I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 2180: Enter the sandcastle

The dagger is very light, with a purple light after it is drawn, and an arc appears in the sky.

Qiu Yue was surprised, but did not expect that since this person robbed her of the matching sword, he even pulled it out.


Qiu Yue's eyes are a bit complicated at this time. After all, this is a pair of swords. Double swords generally have spirit. She usually uses a long sword that relies on this short sword. Weird red light.

These two swords have extraordinary origins and are said to be male and female swords, but no one has ever applied for it because only one can be used.

Since getting this sword, the male and female swords have not left him, but since someone pulled out another sword today, this has to make Qiu Yue a little shocked.

Yu Sheng looked at this sword, and he felt very unusual. The purple color contained a kind of spiritual energy, which was similar to the aura released by Ye Qingyun, but more pure.

"There is such a good thing, give me a bing."

Yu Sheng didn't know it was a male or female sword, he just felt that the purple dagger was very handy and light, and he felt a little inseparable from it as soon as he started it.

Qiu Yue hasn't recovered yet, and she didn't know what to say for a while.

But in the end, she still said, "The two swords must be together in order to have the greatest effect, and only taking one of them can only be an ordinary upper-middle-level magic weapon."

Yu Sheng looked at the other sword in Qiu Yue's hand, and could even sense the mood swings of the person holding the sword, and suddenly felt curious.

"I can't give you this sword."

In the end, Qiu Yue still said.

This sword is unknown to others, but it is of great significance to her. Both male and female swords can choose people, and the people who choose are generally accurate.

If it is selected, it must be a perfect match, and it can exert the power of these two swords.

Yu Sheng wondered, how could he let go so easily when he finally came across something he liked.

"I don't care, you can borrow me first, and I will pay you back when I come back."

Qiu Yue didn't know what to say at this time, she was not stopping the rest of her life.

After all, having Bing's handy weapon is also a favorable guarantee for him.

Afterwards, Yu Sheng said goodbye to Qiu Yue, to the country of sand dunes, and set foot on the ancient castle of the beast of sand, the city of sand.

The journey is long and I pass many neighbors, but I survived the rest of my life.

At night, he used the power of starlight to nourish himself, and he also discovered that under the desert, a silver-colored water source could provide moisture.

In fact, Yu Sheng didn't know that it was a vein, wandering in the desert like a water snake without a fixed place.

If you are encountered by i people, it will be very useful to get even a little of its juice.

Yu Sheng had encountered several times, and wandered through the middle area, and found that there was nothing but radio and television.

Such a divine spring will not be left in the desert for no reason, and this spring has no roots, so there must be a big secret in it.

However, regardless of these moments, Yu Sheng filled up a whole bottle of this liquid, and then hit the road.

Yu Sheng didn't know how long he had walked, maybe the friendly army had been there for more than ten days, or even longer. On this day, he finally saw a city gate.

The city gates are built of bones and look majestic.

At the same time, there are also some people standing guard above, guarding this place, looking very respectful.

After Yu Sheng came, they caught their attention, and then someone came down to meet them.


"I'm here to make a deal."

Yu Sheng and these two disguised demons replaced the purpose of this trip.

Sent to Pandu City to see His Highness Sha Pan.

Sand panic, as the name suggests, is the emperor of sand panic beasts.

This kind of existence is generally not seen, but the rest of life brings a lot of good things.

"I can remind you that if you delay things, you have to be responsible."

When they heard that they were responsible, the actors were dumbfounded, how could they possibly be responsible, any responsibility for them might pull their hips.

"Okay, we'll take you in."

Yu Sheng entered the deserted capital and met all kinds of "people."

These transformed sand beasts and sub-regions without transformation travel a relatively advanced area.

It turns out that it is not just people, even in other species groups, the strong prey is the norm.

Yu Sheng was arranged in front of a palace, and soon after the people inside came out, the place became lively.

Shao Beast looked at Yu Sheng and nodded.

"That old dude from Dune Country, let you come, does he have any explanation?"

Yu Sheng listened and replied, "May both parties be well, and neither will invade."

As a way to make Yu Sheng know the rules very well, you can understand what to say or not to say.

