I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 2147: 1 side overwhelm

No one could have expected that he would play such a style, and he started to move his hands involuntarily.

Fighting with the ancestors of the Wu family is tantamount to courting death. For many years, no one has dared to provoke its majesty.

Not to mention their ancestors, even some warrior families who usually stay at home are afraid of them. The warrior family has never been short of masters.

Just find one, and you can beat up those so-called challengers, and push them horizontally like a chicken and a dog.

However, what all the disciples of the Wu family saw today, from the mirror, since someone took a shot at the ancestors of their Wu family, it was simply appalling.

However, what surprised them was the strength of the young man in front of them. That palm seemed to be destructive, and the ghost knew how powerful it was, as if it would crush the sky in this place.

The ancestors didn't stop, and one person directly punched up, directly hitting Yu Sheng's palm.

Energy abuse, this blow is very terrifying, the scene is terrifying, it is hard to imagine how destructive it is, and a black cave emerges, which is amazing.

This old ancestor was sweating. Although he resolved this palm, if the young man continued to shoot, he would be able to neutralize Liao's palms, and he would consume a lot if he didn't move once.

Just now they just wanted to shock the people in front of them, but now I'm afraid they have to do it.

"I'm saying it again, today I only want people, and I can't add more killings. If you don't show mercy, then I'll give it a go."

Yu Sheng's physical momentum is still improving, which is far more than all of him.

In the secret realm of that space, he fought against ancient strange beasts and auspicious beasts every day. The days of that battle lasted for nearly a hundred years in the secret realm, cultivating his strong consciousness and body.

Now as long as you make a move, there is a failure to tear the void.

"This power is much stronger than ordinary powers."

An ancestor was terrified. In later generations, since someone can cultivate to the realm above the power, this is already shocking enough.

"Little friend, you and my Wu family have kindness to me. You brought the Xuan Tie Token. We shouldn't be. But your request is too much. Asking our Pearl to come with you is to cut the face of my family."

A martial ancestor said righteously.

The corner of Yu Sheng's mouth drew a slight arc, and he immediately retorted, "How can the person who passed over become your pearl, I haven't agreed yet, what are you, you are a robber at best, and you still have a face."

The voice was not loud, but Yu Sheng's words spread.

After all, the duel between these characters is a major event for the Wu family.

The square on the stairs is a martial arts field. There are many orders here. It was a training ground from Emperor Wu when he was young, and it was repaired when he finally left.

Therefore, the waves and damage caused by Yu Sheng's collision just now should not be repaired in an instant.

"For the rest of your life, you can stop at enough time. You must know that a person's power is limited, and after you pass today, you will face what you don't understand."

An old man said.

Everyone can see that it is impossible to have such power for too long at a young age.

Maybe the next second, the next moment, maybe a day or two at most. After that, people always have to live and return to reality.

I thought about a lot for the rest of my life, and the first thing I thought of was that I must be hunted down.

With the realm of the secret realm of his human body, can he stop a master from chasing and killing? The answer is no.

Therefore, he intends to do a big vote.

"Since your martial family is like this, then I will start killing people today."

I don't care about the rest of my life, I want to take his life, and I want to pose a threat to him. At present, it is a martial arts family. Since I have already said it, I have offended him to death, so I simply do nothing today.

With a single sentence of killing, the entire Wu family mansion was shaken a bit.

Everyone's heart is about to pop out of their throats, and I didn't expect anyone to say such a rebellious thing.

Wanting to destroy their martial arts family is something that no one dares to say for thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years.

Even the enemy forces did not dare to make a loud noise at the door of their Wu family.

However, now, there is one person who is speaking, and his strength is so powerful.

Don't waste time for the rest of your life, start to open up and close.

Finally, the three ancestors knew that the matter was urgent, and since they joined forces to fight the enemy.

The powerful fist marks were smashed like a flood, and no one could tell how strong this power was, only a few people who fought knew it.

Yu Sheng groaned, didn't care, and continued to punch another punch, which was even better than the previous one.

Finally, at this time, an old ancestor could not hold on, and was shocked to spit out a wisp of blood from his chest.

