I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 2112: catch the suspect

"Oh, do you care about this?" Wang Yun said.

"Oh, no, just ask, how much is your monthly salary." Yu Sheng asked.

Wang Yun was a little speechless. She didn't want to answer this question, because it was an order from above, and her salary didn't increase much. She said that it would increase in the future, but she didn't care much.

"Is it too little?" Yu Sheng Dandan said, "Well, I'll buy this order."

This is also what Yu Sheng asked of himself. He glanced at Wang Yun and felt that the other party's eyes were also watching him.

"You guy, it must be my treat to call you out. Why, you question my spending power."

Wang Yundan opened her mouth, he could feel it just now, there was interrogation in Yu Sheng's eyes, but she just didn't say it, she didn't lack the money anyway.

"I'll do the task later, please be more serious, don't fix some things."

Wang Yun really wants to give Yu Sheng a punch now, because this guy is too good at getting to the bottom of things. In fact, her family is not bad, and this meal is still affordable, so there is no need to care about it.

"Okay, I see."

Yu Sheng guessed some things just by seeing Wang Yun's famous brand bag, this guy may not be short of money.

While they were chatting, a pair of eyes looked faintly towards this side. This was a man named Yiming in a quiet corner. He only ordered a bottle of red wine and a dish, and was eating slowly. It is a ghost in the dark night, hidden very well, avoiding the sight of most people at this table.

When he watched the situation on Yu Sheng's side, Yu Sheng's sixth sense of war had sensed that the crisis was coming. The sixth sense of war reminded him that there was a target around him, which was coming from a figure in the corner.

Yu Sheng got up and used the excuse to go to the toilet, but when he got up, the man in the corner also followed, as if he was in sync with him, making him guess something.

Yu Sheng pretended not to see anything, went into the toilet, and came out not long after, the person seemed to be in his ear at this time, Yu Sheng used his intuition to explore and found that the other person was in the bathroom next door.

You must know that they are in the women's toilet now, so Yu Sheng has confirmed the target person.

During this period, the other party displayed his body technique and activity trajectory, indicating that this was not a simple sleuth, and there was no doubt that he had a background.

Then Yu Sheng came back to his seat and saw Wang Yun staring at him with bad eyes.

"You went into the women's toilet, you pervert, be careful I'll arrest you."

Wang Yun's whole face was black, she regretted acting with Yu Sheng, and she should first investigate what he was saying, but now she does feel a little disgusted.

"Don't scold me in a hurry, I'm all for the mission."

Just like before, Yu Sheng still explained to Wang Yun patiently, but the other party did have a dark face.

In the end, the two came out after eating, and Yu Sheng was arranged to go to the park to rest, pretend to be drunk, and then attract the target person to come.

Yu Sheng was still a little puzzled, as he is now, let alone drunk, even if he is not drunk, someone will come up to chat up, he hesitated and said, "What if he didn't come but attracted other harassers. "

Yu Sheng considered this to be purely criminal.

Wang Yun rolled his eyes at him, "This is the only way. If you don't want to wait, then I'll come in person."

She was a little speechless. Since the plan has been decided, just follow the plan. She doesn't like inkblots.

"Otherwise, according to your thinking, if there is no chance, then why did the cauliflower thief come to you, you must know that crime is also a risk now, and this guy has just committed suicide, so he must be very cautious."

Wang Yun slowly analyzed and said.

"Okay, I'll wait here."

After speaking, Yu Sheng sat on a park bench.

Finally, after a long wait, he yawned and fell asleep.

This is a scenic spot in the park. Usually, there are very few people passing by. Now that there is a beautiful woman sleeping here, it seems that she is drunk.

If she runs into a kind person, she might wake her up, or ask her to call her family to pick her up.

However, now, there is really no one, it's quiet, it seems like I'm going to sleep here all night.

I saw a back figure appear, and a gaze came out from the grass. He was wearing a black tights, and his head was covered with a black nylon cloth.

Wang Yun cheered up, he was lurking not far away to observe, and the anesthesia gun in his hand was also ready, this time he wanted to catch this pervert.

One of Yu Sheng's eyes trembled, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com seemed to squeeze out a gap, because the man had come to her, and a hand had reached his wig.

For a moment, like a rhythm, the man became a little dishonest, and Yu Sheng also woke up at this time.

I have to say that he is still a little charming under the makeup, and the criminal is already fluttering.

"go away."

Yu Sheng said instinctively.

"If you don't go, who will take you home when I leave?"

After finishing speaking, the other party hugged Yu Sheng and walked to the small grass beside him regardless.

After Wang Yun knew about the situation, she immediately closed the net. She lurked alone and saw a back figure dragging her shirt.

She was extremely uncomfortable, enduring nausea and not wanting to see it, and issued anesthesia.

The anesthetic hit the criminal directly, and he fell to the ground.

Yu Sheng finally breathed a sigh of relief, he took off his wig and said.

"If you slow down, I won't be able to guarantee you tonight."

Wang Yun gave him a cold look, and after snorting, she escorted the man back.

In the interrogation room, the man was woken up by a basin of cold water, and then he knew his attributes.

Next thing, Yu Sheng didn't want to take care of it, and then came out and left it to Wang Yun, which was his responsibility.

After this matter, if it's okay, he will continue to do his own thing.

After Wang Yun came out, she told Yu Sheng a message.

"This is a bloodline person who came out of the failure of some experiments in Fallen Sun Ridge, but he has flaws in his body. The flaw of this man is that he has to do that kind of thing all the time, otherwise there will be an accident."

After Wang Yun said the news, her face flushed red.

Yu Sheng nodded, then went inside to apply needles, and pumped out those blood vessels. The man was fine when he woke up after fainting.

As for how the other party should deal with it, the rest of his life is out of his control.

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