I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 254: This kid is so powerful (5


After Yu Sheng finished speaking, Fan Tianlei's forehead went black, and that face was as ugly as it was.

As for Lan Zhiguang, his face was also stiff, and he immediately looked at Yu Sheng a little dazedly, his eyes full of incredible and shocking colors.

So far, I haven't changed my god.

After a while, Lan Zhiguang couldn't help but said, "Boy, what did you just say? What did you break?"

When Lan Zhiguang asked this, even his voice was raised a little bit higher. After Yu Sheng heard the words, he glanced at Lan Zhiguang with some promise, with a little embarrassment on his face.

Oh shit.

He still couldn't figure out how the **** the track of this tank broke. This is really nonsense. Why did the track break? Although I want to play drifting, but the tank is too heavy to play at all, isn't it just driving faster?

That wouldn't mean that the tracks would also be broken?

There must be a problem with the quality of this tank. Yes, those weapons experts must have cut corners.

"That's it, two of the tank's tracks were broken..." Yu Sheng hesitated for a while before slowly speaking.

After finishing talking, Lan Zhiguang rushed in one direction quickly, Niu tried hard and the three of them saw it, and they also chased up together.

Fan Tianlei had a dark face, as ugly as it was.

When Yu Sheng saw this, he followed in a hurry. There was no way. Looking at Fan Tianlei's face, he knew that Fan Tianlei had an urge to kill.

When the rest of his life was gone, Fan Tianlei couldn't help but yelled: "Damn, this little **** is like a dog's plane. Seeing what you plan to do, I got a plane off the plane last time, and now I'll do it again. Overturned a tank, Cao, how much does it cost..."

Rao is Fan Tianlei's temper, and can't help it.

At this moment, Fan Tianlei was almost made to cry by Yu Sheng...

Damn, what's wrong? You either do airplanes or tanks, next time you are going to scrap the aircraft carrier, if you kid do scraps of the aircraft carrier, I will go hang it immediately. Have seen such a bully instructor.

Fan Tianlei is that angry.

Chen Shanming, Miao Lang and others on the side also turned black.

The last time I fought with Flying Dragon Brigade, the other party didn't hold it accountable, otherwise...they would have to become paupers.

But this time...

The kid ran over another tank.

According to such a gameplay, it is estimated that he will not be able to withstand such a toss.

You **** finish the airplane and the tank, who can stand it.

"This little bastard." Fan Tianlei's Qi Qiao Qisheng smoked: "I said why he wants me to bring him to the tank battalion. It turned out to be a tank for me."

"It's really mad at me."

Fan Tianlei was furious, and Chen Shanming and Miao Lang were also speechless.

It's really a blood mold for eight lifetimes to stand on a soldier like this for the rest of his life.

What have they done for the rest of their lives? Those who are leaders, they must be in the front... But the point is, this bastard, everything they do is very expensive.

It's not a matter of millions.

This tank, although I don't know how much it is, it can't be beaten for less than a few million dollars.

They just emptied the money and they probably bought a tank.

But in the future, they have to eat the dirt with their fangs...

Damn, this kid is so troublesome, every time he makes trouble, it costs a lot of money.

It's definitely a dog planing.

Fan Tianlei said with a black face: "Come with me."

Immediately everyone followed, the matter had already happened, and it had to be resolved.

Fan Tianlei also knows that for these tank soldiers, tanks are their roots, very valuable, even invaluable.

When Lan Zhiguang came to this tank, Lan Zhiguang stayed for one.

"Is it really broken?"

Others don't know, but Lan Zhiguang knows, unless the shell hits the place, otherwise, this track will be fine.


Judging from this, the two crawlers are broken.

This made Lan Zhiguang look dumbfounded.

Why did the track break? Is this really played for the rest of my life?

If it was played, how did the rest of his life do it?

Lan Zhiguang asked, "Niu worked hard, what did that kid do just now?"

Niu couldn't help but speak, "Brigadier Commander, he just said he wanted to drive the tank, so I let him drive it. During the driving, he ran into a rock."


After Lan Zhiguang heard this, his face turned green.

Damn, the tank hits the stone, what do you do if you are full?

Just when Lan Zhiguang felt that he just wanted to go crazy, Niu tried his best to continue to speak: "Just when he was about to hit it, Yu Sheng suddenly changed direction and made a circle around the big rock, and then we came back. NS."

