I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 2114: brewing plan

"Thank you, I'm probably fine."

Thank you for the rest of my life.

Wang Yanbing nodded, and then went to cook.

People came to eat, and they were happy.

There are also many acquaintances in D city, including some business partners.

Yu Sheng's company has grown bigger, and has become a leading company in City D with continuous orders.

Whether it is in the field of medicine or other fields, good results have been achieved, and there are few projects and matters that lose money.

"Keep it up, it's pretty good."

For the rest of his life, he didn't care too much about watching. For him, doing tasks was more important than making money.

After that, some people brought thousand-year-old ginseng and some precious traditional Chinese medicines, all of which were given by some developers and investors. Qin Hongyu brought these things for the rest of his life.

"Fix you up."

Qin Hongyu was also happy when he saw Yu Sheng, and his mouth was a lot sweeter.

"My body is not empty, but since you gave it, then I will accept it."

For the rest of his life, he kept the medicinal materials and then went to the gym.

Small-scale training has a lot of effects on promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. Even if he still has small wounds, it will be fine.

"You can't exercise vigorously."

Qin Hongyu felt that the rest of his life was a bit messy, and he still had bandages in his hands.

However, Yu Sheng did practice with the other hand, still lifting weights and other things with ease.

This surprised Qin Hongyu and opened his mouth into an O shape for a while.

Yu Sheng said, "I'm interested in practicing together."

Seeing Yu Sheng's fitness equipment and full of building materials and equipment, Qin Hongyu also began to slowly lift some lighter barbells.

"Good weight."

She said softly with a look of disgust on her face.

After Yu Sheng saw it, he helped him, and now he slowly put it down.

"Don't force it, don't hurt yourself."

Yu Sheng feels that protecting yourself is the ultimate goal.

Qin Hongyu was a little embarrassed. It would be fine if she couldn't help, and it would add to the chaos. Now, even if she wanted to practice for the rest of her life, she couldn't seem to be able to do it.

"You can jump rope."

Yu Sheng pointed to the rope and said that it was a pure black leather skipping rope, and it danced very rhythmically.

Qin Hongyu jumped thirteen or four in a row, and stuck for a while. Overall, it was absolutely more fun.

The preparatory work is already ready. Yu Sheng will take action against the Tianzhi organization. As for Zhitian Yusheng, he will try to avoid him and start from some weak branches.

Once the plan is launched, it will be invested immediately. First of all, some funds and resources are monopolized, which has paralyzed the industrial chain of Zhitian Organization.

For the assets owned by Yu Sheng in City D, it is still possible to deliberately monopolize an industry, let alone deal with some peers.

Adhering to the way of killing one thousand enemies and self-destructing eight hundred moves, the rest of his life is still a fact, and suddenly the Zhitian organization is driven to a dead end.

Some hall master-level people began to come out to cause trouble for Yu Sheng, smear him intentionally or unintentionally, and always go to some places under the banner to make trouble, which made Yu Sheng a big headache, and he didn't know what to do.

Originally, for this kind of thing, the rest of my life would generally not be taken care of, but now it is a special period, so those who make trouble have been arrested.

The wolf under Yu Sheng is on duty at the place of business, and it is because of him that some defensive measures are very good.

"Chief, I have been here for a long time, when will I go to execute other orders."

The wolf has some doubts, whether the rest of his life has given up on himself.

Yu Sheng called the snake over at this time, and then changed shifts with the wolf.

"During this period of time, I have only you people under my command. It is impossible to transfer all of them. And if you work hard, I will not treat you badly."

Yu Sheng looked at the two and said, "Do you have any material needs?"

This asked the wolf and the snake to be embarrassed, how could they negotiate the price with Yu Sheng.

How much he gives is how much, after all, they all have their own salary, and they have no worries about food and clothing with a fixed income.

"There is not much demand, but I want to buy a suite in City D." Snake said, "I will be able to buy it soon, so I don't have any wishes for the time being."

Yu Sheng nodded, and then directly marked a place with real estate under it.

