I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 2117: Danger comes

"You're looking for me, aren't you." Yu Sheng asked.

The person opposite smiled slyly, "You are a master, I am very interested."

"You're interested, it doesn't mean I'm interested, not to mention it's so late, everyone is going to bed."

Yu Sheng Dandan said.

"Sleep, dead people need to sleep, or you want to be a dead person." The star diamond-level killer said.

Yu Sheng looked back, cast a glance at the other party, and felt a terrifying aura, as if it was empty, and if it moved, it would be earth-shattering.

"You want to kill me, are you from the Dawn Palace?"

Yu Sheng asked.

"Is it important, yes or no, it doesn't prevent us from fighting today."

After the star diamond-level killer finished speaking, he turned into a dark night and rushed over.

He was so fast that he only saw a dark night entwined with a wind before disappearing.

Yu Sheng raised his hand subconsciously, blocking the opponent's punch, and then took two steps back.

He was a little embarrassed, he had never encountered such a thing before.

Yu Sheng glanced at his opponent, and his opponent also looked at him.

"You are strong."

Evaluation of the rest of your life.

"Can the person who wants your life be weak?"

The star-diamond-level killer failed to make a second strike, and two or three figures rushed over from different directions at the same time.

The void seemed to be pulled by someone, and ripples rose, which was very terrifying.

Yu Sheng's body was full of qi and blood, his eyes were deep, and his sixth sense of battle was raised to a certain extent, and there was a killing aura surrounding him, as if he had experienced hundreds of battles.

The sixth sense is very strong, grabbing an arm directly from the void, Yu Sheng directly kicked the opponent and kicked it away.


The killer emerged from the darkness and flew out backwards.

There was some disbelief in his eyes. He used the illusion technique, coupled with his supersonic speed, enough to complete all actions in the blink of an eye, and when he blinked again, the person in front of him might become a corpse.

But things went beyond his expectations. When he started, his wrist was grabbed, he was almost broken, and he was kicked, and his chest seemed to be split open.

"You can't kill me with these tricks. If you only have this ability, you should go back and practice." Yu Sheng said in a daze.

"Haha, you are very conceited, but I was careless just now, and I won't give you a chance after that."

After speaking, the killer completely integrated into the night sky, and Yu Sheng sensed the energy fluctuations around him, but he didn't react at all.

Silently, a dagger appeared behind Yu Sheng, and the killer inserted it into his back.

However, when he was close to Yu Sheng, he was caught.

This star diamond-level killer was a little dumbfounded. How could he be caught? Could it be that the other party moved faster than him, or predicted his position earlier, how is this possible.

After Yu Sheng grabbed his wrist, he didn't let go so easily this time, he just pulled the other party and gave him a close contact with the ground.

The cement floor cracked, and the killer's face was covered in flesh and blood. He could see the bones on his face, which made him feel extremely painful.

The star-diamond-level killer knew that he had failed again, and he was caught twice after the same failure, which was fatal for an assassin.

The killer's most important thing is to be unexpected, but now it seems that he was caught in a pre-judgment, how can he not be surprised.

I saw the same place, Yu Sheng was transformed by the phantom of the bayonet just now, and then dissipated.

"It turns out that you moved away when I appeared."

The killer looked shocked, but it couldn't have happened so quickly. ' he said.

"Of course not so fast, but when I completed this action, the shadow was already present, and you don't know where my real body is."

Yu Sheng Dandan said, "I will also learn a little about your trick of blending into the void."

The killer's face changed suddenly, as if he heard something terrible.

"You can see it at a glance."

He seemed to be in disbelief and wanted to ask for evidence.

"No, but you can still imitate a little bit, and your speed is not particularly fast, so I can barely keep up."

Yu Sheng smiled and said.

This can make this star diamond-level expert speechless.

Not so fast!

This is true.

In his career for so many years, he has never missed a shot. The only thing that can hinder his assassination is only the second and third moves, and he is defeated and won.

But now, an accident has happened, and a person who can call his speed average can be regarded as extraordinary.

Yu Sheng nodded, "You and I have no grudges at all, and we don't have to point to each other for life and death."

Yu Sheng let go of the opponent's hand.

