I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 2103: ruthless shot

However, while arousing their fighting spirit, Yu Sheng seemed to have stepped out of a mountain range, and he punched him with unabated momentum, which also exuded a shuddering blow.

This is not just a punch, it also means that there is a will, as if it can penetrate all barriers, and it corresponds to the attack of the man in the suit just now. I don’t know what will happen to them. This is everyone’s question. Immediately open.

It has been a long time, no one has dared to take this punch from him like this. In order to practice this skill, he does not know how much time and money he has sacrificed, and the supply of batches of bloodline people is the first time he has it. This kind of power was still a few months ago, and there is no doubt that it was a success.

This kind of posture, this kind of physique, is not afraid to face the challenges of various powerhouses, enough to make them all bleed and enter a cycle of being pushed horizontally. This is his examination of his posture.

However, he still underestimated Yu Sheng. Yu Sheng's punch is extremely domineering, not only his fist intent, but also the power of blood, and even the sixth sense born to fight is also reflected and used, and he has enough strength to deal with it. , more unstoppable indignation, inexorable trend, how could they be afraid of this kind of offensive.

"Bang bang."

I have to say that the energy fluctuations generated by the fierce confrontation are too violent, as if the air waves are emerging from the steaming and boiling, the suffocating thing is that this kind of breath is still continuing, extremely heavy and depressing.

This battle may have different results, because these people also realize the power of Yu Sheng, the intruder in front of them has a unique temperament, let them know the potential and means of this person, still will not Too much behind their boss.

The two confronted each other, and no one was afraid.

This may be the attitude of the general masters in the fierce battle. This kind of **** confrontation, no one has the momentum to talk about each other, so that a group of people are silent, and then they separate.

Separation is inevitable, the first move is generally not life and death, but since the shot should have a victory or defeat, although there is not so much attention to the fight, it is still reluctant to see who suffers and who has the advantage.

Inadvertently, these people looked at the two of them, only to find that Yu Sheng was standing there and did not move, while the man in the suit was originally deviated from his position, with a line of marks on his feet, his shoes were all torn, and stuck to the concrete floor with blood.

In fact, during the confrontation, it was already determined who was higher and who was lower, but he was still shaken, but he was still shocked by the face slap without a sudden effect.

1 At the same time, the man's face was pale and his forehead was sweating, because one of his hands was shaking a little. Although he concealed it well, it was difficult to hide the fluctuations in his heart. No one knew better than him how strong the opponent's punch was just now. The power directly disintegrated his move and slammed into his arm.

Everyone was silent, and his subordinates didn't dare to say too much for fear of angering their boss, and it seemed that they should have the upper hand, but they didn't know the injury of the man in the suit.

"Find a place to have a look. If you have time, you can save this hand."

Another voice remembered that with Yu Sheng's words, the man in the suit seemed to burst with a blood mist on his right arm, making his face extremely painful and ugly.

He can completely swept this place without anyone blocking him, but he didn't expect to meet a bloodline evolutionary stronger than him here.

He had to be terrified. It was the first time that he had such a sense of frustration and powerlessness. He wanted to prepare for a **** battle, but he didn't expect it to end after the first move.

"If you lose, what should you do?" Yu Sheng said lightly.

Here, he said such words in front of so many of the opponent's subordinates, and he had to say that his courage was commendable, and most people would not dare to do so.

It is useless to be unwilling, it is a fact that he cannot defeat the person in front of him.

"The real battle is only between life and death, and the others from there, you won't win until I fall."

The voice echoed, and the man in the suit who had already prepared everything now has a belief that he must kill this person.

In this group of people, there are other bloodline people, and there is no suspense now that they are going to join hands next.

I saw a group of people attacked with cold weapons, and now these cold weapons have given different meanings and are useful. In order to kill the intruders in front of them, they can be said to be willing to pay any price.


With a roar from the man in the suit, they went straight to the sand area. Facing this power of blood, Yu Sheng didn't blink his eyes, and there was a hint of thick color in his pupils. The sixth sense of war, Qilin blood, Tiger blood, Zhenwu blood recovery.

