, and they can clearly feel that their hearts are beating, as if they are reaching their throats.

"Speak or not."

For the rest of his life, he doesn't have so much patience, especially when dealing with scumbags. Killing is what he wants.

"I said, I said."

I saw that the knife-cutting man couldn't bear the pressure and provided clues.

"I just know that."

He said nervously, and at the same time stared at Yu Sheng and replied.

Yu Sheng nodded, and did not question the authenticity of his words, but the hands were still in a group, and the other party died violently.

The people next to him were dumbfounded, their boss was killed like this, and they didn't even have time to resist, or have the ability to resist.

"How could this be."

Some people are a little bit shadowy, and they were killed when they said the news. Are they desperate now?

"Sir, spare your life, spare your life."

These bloodline people knelt down and asked for forgiveness for the rest of their lives. After all, they knew that there was too much blood on their hands and others. The people in front of them were obviously standing on the opposite side of them, and they were likely to be liquidated.

Yu Sheng did not kill them all, and finally used the silver needle to pull out the power of blood in their bodies, quelling their ability.

"After that, you will be ordinary people. You can do whatever you need to accumulate, and don't cause chaos in society."

The warning from the rest of their lives made them nod their heads. What could be more important than this.

At this point, Yu Sheng left here. At the same time, the blood in his bottle was beating. This time, he collected the blood of more than 30 bloodline people.

Dr. D was very happy, and regarded the pills tempered last time as a reward for the rest of his life.

Yu Sheng nodded and took it, but he still had some doubts.

"In addition to researching this recovery medicine, what else did you get?"

Dr. D was stunned and looked at Yu Sheng in a strange way.

"Do you think I will study other things without telling you? I'm not that kind of person."

After Dr. D finished speaking, he patted Yu Sheng's shoulder, telling him not to think too much, just work together.

Yu Sheng nodded, but then shook his head.

"I hope you don't test my patience, otherwise this will be the last blood supply."

Yu Sheng is not joking, he will do exactly that, if Dr. D doesn't tell him the truth.

Dr. D was embarrassed because he didn't know if Yu Sheng would blame him after he knew the truth, but if he didn't say it, he might break up on the spot.

"There is a growth substance that can expand on the original cellular basis."

Dr. D used a microscope to show Yu Sheng, and Yu Sheng saw cell proliferation, and sure enough, these cells grew rapidly.

Yu Sheng also found that from the DNA, the data provided by these blood samples, this has been separated from human DNA, or mutated.

"It is necessary to organize this kind of human body to be implanted in the bloodline." Yu Sheng had this idea in his heart, because he did not guarantee continued development, and human beings will become uncontrollable walking dead one day.

"I've said everything I need to say, thank you for your precious blood."

After Dr. D finished speaking, he went to the side to extract samples for research.

Yu Sheng nodded, and then visited the laboratory, where he found some discarded materials, which looked good.

"This is mother gold."

Yu Sheng asked, "Why was it abandoned like this? Isn't this high-value material?"

Dr. D turned his head and looked at him with a pair of eyes with a hint of loneliness.

"It's a good material, but unfortunately I don't know what I should use him for. After all, I'm old, and many times I don't have the energy to be young. I think I can make some weapons. If you want to use it, just use it."

Yu Sheng nodded, "I really took you away, don't regret it."

Dr. D frowned when he heard the words, and said a little depressed.

"Do you think it doesn't matter if I can speak? If I regret it, why would I say this?"

Dr. D's eyes showed a little splendor, as if it was a memory, and he told his experience when he was young. At that time, he was also a soldier king, guarding the border.

"I don't know how the situation in the frontier has been going for so many years."

He looked up at Yu Sheng, "You have time to help me take a look in the future, and by the way, bring a message."

Yu Sheng nodded, he did not refuse.

Yu Sheng got these ingredients when he left, and he found that there was a layer of mental fluctuations behind the ingredients, which was a green spiritual energy substance.

