I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 284: climb mountains

Hey, this number 9 is not good to provoke, but to provoke the rest of his life. "He Chenguang also shook his head.


   Yu Sheng has many perverts, they know best, but this guy is an animal, and he always has inexhaustible strength on his body. They are also wondering that Yu Sheng’s body does not seem to be that strong, but how can he have so much strength.


   This day has passed, and it’s still alive and kicking right now.


   At this moment on the 9th to provoke the rest of his life, it can be regarded as the blood mold of eight lifetimes.


   "What are you doing? Give me training immediately after eating." The crocodile roared.


   This roar shocked everyone.


   Everyone finished eating quickly! Left here.


At this moment, the physical strength of No. 9 is severely weak, and his climbing speed is extremely slow. At this moment, he has climbed several back and forth for the rest of his life. Yu Sheng smiled at No. 9 and said, "Your speed is too slow. , Your physical fitness is too bad, this amount of training makes you like this, I really doubt whether you can stick to it."


   As soon as Yu Sheng said these words, No. 9 almost ran away.


   No. 9 roared: "Shift, Huaxia kid, get out of here."


   "Is it angry?" Yu Sheng said with a smile: "You can't bear this psychological pressure. You are destined to be eliminated. If you want me, you might as well leave here as soon as possible. Here, it's a waste of time."


   For the rest of his life, No. 9 almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.


  Because the rest of my life is really irritating.


   No. 9 ignored the rest of his life, and quickly got up. They had to climb 20 back and forth. This is not a small number. What's more, they hadn't eaten yet and they were seriously lacking in physical strength.


   After they completed the task, it was almost ten o'clock, which was also the time for them to sleep. In theory, their sleep time was still sufficient.


   As long as they can maintain six hours of deep sleep, they can regain their physical strength. Of course, they have to pay attention to the way they sleep.


   No matter what the conditions are, sleep is very important. If you can't keep enough sleep, you can't keep your spirit.


   Therefore, they have to practice the ability to sleep alone.


  That means falling asleep on the ground.


   It is really not easy for ordinary people to achieve this level, but they have all experienced systematic learning, and the amount of exercise every day is super high, and it is easy to fall asleep.


   And next, they need to develop this habit.


   Everyone returned to the dormitory, He Chenguang and they were all lying on the bed at this moment, not wanting to move.


   "Damn, Hunter School, it's too abnormal." Xu Tianlong took a deep breath. After one day, he felt like he was falling apart, very uncomfortable.


   "Yes, if I continue to train like this, I guess I will be played alive." Wang Yanbing complained a little.


   "Isn't this a fool." Xu Tianlong continued: "There are still rifles shooting behind him. The key is that these people are actually shooting. If they really fall here, they will die."


   They are all special forces. For them, the final destination is naturally the battlefield.


   If you die here, you will die unjustly.


   "Yu Sheng, you haven't eaten at night, can you stand it?" He Chenguang looked at Yu Sheng with some worry.


   "Yes, for the rest of my life, how do you feel."


   Chen Shanming also looked at Yu Sheng a little nervously. Yu Sheng is a very good special soldier, and he naturally doesn't want anything to happen to Yu Sheng.


   Daily speaking, it doesn’t matter if you don’t eat a meal.


   But for them, if they don’t eat a meal, then the next training will be very difficult, because they have no physical strength to go on.


   Yusheng said: "I'm fine."


   I was a little hungry for the rest of my life.


   For the rest of my life, he paused and said: "Let's rest first, and there will be more complicated training tomorrow."


   "For the rest of your life, hold on, we will definitely be able to hold on." Xin Yanduo couldn't help but said, "When you beat the number 9 today, you were so handsome."


   Hearing this for the rest of his life, he smiled and said faintly: "Well, let's rest quickly. Tomorrow morning, these people will throw tear gas again."




   Everyone lay on the bed and quickly fell asleep. Here, they have strict requirements for every minute, so they can't delay their sleep time. If they don't, they won't be able to hold on tomorrow.


   They also don't want to leave the Hunter School. It is also an opportunity for them to come here to study.


   Early the next morning!


   The same way, played in their dormitory again, but this time the tear gas was not thrown outside for the rest of his life. The crocodile had already spoken, so he naturally did not dare to disobey.


  If it's elsewhere, he doesn't mind shooting the crocodile out.


   Everyone gathered on the playground, and the crocodile looked at everyone present with cold eyes, especially when he saw No.9, the crocodile frowned.


  Because the 9th is a little sluggish at the moment. Obviously, it is because they didn't eat anything last night. At this moment, they have not eaten breakfast, so the 9th is still a little weak.


   However, when the crocodile looked towards the rest of his life, the crocodile was a little stunned on the spot.


  Because he saw Yu Sheng's spirits.


   is not like a hungry prostration at all. Compared with No. 9, it is almost like two people. For a time, the crocodile is a bit embarrassed.


  What's the matter?


   Why is there nothing wrong with this kid in front of me?


To know.


   I had nothing to eat last night for the rest of my life.


   One night without food this afternoon, he can still maintain such an appearance. Even the crocodile is shocked and shocked. Is this kid still a human?


   However, the crocodile didn't ask anything.


   As everyone knows, this is not what I think for the rest of my life at this time.


   In the middle of the night last night, he secretly flowed out directly, outside here, naturally guarded by people from the Hunter School, and even had a camera.


   He directly bypassed the camera and these people ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ ran to the mountains alone and got some game to eat, otherwise, even he would be a little uncomfortable right now.


   After all, training hungry, it is difficult to stick to it, even for him, it may not be possible.


   So, this is why he was so energetic the next day.


   At this moment, He Chenguang gave Yu Sheng a weird look. What did Yu Sheng go to last night, he knows best, especially when Yu Sheng came back, there is still a smell of barbecue on his body, which makes He Chenguang a bit speechless.


   This guy, you can find game in such a place, and there is no one.


   He Chenguang also admires life a little bit.


   Of course, he can't say that.


   Otherwise, the crocodile will punish the rest of his life.


   "Today, your training course is mountain climbing."


   "But before climbing the mountain, you still have to have a preparation activity."


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   (end of this chapter)



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