"I wanted to kill you, but you let me go."

This made the star-diamond killer hesitate.

"Or, you decide that my life is worthless, not worth your killing."

the killer asked.

Yu Sheng was a little speechless. He didn't kill anyone, and the other party was still chattering.

"Are you forcing me to do it?"

Yu Sheng looked at him puzzled, "It's a pity to kill you like this, why don't we come once when you become stronger."

The Star Diamond Killer sighed and felt a little lonely.

"When you beat me, I have no future. Failure means death. This is the consciousness of our profession."

Yu Sheng looked at each other with some puzzlement.

"It's okay if you don't do this business, wash your hands in a golden basin. Since you have been defeated by me, I ask you to wash your hands in a golden basin."

Yu Sheng said.

"Hehe, wash your hands in a golden basin, this is the greatest insult to a killer, unless he can't hold a knife anymore."

Star Diamond Killer said meaningfully.

He felt that these words seemed to be a kind of irony. If he was allowed to wash his hands, it would be better to kill him.

"What you are after is not murder itself, but the pleasure of deciding the outcome. You wouldn't be interested in a man who has no power." Yu Sheng asked back.

"Of course not interested."

Star Diamond Killer replied.

Yu Sheng corrected, "But killers want to kill people. For them, they are all the same, as long as they can get money."

"Is that so?"

The Star Diamond Killer began to think, he has no desire for money, and the requirement of how much money to make is already a thing of the past for him.

"I still hope to kill stronger targets."

Star Diamond Killer Dan Dan said.

"That's it, so you're not suitable to be a killer at all. The killer just needs to give money to do it, regardless of strength, reason, or other, and work hard."

Yu Sheng helped him analyze and said, "You have left the killer's survival range, so you should live in another way."

"Live in another way."

The Star Diamond Killer muttered to himself, "Is there any other way, I just want to fight and kill."

Yu Sheng nodded, "You don't want to be like this, it's just that you are only used to this. One day killing will get tired. When you meet an opponent, you can only wait to be killed."

"Then I am also willing, this is my choice."

Star Diamond Killer said without hesitation.

Yu Sheng nodded, "I have to say that this is your strength and your weakness, but it's good."

The Star Diamond Killer was confused. He looked at Yu Sheng, because he lost today, and realized that he didn't want to be a killer anymore. The killer was doing anything for money, regardless of his goals.

And he is now divided into goals and wants to achieve a quality battle, so the words of the rest of his life have a role in him.

"So, when you lose, you start looking for your goals in life, because according to defeat, you should die, but since you survived, you shouldn't kill people indiscriminately, even if you kill people, kill meaningful people. "

Yu Sheng said slowly.

The Star Diamond Killer muttered to himself, "A meaningful person."

"Yes, killers, for example, kill meaningless people, because they don't know each other at all, so they just kill."

"And you, once you confirm that something is evil, when you want to get rid of it, you will have motivation in your heart, and if you have motivation, it will make sense." Yu Sheng said.

"Make sense, do meaningful things."

Star Diamond suddenly trembled slightly.

He has always been arrogant, looking down on things like good and evil, thinking that as long as his strength is sufficient, the two will be reversed, and whoever dominates is qualified to decide good and evil.

In fact, this kind of rule can be used now, but he feels that there is a yearning for the letter of guarantee in Yu Sheng's words, whether it can be better developed for goodness.

"Without the burden in my heart, I can kill more freely."

Yu Sheng said, "You never thought that the people you kill are innocent, and the people who don't kill are evil all day long."

Star Diamond Killer replied, "I didn't think about it, they can't affect me anyway."

Yeah, killing innocent people, or killing wicked people, doesn't make much sense for a killer, because they just need to execute.

Yu Sheng gradually felt that this was a hopeless person, or that this kind of person had never experienced friendship and other emotions.

"You are too arrogant to see more things, and although I am also very good, I can see things around me, you know the difference between us."

Yu Sheng asked back.

Star Diamond Killer shook his head, he didn't know.

"The difference is that I'm not arrogant, I can see the people around me, and I can distinguish between good and evil. Even if I win you, I don't feel honored, so your life and death are not important to me."

