I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 2101: Infiltrate the hospital

He always obeys the instructions above when he performs his tasks, and never asks more questions, but he also enjoys knowing it, just like this city **** wants to know the reason now.

"Here, you may be able to catch big fish." Yu Sheng's eyes were bright, and there was a lack of recognition.

To be able to have such an opportunity, it must be to kill the target person in one go, but at this time, this city **** is letting the housekeeper, even if he knows the reason, he just nodded.

Everyone may have their own personality, Yu Sheng said, "If you don't want to, then I will watch the house, you and Heiman go, and you can rest assured that Heiman will go alone, it must be you or me to cooperate with him. "

At this moment, a shadow seemed to pat Ben Yusheng on the shoulder. Someone had said these words a long time ago, so he knew that what a superior person saw naturally made sense.

It was clear that the city **** was a little unhappy or angry just now, but now he showed a firm look, and he no longer had any psychological doubts.

"It's good, we can only have so many people tonight. If an intruder comes to this place, it's up to you to see what people do, whether to kill or fight back."

Except for some factors, this City God feels the same, as long as he comes, he will fight back. This is actually the same concept as killing, when he decides to protect something.

Heiman walked in from outside the room, just as he saw the two communicating, and knowing that this city **** was going to stay here tonight, he gave the city **** the knife on his body.

"Ken can show it to me now, I asked you if you would lend it or not," said the city god.

Even for the rest of my life, I can feel the coldness on the knife. This is a very good knife that has been specially tempered. It can cut through ordinary alloys and is extremely sharp.

But now, it is being held in the hands of this city **** and gestured with ease.

"You can be careful, I won't pay for the medical bills if you hurt me." This further shows the special nature of the knife. Even Hei Man told him to be careful enough to prove this.

"A little bit of attention, and flashed out." This City God threw it out, and set it directly on the wooden table beside it. In short, it was very fast and at the same time, it seemed to be standing on top of it and shaking.

This Chenghuang smiled lightly, "Look at my playing skills, you are still afraid that I will be hurt by it."

The people who come add up, if there are no ten or eight emergencies, perhaps this city **** will not use this kind of thing at all, unless some very strong people are worthy of his shot.

He moved very freely, and when he gestured there, he also remembered the sound of the wind whining in the room. He waved several moves in one breath, and when he stopped, he felt that the pores all over his body were opened.

"Hey, I miss the moment of the sword fight." This City God was a little uneasy, his eyes were obviously fiery, and he looked at Yu Sheng and Hei Man.

Hei Man shook his head, "No, it's all my own, don't take a knife if you want to practice."

Apart from the general knife masters, it is estimated that he will also be stage fright when he looks at this city god. With his strength, he is naturally very terrifying, but Yu Sheng smiled faintly.

Even though this City God is very strong, when he met Yu Sheng's smile, he was stunned for a moment, and there was even a rhythm between his breaths.

Yu Sheng didn't have any other words to say, he just attacked with his bare hands, but the city **** used a knife to resist and counterattack, and the room suddenly couldn't calm down, and no one gave a step.

Hei Man was startled at first, and saw the two fighting. He tried to persuade and disintegrate their competition, but found that he could not intervene and was almost injured.

They are going to perform tasks, what are they going to do, when they can't practice well, and what if they get hurt, Hei Man is worried.

This is a kind of domineering comparison, and all the situations are enough to show that the two have extraordinary skills. The fast knife **** and the dodger are like those who follow a phantom.

"Okay, I noticed a little about the angle of your knife." I don't know when, Yu Sheng immediately shot after saying this, and at this moment, Ben Chenghuang's arm was numb, and there was pain. .

Hei Man saw that Yu Sheng took advantage of the situation to catch the knife and handed it to the city god.

"It's still you who are powerful." This City God felt that the breathing of the person in front was slow, and he even had the rest of his life to break his offensive without using much strength.

Heiman's prepared persuasion was not carried out, but the outcome was decided, and he also had a smile on his face.

"Okay, okay, they're all powerful, they're better than me." He only had one thought now, and he didn't want this city **** to be on the top of his head. He appeared beside the two of them and kept saying some pleasant words.