"Nothing?" Lan Zhiguang asked.

"Nothing." Niu said hard.

"Just turned around the stone, the track broke?" Lan Zhiguang said with three black lines on his forehead.

"Well, that's the truth." Niu tried to hesitate and nodded: "However, when he was driving the tank, he directly drove the tank to its maximum speed."

Lan Zhiguang looked dumbfounded.

You just drove the tank's horsepower to the maximum without breaking the tracks? Besides, he just made a circle around the stone, and if you drove seventy steps around, the track shouldn't be broken, right?

This scene is really amazing.

So much so that Lan Zhiguang is deeply suspicious. Is it because the processing plant is cutting corners? If this is cutting corners, he is willing to kill these people in the processing plant.

You can cut corners everywhere, but these weapons can't cut corners.

This is the existence of safeguarding the dignity of the country.

Even if I dare to cut corners, it is purely seeking death.

But... logically speaking, every tank has to go through countless interrogations and tests before it can be used by them. Why did the tracks suddenly break.

After thinking about it for a long time, Lan Zhiguang didn't even think about this problem.

At this moment, Fan Tianlei also came here. Fan Tianlei gave Yu Sheng a fierce look before he smiled and said, "Brigadier Lan, I'm really embarrassed. I didn't expect that my soldier was so reckless. I will teach him a lesson. Don't worry, we will pay for the tank."

When saying the word'compensate', Fan Tianlei's face only twitched, and even Chen Shanming and Miao Lang's face changed slightly.

Damn, if the money is lost, wouldn't their military expenses be gone? Isn't it necessary to drink northwest wind?

Drinking northwest wind every day, who can stand it?

At this moment, Chen Shanming, Miao Lang and others have been itching their teeth with hatred for the rest of their lives. This stinky boy is simply too messy.

"Brigadier Lan, you just said that you broke the tank, and..." Yu Sheng hurriedly said when he saw this.

If they really lost the money for the tank, it is estimated that they will have to drink Xifeng this year. He doesn't want to drink Xifeng all year.

Lan Zhiguang took a deep breath, and thought of what he had just said.

At this moment, I mentioned this again for the rest of my life, which made Lan Zhiguang feel regretful.

If you knew it, you shouldn't have promised him.

But only two tracks were broken. Fortunately, there were no damages in other places. After the tracks were repaired, they could continue to be used, and the price was not too expensive, so they could repair them.

Lan Zhiguang took a deep breath, and then slowly said: "It's okay, it's just that two crawlers are broken. Then I will find someone to fix it and it will be fine."

Yu Sheng breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words.

As long as it's okay.

Fan Tianlei couldn't help saying: "Brigade Commander Lan, you can rest assured that we will never fall back on our bills. We have all the money to spend. This is also our responsibility."

Although Fan Tianlei didn't want to give money either, but he couldn't stand it as a soldier... You shit, do airplanes or tanks, none of them can't be done by you kid.

"No, you can't take the kid to see the aircraft carrier next time."

Fan Tianlei suddenly thought of an extremely serious question. If he really took this kid to see the aircraft carrier and turned it over, he would sell him Fan Tianlei, and he would not be able to buy it.

So, let this kid not touch these things in the future.

However, as everyone knows, Yu Sheng actually went to the aircraft carrier afterwards... Those things that made Fan Tianlei's face turned green, but this matter was nothing more.

"Tian Lei, it's polite to say this." Lan Zhiguang smiled and said, "It's just two crawlers, just slow down, this thing is not expensive, our Ninth Brigade, we all have spare parts. It's just going to be replaced at that time."

"Really okay?" Fan Tianlei glanced suspiciously at Lan Zhiguang before he couldn't help asking.

"It's okay." Lan Zhiguang said with a smile.

Fan Tianlei breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. As long as he was okay, he was really afraid of losing money.

After all, their Spokesperson’s funds are also limited.

If it was used to compensate for this thing, it would really be a blood loss, and people with Spikes would have to drink Northwest Wind.

Fan Tianlei looked at Yu Sheng who was smiling, and couldn't help but stared at Yu Sheng severely, as if he was saying, you stinky boy, you are making trouble for me every day.

It only took an hour to come to the Ninth Brigade, and you gave me a bright tank.

At this moment, Fan Tianlei was also a little embarrassed to continue to let Yu Sheng and the others continue to visit. After all, the tank was killed by Yu Sheng. If he continued to visit, Fan Tianlei would not have that face anymore.