Yu Sheng began to build in one corner of the villa, and his movements and voice attracted others.

Hei Man came to see him and came to help when he found work to do.

Yu Sheng nodded and instructed, "Go to the top to find some materials and come back."

Heiman paused after hearing this, and then set off.

He paused because he didn't know what he wanted to do for the rest of his life and what was in his heart, but he knew he just had to do it.

On the mountain, it was the season of fire. Heiman directly picked up many branches, and then held them in his hands in the most primitive way.

Heiman immediately transported the material back to the fire, and was seeing Yu Sheng in the design.

"Design some weapons for you to use."

Yu Sheng looked at Hei Man and said, "No matter how hard you sharpen your big knife, you should put it in the cultural heritage one."

Hei Man was a little speechless. This was his weapon, but it had been a long time, and when he was unearthed with him, there was mottled rust, and now it can no longer be used as a weapon, and he usually just put it aside.

Hei Man nodded, he had no reason to refuse such a thing, there was a look in his eyes, he looked at Yu Sheng and nodded.

"Okay, you can tell me what size you want." Yu Sheng said seriously.

Heiman also said that it is the same as his previous knives.

For the rest of my life I began to strike iron, then shape it, and the knife was done in just a few hours.

Hei Man never thought that Yu Sheng's skills were so good that he was comparable to some blacksmiths in ancient times.

"It's not worth mentioning, just use it."

Yu Sheng said after hearing Hei Man's praise, with an indifferent expression.

Immediately afterwards, he hit the city emperor with an iron rod, but the iron rod was not more than one meter longer.

"How can this be used to fight?"

Hei Man questioned, and asked with a pair of eyes staring at the black iron rod in Yu Sheng's hand.

"You don't understand, this thing is used to control the soul in the bloodline."

After Yu Sheng finished speaking, he turned his eyes to the picture above.

The strength of Zhen Guo Shenshuai showed, and Yu Sheng was like a giant beast from the abyss, and he directly whistled out a thing wrapped around an iron rod.

"You know what this thing is for."

After the rest of my life is shown, I put it away.

Hei Man looked at it for a while, and said in his heart that he also wanted to have such a thing, but Yu Sheng didn't want to create it for him now.

"You already have a knife, you don't need to repeat it. If you can communicate, you can also cover the power of your own blood to generate a soul."

After Yu Sheng finished speaking, he continued to work.

The base species of the Tianzhi organization, a man is beautiful and coquettish. I saw another heart in his plate. After the man's heart was cut open, a thing the size of a bean was implanted, and then sewed back.

"Only one grows in a month, and I will eat two a day."

He said this at this time, his face was a little unfinished, but at this moment, the man who looked like a housekeeper reminded him of something.

"Oh, being able to find Fallen Sun Ridge, it seems that he has a good ability, but unfortunately, if he can't deal with those people under me, he is just a waste."

After he finished speaking, he continued to gnaw at his heart, without any worries.

Yu Sheng didn't know that even the people from Fallen Sun Ridge were in the plan of the Tianzhi organization.

Zhitian, as the highest-level leader of Tianzhi, of course has many things under his control, but as long as he controls the limited number of people in the underground to help him die, all this will be solved easily.

"Keep an eye on him for me."

After the words, the butler also came over and nodded to indicate that he heard it, and then continued to serve him.

In the wasteland of Beicheng, a turmoil continued to break out, and many people were killed. Some terrorists were under curfew here and had frequent activities. They didn't know what he was doing.

Some ancient warriors were also coming here and collided with these people.

Compared with the bloodline warriors, the ancient warriors cannot be said to be more powerful, because each has its own characteristics.

Ancient warriors, their abilities are martial arts and offensive methods, achieving a natural unity offensive, which is extremely powerful.

Bloodline warriors can improve their combat effectiveness by activating their own bloodline power to fight. Compared with ancient warriors, it is like a temporary opening. Although they cannot fight for a long time, they can also use some moves with ancient warriors without defeat.

