I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 2006: messenger power

In the fierce confrontation, there seemed to be an aura running wildly at the scene, as if it was oppressing people's hearts.

"Hmph, I didn't expect you to be able to withstand our blow, it's really rare."

The messenger slid his palm, and some strange symbols suddenly appeared, and they all gathered together to hit the knife.

In addition to Yu Sheng's powerful bloodline power and the role of his own research ability, now he may suffer a loss in the face of this kind of offensive, of course, the current situation is not much better.

"Come on, either you will die or I will die today."

There was a look in Yu Sheng's eyes, and he was about to get rid of this group of people, because they were a great threat to him. In fact, he was afraid of shooting people on his side, so he wanted to kill them.

"It's so sad that you don't know it until you die."

These people worked hard together, and at the same time, violent energy fluctuations came from the middle, reflecting some symbols, which seemed to be very ancient.

Gu Pan was a little sinking, like a brand image, Yu Sheng vaguely felt the energy fluctuations, and then he punched.

The Tyrannosaurus rex punched, and a Tyrannosaurus rex ran over and turned into a fist print and hit it.

At this moment, Yu Sheng saw that his fist intent was eroded and collapsed a little bit, and there was nothing left in that wave. Of course, the symbol wheel also dissipated, and he couldn't continue to attack.

"Damn how could this happen."

The messenger who made this move had a strange look in his eyes and was horrified, because he knew that since his power of this move had been dispelled.


The snake called out a little weakly, because in the face of such a strong man, he had no way to welcome Fengfeng, and could only hide helplessly behind the rest of his life.

He knew the strength of the people in front of him, because he hadn't seen anyone with bloodline coming down to give Yu Sheng a blow like this, and it was overwhelming.


Another move, turned into a phantom like a shooting star toward Yu Sheng's unicorn shadow, this time Yu Sheng only felt a shock in his body, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Yu Sheng was shocked. It was unbelievable how strong this power was, and even his unicorn phantom could not stop it.

"Hehe, let's see how many times you can take it."

After seeing Yu Sheng's blow, the man blushed, and immediately released the ultimate move, instilling different powers.

Yu Sheng's face is ugly, and these people are all extraordinary. Even if it is him, it is okay to face one. At the same time, he is really struggling with so many people. In the end, he may not have any good fruit to eat. This is what he can feel.

The brilliance remains unabated, these people are working very hard, and the moves on their bodies are constantly emerging. There is no way to estimate how strong they can be. I saw that this place seemed to be shattered.

Yu Sheng's eyes were a little red, he was injured again, and the super healing blood essence worked, repairing his physical injuries, allowing him to avoid danger again.

It's just that it's not a solution for him to use it repeatedly. In the end, it will consume his own energy, so he has to find a way.

At this moment, Hei Man came out, his eyes were full of energy, he was wearing a black armor, and his body exuded a kind of unyielding.

Yu Sheng found out that this was not the clothes he wore when he first met him, and why did he wear them now?

Hei Man's sword was in the air, then jumped up and killed it.

"don't want."

Yu Sheng knew that Hei Man was not a match for these people, and if he went up like this, he would be sent to death, and he might fall straight down without resting his eyes.

However, Yu Sheng fought back and forth with these people, and suddenly fell into a one-on-five situation, because the other five people were pressing Yu Sheng with inexplicable power.


Suddenly, there was a force in Yu Sheng's place, which directly bounced the opponent's strength back.

"How could this be."

Under the rebound of this force, these messengers were directly pierced by chest pains, and a terrifying blood hole appeared. This is exactly the power they had just now, and now they are rebounded, making their faces ashen and very ugly, as if the world was turned upside down at that moment, so that they did not have any resistance.

Yu Sheng's eyes were cold and he killed him at random.


The blood flowers were temporarily released, and Yu Sheng caught up with them at an extremely fast speed, so that they could not react. One person was killed on the spot and the corpse was there.

The rebound force was not alone, they all retreated, their faces full of fear.

Now these injured people still need their companions to treat them. However, how to treat them? While being attacked by Heiman's strong force, they have the rest of their lives blocking their way, making it difficult for them to continue.

"help me."