"You are in charge of this area, and you can get two suites after completion." Yu Sheng said.

Snake was a little speechless, looking at the unfinished projects on the map and felt a little dazzled.

"This project is very big, I hope you will follow up." Yu Sheng said.

The snake also put on a suit and started to get busy with a lively look.

Yu Sheng is a little relieved to see that he is developing well now, not to say how much he has earned, but that he can make money and also provide jobs and jobs for some people.

There was a problem in the Zhitian industrial chain, and there were a lot of deficits, and the bank began to urge debts, which made some of them feel like ants on a hot pot.

One of the hall masters became a little embarrassed. He summoned several other hall masters to discuss dealing with some companies under the Yusheng Industry.

"We can discredit it, but it's hard to get evidence these days."

I saw that after a hall master finished speaking, there was some hesitation on his face, which seemed to be considered a bit.

"If you are afraid of wolves before and tigers later, you will not be able to accomplish anything."

A hall master said that he clearly felt that the rest of his life had become bigger and bigger, and it was impossible to let it go.

And Zhitian-sama has never asked about business, even if the industrial chains of Zhitian really collapsed, he would not even frown. After all, his goal was never to do business, but to some research fields. Have to enjoy life.

Zhitian was on the sofa at this time, listening to the assistant beside him telling him the latest market situation.

Zhitian frowned, he was stronger than Yu Sheng in terms of strength, but in business, he lost this time.

He was thinking about his next plan. If his company went bankrupt, it would be difficult to find a place to live in the future.

However, it was impossible for him to negotiate with Yu Sheng, which would make him appear a little weaker.

Other hall masters will not be so calm, and have organized some international killers to sneak into Yu Sheng's place in an attempt to assassinate them.

If Yu Sheng was really successful in being assassinated, then they would be able to grab some market back, or move back to the situation.

These killers came from the organization of the Dawn Temple, a special agency in the world.

It is said that this organization came in to expand its business, and gradually entered the vision of various chaebols or faction organizations. They can place orders as much as they want, and after paying the amount, the Dawn Palace will send corresponding people to kill Yu Sheng.

However, Yu Sheng is now in what realm. It has surpassed the level of the general of the town, and has crossed the border of the commander of the town. It is rumored that it has reached the realm of a god.

At this level, it is already out of reach. Ordinary experts can't do anything at all, and they can't figure out why this killer organization will take over.

Yu Sheng visited some places, but found some poor areas on the outskirts of the suburbs, and some of these poor areas were not even enough to eat.

"How is this going."

Yu Sheng asked some local people.

At this time, I found out through inquiries that there are some bullies and private enterprises here. They have expropriated their fields and others. They are forced to expropriate.

This led to the following incident. These people had neither a place to live nor a new job, and they were rejected by these enterprises, so they had no income, let alone anything else.

Yu Sheng nodded and returned.

"City Emperor, Hei Man, you two come here and give you a task."

After returning, Yu Sheng found them and said.


After receiving the order, the two set off and came to this area.

I saw that as soon as they came in, the snake started to go to the door of those enterprises, posted something, and shot directly after being blocked.

Under the rectification of the city emperor and Heiman, the prevention and control here was completely destroyed, and many people were dispatched, but they were not the opponents of Heiman and others.

Therefore, they plan to report that they will send someone down.

"You will soon be unable to receive orders here, if you continue to be conceited."

"What the village names should give, you must give back, and what should be received, you must receive, otherwise this place has no meaning for you to exist."

The city emperor told them.

In fact, they wanted to do this a long time ago, but the time was not ripe at that time.

"What a big breath, it turned out to be for those despicable villagers. Since it is asking for help, you must have a begging attitude. If you beat our people, wait, they will suffer even more."

The city emperor shook his head, then left without saying anything.

After the second day, all the orders of these companies were summarized, and the group Yu Sheng belonged to implemented a monopoly. They could not receive the goods and sell them, and the channels were blocked.

Banks also refused to lend to them for fear of offending the leading companies in City D, and they lost a lot of money.

