I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 2191: pressure on the spot

Although Yu Sheng wears ordinary clothes, it also gives a person an extremely intimate feeling and looks harmless.

But his every move, since he can skillfully avoid the attack of this servant, is all this a coincidence? This is obviously a problem.


After a series of attacks, the servant was panting, but he didn't even touch the corner of Yu Sheng's clothes. Instead, he embarrassed himself in front of his master and everyone, which made him feel like vomiting blood.

"Why, I still want to come."

Yu Sheng got up, and then sat in a toasting position for the son behind the servant.

The man in the yellow robe and cape also walked forward, sat down in front of Yu Sheng, and stared at each other.

The two looked at each other, and then the consciousness was released, confronting each other.

I saw the surrounding wooden stakes tremble a little, and the whole inn was like this.

In the end, the man's chair burst directly, and then one stumbled to the ground.

He was bleeding from his mouth at this time. Obviously, in the confrontation just now, he fell behind and the other party injured him.

Seeing this, his subordinates protected him, and at this time, he was a little afraid of the rest of his life.

"Why, this name is in a hurry to salute me, you don't need this name to be polite." Yu Sheng said.

"You are really crazy."

The man was angry, and at this time he directly pulled out the sword from his waist, only to see a fleeting stream of light, and the blade that was temporarily placed like a flower of mercury slowly flew out from the inside.

At first, it was in liquid form and looked like mercury.

But when it came into the hands of the man, it turned into a sharp sword with a layer of sword frost faintly covering it.

Sword frost can be condensed by Jian Xiu himself, or it can come from the sword itself.

The latter's Jianshuang appearing in the body of the sword is naturally more artificially terrifying than the former.

A clever breath rushed towards him, and he wanted to cut him in half.

For the rest of his life, he watched the sword light pass by without fear, and avoided it directly.

The opponent's sword was very fast, and only afterimages could be seen.

But Yu Sheng was faster, and under the pressure of the opponent, he still managed to escape every link.

The man gave up the attack, opened the distance, and stared ahead.

"It doesn't make sense for you to hide like this. If you don't fight head-on, you will still lose."

After Yu Sheng listened to it, he smiled and knew that the other party was aggressive and wanted to force himself to do it.

"Just now, I was giving you a chance. It's not that I didn't make a move, but that you didn't have the conditions for me to make a move."

Yu Sheng Dandan said.

"No conditions."

The man pursed his lips, nothing could be more insulting to him.

Yu Sheng was standing in front of him with his hands behind his back at this time, looking like an expert in the world, his whole person was elegant and refined, as if he had no desire or desire.

However, this aroused the killing intent in the man's heart.

What is the other party, this attitude, this tone, it is clear that he looks down on him.

Who is he, he is the young master of Yunjian Villa, but now he is being looked down upon by an inconspicuous person.

Although he felt that the other party might have concealed his identity, even if his identity was high, who in this city would not give him face, but now he was humiliating him.

"You will regret this."

said the man.

Yu Sheng looked at each other as if he were a clown, a clown who could only be beaten.

The man looked at Yu Sheng silently, at first he thought that the other party must be jealous, but then seeing the contempt in the other party's eyes, his blood pressure suddenly soared.

What was that, such naked eyes, cutting his self-esteem like a knife, embarrassing him.

It's a form of humiliation, an attitude of the superior looking at the inferior.

"You think you're amazing, don't you? It's because the martial arts are stronger than mine. After a while, when I break through, I will definitely tear you down."

The man was in a hurry. The other party was in the same realm as him, and he was also powerful. Originally, he thought it could be checked and balanced. He believed that as long as he fought at the same level, no one could beat him, but he did not expect to encounter a monster and overturned.

Therefore, in terms of words, he will not make concessions or suffer losses. Even if he loses, he believes that the man in front of him will not dare to touch him.

Yu Sheng replied, "It seems that you still have brains and know that you can't beat it."

Hearing the words, the man replied, "Remember what happened today, Yunjian Villa will not forget it."

Yu Sheng smiled and jumped directly in front of the man, looking at him.

At this time, whether it was the man, or the servants and guards around him, they were all stunned for a moment, for fear that the other party would attack Thunder.

Yu Sheng now gives them an impression that it is strong, outrageously strong.

Fortunately, the other party didn't give them a trump card, and didn't kill any of them, but it would be extremely unfavorable for them if it was consumed like this, because it was too dangerous.