In fact, what he fears most is that he is afraid of breaking a tank for the rest of his life, which is really troublesome.

It is estimated that Lan Zhiguang will be able to break off friendship with himself.


At this moment, suddenly there was a rumbling sound, which attracted Yu Sheng and them all. Yu Sheng looked not far away, there were tanks, and they were constantly driving towards this side. , Such a vast scene, so Yu Sheng could not help but be a little surprised.

Why did you suddenly make such a big scene, what kind of routine?

"Commander Lan, this is..." Fan Tianlei also glanced at the tanks in a daze, with a dazed expression on his face.

"Training." Lan Zhiguang opened his mouth.


Yu Sheng could not help but be a little surprised when he heard this. He also learned to play tanks in the tank simulation, and Mark also explained to him some of the essentials of tanks.

But he really hadn't seen this kind of tank training before, and seeing such a scene today made the rest of his life a little shocked.

Such scenes are rare.

"Brigadier Lan, how is this training done?" He Chenguang asked curiously.

"It's very simple."

Lan Zhiguang said faintly: "Practice, naturally you must practice the maneuverability, accuracy and cooperation of the tank."

"Tanks can't be played by one person. This requires three people to cooperate."

"Only three people can cooperate perfectly and reach the state of being one with the tank, before they can exert the maximum power of this tank."

"The so-called mobility is driving the tank. The most important thing is stability and the ability to dodge shells. The splashing ability of shells is great, but every tank has professional bulletproof capabilities."

"As long as the tank is not hit frontally, the tank will not be scrapped for a while, even if it is hit frontally, it can resist twice."

"So when the cannonball hits it, they can't be hit by the cannonball."

"As the captain, he is naturally responsible for directing and directing the audience."

"Therefore, the duty of the captain is very important, because the captain is equivalent to the eyes."

"Here is the gunner."

"As a gunner, the most important thing is to hit far, accurate, and fast."

"There is a lot of professional knowledge involved, and I won't explain it to you in detail."

Lan Zhiguang's words made everyone suddenly realize, while Yu Sheng stared at the tanks in front of him with scorching eyes. To be honest, he also had a feeling of trembling for these tanks.

He also knows...

The probability of driving the tank by himself this time is almost zero.


He just broke a car, he just wanted to touch it, and I guess Fan Tianlei wouldn't dare to touch it anymore.

At this moment, Niu worked hard and they all watched this scene with a little heart. If their tank wasn't broken, they could also go for training.

It was because of the rest of their lives that they broke their tanks, which caused them to be unable to train even if they wanted to train.

For a moment, they all looked at Yu Sheng with a bit of resentment, with a deep displeasure in their eyes.

Yu Sheng also noticed Niu's dissatisfaction with their efforts, and Yu Sheng shrugged. There was no way.

He didn't mean it.

"It's magnificent..." He Chenguang sighed slightly.

"Yeah, this is the big scene, just like making a blockbuster." Wang Yanbing couldn't help but said.

"I...I'm a little scared." Li Erniu looked at the tanks in front of him nervously, as if he was afraid that they would run over him.

"Er Niu, you should really practice your courage, and I will cram you under the tank another day to practice your courage." Wang Yanbing couldn't help but said.

Even a tank is scared. It would be too embarrassing to say this. How about special forces? Counseling soldiers is almost the same.

"Don't..." Li Erniu shivered when he heard it, and hurriedly said: "I, I'm not afraid anymore, I'm not afraid anymore."

When He Chenguang saw this, he was speechless and said: "Old bull, you have the courage...It's really time to practice."

After speaking, He Chenguang shook his head.

Yu Sheng hesitated, and cautiously came to Wang Yanbing and He Chenguang's side, and couldn't help saying: "Chenguang, Yanbing, do you want to play with tanks?"

"Play tank?"

When He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing heard this, their eyes widened, and they said unbelievably, "Yu Sheng, you are not mistaken? Let's play tanks? Do you think it is possible?"

"Yes." He Chenguang couldn't help but said: "You just broke a car, do you think the chief of staff will let you touch the tank?"

"For the rest of my life, don't fool around. If you are fooling around, I'm afraid we really can't afford this money." Wang Yanbing couldn't help but say.

Playing tanks for the rest of my life was really frightening.

They were also afraid that another car would be broken for the rest of their lives.

