
   Crocodile and Major General Rose saw Chen Shanming and others in front of them, all were taken aback.


   Immediately after that, for the rest of his life, he took off his headgear in full view. At this moment, the effect of the PS artifact has completely disappeared.

   Therefore, it also revealed the true face of the rest of his life.

As Yu Sheng’s true face was exposed, all the people present were stunned, especially Colonel Ross. He never expected that he and others would try their best to catch Yu Sheng and others, but... the other party fled so easily. Came out.

   Yusheng smiled and said: "I'm really sorry, Major General Rose, I didn't expect that I would kidnap you here."

   Talking, Yu Sheng took off Rose’s headgear and said, "Now, the game is over."

  Major General Ross heard the words, looked at Yu Sheng twice, and said with a smile: "You are right, the game is over."

   For the rest of his life at this time, he also let go of Major General Rose, and said, "I'm sorry, I was in a hurry just now, so I'm sorry."

   "You really surprised me."

  Major General Ross opened his mouth in amazement: "We grabbed you, thinking that we were going to interrogate you for two days. Unexpectedly, you have already captured the Tigers' base."

   Yusheng smiled awkwardly, and said: "It's just the four of us who escaped."

  Major General Rose exclaimed: "Four are also very good. As long as the four of you stay inside, the rest will be rescued by you sooner or later."

   At this time, the crocodile also took off his headgear, looked at Yu Sheng with admiration on his face, and said, "No. 1, you are the most talented person I have ever seen."

   Yusheng heard the words, smiled and said: "The crocodile instructor laughed."

   "Okay, the matter is over, so next, let's forget it." Major General Ross opened his mouth and said: "Crocodile, you go and release all those people. Tomorrow, announce the school graduation."

   "Yes, Major General Rose."

   Then, the crocodile left here.

   Yu Sheng and the others also all looked at each other. The assessment of the last level ended in this way, which made them feel a little unrealistic.

   However, this is also fortunate for the rest of their lives. It seems simple. In fact, they know how much effort has been spent in the rest of their lives. If there were no special abilities of the rest of their lives, they would have been discovered long ago.

   Because of this, they were able to quickly end this training.

   When they gathered together for the rest of their lives, Li Erniu, Xu Tianlong and others still have an unrealistic feeling...

   Xu Tianlong asked dumbly: "We, is this over?"

   "Well, it's over." He Chenguang smiled and said, "It's all thanks to Yu Sheng. If it weren't for Yu Sheng, things wouldn't end so soon."


   Xu Tianlong admired: "For the rest of your life, you are strong again."

   Yusheng waved his hand, smiled and said: "Okay, the matter is over, tomorrow, I am afraid it will be the time for our graduation."

   "Yes, the training of the Hunter School has finally come to an end." Chen Shanming also spoke in admiration from the side: "This training, you are also completely reborn."

   Chen Shanming was able to detect that He Chenguang and the others at this moment have been reborn and stronger than before, thanks to the professional training of the Hunter School.

   Especially, under this kind of death threat, the growth rate of these people is beyond the imagination of others.

   "Okay, let's take a good rest today, and tomorrow, we can finish school."

   Everyone nodded slightly, and then walked in one direction.

   It didn't take long for everyone to arrive at the Hunter School by helicopter.

   Everyone spent this day in excitement, and even the food was much better than before.

   It was the next morning.

   There are about 23 special forces standing here.

   Among them, there are 10 Chinese people, and the rest of the countries only occupy 13 of them. It can be said that this time, none of the Chinese people have been eliminated.

   This is also the first time.

   The rest of his life and the others were all excited to stand under this flag. At this time, there were nine red flags, only one side was missing, even if he had completed the task.

  Major General Ross stood in front of Yu Sheng and the others. There was a person holding a tray beside him, and no one knew what was in the tray.

   However, they guessed that it might be a medal.

  Major General Rose stood here staring straight at the rest of his life, and exclaimed: "Children, I am honored and very happy, because you finally passed the final test of the Hunter School."

   "This will be a historic moment for you."

   "You can pass the hunter school selection, relying on your willpower and strong physical fitness, which will also become your capital for survival on the battlefield."

   "Here today, I want to tell you."

   "You graduated."

  Major General Ross had a smile on his face. At this moment, Chen Shanming and their bodies trembled slightly. Obviously, they were also excited.

   It is not easy to pass the selection of the Hunter School. If you know the selection of the Hunter School, it is ten times more difficult than the selection of Spike.

The    wolf tooth selection may fail, but the mortality rate is extremely low.

   Unless it is an accidental death.


   Hunter School is different, and the death rate is extremely high.

   They are able to graduate. For them, UU看书www.uukanshu. com will have huge benefits.

  Major General Ross said: "Now, I will award you the Hunter Hunter Medal. From now on, you will be graduates of the Hunter School."

   At this time, another person was holding a tray and came to Major General Ross. Major General Ross began to issue Hunter Medals to Yu Sheng and others.

   Yu Sheng glanced at the medal. This medal looks very ordinary. The engraved above is also the log of the Hunter School, which also represents the Hunter School.

   got the medal, which also means that they graduated from here.

   After Major General Rose awarded the medal, Major General Rose looked at Yu Sheng's group with a smile, and said, "You are the most talented Chinese soldiers I have ever seen."

   "Thank you, Major General Ross, for the compliment. Every soldier in China is the most talented and outstanding." Yu Sheng said loudly.

  Major General Rose took a look at Yu Sheng, and then slowly said: "No.1, you played a very important role in the last training. Do you have any ideas? I might fulfill one of your wishes."

   Until Major General Rose finished saying this, all the people present stayed for a while. After taking a look at the rest of his life, there was a deep envy in those eyes.

   fulfill a wish?

   This is equivalent to a promise made by Major General Rose. .

   How important this promise is, it doesn’t need to be said.

   But they all know that if they don't have the rest of their lives, they wouldn't be able to complete the training so easily.

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