"Yunjian Villa, who are you from Yunjian Villa?"

Yu Sheng asked.

Faced with the problems of the rest of his life, the man did not dare to disobey, for fear of angering the other party.

"Yunjian Villa is a hundred miles in diameter. Apart from those major sects, the most powerful forces command all the heroes, and no one dares to obey."

The man proudly said, "I am the second son of the villa, Yun Yi."

Yu Sheng was very disappointed when he heard the other party introduce their family, along with his own name, and immediately thought about it.

"I don't know what you're talking about in this loud voice. Since it's not comparable to several major sects, it can only be regarded as a small force, a group of rabble."

Yu Sheng said without any hesitation.

When Yun Yi heard this, he immediately looked over. He had never seen anyone who heard him report his family name, but he moved calmly, and in turn belied the people in their villa.

"who are you."

At this time, Yun Yi was a little nervous. He dared to say that the name of their villa is so fearless. He is definitely not an unknown person in the arena, and even has a great background.

He felt that he had fallen into a tailspin today, but before that, he still wanted to know the other party's name.

Yu Sheng said, "Why should I tell you."

At this time, Yun Yi was no longer worth mentioning in his eyes. The arrogant way he came here just now made Yu Sheng disgusted and made him disgusted. He wanted to ask his name, which was not good.

Yun Yi also has nothing to do. As the owner of Yunjian Villa, since he can't let an outsider reveal his name, can it be said that the identity or seniority of the other party is really much higher than himself, and he is not even worthy of himself. Know.

Thinking of this, he clenched his fists, knowing that the other party was deceiving him.

Yu Sheng looked at the other party angry, but he couldn't do anything about him, so he was relieved a little.

"Originally, I didn't want to take care of your affairs, but it happens that you offended me, what do you say."

Yu Sheng said.

"You can meet Yunjian Villa with me, and I will personally offer the baby an apology."

After the words fell, Yun Yi handed over to Yu Sheng.

Yu Sheng was stunned, he just said it casually, but he didn't expect Yun Yi to agree.

Just follow the other party's wishes, go to Yunjian Villa, will the other party come to a Wengzhong to catch the turtle.

In fact, Yu Sheng came out this time to investigate the matter in the celestial burial area, and to find clues in the Tianmen, it is not that there is not much reference value.

He could only inquire in person.

Of course, Tianji Pavilion also helped him pay attention and gave him some clues.

Among them, the iron chain arranged at the entrance is mentioned, which is very similar to the forbidden chain that traps a certain kind of beast.

That kind of iron chain is not artificially arranged, but generated according to the place, or the order of the space, or other elements.

In short, that kind of means cannot be arranged by ordinary people.

So, what is locked in it must be amazing.

Yu Sheng nodded, he finally understood something.

As for the material of the iron chain, this thing even Tianji Pavilion does not know, and wants Yu Sheng to go to the rivers and lakes to investigate.

The Pavilion Master of Tianji Pavilion is a close friend for Yu Sheng, so he will not ask the other party directly for some things, but ask one of his assistants.

What Yu Sheng didn't expect was that although this assistant was quite capable, upon closer inspection, since he was born as a daughter.

When the other party saw Yu Sheng's strange eyes, he immediately knew that his identity could not be hidden from the other party.

But that's okay, Yu Sheng didn't have any malicious intent, so after getting close, he asked this question.

The assistant said that some things are still under investigation, especially for the celestial burial area, they are also studying and exploring all the way, hoping to find clues.

The organization of the Tianji Pavilion is very powerful, with many networks of relationships, and it is very complicated.

Yu Sheng knew that, as an assistant, he couldn't possibly tell Yu Sheng, an "outsider", of everything.

Because if all of them are told to the other party, it does not mean that he betrays the master of the Tianji Pavilion, betrays the Tianji Pavilion, he can't do such a thing.

In the face of Yu Sheng's inquiries, the assistant also revealed some information appropriately, which he felt was not a secret, so Yu Sheng was not without gain.

After Yu Sheng left, he came to this tavern, and now went to Yunjian Villa with Yun Yi.

Yu Sheng didn't hold the other party or threaten the other party, but just followed the other party, which made others see him as the guest of Young Master Yun.

In this way, they arrived at Yunjian Villa.

After entering the door, Yu Sheng felt a few energy fluctuations, and these forces were not much weaker than him.

The middle stage of the power, the late stage of the power, the real person.