This City God has a black face. He didn't know that Hei Man would say these words when he appeared. Wouldn't he show that he was stingy and couldn't afford to lose? At this critical time, he also wanted face.

"I understand all of this, don't enlighten me, I will lose if I lose."

Yu Sheng nodded, "Humbleness is good, and it is also a kind of courage. Of course, you must have a heart for progress."

At this time, the three of them were inappropriate and chatted with each other for a while.

As the action unfolded, Yu Sheng seemed to have felt that the action tonight was not easy, and asked the city **** to keep safety when necessary.

This is not at all like what Yu Sheng would usually say to this City God, and it also caused him and Hei Man to be stunned, as long as they nodded.

This is a special operation. In the past, there were many people who carried out such large-scale operations. They quickly approached the hospital, and they were ready to climb the ropes for the rest of their lives.

"Monitor, at one o'clock, monitor at three o'clock." Hei Man said.

But now, if they have a chance, they need to destroy the monitoring facilities. After hearing Hei Man's words, Yu Sheng has some bottom line in his heart.

Almost, it seems impossible to eliminate all monitoring because the distance is too far, but ordinary people who come to do this may have long thought of persuading them to quit.

Up to now, Yu Sheng has no choice but to take out his sniper rifle. He specially built this thing, which can communicate with the aura of his blood to strengthen and weaken its power.

This is such a rigorous thing that he used a sniper rifle, and Hei Man was also a little solemn, lying on the side and didn't dare to move.

The rustling wind blew, Yu Sheng stuffed the bullet holes with chewing gum, then put the stones in, and pulled the trigger.

This is the rhythm of blowing up the monitor, so that Hei Man doesn't know how to say it, maybe he has to explain it to him for the rest of his life.

A breath filled the air, and the chewing gum that came out of the gun was pulled directly to a surveillance head more than ten meters away and covered it.

Heiman's somewhat fascinated eyes are enough to see the accuracy and stunningness of this shot, because the angle is too tricky, as if it was impossible but was shot by Yu Sheng.

"Let's go."

Yu Sheng whispered, he jumped directly and appeared in another place, and then signaled Heiman to follow.

Every time he passed a place, Yu Sheng had to wait silently for a while. He let out a long breath. After landing precisely, there was no eyeliner, and he immediately waved his hand to let Hei Man come over.

The moonlight and lights fell, and they looked like a dark shadow in their cloaked clothes, moving quickly as if they had never appeared before.

Even some special prevention and control they can cross, these are naturally trivial.

However, Hei Man stopped in his tracks, and his nervousness was unbearable. He looked in the direction ahead of Yu Sheng, since there was a black dog sleeping.

After a long time, the big dog turned over, pressed down on the bedding and iron chains below, and made a delicate sound.

This restrained breath shows that this dog must be a breed of dog, and Yu Sheng also realized something, but he understood it again in an instant.

No one dares to swagger past here. Even if they jump over, they will encounter such a hound. Otherwise, how can this place be so quiet and no one is on duty.

For the rest of his life, however, he found meat and bones in the kennel, along with a box that appeared to be spice.

He leaned forward and smelled it. This was a special spice that could paralyze a sense of smell, which was restraint for such a sensitive and powerful hound.

This is unimaginable, who would do this, and in the depths of his life, he would be speechless under such conditions. If it wasn't for the dog's snooze, they would all be exposed, as long as the other party barked, someone would come.

Finally, after observing, Yu Sheng found that the snoring from the duty room instantly understood. It is estimated that these guys didn't want the dog to disturb their rest, so they did this.

The so-called pursuit of wealth and wealth, Yu Sheng also beckons to let Hei Man jump over, the more this happens, the more uneasy the other party is.

Hei Man was a little speechless, wasn't he exposed like this, he was a little confused, and the whole person became stupid.

Yu Sheng Zai waved his hand and showed a decisive look, which meant that if Hei Man didn't come, he would act on his own.

