I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 2126: Corpse Mystery

This incident caused a shock, and many people went to the place to explore after hearing the news.

The resurrection of the ancient corpse will cause some heated discussions at any time, let alone this special time.

With such an ancient corpse, you can have a high degree of control in some future changes.

Because now the ancient warriors have penetrated into some organizations and the world, and all countries welcome such people.

There is no other reason, because the strength is outstanding.

Just like training a good person, it takes manpower, material resources, and money. Hiring an ancient martial artist will double the price, and through their guidance, some martial arts, physical skills, and even training items will be improved. improve.

Even some soldiers are not as good as these ancient warriors, and they can almost do things that modern machines can do.

At first, some people thought it was provocative, but gradually, they also began to consider some issues. If the two sides exchange fire, under the same weapons, then the test is the final strength of each other's members.

Or at the beginning, the comparison is also the final strength, so it is a wise choice to choose to accept the ancient warriors to enter.

At the same time, Yu Sheng heard the news that the ancient corpse had escaped, and immediately rushed to that area.

According to various inferences, there are a series of things that can be seen, this ancient corpse may already have its own consciousness.

If so, it would be terrifying, because when she merged into the human city, it might spark a killing spree.

After all, during her awakening period, those people in Fallen Ridge came out of her body to purify blood for research and to multiply the bloodline.

"Hopefully we can catch him."

Some citizens in surrounding urban areas or small countries said worriedly.

At the same time, all forces, whether chaebols or others, have been dispatched to try to find and replenish the goods as soon as possible.

"It's no small matter of a village being slaughtered."

After the relevant office personnel came to the scene, they saw the messy appearance and said.

There are some factories next to the Falling Ridge. The factories are considered to be a relatively good industrial area in this village.

However, the first place of death was here, and then it spread to the middle of the village and the scope of influence became larger and larger.

In fact, it used to be a branch of Falling Ridge. The reason why it became a village is because they built some entertainment venues here, and also carried out some improved planting and aquatic products. In the end, before they moved, they allocated these things to the local area. people.

Now that this place has been washed with blood, it makes Rangbei feel desolate and bloody.

Yu Sheng was a little worried, as if he saw a **** storm.

The sixth sense of war, and some pictures that popped up in his heart made him feel uncomfortable and had an unspeakable pain.

"Don't think too much, we'll do our best."

Wang Yanbing said.

She is also investigating and collecting some clues, trying to find the potential place of the ancient corpse as soon as possible and control it.

Yu Sheng followed Wang Yanbing's investigation, combined with what he felt, they followed a route and walked to a mountain.

This is a mountain, surrounded by grass and trees, and there is only a thing in the middle that can distinguish right from wrong. This is also the track left by the car after a long time. Otherwise, this is a wasteland.

"It should be right here," Yu Sheng said.

After a full meal, hide in the deep mountain rainforest. This is not a special operation, but a conscious exploration, because the ancient corpse should be there in the perception.

After getting ready, Yu Sheng brought some edible tools and chopped weeds while walking, so as not to trip over himself.

Finally, after their trek, the rest of their lives found a cave.

This cave looked nothing unusual, but it felt very humid inside, like rain and dew, so he wanted to go in and take a look at it as soon as possible.

This City God didn't feel anything wrong, he planned to go in first to find out the situation.

Yu Sheng grabbed him and shook his head, it was too dangerous after all.

"Let me come."

Yu Sheng walked in, and then lit a flashlight inside.

Finally, after they went in, they found some stalactites with a regular shape.

However, Yu Sheng found that there was ice on these stalactites, and it felt a little gloomy.

Wetness in such caves is actually common, but if it can freeze, it also depends on the weather. The current temperature can make such changes seem a bit strange.

Yu Sheng also closed his eyes, and then opened his glasses to observe the surroundings.

There is also some information from the surrounding reflected heat sources to judge that this phenomenon will occur in the past two days.