"What are you afraid of?" Yu Sheng said casually: "If it really breaks, count me, I have money."

I checked it before Yu Sheng, and found that there was really an extra 10 million dollars in my account. I have to say that this scorpion is really rich.

He also told Fan Tianlei about this matter, and what Fan Tianlei told him was that he would take this little money without violating the party.

Logically speaking, this money needs to be handed in, but Fan Tianlei didn't hand it in to him.

So he put the money in his pocket, and Fan Tianlei also told him not to talk about it everywhere, after all, this matter is not good for the rest of his life.

"Really?" He Chenguang was a little moved when he heard it.

"Really can't be true." Yu Sheng said.

"Okay, it's done." He Chenguang said excitedly: "However, you have to take care of this matter."

"Don't worry, I'll do it." Yu Sheng smiled and said.

"By the way, Chenguang, who of you two will act as the driver?"

Wang Yanbing and He Chenguang looked at each other before slowly saying: "Who will shoot?"

"Of course it's me." Yu Sheng said casually: "Could you guys shoot?"

"Looks like not."

"I won't be the only one." Yu Sheng said so: "One of you is the driver and the other is the commander."

"I'll be the driver." He Chenguang thought for a while.

"I'll be the captain." Wang Yanbing said: "I used to act as an observer. Being a captain shouldn't be a big problem."

"Okay, it's settled."

Speaking of this, Yu Sheng was also a little excited.

Of course, this matter has to be agreed by Lan Zhiguang and Fan Tianlei.

The most important thing is to convince Lan Zhiguang.

Lan Zhiguang is the brigade commander, as long as Lan Zhiguang is persuaded, everything else is easy to say.

After thinking about it for a while, Yu Sheng couldn't help but said loudly: "Report."

Yu Sheng suddenly shouted, but Fan Tianlei and Lan Zhiguang were taken aback, and everyone looked at Yu Sheng in unison.

Especially Fan Tianlei, with a black face, like Hei Luosha: "What are you going to do?"

Fan Tianlei is also a little daunted for Yu Sheng now. This kid, every time he plays is heartbeat. Fortunately, he does not have a heart attack. Otherwise, he would have been scared to death by Yu Sheng.

Yu Sheng smiled, then looked at Lan Zhiguang, and then slowly said: "Chief of Staff, Chen Guang said, he wants to compare tanks with the Ninth Brigade."


He Chenguang's face turned green as soon as he said this. He didn't expect Yu Sheng to come up with such a detrimental trick.

Hell, when did he say he was going to compare tanks with the Ninth Brigade? Isn't this a joke? If you want to talk about fighting, reconnaissance behind enemy lines, this is nothing.

But it's better than a tank... he can't play at all...

Yu Sheng just said that he wanted to play with the tank, but he didn't say that he wanted to drive the tank to compete with these people.

Your uncle's.

Do not bring such a cheating.

Wang Yanbing on the side couldn't help but want to laugh, and hurriedly grabbed He Chenguang who wanted to explain, and signaled He Chenguang not to move.

At this moment, Yu Sheng said again: "Wang Yanbing also said that they have also learned tanks, so if you want to see the gap between yourself and the Ninth Brigade, please also ask the Ninth Brigade for advice."


As soon as he said this, Wang Yanbing's face became stiff, and he immediately wanted to say something to explain.

He Chenguang grabbed Wang Yanbing and signaled Wang Yanbing not to move.

Wang Yanbing has a toothache. This kid is too indifferent, right? Isn't this giving them hatred? You shit, can I ask the Nine Brigade for advice?

Why don't you go to heaven?

Myself and others are all foreigners. I came to visit the Ninth Brigade at this time. After this visit, your uncle's directly turned into a provocation.

The Ninth Brigade can swallow this breath.

Because this is a naked provocation.

as predicted.

Niu Efforts, Zhang Nengli, and Yu Dalei all stared at Yu Sheng's group with a blazing fire in their eyes.

They broke their tank for the rest of their lives, and now they provoke them for the rest of their lives.

This makes them all have indescribable anger.

This is picking a place.

And it was still in their Ninth Brigade's territory, choosing places for them.

This is unbearable.

When Fan Tianlei heard these words, he also slapped his head, and Fan Tianlei was so angry that he jumped like thunder at the moment.

This stinky boy is so messy, aren't you provoking the Ninth Brigade? What is your tank level, I don't know?