Another injured messenger with a blood hole in his chest said, only to see his voice whine, revealing some coolness.

The companion wanted to save him, but he was blocked by Hei Man's cold moves.

The strange thing is that their knife aura is useless against Heiman, and the knife in Heiman's hand seems to take effect on their casting method and immediately dominate.


With this sound, another messenger was blasted to pieces on the spot.

"Yu Sheng, stop."

The messengers who fought against the black barbarians were a little chilled. They kept seeing their companions being killed, and they seemed to have a shadow shrouded in it, which became heavier and heavier.

"You want me to stop, when you guys are aggressive and want to take my life."

Yu Shengshen's eyes were red, how could he stop there, he randomly rushed into the crowd, and when an injured messenger was on the spot, Thunder attacked.


The messenger didn't expect that so many people would still be killed here for the rest of his life, and he stared at him for a lore at first sight, making him angry and scared.

"Retired wildly."

The messenger who was protecting him spoke, and protected the man behind his back, no mistakes were allowed.

"Can you stop it?"

The rest of his life burst out with the energy of a shock wave, the blood of the unicorn, the ancient beast, the Tyrannosaurus rex, and the sixth sense of war broke out at the same time, making him beneficial to the invincible.


Looking at Yu Sheng's body like exploding power, they didn't understand what happened to this bloodline person, how could he be so strong.


Yu Sheng threw a fist, and one enemy and three directly hit their knife. The knife went straight up and wanted to kill Yu Sheng, but Yu Sheng ignored it and hit it anyway.

There was blood flying in this place, and Yu Sheng's hand was bleeding with the inscription of the knife edge. At the same time, he also got his wish and blasted away the messengers and brought the man behind him out.

"No, don't kill me."

The man trembled and struggled constantly, feeling like he was on the execution ground, but how could he escape Yu Sheng's palm.

"now you."

Yu Sheng's words fell, followed by a sharp scream, and the man's upper body was hit by a punch and fell into a corpse.


At this time, there were still five ancient warriors left behind. There were originally eight of them, but now they were directly beheaded by Yu Sheng.

"How could this be."

Their faces were pale, and they couldn't speak for a long time, as if they were suffocating, and they had stopped attacking at this time.

Hei Man also stopped and walked to Yu Sheng's side.

He wanted to take off the armor and stomach, but the rest of his life stopped him.

"It's okay, I don't need these, you keep it for yourself, we will fight together."

The battle for the rest of your life is high, and there is an indescribable confidence. If you were a little afraid at the beginning, then now you have no fear.

"Today, you can't kill us."

The messengers formed a circle, and since a sharp blade flew out in the middle, they converged into a light-shaped thing.

Yu Sheng felt that the atmosphere had changed a bit, and his expression was a little serious. If he guessed correctly, this move must be very powerful.

Hei Man would definitely not condense such a move for them, but he was blocked in an instant and could not get close to his opponent.

"We underestimated you just now, but now, you have no chance."

These envoys resented that they still had backers who didn't need to die, but unfortunately the change came too fast, and they were killed so ignorantly, which really made their hearts hurt, and at the same time their hearts became cold.


I saw that the light source in the sky seemed to spread its wings, and wherever it flew, the energy seemed to be drained, and it locked the rest of the life.

Yu Sheng also used the power of his whole body. His body seemed to be transformed into a unicorn. The unicorn arm and unicorn skin were covered like armor, like a beast king aloof.

At this moment, the two sides are bound to desperately, there is no reservation, it is meaningless to continue to fight, both sides are red-eyed.

Facing this kind of power, Hei Man had a feeling of being overwhelmed, and he knew that it was a power he could not face.

He couldn't take this move, so he chose to avoid it. He was uneasy, wondering if he could take it for the rest of his life.

"Bloodline, you surprised us, but it's just surprising how people like you can be qualified to be our opponents."

After saying this, those few people stared at Yu Sheng who had turned into a beast with an aloof attitude.

Yu Sheng's eyes were already red, and the remaining unicorn scales completely covered his face, making him look like a living unicorn.

It incarnates like a stream of light, and the red dazzling kills the past, choosing to actively greet the light source that seems to be able to cut everything down.