Yu Sheng immediately asked everyone to be careful, and then he slowly led the way.

Finally, after walking for a while, I found a spacious place. Since there are some stone tables and chairs, it looks very simple.

These things seem to be things from a long time ago, and they are neatly arranged.

Yu Sheng looked at a place, turned his face to the side and saw that there was a figure on the bed, and he was still wearing the clothes of ancient people.

"You stay here."

After Yu Sheng finished speaking, he walked over and saw a somewhat cold face.

However, the owner of this face is lying down, and his eyes are closed, and he looks like he is asleep, so people don't want to disturb the peace when they look at it, because the other party is too quiet.

However, under such a face, the dazzling red on her mouth is visible, and it seems to be a sign of something.

This made people suspicious. When the woman was discovered, the City God and the others were not sure, and they all turned their attention to this side.

If there is no warning from the rest of their lives, they will approach there.

After Yu Sheng approached the woman, he found that the other party's chest was still heaving, which was no different from a normal person falling asleep.

But for the rest of his life, he could feel that there was no human breath in the body, it was just some cold breath.

The woman didn't notice anyone approaching, or that she slept soundly.

Yu Sheng directly threw flags beside him. These flags were all yellow and made of a special kind of cloth, which was extraordinary in itself. It is also handy to use.

I saw that after the arrangement was completed, the atmosphere here seemed to be blocked, and there were invisible ripples swaying around.

There seemed to be some kind of power resurrection in the air, and it was imprisoned here at the same time.

However, at this moment, the sleeping woman on the bed, Huo De, woke up and opened her eyes just to confront Yu Sheng's eyes.

The rest of his life did not expect that the other party would wake up so quickly, which he did not expect.

"Beast, I'm here to collect you today."

Yu Sheng shouted.

The words made the woman stunned for a while, and then she slowly sat up from the bed and stood up.

This move was a bit shocking, but Yu Sheng did not panic, but faced it calmly.

"It's you who washed that village with blood and used it as blood food." Yu Sheng asked.

The woman nodded slowly, "Yes, I just woke up, and I was so hungry that I couldn't control it."

Looking at Yu Sheng, she was not afraid, and there were not too many waves in her eyes, as if she was stating an ordinary thing.

Yu Sheng looked at the other party's casual words, and there was no ups and downs. At this time, he knew that these people's lives might be worthless in his eyes.

"I didn't control it, I think you didn't want to control it at all, because you're just a demon that **** blood for a living." Yu Sheng replied.

"You can understand that too, but I don't bother to explain."

The woman responded somewhat arrogantly.

"Looks like you and I are going to have a fight."

Yu Sheng's hands glow with a special rhythm.

"Well, you know this technique. It seems that you modern people are slowly being assimilated by those older generations."

the woman said.

Yu Sheng didn't understand what the other party meant, but there was no way to avoid this battle today.

"You either go with me obediently, or I tie you up and go with me."

The atmosphere at the scene was a little subtle, and Yu Sheng didn't know why he said these words.

"You have the ability to do whatever you want."

After the woman finished speaking, there was a tinge of red and radiant power rising in her palm, filling her hands, looking very strange.

This kind of power is very soft, but Yu Sheng knows that it must not be so simple.


The two got into a fight.

The woman's technique was very fast and fierce, and she shot hundreds of shots in an instant, then smiled at Yu Sheng and avoided it.

Yu Sheng took these offensives and then stepped aside.

The opponent's skills are very strong, not at all like the flexibility that an ancient corpse should have.

"You're not bad at all, but don't worry about my affairs, or I won't guarantee that I won't kill innocent people indiscriminately." The woman in white replied.

I was speechless for the rest of my life, this is not called killing innocents, and it was not long before a village was bloodshed.

"Don't whitewash it, people like you should be smashed to pieces."

Yu Sheng shot out an ancient martial skill, and Xuan Huang spread out a force that turned into a soaring snake and pressed down in a general trend.