You come here to provoke the Ninth Brigade, isn't that playing a lantern in the toilet and looking for death?

Fan Tianlei had a dark face, staring straight at Yu Sheng, his eyes full of anger.

"Yu Sheng, what are you talking nonsense." Fan Tianlei immediately said: "What are your skills, I don't know? Haven't I apologized to Brigadier Lan?"

Fan Tianlei is that angry, can't you kid be a little restful? Now poke me again.

If you don't let you run a hundred kilometers back, you will be sorry for me.

Chen Shanming, Miao Lang and others have become a little unnatural, and this guy Yu Sheng has openly provoke others. Damn, what kind of person is this kid?

They guessed that Yu Yu hadn't given up on the idea of ​​playing tanks, and they only said these words at this moment.

Otherwise, the rest of my life won't be so happy.

When Yu Sheng heard this, Wei Wei said with some regret: "I really want to communicate with the tank soldiers of the Ninth Brigade, so that we can have a long experience...Since the Ninth Brigade is reluctant, then forget it."

"Brigadier Lan, sorry to bother you."


It's okay for Yu Sheng not to say this. Once they said this, Zhang Nengli and Niu Dili and their faces were a little unpleasant.

What does it mean that the Nine Brigade is reluctant?

Does this mean that their Ninth Brigade is inferior to you?

Even Brigadier Lan's face became stiff, as for Fan Tianlei, he was even more ugly, and he almost scolded the rest of his life ten thousand times.

This kid doesn't pay much attention to how to speak. Is that how you are talking? People who have seen cheating have never seen such cheating... Didn't your words offend the entire Ninth Brigade?

Fan Tianlei is that angry.

If I knew it a long time ago, I shouldn't have promised to come to the Ninth Brigade for the rest of my life.

When Lan Zhiguang heard the words, he took a deep breath. Then he looked at Fan Tianlei, but saw Fan Tianlei and said, "Yu Sheng, shut up for me."

Fan Tianlei smiled and said, "Brigade Commander Lan, the soldiers under him are ignorant, you, don't be surprised."

Lan Zhiguang smiled and said, "I know."

Then he said: "However, it just happens that my soldiers are also free, so why don't you let them learn from each other?"

Fan Tianlei's expression stiffened as soon as he said this. He knew that Lan Zhiguang must have heard the words in his heart, otherwise, it wouldn't be like this.

"Brigade Commander Lan, each of your soldiers is the king of soldiers. I don't think there is a need to compete, right?" Fan Tianlei couldn't help but said.

"Just being idle is also being idle, let them young people, communicate more, make progress faster." Lan Zhiguang said with a smile.

Fan Tianlei knew that as soon as he said this, I am afraid that Lan Zhiguang really wanted to communicate with Yu Sheng and the others. The main purpose was to teach Yu Sheng a lesson and let them know that young people should not be too arrogant.

Fan Tianlei darkened his face, hesitated for a moment, and agreed.

"But Brigadier Lan, if this kid breaks the tank again..." Fan Tianlei thought of something immediately and said.

Indeed, if the tank is broken, he can't afford it, so it's better to get a vaccination in advance.

"If it's broken, I'll count it." Lan Zhiguang said with a smile.

"All right……"

Fan Tianlei nodded helplessly.

Lan Zhiguang is determined, he has nothing to do, can't he say no, right?

Fan Tianlei gave Yu Sheng a fierce look.

For the rest of my life at this moment, he looked happy and said with a smile: "Look, this matter is done."

Both He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing have an urge to kill the rest of their lives. Your sister's, it's done or it's done, but what about them? You have made us miserable.

What does it mean that we want to compete? It's not that you have come up with an idea.

"I don't know how you compare?"

Niu tried hard to come to Yu Sheng's face, Niu tried hard to stare at Yu Sheng with an unkind complexion. They came to play on the court, so it's strange to have a good face.

After Yu Sheng heard this, he smiled and said, "How do you compare?"

"Then shoot fixedly, shoot on the move, shoot together."

"Okay." Yu Sheng said with a smile.


Niu Efforts and the three sneered.

Under Lan Zhiguang’s order, two new tanks soon came towards this side. After these two new tanks came here, everyone looked at them, especially Yu Sheng and He Chenguang. They all stared at the two tanks with bright eyes.

"You choose one." Niu said diligently.

"Just this one."

Yu Sheng pointed to one of them and said.

