The sudden situation made Wu Zeqing also slightly taken aback.

Yu Sheng slowly came to the forefront, and then Yu Sheng picked up a microphone. For a while, everyone around was looking towards Yu Sheng, especially when he saw Yu Sheng, many of the girls present were all Exuding strange colors.

  Because they feel that for the rest of their lives at this time, they are very handsome, and for a while, even they are shocked.

   Yu Sheng picked up the microphone. Under these countless eyes, Yu Sheng waved his hand, and several figures appeared behind Yu Sheng. These figures danced quickly, obviously, dancing.

   Yu Sheng picked up the microphone and sang a song.

  This song is very old, called "The Moon Represents My Heart", but it is a very classic old song, enduring for a long time.

  Yu Sheng sang very affectionately. After Yu Sheng finished singing this song, Yu Sheng picked up a large bunch of flowers next to him. There were 99 flowers in this bunch.

  Yu Sheng slowly came to Wu Zeqing. At this time, Wu Zeqing already knew what Yu Sheng was going to do. She was very smart, and she could naturally see it.

  In fact, when she brought her here for the rest of her life and said that sentence, she had already guessed it.

  Kneeling on one knee for the rest of his life, smiled and said: "Old Wu, be my girlfriend, I will protect you in the future."

  There is not much affection in the words of the rest of his life, but his voice is sonorous and powerful, with a very special feeling. For girls, it should be a sense of security.

   "Sister-in-law, be his girlfriend." Behind Yu Sheng, those dancing people also took out a rose, and they knelt on one knee and said in unison.

  Wu Zeqing smiled when he heard the words. From beginning to end, Wu Zeqing always smiled, just like everybody's lady, every move has its own rules.

   "Okay." Wu Zeqing took the flower in Yu Sheng's hand and smiled.

  Wu Zeqing agreed to Yu Sheng, which left Yu Sheng for a moment, but Wu Zeqing did not expect Wu Zeqing to agree so easily.

  As Wu Zeqing agreed, suddenly, there were many balloons in the sky falling from the sky. Obviously, these were all prepared before.

  Balloons of various colors fell from the sky and looked very beautiful. For the rest of his life, he stood up with a smile and walked slowly in front of Wu Zeqing.

  Under these countless gazes, Yu Sheng slowly hugged Wu Zeqing, and Wu Zeqing gently hugged Yu Sheng with one hand, but she was holding a large bouquet of flowers, so it seemed a bit crowded.

  Yu Sheng let go of Wu Zeqing, and then took Wu Zeqing's hand. Wu Zeqing's hand was weak and boneless, with a very special feeling, which was very comfortable to touch.

  Actually, Yu Sheng made such a decision after thinking for a long time. He didn't tell anyone, he just made a phone call to let people prepare for all this.

  This is naturally not a difficult task for Yu Sheng. It is possible to have money, people, and everything, and propose marriage here for Yu Sheng, which also has a huge brand effect for the shopping mall.

  Even if other people want to ask for marriage in the future, they can also borrow this place. It has become a feature here, and the price for the rest of their lives is not low. There is no reason for people here not to agree.

   "Old Wu, shall we go to eat?" Yu Sheng smiled.

   "Okay." Wu Zeqing smiled sweetly.

   "Still eating Haidilao?" Yu Sheng asked again.

   "Just eat Haidilao." Wu Zeqing said.

   "Go, let's go eat."

  Yu Sheng left here with Wu Zeqing and walked towards the Haidilao store.

  Leaving for the rest of his life, all the people around were enviously watching the scene in front of them, and many male compatriots were slightly sighed.

  It would be great if they were the leading actor.

  However, these female compatriots are thinking, how good it would be if the heroine were them.

  Such planning is simply so touching.

   "Husband, you have to compensate me for a romantic ceremony." A girl spoke to the man next to her.

  This male compatriot showed a wry smile when he heard the words.

   "Damn, it's really unlucky." The male compatriot secretly thought, how much would it cost for such a romantic confession? Especially the surrounding flowers, so many flowers are not one hundred and two hundred thousand, it is estimated that they will not be able to come down.

  There are also big scenes of dancing behind and the balloons above...

  Plus this kind of planner...without a few hundred thousand, it is estimated that it is difficult to get it done.

   "Wife, believe me, I will definitely give you a romantic wedding in the future." The male compatriots can only agree with a wry smile. Although they are romantic, they can't compare with this.

  This confession is so romantic. If you propose to marry me in the future, how should you make it?