When the city emperor went there the next time, the other party was no longer so arrogant.

"I promise you, I promise you to return the villagers' places they occupied."

These enterprises have expropriated other people's land, and now the house is also used as a factory building.

"Yes, two million for each household."

The city's emperor Dandan said.


They never thought that the other party was two million when they came up, and they have this money, but every household is so accompany, how can it be possible to pay.

"Can't accompany so much."

People from these companies said they were very embarrassed.

The city emperor nodded, "Originally, I didn't intend to let you accompany you enough, just to give an opinion. If you say that after you close down, the remaining industrial land should be enough to compensate."

"What, you put us out of business."

Some high-level managers of these enterprises heard the word bankruptcy, and everyone was stunned.

After struggling for so many years, they didn't expect that they would get into so many things today and go bankrupt, and they also sweated on their foreheads.

"No, we're still open."

The city emperor didn't want to hear too much, but just gave them a period of time. If they couldn't accompany them with money, they would force them to go bankrupt by commercial means, then expropriate them, and finally pay the villagers.

"We don't make your money either, we just pay it back according to the price," said the city emperor.

After speaking, he left.

Immediately, three days later, the company really lost money to these villagers. The villagers and their funds were guaranteed, and they began to build houses on the original land.

Many people in the industry were shocked when they heard the news. They did not expect that the means of Yu Sheng would be so high and ruthless, that it would affect the development of an enterprise in such a short period of time.

Although it was said that the company was finally guaranteed, it was like a frightened bird, and it was fundamentally injured, and it was burdened with many loans and couldn't breathe.

More importantly, this incident was exposed by the media soon after, and the company is not far from going bankrupt, and its reputation is already extremely bad.

Many colleagues are vigilant for the rest of their lives, fearing that they will be the next to suffer.

Yu Sheng is actually not so ruthless. If they make good money and do not harm the health and interests of other people, then he will not take action.

Moreover, attacking a commercial enterprise or group requires a lot of investment. Even if the other party can be successfully acquired in the end, the price is still very high. Under normal circumstances, he is not willing to try.

Of course, as some companies touched his bottom line, he still made a thunderous attack.

The rest of his life has been crushed in the commercial field, and has slowly expanded to various fields in City D.

Its stocks are also stable and have a certain influence.

Zhitian squinted his eyes at this time, he couldn't let Yu Sheng continue to grow, and then ordered some people to stumble the Yu Sheng enterprise.

These are all old rivers and lakes. After hearing Zhitian's order, he naturally knows what to do.

First, they designed a chain of events that led to the seizure of some of Yu Sheng's products.

Yu Sheng did not panic, but dispatched his own contacts to settle the matter, and the other party's false accusation evidence was also caught by them, and he was immediately brought to court.

In court, Yu Sheng's side is of course justified, so these hands-on people have all been jailed.

Weaving weather is in a hurry, he has no choice, and now his subordinates can't be dispatched at will, otherwise there will be a risk of exposure.

His enemies are not only Yu Sheng, but also secret judges. For judges, they will judge some smuggled people.

And Zhitian is not a human being, nor an ancient warrior, but a kind of smuggling creature, which really came from a place called Shenxue District.

The anniversary of that place was enveloped by some destructive radioactive substances, and only creatures with physiques like them could survive.

The reason why Zhitian likes to eat hearts is because he believes that hearts can keep him youthful and energetic.

Of course, this is only a kind of spiritual comfort, and there is no actual evidence that it will have these effects.

However, who would touch his brow to say this, so Zhitian feeding on a heart has become a pleasure.

Ordinary people are not his opponents and can't help him. Now there is a Yusheng, which is a certain threat to him, so he plans to take the initiative to attack and kill this human being in the near future.

I practiced in the practice room for the rest of my life, communicated some things through the six-star mang map, and understood some essentials.

The broken bone heals slowly, in a steady state.

The reason why Yu Sheng's bones have not healed is because some of the Weaving Heaven's power remains in his body, and now it has been wiped out by this, so he feels a burst of comfort, and his body and mind are ethereal.

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