I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 341: Born for the battlefield

With Yu Sheng's violent drink, the blood in Yu Sheng's body also quietly changed.

not only that.

   For the rest of my life, the whole person seems to be a different person, and the whole person is like a century-old tree with its roots stubbornly stuck on the ground.

   Everyone knows that big trees take roots, but they are deeply rooted, and the power of big trees to take roots is very strong, otherwise, the big trees will not be able to stop the flood.

   The rest of my life at this moment is like such a big tree.

   Next moment!

   The big bear that rushed forward slammed into Yu Sheng.

  According to his terrible power, if it hits a person, it is easy to directly knock the person into the air, even if an ordinary person crashes into another ordinary person, it is easy to knock the person out.

   What's more, he is still such a big bear.


   At the moment when the two collided, when Big Bear's face showed a sneer, Big Bear's face instantly froze on the spot.


   The two ran into each other fiercely, and the big bear staggered, and was directly knocked out, and then the big bear fell to the ground fiercely.


   The big bear was smashed into pieces.


   The big bear's eyes were full of incredible and shocked colors, and he couldn't believe it.

   He never expected that after his strong body crashed behind Yu Sheng, the last person to fly would be himself...

   The most terrifying thing is that for the rest of my life, I only took a few steps backwards.

   At this moment, Da Xiong was a little dazed.

How could this be?

   This is the only thought in Big Bear's mind.

   With such a strong body, no one can stand a collision with anyone. Even if he knew in advance and made a defensive posture, he would definitely not be able to withstand his violent impact.

  At first, he thought that when he slammed into Yu Sheng, Yu Sheng would definitely be knocked out by himself, but...

   When he smashed into Yu Sheng, he knew that Yu Sheng was like a big tree, with its roots pierced **** the ground.

   This guy is simply an out-and-out abnormality.

   Seeing that the big bear hits and flies out at once, for the rest of his life he ran fast, almost in the blink of an eye, he came to the big bear fiercely.

   At this moment, the big bear also stood up, and in the next instant, Yu Sheng kicked the big bear hard.


   Accompanied by a muffled sound, Big Bear's arms blocked near his head, and Yu Sheng's kick hit Big Bear's arms fiercely.

   However, this time the bear's body only swayed. Obviously, this foot did not cause much damage to the bear.

   Such a scene made Yu Sheng also look at it.

   For the rest of my life, I didn’t expect this big guy to be so resistant to beatings.

   "The blood of a century-old dragon elephant, a **** beast, and a second-level form of dragon elephant raging."

   Without even thinking about it, Yu Sheng roared, and in an instant, the blood in his body also boiled, and his eyes became a little red. After Yu Sheng ran away in an instant, the whole person seemed to be a little different.

   Yu Sheng glanced at the big bear in front of him and shouted.

   "Willow winding."

   In the next instant, Yu Sheng slammed a punch to Big Bear's head, but Big Bear didn't react slowly. He raised his hand to block Yu Sheng's attack.

   It's just that the power of this blow for the rest of his life was extremely strong. It was a big bear, and he felt a kind of heavy power. This power made him feel unstoppable.

"not good……"

   Daxiong's face changed drastically, and he wanted to get rid of this power.

   But at this moment, Yu Sheng’s elbow hit the big bear fiercely. Because the big bear was impacted by the rest of his life at first, he couldn't react at all.

   So he was directly hit on the head by Yu Sheng. For a while, Da Xiong was dizzy and almost stunned.

   "Boom boom boom..."

   Next to that, a rush of gunfire struck Yu Sheng, but when these people were aiming at him, Yu Sheng dodged and was already hiding behind a car.

   Yu Sheng shouted: "Leng Feng, hurry up and take Dr. Chen and them into the car, we will leave here immediately."


   At this time, Leng Feng killed one person with a single shot.

   They are not suitable to stand in a stalemate with these people here. There are many of these people. If they continue to stand in a stalemate with these people, it is only them who will eventually be destroyed. What's more, there are still many people guarding them.

   Once these people shot together, it would be troublesome.

   Leng Feng quickly found Rachel and Dr. Chen. Leng Feng hurriedly said: "Dr. Chen, I am from China, and I am here to rescue you. Now you immediately get in the car with me."

After saying this, as soon as Yu Sheng bowed his head, there were a few bullets grazing his brain. This shocked Leng Feng. Fortunately, he reacted quickly. If not, this shot might be shot. On his mind.


   When Dr. Chen heard the words, he also looked happy, and hurriedly followed Leng Feng into the jeep.

   At this time, Rachel also followed in the car.

   Leng Feng started the car and slammed into the rear. One of the black men was holding a gun and wanted to shoot. However, after shooting two shots, Leng Feng was driving the car and slammed into it.

   At this time, Yu Sheng saw a gun on the ground, Yu Sheng picked up the gun without hesitation, and fired two shots in the direction of Big Bear and Athena.

   At this time, the big bear and Athena saw this and hurriedly hid behind a pillar, and missed the two shots for the rest of their lives.

   At this time, the cold front was driving the car, quickly brought it over, and said loudly: "The rest of your life, get in the car."

   For the rest of my life, there was nothing like it. I went directly into the co-pilot. I did not forget to fire two shots for the rest of my life to suppress it.


   The dull engine sound resounded, and in a moment, this off-road vehicle seemed to be a tiger, rushing out quickly.


The car slammed into the door. The door couldn't withstand such a big impact. It was smashed in an instant~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The big bear and the others behind him shot twice, which made the car hit. Dr. Chen and the others in the room all changed their faces and hurriedly lowered their heads.

   At this time, Yu Sheng and others had already rushed outside.

   The people outside also obviously noticed the situation inside, and were thinking about rushing in.

   The off-road vehicle that suddenly rushed out shocked them all.

   At the moment the car rushed out, the rest of his life shot without hesitation.


   The gun fired for the rest of his life instead of strafing, but bursting.

   If anyone sees this, they will be surprised.

  Because of the rest of his life, almost every shot, either in the heart or in the center of the eyebrows, was killed by one shot.

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   is currently writing the story of Wolf Warriors 2, but...some things are prohibited from writing, so I will change the plot. Some weapons of great destruction are not allowed, just because I am afraid of being banned.

   (end of this chapter)

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