Then Niu Efforts and others ran towards another car, and at this moment, He Chenguang and the three also walked towards this tank.

He Chenguang looked at the tank and couldn't help but say: "Yu Sheng, although we have seen tanks, we haven't really tried to drive a tank. How do we drive this?"

"It's definitely different from normal driving. I will teach you when you get inside. It's actually very simple, but you must drive steady." Yu Sheng said.


After He Chenguang and others entered the tank, Yu Sheng began to slowly teach He Chenguang how to drive. Although the tank is difficult to drive, it does not mean that it cannot be driven. He Chenguang has also learned some knowledge, so it is also very easy to drive.

It’s just that I was a little uncomfortable with driving at the beginning and couldn’t judge the specific direction.

Therefore, Wang Yanbing's support can only be used to judge the specific direction.

A group of people drove the tank and slowly drove forward, but when driving, it seemed obviously a little unstable.

Lan Zhiguang and others on the side only smiled indifferently when they saw this situation, and Fan Tianlei's expression became a little unnatural.

"Number five...really make these boys foolish?" Chen Shanming looked at Fan Tianlei from the side and couldn't help asking in a low voice.

"Otherwise?" Fan Tianlei said with some itchy roots.

"If this continues, will something happen?" Chen Shanming said.

"Probably not." Fan Tianlei took a deep breath and said faintly: "This group of stinky boys will know how to get rid of them every day. It's okay to let Lan Zhiguang teach them. It saves them that they don't know every day. The sky is high and the earth is thick."


Chen Shanming nodded slightly when he heard the words.

Even if they lose for the rest of their lives, they are not ashamed.

After all, they are not tank soldiers, and they have never played with tanks before, and driving tanks in this way is quite good.

If it is better than single-soldier combat or reconnaissance behind enemy lines, they will lose.

He doesn't mind letting these guys go back to the stove to remake, because he can't afford to lose that person.

With two tanks entering an area.

Wang Yanbing couldn't help saying: "Dawn, drive steady, don't keep shaking, it makes me dizzy."

He Chenguang said: "You think I don't want to, but this thing is too difficult to control, I also want to drive steady..."

"You try to be stable. If we go on like this, we probably have already lost before we make a move." Wang Yanbing said.

"Okay, okay, I see." He Chenguang said casually.

At this time, everyone's eyes began to become cautious.

"Front right, aim and prepare."

At this moment, Yu Dalei said the direction, and Niu tried to quickly adjust the direction. From the tank, through the scope, he began to aim in the direction Yu Dalei said.

Soon, a paper tank appeared under his sight.

Of course, this goal is made with signs, which can save costs and expenses. As long as you hit this sign, you will even hit the target.

And their shells are real this time.

After a period of time, they will conduct a real shell test, which is just to make these soldiers adapt. After all, if it is a fake shell, some people will not be too comfortable.

If you use real shells every day, you really can't afford it.

For every shell, it's all money.

Even if the country is wealthy, it cannot withstand this daily consumption. You must know that not only tanks, but also other weapons and equipment... If it is consumed every day, no one can afford it.

What's more, new weapons have to be developed.

"The calibration is complete and ready to launch."

As Niu worked hard and the voice fell, Niu worked hard to press the button, and the shells were fired quickly.

The shells were like roaring violent storms, rushing wildly in one direction, and the speed made all the people present slightly move.


In the next instant, the artillery shell hit the sign tank severely. With a loud noise, a big crater appeared there, and the tank was also torn apart by the bombardment.

Lan Zhiguang took the binoculars and looked at the scene in front of him, with a smile on his face. Fan Tianlei's eyes were extremely sharp and faint. He saw the shot, but he didn't know if he was hit or not.

The rest of the people are all dumbfounded.

Because they don't know if they missed it.

"Hit." Lan Zhiguang said with a smile.

"Can you borrow your telescope?" Fan Tianlei asked.


Lan Zhiguang handed the telescope to Fan Tianlei, and Fan Tianlei looked forward, only to see thick smoke coming out there.

As Lan Zhiguang said, it really hit.

Fan Tianlei couldn't help but looked towards Yu Sheng.

When he saw Yu Sheng there, Fan Tianlei's face was full of helplessness.

For the rest of their lives, they controlled the Yiliang tank and drove slowly to the side. In front of them, a tank also appeared impressively.

Of course, this tank is also fake.