It didn't move, and when the heat approached, he passed directly through the body of the group of people, like a phantom. In the eyes of these people, there was an aura rolling over them, tearing their bodies, and someone directly kill.

This is brute force, there is no fancy brute force to directly shred the bodies of these bloodline people, as long as you have enough strength, you can do it.

These people were terrified. Seeing the ending of their companions just now, they couldn't help sweating, and their eyes flashed with a lustre as if they were about to retreat.

No one is not afraid of death, and now they are extremely depressed. The people in front of them can't see through their strength, and it seems like a thick dark cloud has accumulated in their hearts that cannot be dispersed.

Yu Shengli Lan Kuanglan solved another one. It was so straightforward. Since then, there have been almost no people who can pass him, because these people are weaker than men in suits and do not have enough strength to face the enemy.

Today's battle, if it develops like this, they will die here, and they will devote their last efforts to the organization. This looks glorious, but these people are a little uneasy.

"Don't, I won't fight anymore, I surrender, can surrender let me go?"

This was a voice from a man with a wound on his face. He no longer dared to shoot Yu Sheng for fear of being killed on the spot. All this happened so quickly that some people around him were dumbfounded.

"court death."

The man in the suit gave off a terrifying aura and then kicked the man in the chest, causing him to kill him on the spot with a terrifying chill.

The bright red blood was flowing, and the protruding feet of the man in the suit gave people a tragic feeling. The man was kicked to death by him, and he died horribly, with a look of shock in his eyes, wanting to beg for mercy.

It's just a pity that he no longer had the chance to beg for mercy, and fell straight down.

This scene was truly tragic, and it was his own people who were killed, and the suit was able to go off. I have to say that it surprised the rest of my life, as if I had gained knowledge.

"Fighting is not bad, but killing one's own people is quite agile." Yu Sheng said lightly.

The man in the suit had an ugly face. Nothing could be more humiliating than this. He knew that the man was no match for the person in front of him, but he angered him because he did not dare to fight.

Many people retreated one after another, for fear of going to fight Yu Sheng again, but they didn't dare to be too disobedient to the man in the suit, so their bodies were trembling and hesitating.

Some of the bloodline people who motivated their vigor also lost a lot of qi at this time, because they were afraid of showing too much hostility and being the first to kill the opponent.

This is also an effective way to protect themselves, but as time goes by, they know that they will still have to play, and they are a little dazed as if they are going to die.

Yu Sheng has an aura that serves everyone present at the scene. All of this shows his strength. No one dares to underestimate him. He beat the man in a suit with one punch. What else is there to say? Killing more than a dozen bloodline people is a lesson from the past.

"If you don't, I'll kill you all. It's a loss for you to eat and drink mine. Since you are so spineless when it comes in handy." The man in a suit shook a black knife in his hand and said, "Who won't go to me? The first to kill him, this person must die today, because there are reinforcements behind."

The man in the suit didn't quite understand what the above meant. This time, he dispatched some large-scale troops, as if making a big plan.

"Kill all those who don't surrender." Yu Sheng said.

This is a group of jackals, and naturally they will not be merciful for the rest of their lives. If these guys die, he will not have any burden.

"Form up and start shooting."

I saw a row of unknown troops carrying Gatling and some weapons on stage, and all of a sudden they shot in the direction of Yu Sheng, very ruthless, as if they were going to turn people into a hornet's nest.

Treated with endless gunpowder, there are dense bullet scars everywhere, making these people confident that they are sure to kill the rest of their lives.

Killing a person and dispatching so much firepower is sometimes a waste. This is the experience they have gained from fighting for a long time, and there is no need to work hard.

At this moment, their eyes are red, and several Gatlings are constantly risking sparks, and hundreds of thousands of firepower hits in a second. Suffering, even drinking hatred, and the person in front of him still has three heads and six arms, and will eventually be destroyed.