I saw the big explosion, and no one knew what happened, because it was generated after the rest of my life approached, and it was especially violent.

The messengers were flown out by Yubo Town, and then vomited blood.

"Hmph, since that madman took the initiative to approach, he must have been bombed to death."

The light source that annihilates everything was learned from some of the classics given by Lord Zhitian, and the price they paid for this was not betrayal.

If it wasn't to kill the rest of their lives, how could they have used such a killer in advance, but it was worth it.

"It's dead, maybe only some broken bones and flesh and blood are left."

One of the messengers smiled brightly, and finally breathed a sigh of relief as if he had been suffocated for a long time.

"Of course it's too dead to die, bones and flesh, I'm afraid these will no longer exist."

Another messenger smiled grimly, showing a triumphant smirk, and was constantly scolding.

Hei Man was also in a heavy heart, and in another moment he felt that he had fallen to the bottom of the valley. It was really like what the other party said, Yu Sheng was already dead and was beheaded.


The snake's eyes were red and sparkling, and he wiped away tears, as if he had been hit hard in his heart.


A dragon's aura penetrated from the front with great momentum and rushed directly to the messengers.

"Who, is another one here to die?"

The messenger said coldly, there was not a trace of emotion in the words, but also a trace of contempt.

"You have the rest of your life to come."

This City God's body was surrounded by dragon energy, and his blood was completely activated. He stood like a **** of war, and at the same time he was unwilling to look at the explosion in front of him.

"Hehe, it turned out to be the same class of the despicable bloodline person, it's really good, just sent on the road together."

A messenger said with a smile, as if he had encountered something special.

"It's okay not to kill, kneel down and surrender, take over the baptism of Lord Zhitian, be loyal forever, and be a loyal believer, you can save your life."

A messenger next to him said that his words had a trace of consideration, and at the same time, it seemed to give this city a chance.

"The dog of Zhitian, I will slaughter him sooner or later."

As if shouting, this city **** rejected the past superficial attitude with words.

"Bold, you dare to blaspheme Lord Zhitian, you are not enough to die 10,000 times."

The messenger was finally angry, and this time he didn't want to give the people in front of him a chance.


This city **** snorted coldly, he was ready to fight to the death.

The smoke and dust filled the sky, and the smoke from the explosion just now gradually dissipated, but at this time someone saw a figure standing there.

"Well, that is."

These messengers were a little shocked, and then rubbed their eyes, and they saw a figure, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com appeared as the smoke and dust dispersed, it was a human-walking unicorn beast.

"You, die."

Yu Sheng was in a special state now, and he couldn't tell how he felt, and then he stepped forward and appeared in front of the city **** in an instant.

"I'm coming, you leave."

Feeling the other party's concern, this city **** is not as sad as before. He wanted to slaughter all the enemies to avenge the rest of his life, but obviously he didn't need it, because the rest of his life was not dead.

"You, survived."

The messenger said such words as if in disbelief.

However, Yu Sheng didn't give him a chance to say more, and a flash came to him and fell directly under his feet.

"Monster, monster."

This messenger was terrified to the extreme. He was so shocked that he was in a cold sweat. He was trampled under his feet. He had no room for resistance. Is this the strength of the person in front of him.

"What are you going to do, let him go.",

He was angry for a moment, and he no longer allowed his companions to die, and roared at the rest of his life.

However, the answer was only a sound of blood spattering, and the man was directly crushed by Yu Sheng's foot and died on the spot.

Yu Sheng looked at them, now it's time to clear up, these people can't stay, because he doesn't know if he will still be invincible like he is now when he meets them next time.


One emissary was punched through, convulsed in place and died.

The scene was tragic, but Yu Sheng did not intend to show mercy.

"Your so-called Lord Zhitian, one day I will go to the meeting. Before that, I will send you on the road."

Yu Sheng's words were cold, and then he made a decisive move and killed all the enemies.

The wind was blowing gently, and it was difficult to conceal the killing spirit here, and there was a kind of tranquility after the killing.

The rest of his life fell to the Riling Research Institute and killed the eight ambassadors under Tianzhi's command, which shocked the subordinate countries.

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