"Okay, bring something to you and you can go."

Seeing some things on the ground, Sha Hao nodded. There are many delicious food here, including some precious animal blood and dirt, some forage for Yaozu cultivation, and even gems and other items.

This time, for the sand beasts here, they can have every meal once, and they can pass this sharp change, which is a big change.

However, after receiving such a great benefit, the other party just said go back, which made Yu Sheng a little conflicted.

It's just that the other party has not exhausted the friendship of the landlord, and even receiving a gift is such a face, and the rest of his life suddenly feels worthless.

"Why, if you don't leave, do you want to stay here for two days, then I will send someone to arrange the room for you."

Sha said indifferently, in the end, he didn't look at Yu Sheng.

Yu Sheng said, "I have other things to do."

"Let's be honest, my time is precious."

Sha Huang used his tentacles to swipe over the treasures in front of him, as well as the flesh and blood of beef and sheep. His heart was also itchy, and he was a little bit repulsed by this name.

Yu Sheng also knew his current situation, but still said.

"I want to take a look at the tears of the desert."

The sound was not too loud, but it made everyone here look over, including Sha Pan.

Tears of the desert, when he heard this, Sha Pan's eyes also reflected a flash of shock.

After all, this thing is too sensitive to the meaning of their ethnic group.

"Do you want to see Tears of the Desert?"

Sha Pan did not evade, turned his head and asked Yu Sheng.

Yu Sheng nodded his head at this time, but instantly felt that there was an invisible aura suppressing the sand in front of him. That kind of aura was at least a thousand times stronger than that of almighty. He bowed his head and even knelt down.

"Yes, I want to see, I don't know if it is convenient for you."

After finishing speaking, Yu Sheng also freed up a force to resist the force released by Sha Pan. For a while, Sha Pan did not suppress him, allowing him to persevere and not fall.

"Okay, you are very good. You can resist my coercion at this level. You are qualified to see this stone."

The ministers were stunned, they never thought that since Sha Huang had set up a file like this, he would present the desert and the like, which is the legendary amber stone in the desert.

Tears of the Desert has never been shown in front of outsiders. In fact, Sha Pan doesn't want to show it, but today is different. After all, the people from Dune Country have sent so many gifts. As the friendship of the landlords, they should also satisfy each other's wish.

Moreover, Yu Sheng also passed his test, and the coercion under his crotch made him think that the sand dune country definitely and optimistic about this person, the relationship between these two points, Sha panic clearly, naturally, the steps that should be given are still given.

Tears of the desert, such a thing is called a treasure by the Shahuang family, and only the king of Shahuang has the right to belong and dispose of it.

Generally, such things are used as utensils for pressing boxes, and it is not easy to take them out. Usually, they can be used to assist one's own practice and development, and achieve a multiplier effect with half the effort.

"It's nothing to look at. Since you look at this request, it will satisfy you."

Following the words, a chariot slowly walked out.

The horse in front of them is a kind of mixed-race horse. Their bodies are horses, but their heads are not. They look like other species, which makes people look weird.

These horses were pulling a box-like thing, which was then sealed with seals.

"The Tears of the Desert sleeps once every few years, and this time it slept for a full ten years."

Sha Pan said that his eyes were also a little blurry at this time. After all, this time was the longest period of time when the spar slept, and it was said that it was also the most thorough awakening of divine power.

"I didn't expect that Amber Stone was just awakened by you, and you are lucky."

Saying that, Sha Pan waved his hand, and the rope tied to the cart broke. The huge box moved across and appeared in Sha Pan's hand.

I saw him sit down and then recite an ancient mantra.

And other people in the city, like some mages, also recited one after another, as if the whole city was ringing with such a sound.

This time, people suddenly felt a breath that spread out from the sky.

Star Dou in the desert trembled as if it was being pulled by something, as if it had fallen from the sky.

But in the end, they just swayed separately, and then a beam of light came down and disappeared into this mysterious box.

The awakening of the amber stone is of extraordinary significance. For the group of sand beasts, it is tantamount to a change.

After the spar has completely subsided, they can use it to practice.