For the rest of his life, a pair of sharp eyes became extremely sharp at this moment.

"On our front left, there is a tank," Wang Yanbing said loudly.

With Wang Yanbing falling down, Yu Sheng quickly calibrated the direction. Through the sight, Yu Sheng found a bright tank, but it was just a sign.

Yu Sheng also knew that this was also for the cost of a decisive victory. Otherwise, the average person would really not be able to play tanks, and only when he was in the simulation training room would he be able to play so high.

Battle between tanks is really not a general excitement.

For the rest of his life, he didn't calibrate the direction according to what he had learned, but when his eyes began to change, the latitude and longitude lines quickly contracted, almost in the blink of an eye, it was locked to the tank in front of him.

"Earth induction shooting."

For the rest of his life, his eyes flashed, he had locked the tank tightly, and then, in front of his eyes, there was a ballistic line...

As long as the tank is adjusted to this direction, he can fire the gun.

For the rest of his life, he calibrated quickly and fired without hesitation.


Following a loud bang, this loud noise, like a sea beast roaring, blasted towards the tank frantically. The terrible sound shook the sky, and a white smoke was drawn in the sky.

Fan Tianlei stared at the tank in front of him through a magnifying glass and a pair of eyes.


With a blast, the tank was torn apart.


Fan Tianlei saw the situation in front of him, and for a moment, he was confused. Fan Tianlei couldn't believe his eyes, and he couldn't believe the facts he saw.

"Hit it?" Fan Tianlei looked at the scene in shock, with an incredible look in his eyes.

"This kid, when did you learn to drive a tank?"

Fan Tianlei was a little stunned. Flying a plane for the rest of his life was enough to shock him. Moreover, this kid can also fly fighters. He also won the first place in the Erna competition. It is not undesirable to beat those foreigners. .

Your fighter jet is comparable to an ace pilot. I am afraid that no one will believe it. After all, the rest of my life is only about 20 years old.

That's fine.

Damn, what the **** is that you can even play tanks now?

When did you play these? How much did this brat hide?

Fan Tianlei was shocked.

As for Lan Zhiguang, another telescope was brought to him at this moment. When he saw the situation in front of him, Lan Zhiguang could not help but feel a little shocked.

"Is it really hit?"

Lan Zhiguang was a little surprised. He knew exactly what kind of unit Fan Tianlei was, because he had a good relationship with Fan Tianlei.

You know that Fan Tianlei and the others are all scouts... But if you are a scout running here to play tanks, there is something wrong in itself, but now, you still hit the target.

Are these boys really scouts? Haven't touched a tank before?

If this is the case, the talent is really terrifying, even he has a kind of enthusiasm.

If these soldiers are touching tanks for the first time, they can play like this. Such soldiers are definitely an excellent tank soldier and can be said to be extremely talented.

After Yu Dalei hit the target, Yu Dalei was surprised at this sight.

"How's it going?" Zhang Energy asked.

"Hit." Yu Dalei said.

"What?" Zhang Nengli said with a shocked face: "Is it really hit?"

"Yeah." Yu Dalei said.

"Do these guys really play tanks?"

Zhang Nengeng couldn't believe that the opponent really hit it. At the beginning, they didn't put them at ease for the rest of their lives, because they themselves were a very good tank soldier.

Unexpectedly, the other party actually hit, which was really beyond their expectations.

The face of Niu's hard work is also condensed.

Obviously, he can hit the target for the rest of his life, which also surprised him a bit, but this is just an accident.

Because this kind of blow is nothing, it is really difficult, shooting while on the move, fire control aiming, fire control aiming requires no less than 30 steps, that is, aiming while moving.

After all, when moving, it needs to be based on the angular velocity of the target relative to the tank's movement, the roll angle of the artillery trunnion, the type of projectile, air temperature, air pressure, cross wind velocity, the temperature of the propellant, the drop in the muzzle velocity of the projectile caused by bore wear, and the type of projectile used. Data such as the jump angle or the comprehensive correction amount for adjustment.

It can be said that shooting while moving is very difficult.

Without extensive experience, it is almost difficult to shoot successfully.

Not to mention newbies like them for the rest of their lives.

It can be seen from Yu Sheng they driving tanks, Yu Sheng they are a novice ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and they deal with tanks all the year round, it is different.

However, at this moment, Yu Dalei suddenly exclaimed.

"They moved, it seems they want to shoot while on the move..."

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