They stepped back and circled.

"If you have any ability, you can use it, so that it would be a pity to go on the road like this."

Yu Sheng said.

Today, he is considered to be willing to go out, and the means are out.

He didn't know what the consequences of this would be. He just heard the old man Xing Xuan said that he had to retain a little strength to withdraw, otherwise he would be in big trouble.

For the rest of my life, I don't care about this, and use all my powers.

The faces of the three ancestors were gloomy, ashen, unwilling, and angry.

Several emotions were changing just now, and they were conveyed to everyone in the Wu family through the mirror fight scene.

What kind of a powerful enemy this is, it is not an exaggeration to call it a devil, since he can fight their three ancestors by himself.

This spread, it is simply going to drive a group of people crazy.

The Wu family has always been invincible, and their beliefs are being impacted.

That young man was too powerful, like a **** and demon, fighting overwhelmingly, without losing his strength.

There is the blood of the ancestors lying down, and it has been like this since just now.

If this goes on, even the blood will be shed to death.

Moreover, these ancestors are the essence of life hanging, and they have been out of the customs for a long time, every time for nearly hundreds of years, and now they have almost come to an end.


Many people are a little indignant and feel that if they are given time to restore their youthful appearance, they should be able to compete with Yu Sheng.

However, time cannot be turned back.

Yu Sheng blasted out a big sun, shaped by his fist, which changed the color of the three martial ancestors.

This is Wu Batian's fist intent, and their eyes are even more different when they look at Yu Sheng.

Then they also hit a terrifying blow, and under that blow, the three ancestors retreated.

"Are you going to shed the last blood? I don't want to destroy the flowers. Besides, you are all dying, so don't think about it."

Yu Sheng said, but instead of slowing down, his actions became sharper.

Several ancestors showed their faces in the mirror. Under such a heaven-defying power, this person has Wu Batian's unique skills, and even has a practice method they have never seen before, involving time and space.

Yu Sheng didn't use the Chaos of Time and Space too much, but only used some of Wu Batian's unique moves, not all of them, he had already beaten these three ancestors like this, and he was not his opponent at all.

In this way, these ancestors have only one fate, and that is to fall.

The fall of a peerless powerhouse can still be seen today. It seems like a grand fireworks, in the eyes of outsiders.

They can't get used to the fact that there are too many forces in the Wu family, and they desperately want this family to decline, or have no previous influence.

However, now that someone is doing this, how can they not be happy.

In some ancient caves, a few pairs of eyes widened, as if observing the battle, and the bloodshed of those ancestors was also vividly visible.

Yu Sheng opened and closed, and attacked with heavy punches. Several ancestors blocked it, and then they used the means.

Among them, they have used a magical power, the death of the martial family, which is a state that can differentiate the human body and achieve another self.

All of a sudden, they had double the combat power. At that time, the rest of their lives was a little difficult, but they could handle it.

In the end, when that period of time disappeared, the rest of his life was in a state of crushing.

"Wu family, it's just a little, don't surrender, kill your three ancestors today."

The words for the rest of my life are undiminished and have great lethality.

What he was saying, everyone in the Wu family was touched, and their ancestors were going to be slaughtered. This is such a big thing.

It seems that it is not their ancestors to be slaughtered, but it is as uncomfortable as a knife slashing on them.

After all, isn't it the blood of these people that flows through them? They were instantly indignant.

"You can't blame me, it's just that you blocked my way and others' way."

Yu Sheng's continuous attacks did not stop, he was imposing like a rainbow, and he has not used his real strength from now on.

Of course, he also knew that these ancestors did not use their real strength and were still hiding.

No one is willing to play such a hole card unless it is life and death.

Of course, Yu Sheng said that he wanted to kill them, but knowing how difficult it was, the other party did not use their strength, and it was obvious that they were dragging their strength down.

"I'm not the so-called grafted power, but the real thing."

Yu Sheng admitted part of the truth.

The ancestors of the Wu family were extremely frightened when they thought about it, so this is the truth.

If the opponent's strength does not subside, then they will definitely suffer from such bombardment.