If it weren't for this, Hei Man really didn't dare to come over. Under such conditions, his first consideration was the safety of each other's actions, but he looked away when he was sure of safety for the rest of his life.

A complete jump, directly from the fence to the point, the important thing is that there is no sound. He still jumped and did it in the end, Yu Sheng also nodded.

At this moment, it was impossible for the rest of his life to stop and just break through to prevent and control, even if it was some infrared traps or traps induced by breath, he broke through.

Yu Sheng did not regard these as any kind of tempering, but for Heiman, it was some experience, because he also accepted some of Yu Sheng's ideas and even experience in action in action.

This step, just learning, has made him great, which is something he can't experience in his usual training.

No one is born with it. It is like brewing something. It is impossible to be perfect at the beginning. As long as you have the heart, you can learn it well, and the rest of your life is also nodded.

I don’t know how many people have been stumped by the setting of these levels, so this kind of trap is originally a technological trap with more powerful technology arranged for some special intruders, and the more frightening it is. The so-called prevention and control can achieve this step. The rest of my life feels like home.

In front, there is a burst of smell, like the smell of some disinfectants or other medicines, but how can the rest of my life memorized the periodic table of elements and other periodic tables not knowing that ordinary medicines or chemical reactions can't respond to this at all. kind of breath.

Only something special, new experiments and new raw materials can do this. Of course, this kind of experiment also comes with risks and sacrifices. The group started again, forcing them to act without delay.

A huge mirror hangs in front of the building, as if casting a strangeness. With him as the center, all the equipment seems to be moving closer to him. This is the last prevention and control, and the sense of light spreads.

The rest of his life is like destroying this thing, and then going in without fail, just when he was about to start, someone passed by in front, and they were wearing black suits.

In the dark night, they passed by Yu Sheng and were smashed into the back car and knocked unconscious. They didn't want people to see this scene, so they quickly changed their clothes, and at the same time painted some makeup on the mirror of the car.

Yu Sheng's craftsmanship is good. Under such simple conditions, Hei Man is still made up to look like a person who hits the patrol with a cup of seven or eight points, and Yu Sheng is even more complex. .

When the mirror on the side of the door passed, they felt as if a pair of eyes were watching them, but they let them pass without reacting.

Lifting off the wig, Yu Sheng showed a smile, already matured in makeup, they mixed with a group of people and entered the elevator.

The two walked side by side, and no one else noticed them. Everyone was like a puppet, as if they were tired of such a night shift, and they didn't go out until they came to a flight of stairs.

For the rest of their lives, they slowed down, followed behind, and then came to see a room, until they saw the things above, which were all chemicals.

These workers looked down and didn't look up at anyone, like a crazy researcher, constantly experimenting, and their hoarse voices were only used to communicate from time to time, and these people who came here cooperated with carrying things and cleaning.

Under the light, these figures are like walking dead. They feel like they have never been out of the laboratory, and their bodies are messed up. No one knows why they are working so hard, including the rest of their lives.

"Why hasn't it been successful, and when will we be able to match." An unwilling voice sounded, accompanied by the sound of the glass bottle being destroyed, the man seemed to go crazy, and his eyes were full of bloodshots.

One footstep sounded, and two footsteps stopped in front of this man and stopped him.

The people here have long since become insensitive, and there are even a few working people who watch the excitement and turn around. They are covered in some chemical potions, and one hand is only slightly shaking to see what is inside.

Yu Sheng realized that these people may have varying degrees of mental illness, or other problems, otherwise they would not be, and they were forced.

"What are you arguing about~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Don't want to do it anymore?"

A hand reached out and grabbed the man's hand. He turned half of his face to the side and said to the researcher, "Don't you remember the conditions that were agreed at the beginning, you thought it was a joke."

After the man finished speaking, he threw the experimenter to the corner.

The man who was thrown into the corner said with tears in his eyes, "What if you gave me millions, I don't want this money, I want to be free." He knelt in front of the man and said, "Let me go, I'll go as soon as possible. Don't divide."

The man in the suit nodded, "Fulfill your wishes."

I saw that after passing me, he took out a pistol and pointed it at the head.


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