He can be sure that in this villa, these people are sitting in different places.

Yu Sheng is too lazy to care about this, as long as he is not a powerful person at the venerable level, even if these people go together, they will not threaten him, and he has a way to escape.

Seeing that Yu Sheng was in a hurry, Yun Yi stepped in the moment he entered the gate of the villa, and immediately made him give this person another point higher.

"I don't know your name yet. My villa never accepts people of unknown origin."

Yun Yi said.

Yu Sheng found that after arriving at Yunjian Villa, the tone of Yun Yi's voice was also a bit tougher, and now he asked himself his name.

"My name is Yu Sheng."

Yu Sheng said without changing his face.

"Yu Sheng, you are Yu Sheng."

Yun Yi was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that Du Fang had turned the rivers and lakes into muddy water some time ago, making Tianmen lose face for the rest of his life.

Although he finally reconciled with Tianmen, during that time, he definitely knew that Yu Sheng's influence and strength were much higher than some geniuses in Jianghu.

Some people even compared him with Ye Qingyun.

"It turned out to be Yu Sheng Xiongtai. I was the one who made a fool of myself earlier."

Yun Yi said.

Yu Sheng waved his hand, "Forget it, the little things are over. From now on, don't be so arrogant, or I'll beat you every time I see you."

Yun Yi was speechless and could only nod his head.

He was very happy to be able to make friends with people like Yu Sheng, even if it was an ordinary friendship. As for the other party's request, he immediately agreed.

In fact, he doesn't like to be in trouble, but his servants told him to be more domineering at ordinary times, which would be more powerful and convincing, so he did it. Now he can change this style immediately. It's not a problem.

Yu Sheng nodded, seeing that the other party was so refreshing, but it was also heart-warming, and the previous bad impression of the other party disappeared.

Yun Yi began to take Yu Sheng to turn around in Jianzhuang, introducing everything inside.

Jianzhuang has beautiful scenery and some historic sites.

"Originally, Yunjian Villa was not built here because there is a sword washing pool here, and we moved in later."

When Yun Yi said this news, his face also showed a dash of pride.

Indeed, in the Southern Region, there is only such a Sword Washing Pond, in Yunjian Villa, which makes many people envious and envious.

Therefore, in order to maintain this sword washing pool, Yunjian Villa has been named after many years, and things have been going on.

It is normal that there are sects or forces coveting this place, and there are not one or two bloodshed incidents.

Yu Sheng nodded, he could understand.

For ordinary people, even monks who practice kendo, the Sword Washing Pond is no different from a treasure.

It can help people to cleanse the inner thoughts of the sword-wielding person, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com can integrate with the mind and achieve a state of mind that is free of dust and dirt.

You know, such a state of mind is difficult to maintain or encounter.

Sword repair can only be triggered by chance and cannot be controlled.

But Sword Washing Pool can make this condition trigger unlimited.

"Some swordsmen think that as long as you enter the sword washing pool, you can realize the sword intent, which is actually a misunderstanding."

Yun Yi said.

Yu Sheng nodded, he knew that everything had to be disciplined, and the same was true of the Sword Washing Pond.

"Only at certain times, the Sword Washing Pond will have an effect, such as the opening of the first month, or the fifteenth of the month, and the full moon night once a year, or some special astronomical times."

The Sword Washing Pond also obeys the right time and place, and only when these conditions are triggered can the cultivator enter the realm of enlightenment.

"The Sword Washing Pond is open to the public for a few days every year, so that people in the martial arts can come to enlightenment."

Yun Yi said.

Yu Sheng nodded, he knew that Yunjian Villa was right to do so.

Only in this way can some contradictions be suppressed, and there are some people who want to make bad ideas.

On the one hand, it can also make some talented people in the rivers and lakes realize the Tao and take it to a higher level.

Yun Yi said, "Since Yu Sheng Xiongtai came to my house today as a guest, then you can take a bath in this pool later."

Yu Sheng looked at the other party, but he didn't expect Yun Yi to be so generous and give him such a chance.

Such a large pool, even if it is not a full moon night, or a special day, but with the spirituality of this pool, you can still comprehend something.

Even if they can't, it's not bad for the gang master to enter meditation on his own.

Yu Sheng did not refuse, and he had no reason to refuse, so he had to surrender.

The two chatted for a while, then went to the living room.

Yu Sheng asked about the celestial burial area, and Yun Yi was also listening at this time.

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