Since then, they have to become more powerful, and some people even want to use this stone to break through the realm of the Great Venerable.

To know that it is great to be able to become a great master. If you can reach the Great Venerable Realm directly, it is incredible. This kind of method will definitely make the sand beasts rise in the entire region.

At that time, their first thing is to enter some areas of neighboring countries and expand their own territory.

They don't have to stay in this area to keep the sun scorching.

Yu Sheng knew why the Dune Kingdom attached so much importance to this action, because it threatened them extremely seriously.

In this life, the sand beasts are strong and strong, and they may attack them at any time, so they must stop the other party in a short time.

And this time, sending Yu Sheng is obviously an action. If Yu Sheng fails and dies here, then the lord of the Dune Kingdom will also send troops to attack these ancient sand beasts.

However, the sand beast is a very ancient beast. It must be reasonable to survive to this day. They have extremely strong vitality. No matter it is any part of the body, except for the accidental part of the head, as long as it is disconnected, it can be Recovery just takes a certain amount of time.

Therefore, in terms of combat power and physique, the Dune Country must be far behind.

But in the real fight, many things are hard to say. Visually, Dune Country should not be able to get anything cheap.

Yu Sheng watched the box suddenly burst open, revealing a dazzling luminous body inside. It was only the size of a washbasin, and it was full of seven-color rhythm, like the legendary five-color stone.

Everyone was shocked, they didn't expect this to happen.

Sha Ji never thought that after this deep sleep, the energy inside the amber stone was completely awakened, and so many divine lights were developed.

If this is the case, then their cultivation progress will be faster.

Just put it on an altar, properly absorb strength, and assist in cultivation, it will be a rare experience.

For the protection of amber stones, the sand beasts also protect them, but they still want to overdraw their potential for themselves.

It was hard to wake up, so they thought that this time it would not be so easy to fall asleep, and the massive amount of stone essence was given together, and they could absorb it well and refine the demon body.

When Yu Sheng saw the luminous stone, he also had an idea in his heart.

Sha Huang turned his head and said, "This is the Amber Stone. Did you see it? This is our clan Kuibao. With him, what are you humans? In time, our clan will surely dominate the world."

Yu Sheng heard the words, did not comment, and ignored the other party directly.

After all, he wasn't stupid enough to refute Sha Pan at this time. If he did so, there would only be one consequence, and that would be to be ruthlessly killed by the opponent.

Seeing that Yu Sheng didn't refute, Sha An thought that the other party was shocked by his words, and he laughed for a while, and his self-esteem was satisfied to a certain extent.

However, they didn't know that a plan had been brewing in Yu Sheng's mind, and he couldn't say that he would just let things develop.

The amber stone was sealed again and shipped away.

Through Qiu Yue's pendant, Yu Sheng sensed where the stone was being transported.

The sand beast is very happy, and he almost doesn't care about the rest of his life.

In the end, he left a sentence and asked him to stay as long as he wanted. If he wanted to stay, he would be given some beautiful women, so that some mixed-race beasts would be born in the future.

Yu Sheng heard these words, but he didn't laugh. UU reading www.uukanshu.com The mother's sand beast, even if it turned into a humanoid, some body still retains animal characteristics, and there is almost nothing to see in these people In the past, everyone looked great.

The rest of my life is also convinced. This Sha panic is really in a good mood. He is really narcissistic to such a degree that he has never doubted his own motives.

However, Yu Sheng thought about it too much, Sha Pan, but he never regarded him as one thing. In his eyes, only using the amber stone to quickly cultivate and break through to the next realm as soon as possible, this is the main thing.

Some things, Yu Sheng has already figured out, the other party relaxes his vigilance so much, he will count on it.

At night, he fell asleep on the stone bed, and in a dream, he communicated the time collection, Chaos Lu.

There is a trick in it, which is to perform an illusion in a short period of time, so that people can't see through it, so that they can get through and steal what they want.

Yu Sheng didn't understand why there was a record of such a technique in Time and Space Lu, but they didn't think much about it, and they quickly gave action.

In the middle of the night, Yu Sheng lurked into a secret room, when he fascinated the guards.

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