  For a time, many male compatriots were criticized by their girlfriends around them, which made them all painful and embarrassed.

   Therefore, many people secretly hate the rest of their lives, your sister, confess to confession, and create such a big scene, how can they behave in front of their girlfriends in the future.

  As soon as this scene comes out, when they are playing romance in the future, their girlfriends will definitely unconsciously compare with this romantic scene. Even if they are better, can they still be better for the rest of their lives?

   Therefore, for more than a time, it became a target that many male compatriots hate.

  It's a mess.

  For the rest of my life, Wu Zeqing came to Haidilao with Wu Zeqing. The rest of my life did not find a private room, so I ate in the hall, because only in the hall can this taste.

Yu Sheng looked at Wu Zeqing strangely, and curiously said: "Old Wu, we two have not seen each other a few times, right? After only a month of knowing each other, you just agreed to me so easily? Are you afraid that I will sell you?"

  Wu Zeqing smiled: "You are fine, and I feel comfortable with you."

When Yu Sheng heard this, he gave Wu Zeqing a surprised look.

  Wu Zeqing continued: "You are the son of Uncle Yu, you won't sell me."

  After hearing this, Yu Sheng felt that it was the same thing. After all, his mother knew Lao Wu, she would definitely not sell her, and said, "Lao Wu, are we boyfriends and girlfriends?"

   "Hmm." Wu Zeqing nodded softly.

"Ha ha."

  He laughed for the rest of his life, and then he looked at Wu Zeqing, with inexplicable joy in his heart. Wu Zeqing is a lady of everybody, and she is very considerate and understands him well.

  I also liked Wu Zeqing very much for the rest of his life, otherwise, there would be no such confession.

  He is the second generation of the rich. In the past, I have seen many girls who secretly gave him a goof, but for these girls, he can't bring up any interest, and most of these girls are very beautiful.

   However, beautiful in his eyes, that is a vase, as long as he wants, there will be a lot of girls around him at any time.

  But Wu Zeqing is different.

  A person with both beauty and wisdom, the most important thing is that being with Wu Zeqing gives him a very comfortable feeling.

   "Old Wu, you must take good care of yourself during this time." Yu Sheng paused and said, "When I come back from the Hunter School, I will come to you."


  Wu Zeqing gently put a piece of meat for the rest of her life, smiled and said: "You have to be careful, the Hunter School is no better than other schools."

   "Don't worry, old Wu."

  For the rest of his life, he spoke confidently: "Hunter School, that's all."

   You and I chatted one by one. After the two of them have determined the relationship, they will speak bolder and more casual for the rest of their lives, one after another.

  But Wu Zeqing always smiled, and didn't get angry because of it. Instead, he chatted with Yu Sheng without a word, and the two had a common topic.

  A little bit of time passed, and in the blink of an eye, it was almost night.

   Yu Sheng sent Wu Zeqing to the airport, feeling a little bit sad.

After Yu Sheng watched Wu Zeqing get on the plane, he left the airport and went to the Langya special battle base.

  Returned to the Wolfya Special Operations Base for the rest of his life. At this time, his injuries have almost recovered. In twenty days, he has basically recovered all the time. Replaced by ordinary people, I am afraid that it may not be possible to do it.

  But the restoring power of the rest of the life metamorphosis, only on the tenth day, it had already recovered half.

  The most perverted thing is that the scars that Yu Sheng has recovered turned out to be about to fall off, which made Yu Sheng look confused. He knew that this might have a lot to do with the blood of the beast.

  After the rest of his life, he returned to the wolfya special battle base, and then slept beautifully.

  Early the next morning, a group of people stood at the training base.

A group of several people are all standing here, Fan Tianlei and Chen Shanming are standing in front of Yu Sheng and the others. Fan Tianlei smiled and looked at everyone, especially when he saw Yu Sheng, Fan Tianlei also deliberately took a second look. .

   "All of them are very energetic, not bad."

  Fan Tianlei smiled and said.

  Hearing Fan Tianlei's words, He Chenguang and the others were stunned, and they looked at Fan Tianlei somewhat cautiously. In that way, Fan Tianlei frowned.

  These stinky boys, the expressions in their eyes all have several meanings.

  Fan Tianlei casually said: "I won't say much more. Today, I will mainly tell you one thing."

  "The list of Hunter Schools has come out."

   "I think, you have been paying attention to this matter for a long time, right?" Fan Tianlei calmly said: "This time, the news has already come down from above."