The ancient warriors with veils arrived with a group of people in ancient costumes. It is said that some local troops went to encircle and suppress them. Ordinary weapons did not do much for them, but they were injured a little, not very serious.

After thinking about it for the rest of his life, it was time for him to take action, and he immediately brought Hei Man.

"You go out with me for a few days and behave well."

After Yu Sheng finished speaking, he walked with him and arrived at the wasteland in the north.

This place is a battlefield, and there will be some disputes in small countries in a short time, big and small will appear here.

As soon as Yu Sheng arrived, he saw someone covering a barrier not far away. It was someone who was camping or something.

The ancient warriors live here, and they have a bit of a doorway, and the rest of their lives are more careful.

"Excuse me, take it over and ask for some water."

Yu Sheng walked inside with two pots and saw a group of anciently decorated women sitting cross-legged. These were ancient warriors.

"No one is allowed in here."

A woman who was not too big said, his words were cold and strong, and Yu Sheng couldn't help but be shocked.

"I'm just begging for saliva."

Yu Sheng said in disbelief.

Hei Man also admires Yu Sheng's thick skin, which he has to learn.

"Begging for water."

The Ancient Warrior Gate did not expect this to be the case. There were not many people passing by here, and some people chose to avoid them. Since this person happened to be running in to ask for water.

"If you don't believe me, look, I've run out of water. How can I get out of the Gobi? I don't have a single camel."

Yu Sheng said that he couldn't help but said, as if he had experienced suffering.

"For example, I can give you a little water, but I can't keep you here overnight, because most of us are women."

The woman said, and then filled the two jars for the rest of her life with water.

Yu Sheng nodded, then thanked.

"I want to rest here tonight, but set up a camp outside, what do you think."

Yu Sheng wants to see clearly the purpose of these ancient warriors, because there should be a reason for them to act together.

"Okay, you can live as long as you want, but take care of your eyes and behavior, otherwise it's a common thing to break your hands and feet."

The woman said, not much to say.

Yu Sheng was outside and returned to the car.

"I don't think these people are bad-hearted." Hei Man said.

Yu Sheng nodded, "Of course it's not bad, because no one violated their interests, I'm just begging for saliva, if it's you, will I give it to you?"

Hei Man was stunned and nodded, maybe he would give it too.

"There is no absolute good and evil. They must have made a big move this time. Country C doesn't know what is attracting them. Unfortunately, I don't know their goal yet."

Yu Sheng always felt that he should figure out the target this time, so that he could walk in front of the ancient warriors.

There are also ancient warriors who can compare the strength of the rest of their lives, such as some super ancient warriors. These people are several times stronger than ordinary ancient warriors, who can tear ordinary bloodlines with their bare hands, and their fighting power is sturdy.

Yu Sheng felt that there was such an existence lurking in the tent just now, but he hadn't been involved for too long, so he didn't know which one it was.

I saw another group of people coming in front of them, full of vigor and vigour while walking.

This is a bloodline person, and it is a bloodline person who awakens autonomously, with powerful potential.

They are not like the artificially copied bloodline people, they seem to be more powerful, because the awakening steps are similar to the city emperor or He Chenguang's self-awakening, so naturally they are not weak.

"There are others here."

The first person with red skin looked at Yu Sheng, UU reading www. uukanshu.com "Country C is ahead, are you interested in moving forward together?"

Yu Sheng was approached and said, the man looked at him with a playful expression.

"I don't go to country C, I just stop for a while and leave right away."

Naturally, the rest of his life will not reveal the purpose of his actions, otherwise these people will definitely exclude dissidents on the road.

"What are you all here for? Needless to say, if you pretend, if you don't go together, then you will be the enemy."

This red-skinned man felt that the rest of his life was good, but he was rejected when he tried to pull his peers, and he was suddenly a little annoyed.


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