I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 234: Terrible rest of my life

   "What should I do?" When everyone saw this, their faces were solemn.

   "Go up cautiously." Zhou Tianyu gritted his teeth so that the roots of his teeth were itchy.

   Everyone hesitated, but decided to be more careful.

   It can be said that the trap for the rest of his life directly shocked them.

   "Instructor, how many traps did you set up inside?" Ye Xingchen couldn't help but ask.


   "What the hell? One?" Ye Xingchen's eyes widened, he looked at Yu Sheng incredulously, and couldn't help but said, "Instructor, why don't you get more?"

   "It's useless to make too much." Yu Sheng shook his head and said.

   Yu Sheng also knows that these people are not stupid, and they have made too many traps. They are also useless, because they can see that it is similar to the previous, such a little grinding, no matter how many traps he arranges, they will be ground out.

   This trap was also based on people's inertial thinking. He didn't expect it to work. At first, he didn't think this trap could work.

   If you want to blame, blame these people's heart problems.

   Liu Xiaoyu, Chen Xiao and others are also speechless.

   This explanation is understandable.

   What made them feel speechless was that it was just such a trap, and they were touched by the other side. The other side's **** was transported away... it was really a mess.

   Ye Xingchen glanced at these people with some pity, only one trap was touched, and then these people became cautious again.

   don't know what sin was committed.

   Meeting their instructors, these guys are also unlucky.

   To tell the truth, the psychological tactics Yu Sheng played is really incredible. This week Tianyu is a suspicious person. Although he has his own strong judgment, his years of special forces career will make him extra careful.

   After all, one who is not careful can lose his life.

   That’s why I will play this kind of playful tricks for the rest of my life.

   With Zhou Tianyu on the side and the mud, these other instructors may also be suspicious on the side, and even begin to doubt life.

   thus caused their conflicts.

   People's minds are sometimes a contradiction.

   About half an hour later, these people finally arrived on the mountain.

   At this moment, their faces are pale, as ugly as they are.

Oh shit.

be cheated.

   They thought there were other traps, but after walking along the way, they realized that it was just such a trap that wasted a lot of their time.

   This makes them so angry.

  Especially the Huazhong instructor, his face was even more sullen, just like a trap, and he was trampled on by himself. This is really a blood mold for eight lifetimes.

   At this moment, his feet are a little red and swollen, and his combat effectiveness has basically dropped by half.

   A group of people gathered Yu Sheng in the middle, staring at Yu Sheng coldly and sternly, wishing to blast Yu Sheng.

   I also looked at these people for the rest of my life, smiled and said: "I told you that there are no traps, you just don't believe it, you see that we have eaten all our food, and we have a rest for a while."

   "Now you have nothing to eat if you want."

   As soon as he said this, the corners of Zhou Tianyu and the others' mouths twitched fiercely. This guy is really mad at him.

   "Instructor Yu, hand over all the medals on you, we can let you go." Zhou Tianyu said coldly.


   Yusheng heard this, his gaze was on the other instructors, and he stopped for a while, smiled and said: "Dear instructors, do you have the same idea?"

   The instructor of Zhejiang University said coldly: "Hand over the medal on your body, and that's it for today."

   Indeed, being fooled by Yu Sheng, it made them feel very uncomfortable, but they had nothing to do.

   can only recognize bad luck.

   But if you teach me a meal for the rest of your life, it's not impossible.

   "If you want a medal, then knock me down first." Yu Sheng said lightly.

"Ha ha."

   The Central University instructor said coldly: "Yu Sheng, do you think you can compete with the six of us alone?"

   "You can try it." Yu Sheng raised the corner of his mouth, revealing a slightly playful smile.

   "In that case, don't blame us for being impolite, let's go together."

   Everyone didn't talk nonsense, and decided to take the rest of their lives as quickly as possible. After all, there were so many people, there was no need to fight alone, although they were a bit bullying.

   But solo fights until the last one is exhausted, what about the rest of the people grabbing the medal?

   So they decided to shoot together.


   Suddenly, one of them punched Yu Sheng, Yu Sheng's eyes flashed, and he lifted his foot and kicked it.

   The speed of the rest of his life is fast and accurate, and he can even hear the sharp leg wind.

   Everyone noticed that their complexion changed slightly.

   One side of the body, dodge hurriedly.

   For a time, everyone was fighting together.

   Ye Xingchen, Chen Xiao and others are all nervous.

   "Our instructor, can you do it? One dozen six, isn't this too reluctant." Chen Xiao couldn't help but said.

   "You ask me who I want to go, although our instructors are great, but one dozen six..."

   Ye Xingchen became silent when he said this.


   It's too reluctant to hit six. Even if it comes from special forces, there are some problems with this one. After all, the opponents are soldiers and often train, and this is not a life-and-death fight.

   If it's a life-and-death fight, then I really don't know.

   For a while, everyone was nervously watching the rest of their lives in front of them~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They didn't want the rest of their lives to lose, if they lost the rest of their lives, then their Beijing University would be over.

   Outsiders are also talking about it, especially when they see the rest of their lives one enemy six, this makes many people amazed.

   With one enemy six, what a great skill.

   At the same time, they are also slightly looking forward to it.

   I don't know if I can break the game for the rest of my life.

   Some people expected it, and some people ridiculed it. Liu Changfeng and Bai Xinian were all delighted to see this scene.

  I walked along this road for the rest of my life, like a tourist, I have never seen such an arrogant one.

   Aroused public outrage at this moment, people from several universities gathered together to kill him.

   This time, the rest of his life will almost certainly die.

   will come out to mix, and sooner or later will have to pay it back.

   I was so arrogant before, and in the end I didn't make a wedding dress for others, huh, it turns out that the young man is still a young man.

   If they had hidden long ago and waited until the end, then the first place would naturally be theirs in time.

   "Hehe, this kid is finished, six masters, he can't beat it." Bai Xinian said coldly.

   "I am a little younger and arrogant. I think I have some ability, so I don't put anyone in my eyes." Li Xi sneered.

   "This time, Beijing University's results will be the bottom." Liu Changfeng glanced at the big screen casually, and said faintly.


   As they watched... the next scene, but everyone closed their mouths.

   Their eyes are wide, and their faces are so full that they can't believe the scene before them.

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