I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 311: Human heart

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The caiman bit down fiercely, and the thick wood of the calf was directly bitten off. With such a terrible bite force, Chen Shanming and the others were all shocked.

Fortunately, taking advantage of this effort, Yu Sheng had already reached the shore, and Yu Sheng looked solemnly at the Caiman in front of him.

"For the rest of our lives, let's run."

Upon seeing this, Chen Shanming shouted immediately.

You know, crocodiles are amphibians on land and water.

This thing can also come to the dark, and the combat power in Anshang is also very terrifying.

The Caiman who had bitten off the wood, opened his big mouth again, and bit towards Yu Sheng fiercely.

When Yu Sheng came to the shore, his figure was naturally much more flexible. It was not comparable to that of a crocodile. Yu Sheng easily avoided the bite. Then, he picked up the dagger in his hand and once again fiercely Stabbed at the other eye of the crocodile.

"Snoring, snoring..."

The crocodile let out an angry roar, his body kept shaking, especially the tail behind it, and it was constantly beating. The intense pain caused the caiman to roar constantly.

Can't wait to eat them all for the rest of their lives, unusually angry.


At this moment, his eyes were blind, and he couldn't see them for the rest of his life. Therefore, he could only shake his body constantly. A pair of crocodile with blind eyes, in this kind of forest, it is almost certain to die.

The Caiman is certainly a top predator, but... this does not mean that the Caiman has no natural enemies. In this kind of place, there is another thing called the jaguar.

This food basically eats everything, and swims in the water the same. The reminder is similar to tigers and lions. Adult jaguars can also eat crocodiles.

Therefore, the Caiman is basically dead.

After Yu Sheng blinded the other eye of another caiman, he was also a little relieved, almost, he and others stayed here, this thing is really horrible.

"For the rest of your life, are you okay?" Chen Shanming asked hurriedly.

The safety of the rest of their lives is very important to them, and they are all special soldiers, and the rest of their lives is also the only special soldier capable of attacking the King of Spikes.

Therefore, Chen Shanming does not want to have trouble for the rest of his life.

"I'm fine."

Yu Sheng breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Let's go, it's too dangerous here."

Unexpectedly, in this kind of river, you can encounter caiman, which gave the rest of his life a deeper understanding of the Amazon rainforest.

There are many dangerous things in it. These animals are very scary. This is why many people are reluctant to enter the Amazon rainforest.

"Let's go."

Chen Shanming nodded and said in a hurry.

Immediately, a group of people quickly moved forward.

Xin Yanduo also took advantage of this moment, quickly walked to Yu Sheng's side, feeling: "No. 1, thank you, if it weren't for you, I'm afraid I would have been eaten by that big guy."

Looking back, Xin Yan mostly had cold hands and feet.

If Yu Sheng hadn't appeared in front of him in time, maybe he had been eaten by the crocodile. Therefore, Xin Yan was very grateful to Yu Sheng in his heart.

"They are all from Huaxia, so they should." Yu Sheng smiled and said: "Well, let's hurry up. Next, we still have a long way to go."


Xin Yan said gratefully.

Yu Sheng also breathed a sigh of relief. Just now, even he was under a lot of pressure. If he encountered a caiman again, he would not dare to say that he could sneak into the eyes of the caiman.

After all, this big guy is too scary.

With any tail, you can directly sweep people to death.

For the rest of his life, a group of people moved forward quickly.

When Yu Sheng and others were moving forward, there were a pair of eyes in the distance, but they were staring at Yu Sheng and his group.

And there was a bit of vicious look in these eyes.

There seemed to be a deep anger in those eyes.

"Hmph, today, let me teach you guys a lesson."

This person is not someone else, it is Rossini, and there are still three people beside Rossini. These three people are also members of Rossini.

At this moment, Rossini's code name has become number 5.

I have to say that Rossini still has a few brushes.

Rossini stared at the same person for the rest of his life. At this moment, he had already set up some traps in front of him. As a special soldier, he would naturally set up some traps, not to mention the Amazon rainforest with natural barriers. , It is difficult for ordinary people to notice.

He is confident and can hold them for the rest of his life.

At that time, he can humiliate Yu Sheng and others severely. During this time, he has indescribable jealousy for Yu Sheng, and Yu Sheng makes him embarrassed and makes him hold a grudge.

Of course, he didn't mind killing the rest of his life.

After all, if you really kill Yu Sheng here, no one knows.

However, he even wanted to see Yu Sheng kneeling in front of him begging for mercy.

"No. 5, let's arrange it like this, is it really okay?" No. 15 can't help but ask: "After all, the strength of No. 1 is very terrible. If we can't catch No. 1 them, then we may not be them next. Opponent."


When Rossini heard it, he coldly snorted: "What's so scary? All of these Chinese people are too weak. Except for No. 1, the rest are easy to deal with."

"As long as we catch number one, the rest, the four of us, can catch them."

"What's more, we also set up traps, as long as we fall into our traps, huh..."

Speaking of this, Rossini's eyes showed a little cruel look. For Yu Sheng, he was very jealous. Now that he can teach Yu Sheng well, he is naturally very happy.

"Do not move."

Just as Yu Sheng and the others were moving forward, suddenly, Yu Sheng waved his hand, and for a while, everyone stopped their pace. This made Hu Xiaolong, Wang Hui and others startled slightly, and looked at them with a little puzzlement. For the rest of his life.

Hu Xiaolong and Wang Hui didn't know Yu Sheng very much~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but He Chenguang knew them very well.

"For the rest of my life, is there something wrong?"

Chen Shanming looked at Yu Sheng and asked solemnly.

"There are traps in the front. These traps are powerful and can even catch large beasts." Yu Sheng said in a deep voice.


As soon as these words were spoken, the faces of the people present all changed, and their expressions became extremely solemn.


For a moment, everyone thought of something, and everyone's expressions became a little unnatural.

(End of this chapter)

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