I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 317: Be surrounded

Yu Sheng said: "Say it first, it has nothing to do with me whether you can save or not, and it is up to you to handle this matter."


   Hearing the words on the 15th, he was taken aback and hurriedly said: "This...how can this...we are not doctors."

   Yu Sheng said faintly: "If you want to save him, it's up to you to do it. Whether it works or not depends entirely on you. Moreover, the treatment method is very simple, and you will learn it as soon as you learn it."

   For the rest of his life, he was determined to let them do it, so that even if he died, these people would not have a chance, unless he killed them all, but he had no intention of killing them.

   If he does it, if these people do not persevere, it is likely to cause a series of subsequent troubles, so the rest of his life is also for the sake of caution.

   In this world, nothing is set in stone.

   Especially promises are the least valuable things.


   No. 15 gritted his teeth and said: "Let's save it."

   Yu Sheng nodded slightly, and then slowly said, "Have you seen that colorful snake?"

   When everyone heard the words, they all looked at the little snake in the same color, which made everyone show a little bit of doubt, and was very puzzled.

   "This little snake is very poisonous, especially his poisonous gall, which is very poisonous."

   "In China, there used to be an old saying, that is to fight poison with poison."

   "Toxins can restrain each other. A long time ago, a poison doctor appeared. This poison doctor is not a bad person, but a real master."

   "However, what he has learned is poison."

   "This poison doctor is very powerful. He went the other way, using poison to cure diseases."

   "In fact, to some extent, it is similar to the current treatment."

   "When a person is infected with bacteria, people will use some poisonous things to kill these harmful bacteria."

   "And this toxin is used to kill the toxin in Rossini's body."

   "So... if you want to save Rossini, there is only one way, and that is to fight poison with poison."

   "However, I can't compare the poison levels of these two toxins. In other words, as long as Rossini eats the poisonous gall bladder, it is up to fate to survive."

   As soon as I said this for the rest of my life, all the other people's faces changed slightly.

  Wang Yanbing couldn't help but said, "My mind...how did Yusheng this guy do it? Could it be the reincarnation of a god? There will be so many things?"

   "Yes... pilots, tank soldiers, medical soldiers, scouts..."

   When Chen Shanming thought of this, he couldn't help but sigh. There are so many things for the rest of his life. This makes Chen Shanming feel that the rest of his life is an almighty special soldier.

   He even wondered if this guy was a monster, and how did he do it? You know, even if a special soldier is powerful, it is impossible to have so many identities.

   Chen Shanming even felt that for the rest of his life, this guy was even a literary soldier.

   The 12th and others are all caught up in entanglement, because of this kind of statement, in their country, it is really too ridiculous, it is difficult for people to believe this kind of thing.

  I was hit by a kind of poison and almost killed Rossini's life. If he was hit by another kind of poison, wouldn't Rossini die in an instant?

   For a while, the 15th and others were hesitant.

   They don’t know if they want to do this.

   In the end, No. 15 gritted his teeth. As long as there is a glimmer of life, then you can't give up. If something happens to Rossini, it will really be a big problem.

   Thinking of this, No.15 quickly walked to the little snake with a pattern and quickly found the snake's gall. No.15 dared not touch it with his hands, because Yu Sheng said that the snake gall is very poisonous.

   Once touched, it is very likely that even him will be poisoned.

   He used the branches to clamp the snake gall and quickly came to No.5's side. He looked at No.5, hesitated, and stuffed the snake gall into No.5's mouth.

   Rossini was in a coma at this moment, and when something entered his mouth, he swallowed the snake gall by instinct.

   As the snake gall swallowed, Yu Sheng's complexion became a little bit solemn, staring straight at the scene in front of him.

   To be honest, his confidence is not very big. If he wants to save Rossini, there is only such a 10% chance. If it can't be saved, Rossini will basically die in an instant.

   After all, the two toxins are entangled together, that poison is very domineering.

   For the rest of his life, he glanced at Rossini faintly, then looked at Chen Shanming and the others, and then slowly said, "Let's go."

"number 1……"

   On the 15th, when they heard that they were leaving for the rest of their lives, they were also taken aback. They said anxiously, "Rossini hasn't woken up yet, so please think of a solution."

   Yu Sheng shook his head slightly, and said: "Now I can only resign my fate, and I have nothing to do. Whether I can survive or not depends on his good fortune."

   "We still have a task now, it is impossible to be with you here."

  The rest of my life is telling the truth, they still have tasks, they can't be with them here, besides, there is no relationship between them and Rossini.

   Instead, this guy targeted them.

   Even if they didn't teach these guys a lesson, it would be good. They are not so generous to stay with them here.

   Besides, he still has a task to do~www.wuxiaspot.com~Boom......"

   But just when Yu Sheng had just finished speaking, suddenly, a sound of da-da resounded, and along with this rapid sound, all of Yu Sheng's expressions changed drastically.

   "No, it's gunshots..."

   When Yu Sheng they reacted, there was a group of people who had already pointed their guns at Yu Sheng's group. These people were wearing black hoods, and they didn't look like good people.

   These people are holding guns, pointing at Yu Sheng's group, and saying in English: "Put down the weapons in your hands, otherwise...I don't mind killing you."

   Yu Sheng and others heard that their faces were extremely ugly. There were no bullets in their weapons, and it was almost impossible to resist.

   For the rest of his life, he dare not say that he can survive under such circumstances.

   With so many guns pointed at, as long as he moves slightly, he will be instantly sieved.

   Yu Sheng stared at these people fiercely, as long as he had the opportunity, he would not hesitate to take action, but these people seemed to be very professional and would not give them this opportunity at all.

   "Now, put down your weapons, otherwise... we don't mind sifting you into a sieve."

   One of them scolded violently.

   Yu Sheng and others took a deep breath when they heard this. They looked at the scene in front of them, and then slowly said, "All put down their weapons."

   (end of this chapter)

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