Bai Xinian heard this... his face became stiff, and he immediately said: "I'm sorry, I'm passing by, passing by..."

"Our class is still waiting for me to train, so I will withdraw first."

Said Bai Xinian and left here.

When Liu Changfeng saw Bai Xinian leaving, he responded even more.

He looked at Yu Sheng again.

He even regretted that he had known that he would not provoke this guy. Damn, who is this? I have never seen anyone who holds a grudge like this.

Now, in sixty classes, there are ten of them who have offended the rest of their lives.

These ten classes were all tossed about for the rest of their lives.

If they troubled them for the rest of their lives, they could also fight back.

However, when people come to watch the excitement with food and drink, how do you fight back? You can’t just go up and do it, right? Besides, they are instructors and can't take them to fight?

If it really fought, things would be a big deal.

But the point is... people come to find faults, they are all upright, and they bring food and drink to watch the fun, and... people did not say that they came to find faults, they directly said that they passed by here, tired, and rested here. .

Who are you looking for to make sense?

As for looking for higher-level reports...

Can't afford to lose that person, all of them are stingers, and they have their own pride.

If you can't do the other party, they just look for the superior. They can't do it.

What a shame.

Yu Sheng took half a watermelon and digged it with a small spoon to eat. As he ate, he exclaimed: "Watermelon is so sweet, stars, where did you get the watermelon?"

"Didn't I ask my friend to give it away." Ye Xingchen said with a smile: "Instructor, these watermelons are all fine watermelons, very sweet."

"It's not bad. Next time we will get some more and rest here. Not only can you eat watermelon, but you can also watch some people perform." Yu Sheng said casually.

"Good instructor." Ye Xingchen said with a smile: "This matter, just hand it over to me. I don't have other abilities, but it's a piece of cake to get something to eat."

"Okay, that's it." Yu Sheng nodded in satisfaction.

"You said these 5 classes, where is the most handsome person?" Yu Sheng asked again.

"Is there any handsome in Class 5?" Ye Xingchen said casually.

"That's right." Yu Sheng nodded and said, "Which class five has the ugliest water?"

"I feel it..." Ye Xingchen's gaze paused on Liu Changfeng's body, and said: "This instructor...seems a bit dark."

"What you said is right, and I feel the same way."

Yu Sheng and Ye Xingchen sang together, this angry Liu Changfeng almost beaten up, if it weren't for the rest of his life, he would have gone up to make gestures with Yu Sheng.

In the past two days, he has been making gestures to the rest of his life...

But there is no doubt that in the end it all ended in failure, and that person was thrown to death, and now he is a little bit unable to lift his head in the class.

Although these students didn't say anything, he could perceive that from the eyes of these students, he could tell that they were all talking about other dishes.

Look at other instructors, and then look at their instructors. Is this comparable?

"That girl from Class 5 is pretty good? I like it."

"Yeah, I like it too, why don't we go after it?"

"You can try it and pursue it."

The students in Class 1 were talking and laughing on the sidelines. Sure enough, there are just as many soldiers as there are instructors.

at the same time!

In the office of Wu Zeqing of Beijing University.


There was a rapid knock on the door.

"Come in." Wu Zeqing said softly.

Then a few people walked in from the outside. These people were obviously the school administrators, among them the dean of education.

Wu Zeqing looked at these people and said, "What's the matter?"

"Principal Wu, today, there is something I want to respond to." Director Qian said.

"In the past few days, I heard the reaction from the military camp, saying that an instructor named Yu Sheng is pulling a group of students to eat, drink and have fun every day. That's fine, it also affects the training of others."

"You said, are we going to change an instructor? This instructor named Yu Sheng, doing so is too much, and it is easy to form a bad atmosphere." Director Qian said with some righteous indignation.

Before Yu Sheng had occupied a place in the Chinese Academy of Sciences, he was a little unsatisfied. When he learned that Yu Sheng was still an instructor, this made him even more dissatisfied.

Now that this happened, he naturally wanted to take care of it.

When Wu Zeqing heard this, there was a smile on a beautiful face, and he didn't get angry because of it. Moreover, between this smile and smile, it was even more generous, giving people a sense of elegance and elegance.

Such ladies are indeed likable.

"I think Xiaoyu is fine." Wu Zeqing said: "It's nothing to eat, as long as you don't delay training."

"If other people can't resist this temptation, the military training we planned will end in failure."

"As a soldier, you have to be like steel."

"But...this can't be messed up either." Director Qian couldn't help but said.

"Oh." Wu Zeqing glanced at Director Qian casually, and said: "Then what do you think should be handled?"

"If you want me to say, let's change, change someone else." Director Qian said immediately.

As long as Yu Sheng is kicked out, and there is some wind, then Yu Sheng enters the Chinese Academy of Sciences, I am afraid it will be a problem.

This is also an immature idea of ​​his.

"Can you go?" Wu Zeqing said lightly.


Director Qian was slightly taken aback when he heard the words.

On your own?

Is he not a soldier? How do I get on myself? Want to lead your own troops? That would have to be brought out... Besides, he didn't know some tips about military training.

What's more, it's such a hot day, so he won't be idle and do nothing to bring some soldiers!

That is suffering.

"Aren't you going to go?" Wu Zeqing asked rhetorically.

"Principal Wu, where am I a soldier?" Director Qian hurriedly said.

"Since you are not a soldier, professional people have to do professional things." Wu Zeqing said calmly, "I believe Xiaoyu and the others are professional soldiers, and they can take care of these students well."


Director Qian heard this, for a while, he didn't know what to say, he had already heard the meaning of the words, if the rest of his life...then, you come up.

But you are not a professional. You interfere with other people's professional affairs. Isn't this messing up?

After all, is still Wu Zeqing guarding the rest of his life.

For a moment, Director Qian was puzzled, why did Wu Zeqing protect the rest of his life? What is the relationship between this kid and Wu Zeqing?

"Director Qian, if everything is fine, you can go out."

Director Qian heard this, his face was a little unnatural, he hesitated, and left here, not daring to touch Wu Zeqing's brow.

"Thank you for the unforgettable memory 999 book coin reward" "Thank you miss the 588 book coin reward" "Thank you for the balcony bear 100 book coin reward" "Thank you for predicting the 1099 book coin reward" "Thank you imperfectfate for the 588 book coin reward" "Thank you for the amateur 588 book coin reward", "Thank you Mu Ran Qingsha for 100 book coin reward", "Thank you for the indifferent life 100 book coin reward", "Thank you for your reward and support."

First update the three chapters, the enchantress is still writing, and there will be updates in the afternoon, please don't worry. If you have a monthly pass, you can vote for the enchantress. Thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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