   "Our Spikes, there are seven people in total, and three people will join you in the hunter school. That is to say, there are ten people who participated in the hunter school training this time."

  "This is not a small number."

  "But I can also tell you that there are very few people who can persist in the end. There will be hundreds of people participating in this hunter school training camp. These people are from various countries, and they are all very good special forces."

  Speaking of this, Fan Tianlei's expression also became a little serious.

   "And there is still a high mortality rate, which is also a challenge for you. Are you ready?"

"ready anytime."

  Yu Sheng, He Chenguang and others, said in unison.

   "Good boys, not bad." Fan Tianlei smiled.

  Fan Tianlei is also very happy that they can participate in the training camp of the Hunter School.

  But there are more worries. This group of boys are not rich in experience. They can only be said to be fledglings. If they are lost to the Hunter School, they are not worth it.

  After all, these are his own soldiers, and he knows the best of the virtues of the Hunter School.

   "I hope you can come back well." Fan Tianlei exclaimed.


  He Chenguang heard the words and said loudly.


  Fan Tianlei said loudly.

  "Chief of Staff, don't worry, we promise to complete the task and let our national flag hang there forever." He Chenguang said solemnly.

   "Report." Wang Yanbing said loudly.


   "When we go, we will definitely complete the final training camp. We are not afraid of difficulties, we are afraid that there will be no difficulties." Wang Yanbing said loudly.


  Fan Tianlei smiled and nodded. If you are a soldier, you have to be a little bit bloody. If you can't even do this, you still have to be a soldier.

   "Report... report." Li Erniu said again.

   "Speak." Fan Tianlei looked at Li Erniu and said.

  "I...we promise that our national flag will never set, let those people know that we are the real brave men, and I believe that the brave will win if we meet on a narrow road."


  At this moment, not only Yu Sheng was stunned on the spot, even He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing were all looking at Yu Sheng with a bewildered expression, with a strong expression of incredible and shock in his eyes.

   "My brain..." Wang Yanbing glanced at Wang Yanbing with a headache, a little speechless.

   "It's a mess." Xu Tianlong couldn't help but vomit: "Er Niu, if you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb."

   "Yeah Erniu, do you want to talk less in the future?"

  Even Fan Tianlei had a black forehead and looked at Li Erniu speechlessly.

   "Er Niu, the betrayal is not as good as you." Song Kaifei sighed: "You know, you are a special soldier of China, a soldier of the wolf teeth, and a soldier of the red blood cell team."

  "I...I know." Li Erniu looked at everyone with a puzzled expression, puzzled.

   "Then you still said that our national flag will become the sun never set?" Xu Tianlong said silently.

  "Is there something wrong?" Li Erniu asked suspiciously.


  Xu Tianlong looked speechless.

  Chen Shanming, Miao Lang and others were dumbfounded. For a while, they didn’t know what to say. This Li Erniu, he knew what to do when he was okay.

  Your own national flag becomes the sun never set? People who don't know, thought you came out on the small island in the east, you shit, that's the sun never set, the national flag is a little sun.

  What the **** did you make our national flag into a little sun? Are you going to treason?

  Fan Tianlei coughed twice and said casually: "Li Erniu, think about it before you speak."

   "Yes, Chief of Staff." Li Erniu thought, feeling that the same thing, and immediately said.

  "Chief of Staff, when shall we go to the Hunter School?" The rest of my life paused and asked.

  "In three days, you will leave the Hunter School. By then, you will conduct military training. The specific time is not notified. The main thing for you is to complete these trainings." Fan Tianlei paused.

   "Yes. It is guaranteed to complete the task." Yu Sheng and others said loudly.

   "Okay, you don't need to train for these three days. You need to prepare. You will have a few days off in these three days. Please be prepared."


  After that, everyone left here one after another, but they did not leave the Spikes special battle base, nor did they talk to the family, because these things do not need to be told to the family, and they will only make the family worry about the poor.

  Three days for everyone, but it is fleeting, very fast.

  So, three days later, the group left the Spike Special Operations base and set foot on the territory of Venezuela, because the Hunter School is here.

  This is in South America. There is a very harsh climate here. It is precisely because of the climate here that the hunter school will be established here.

   is also to temper these people, make these people stronger and more adaptable to bad weather, because they will face all kinds of bad weather in the future.

   Soon, they came to one place for the rest of their lives!

  This doesn’t look like a hunter’s school. After they came here for the rest of their lives, they were all confused.

   "No, what the **** is this place?" At this time, Wang Yanbing glanced at this place puzzledly.