Where is Yu Sheng's vigorous figure standing, his hair drifts a little, as the bullets hit, he directly picks it up with his bare hands, every movement of his is very fast, and after Gatling is finished all at once, he also does it by hand, and a bunch of them appear in his hand. The bullet is shocking to watch.

This scene was too shocking. How could the figure under the endless bullets not fall down, and there was no wound or blood spilling out, they were all dumbfounded and couldn't believe it.

"That's not how bullets are used, that's how they should be used."

Yu Sheng waved the bullet in his hand, and the ripples were threaded, and the bullet head turned into the most beautiful killer, directly breaking the defense and hitting them.

This is a **** corridor, very tragic, everyone within the target range of everything has been swept away, and now Yu Sheng has been killed.

There was nothing to do under a lot of firepower, but they were almost wiped out by the firepower. What kind of concept is this, but it is really terrible and incomprehensible.

"No, it's not true."

Now that the man in the suit is a little dazed, the people he brought are like moths to the flames to be sent to death. With the statistics of their losses now, the price is a bit high, and it makes his face twitch.

"Tell me the secrets here and the crimes you have committed, and I can consider dealing with you leniently, or I won't kill you on the spot."

After Yu Sheng finished speaking, he stared at these people coldly, hoping that they would be enlightened.

"Fart, we still need you to teach us what to do, you go to death."

Yu Sheng's words made the man in the suit a little crazy, and he was very angry and wanted to kill Yu Sheng.

With the continuous expansion of his ambitions, it was not easy for him to reach this step. He was so defeated today, how could he be willing to die here, he must have to step on the corpse for the rest of his life.

"Okay, let's go with you."

A unicorn appeared behind Yu Sheng's back, reflecting its mighty might.

"You have reached this state by letting go of your blood."

The man in the black suit finally knew where he was from Yu Sheng. No matter the realm or anything else, he couldn't compare to the person in front of him, and things had far exceeded his expectations.

One person and one unicorn open and close here, and people pour in in the building, and the rest of their lives are left untouched, whether it is an ability person, a bloodline person, or some ancient warriors who don’t know how to invite them. All killed without exception.

It was a blood-stained night. The Falling Ridge Research Base was about to be pulled out. Yu Sheng was the last time to know about this. Through some people's return visits, they learned about some power relations between Country C and City D.

Yu Sheng looked at the man in disguise, "Aren't you going to go head to head, this is a chance to save your dignity and a chance to prove yourself."

Endless anger swept through the heart of the man in the suit. From that hideous face, he felt that today was a day of humiliation, and now he even brought out the crowd tactics, but he couldn't help him.

In such a big scene, he can only bite the bullet, and they should break up with each other anyway.

The power of the bloodline of a man in a suit is transformed into a form, and it has already reached a situation outside the body. It is the simple truth that there is a beast soul that can be released to fight outside the rest of his life.

The two collided the next time, and they used their strength to suppress each other for the rest of their lives. The continuous attack made the man in the suit overwhelmed, showing an unwilling look.

All of this was too fast and too sudden. Yu Sheng used his own strength, since he hit this organization and shuddered, which is something most people would not dare to think about.

"I'll give you a ride."

Yu Sheng's palm glowed, and at this moment, six stars moved and then palmed over. I saw that the power of this palm seemed to be magnified, and since the beginning of the journey, a pattern of light shrouded it.

"No~www.wuxiaspot.com~ How unwilling the man in the suit is, his bloodline cultivation base has reached this level, and he is also a person in the series of masters in the Fallen Sun Ridge. It makes him feel that the whole world has changed, and there is a kind of humiliation.

When Hei Man arrived, he saw Yu Sheng smashed the man in the suit, and the part under the man in the suit was missing, leaving only the upper body squirming there, looking at Yu Sheng viciously.

"Kill me."

He didn't want to be tortured like this, he said.

Yu Sheng directly used the six-star map to kill the opponent thoroughly, shocking everyone present and making their bones chill.


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