Yu Sheng continued, "I really don't know how to get there, so just stay and I'll help you transform."

"Stay here and rely on you."

Star Diamond's body erupted with power, and he wanted to fight.

"Yeah, what's the problem with relying on me? You are a person who only kills people and doesn't ask about the glory and meaning of killing. Even if you rely on others, what will happen to you, anyway, you are not a good thing, even if you don't rely on me, I dare to Said that you are in the Dawn Hall, and few people know you and are willing to approach you, you are just hanging on to a reputation."

After Yu Sheng finished speaking, he looked at each other.

The Star Diamond Killer nodded after thinking for a while, "Okay, I'll live with you first, I've decided not to kill you, but it's not enough to want me to take refuge in you."

Yu Sheng nodded, knowing that the other party couldn't pass this level, and it would take a certain amount of time, but he was willing to wait.

Time passed by little by little, these two days, for the killer organization Li Mindian, it can be said that life has been like a year.

Their strongest killers have all been sent out. If the star diamond-level killer can't kill Yu Sheng, they don't know who can do it.

Like a pan of cold water, they were eager to try at first, but now they are dead.

The reward for Yu Sheng has reached five billion.

As long as someone kills, their killer group can get the money.

At that time, part of this money will be used to share with other killers, and everyone will have at least some dividends.

On the other hand, now, the life and death of the star diamond killer is unknown, which makes them very emotional.

"It may have to wait for the palace master to come back."

The master of the Dawn Palace, Jian Xiuluo Jian Qianyi, has never returned since he went out to find a sacred mountain.

Originally wanted to give up the throne of the Hall Master to the Star Diamond Killer, but the Star Diamond Killer was unruly and often would not take a look at those who were weaker than him, which also resulted in a vacancy for the Hall Master.

Now if even this star diamond master has fallen, then who else is suitable for the palace master.

Therefore, the matter of the hall master has to be put on hold.

"I haven't come back yet, it is estimated that something happened."

By now, some people are not optimistic. After all, I heard that the rest of my life is safe and sound, which means that the killer has died.

However, when they all thought so, one day, on the street, someone saw Yu Sheng actually walking with the Star Diamond Killer, as if they were shopping, and they seemed to have a good relationship.

"What, why does he have such a good relationship with Yu Sheng, shouldn't it be to kill each other?"

Some people who knew the details had their eyes widened in disbelief.

In the end, the Star Diamond Killer came back, saying that he had been friends with Yu Sheng and told them to give up the assassination mission.

The Dawn Hall was shocked, the star diamond master betrayed and became a general under Yu Sheng's command, which was a very heavy blow to them.

How can this be played, the eldest brother has taken refuge in Yu Sheng, how could they still be Yu Sheng's opponents.

The Dawn Palace was a little lonely at this moment, and then directly issued an ultimatum to let the rest of the life release the star diamond killer to go back.

Yu Sheng nodded and asked Gao Xingzhuan, who then nodded.

"After I go back, I will rectify them properly."

Gao Xingzhuan was built by Yu Sheng in the past few days, and he knew a lot of truth.

It is better to take care of the industry that you are familiar with than to continue to follow the rest of your life.

"I want to transform the organization into a courier service station."

When leaving, Gao Xingzhuan said.

The rest of my life is speechless. A killer organizes people, who will go to the assembly line to do logistics and express delivery work. It feels like a picture when I think of it.

"On the one hand, I do this to make money, and on the other hand, I do it to make them change their minds and start anew."

After Gao Xingzhuan said it, he smiled and thanked Yu Sheng next time.

Yu Sheng did not say that he supported or did not support the other party, and let the other party leave.

This city emperor, Hei Man and the others are very curious these days.

It is rare for Yu Sheng to have such a chat with an opponent who assassinated him.

Now let Gao Xing drill back, and they will worry about whether there will be any worries.

After Gao Xing drilled back, he settled on the Dawn Hall.

Dawn Palace plans to retire all assassination lists within a week, and then switch to a field service station.

Some old killers in Dawn Hall were speechless, but they could only obey orders.

In this way, the organization of the Dawn Palace disappeared from the public eye, and was replaced by the birth of the Ming Dian Group, which immediately attracted some people to invest in shares.

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