   "This should be a temporary assembly point." It was a man in military uniform who was speaking. This man was not very tall, especially among the many people.

  Because his name is Hu Xiaolong.

"Who is this……"

  When Yu Sheng saw Hu Xiaolong, he was taken aback. When they came, they didn't share a plane with Hu Xiaolong. Obviously, Hu Xiaolong was in the plane behind them.

  "Hu Xiaolong, Second Lieutenant of the Special Forces of the Chinese People's Liberation Army."

   "Lieutenant of the Special Forces of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, Wang Hui."

   "Second Lieutenant of the Special Forces of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, Xin Yanduo."

  After Yu Sheng heard the reports of these people, they all saluted a military salute and said loudly: "Second Lieutenant of the Special Forces of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, Yu Sheng."

   "He Chenguang."


  He Chenguang and they all reported their names one after another. They are all China Special Forces, so they all belong to the same team.

  They come here to win glory for China and strive to become the ultimate winner.

   "Hello, I am glad to meet you here." Wang Hui smiled.

   "I am also very happy to meet you here." The rest of my life also smiled.

   "Brothers, we are here. I guess the people here want to teach us a lesson."

  Speaking is Xin Yanduo.

  I have to say that this name is really not so good.

  More mindful?

  What do you think about every day? How much can you tell?

  I have to say that his parents really took a lot of thought in naming him.


After Yu Sheng heard this, he couldn't help but glance at Xin Yan again, and said, "What's so good about this?"

  "This is the old rule of the Hunter School." Xin Yan said with a smile, "They won't let us into the Hunter School so easily."

  "Have you been here before?" Yu Sheng asked in surprise.

   "No." Xin Yanduo shook his head.

"But I have inquired about." Xin Yanduo solemnly said: "I have read some news about the Hunter School before, and I have also seen some training about the Hunter School. Every year, the training methods of the Hunter School are different. They will improve, and every training is extremely cruel."

  Xin Yanduo continued to explain: “In a while, I’m afraid it’s not just us, but people from all over the world will come here.”

  Hearing this, Yu Sheng took a deep look at Xin Yan.

   "Let's wait patiently." Yu Sheng said slowly.

  With the passage of time, more and more people come here. For the rest of my life, I have seen that there are blacks and whites. These people are all from various countries. They are very good special forces.

  This hunter school is a very good training camp for all countries! Therefore, all countries are very enthusiastic to participate in this special forces training.

  They also want to achieve better results in the international special forces competition.

  It’s just that it is very difficult to participate in the international special forces competition.

Because the participants are all top masters, that kind of contest between masters is simply unimaginable, and they will not only be in the forest, but also in the snowy mountains, and in the desert. This is the most terrifying. .

  To achieve results, you must overcome these difficulties.

   "Hey, Chinese boys."

  At this time, there was a voice resounding, and the rest of their lives immediately looked at the figure in unison. This is a foreigner, and they don't know where it is from.

  I saw Rossini smile and say: "People like you dare to participate in the hunter school training camp, are you not afraid of dying in the hunter school?"

  "You Chinese people are all cowardly guys. I want to say, you should leave here quickly. Hunter school is not where you can come."

   "Even if you come, you will be the first to be eliminated."

After hearing this for the rest of his life, frowning, Wang Yanbing and the others stared at Rossini with ill-faced Is this old boy insulting them?

   Look down on them?

  Yu Sheng waved his hand to signal He Chenguang and the others not to be impulsive.

  At this time, Xin Yanduo glanced at Rossini with dissatisfaction, and casually said: "Old Miscellaneous, are you here to show your superiority? I don't know what you are capable of?"

Although Rossini did not understand the meaning of the old miscellaneous hair, he also knew that this must be a curse. Rossini snorted and said angrily: "Huaxia boys, the hunter school is the grave of special soldiers, you guys. Such a thin monkey will only become the worst when he comes here."

  Hehehe, he smiled and said: "Is it the worst? I haven't played, how would you know?"

   Yu Sheng stood up and took a deep look at Rossini. This guy is not a simple guy, and Yu Sheng did not dare to be careless.

Yu Sheng said faintly: "If you are not convinced, you can come over and compete with me. I don't have any other skills, and I like to abuse others."

  The words of the rest of his life aroused Rossini’s anger. Rossini snorted coldly: “Okay, China boy, today I will let you know how good I am.”

   "Stop it all."

   At this moment, a humming sound resounded.

   Seeing the visitor clearly, Yu Sheng frowned.

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