This move is a bit turbulent, but the woman is not afraid, and there are not too many twists and turns on her face.

"I'm too lazy to tell you, I was not awake at the time, and I blame those people for drawing too much instinctual substance from my blood, so I'll add it."

When the woman spoke, she was very solemn, without any slights, as if she had something to do with it.

Yu Sheng immediately analyzed it, and finally nodded.

"You believe me."

The woman in white said, "If you believe me, then there is no need for us to continue fighting."

Yu Sheng was stunned for a moment, the opponent's strength was not weaker than him, and logically speaking, if he continued to shoot, it would be fine, but now he has to stop, the only possibility is that he does not want to be entangled with himself.

"If you really feel like you don't want to do it intentionally, but you have to do it, then you should find someone to take care of you." Yu Sheng said.

The woman in white was stunned for a moment, they didn't expect that the man who suddenly came in would say such a thing.

"You want to kidnap me, that's another thing, and I can't trust you, in case you're like those people."

The woman in white said.

For the rest of his life, think about what happened to the other party.

When she didn't wake up at the beginning, her blood was drawn by the people at Sunrise Ridge, so there were almost no people she could trust in this place.

"Okay, I won't kidnap you, but how can you prove that what you said is true, you have to prove it to me."

Yu Sheng then took out a special chain and threw it while the two were talking.

The female corpse in white did not expect that the other party would take action without warning, which made him unexpected.

"It's despicable."

She slammed her palm out, trying to block the chain back.

But this is a bit like a red-hot iron chain that seems to have a kind of power, which seems to have shaken her original strength, and it looks a bit weird.


Now she finally realized that the people in front of her were not simple, they came prepared.

"You'd better come with me, so many looking for you, it's even worse for others to find you." Yu Sheng said.

Finally, the red iron chain directly clasped the opponent.

The woman in white found that her body could not move, and the red iron chain restrained all of her.

The City God and Heiman saw that there was no movement, and then came over to take a look.

"This is the ancient corpse, I didn't expect it to be lazy."

After a careful look at the city god, he made such a comment.

Yu Sheng was also speechless, but still nodded.

Hei Man said, "It is rumored that she is a rotten body with dark skin, but I didn't expect it to look like this after seeing it."

After listening to it for a few days, I thought about it.

Yu Sheng can think of it, or when it was unearthed, it was an ordinary corpse, and when the other party began to change, it became like this after ingesting fresh blood.

This made Yu Sheng think of another identity of this woman.

"Do you only feed on blood?" Yu Sheng asked.

The woman in white didn't answer, just nodded.

"A species left over from ancient times, there will be a case every few generations." Yu Sheng said.

He also knows some of this kind of person, and someone has recorded it in some ancient books and materials that he has never applied for.

But now, after seeing such a person, Yu Sheng began to understand that maybe there was nothing wrong in the records, and now he has met such a person.

"If that's the case, then you can follow us."

For the rest of his life, he escorted her away with him.

When I came out, I got on the off-road vehicle and headed back to the city.

After arriving at the base, Yu Sheng arranged him in a separate room.

Later, the snake also followed and looked at the woman.

"Why did you bring back such a beautiful young lady, didn't you mean to catch that ancient corpse?"

Yu Sheng glanced at the snake, then did not speak.

The city **** also looked over and said, "Why are you asking so much."

The group did not reveal to the snake.

For the rest of my life, I hadn't thought of giving her a new place to live, so I brought it back temporarily.

The rest of his life began to feed him some food, something normal people eat.

"You eat these things, and you can slowly return to normal in the future."

He also stared at the other side, wanting to know the other side's reaction.

"I don't eat these things for the time being, and I can eat them after I recover for a while."

The woman in white said lazily.

Yu Sheng was stunned. Since the other party can still eat human food, it means that the other party has the same body structure as them, and sucking blood is also a temporary need.

"Don't try it, you should know, I will tell you, our family, sucking blood is only for reserve, and fighting." The woman in white said.

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