Want to go shopping? They shook their heads. They paid too much today and were beaten for too much blood. If they really used their fundamental strength, there was only one way to wait, and that was death.

Even if they killed the person in front of them, what price would they have to pay? Is it worth it?

However, they may not be able to kill Yu Sheng. After all, the other party is unfathomable. From the beginning, they have been shrouded in a fog, and they do not know his true strength, so they are afraid.

"We conceded."

One of the three ancestors said.

When hearing this sentence, the other two ancestors of the Wu family were all stunned, but they did not refute.

In fact, they didn't want to fight for a long time, but they only cared about a matter of face, after all, Yu Sheng's requirements were too much.

Not only did they want to rob people, but they also shot at them. If they just let it go, then where is the dignity and majesty of the Wu family.

Many times, this is what is said in all corners of the world, and no one is an exception.

If the Wu family does not make people fearful and intimidating, then there will be many ways to convince the public in the future.

However, now they have compromised.

After all, this can be done now for this matter, and they have also worked hard. If they were to pay the price of their lives, it would be too tragic.

After all, it is not easy for them to live this life.

"Little friend, I hope you can understand our position and the Wu family. Today is our fault."

An old man said.

They no longer have the aura of the superior, so they slowed down their aura and said sincerely.

For the rest of their lives, I don't know whether their minds are really remorseful or just pretending.

But it doesn't matter anymore. Since the other party asks him to go down the steps, he will go down, and his purpose is to want people. As long as he promises, it's easy to say.

The rest of the Wu family couldn't believe it. It was better than their ancestors who had compromised. What more could they say, they could only silently stare at the young man in front of them that they couldn't see through.

Yu Sheng seemed to have taught them enough lessons, making everyone in the Wu family dare not look at him too much.

This is a slap in the face for them. The ancestors of their own family lost to others, and they compromised the conditions after surrendering. It must be a laughing stock when it spreads.

Although such a thing could not shake their Wu family for a while, but in this matter, it gave them a stain.

After the ancestor compromised, he took Yu Sheng directly to the front of the palace, and then introduced him to various places in the Wu family.

Yu Sheng also gave them some healing pills, which quickly resolved their previous unhappiness.

Several people also smiled, feeling that since things are like this, they don't want to change.

"You don't know each other if you don't fight. It turns out that the little friend is not bad."

Yu Sheng's compliment to these three old guys was just a smile.

Afterwards, as if they had broken their appointment, they took Yu Sheng to a special attic, and after they came in, they went to an exquisite dinner and saw Wu Zeqing in the middle.

When Yu Sheng saw her, there was a trace of moisture in his eyes, but he didn't expect that the reunion of the old friend would be ruined on such an occasion.

Wu Zeqing also saw Yu Sheng, and then stared at the boss.

Yu Sheng hurriedly came to him and asked, "Are you alright?"

"I'm actually fine, but why are you here too?"

Wu Zeqing asked in confusion.

Yu Sheng said, "Let it be, but you were arrested, aren't you nervous? I don't think you look scared at all."

Wu Zeqing said, "They treated me well. Except for the incident of smuggling me over, it seems that nothing else is embarrassing me."

She looked at Yu Sheng and said, "Since we are here with you, let's go back. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

Yu Sheng finally smiled. This is the person he knew. The friendship between them has not changed. Of course, Yu Sheng is happy to go on a trip.

But at this time, a person who looked like a family roll said, "Miss, have you forgotten your mission? The Great Demon is about to be born. If you return to the original place, you will be ruined soon here."

The maid who looked like a family scroll said, there was also a trace of worry in her eyes.

At this time, Wu Zeqing was silent, and she looked at Yu Sheng.

"Do you want to stay, and also want to prevent this catastrophe, but you know, we are not from this world, and hard work can't actually change anything, especially the things of this world."

Wu Zeqing nodded in understanding but said, "I see, I'll go with you."

Yu Sheng nodded, and then glanced at the head of the Wu family, as well as the ladies, and the three ancestors, all with a gloomy look on their faces.

wucuoxs/42219/ "Anti-Goddess"

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