I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 354: Fight with cockroaches

For the rest of his life, he fought with the big bear, and for a while, the big bear was at a disadvantage.


At this moment, suddenly, there was a rush of wind breaking behind him, which made Yu Sheng's expression stunned and his head slightly tilted. Then, Yu Sheng noticed that there was a fist wind coming.

Yu Sheng grabbed the punch with both hands and kicked it back fiercely. The people behind seemed to have noticed it, so he blocked Yu Sheng's blow in advance.

At this time, the cockroach glanced at the big bear and said, "Go find that little girl."

Big Bear stood up, looked at Yu Sheng indifferently, straddling a heavy step, and then walked in one direction.

For the rest of his life at this time, he looked at the cockroach in front of him coldly. This cockroach, with great strength, gave him a sense of danger.

"Hehe, Huaxia." The cockroach gave Yu Sheng a cold look and said indifferently: "You shouldn't be here."

"Haha." Yu Sheng sneered: "I can go wherever I want."

The cockroach shook his head slightly, he glanced at Yu Sheng indifferently, and then a pair of sharp eyes suddenly condensed, but at this moment, the cockroach jumped up, and his knees slammed into the rest of his life.

If this is resisted, Yu Sheng's body will inevitably fly upside down severely.

However, the rest of his life seemed to have noticed it.


Yu Sheng lifted his foot and kicked it up.

As the two collided, there was a dull sound. Then, the rest of his life took a few steps back, and the cockroach also landed on both feet.

He was a little surprised. He didn't expect Yu Sheng's reaction speed to be so fast. You know, in the past, he used this trick to make many people suffer.

Unexpectedly, Yu Sheng could be blocked, which surprised him a bit.

However, it was just an accident.

When the cockroaches raised their hands, they attacked the vitals of the rest of their lives fiercely. The cockroaches have undergone special training. Therefore, every move and every style greeted the vitals of the rest of their lives.

But for the rest of his life, there was also a dike.

The howling fist wind also passed, and this fist exhausted his strength for the rest of his life.


When the two collided, the cockroach felt a pain in his hand. He immediately stepped back a few steps. The cockroach stared at Yu Sheng with a solemn expression. He did not expect that Yu Sheng's strength was so strong, especially during the pairing, even he ate it. A dark loss.


Immediately afterwards, the two fought together. The battle between the two was brilliant and colorful. Every move and every style can be said to be of textbook level.


Not far away, Big Bear and Athena were holding Pasha and heading away. Leng Feng and He Jianguo hurriedly stopped when they saw this, but there were too many enemies, and there were still many ordinary people here. Unable to keep these people, this made Leng Feng and the others anxious.

"You go save them, I'll stop them." He Jianguo said loudly.


Leng Feng shouted, holding the gun in his hand, and quickly chased Pasha.

And He Jianguo is resisting these people around him.

In the distance, the old man looked at the scene in front of him with a cruel sneer, especially after seeing the big bear bring Pasha over.


At this moment, Leng Feng rushed over, and when the big bear saw it, he sneered and avoided Leng Feng's blow.

"Kang Dang."

Yu Sheng held the ak and hit the ground fiercely. It was not that Leng Feng didn't want to shoot, but that they had no bullets at the moment, and the ak in his hand was similar to a fire stick.


The next moment, Da Xiong's strong body slammed into Leng Feng's body, and Leng Feng was directly knocked out like a heavy blow.

"Kang Dang."

With a loud noise, the cold front slammed into a nearby container, and even the container was knocked out of a deep pit. It can be seen how heavy the bear's blow was.

Athena sneered and glanced at Leng Feng, clutching Pasha, and then quickly walked in the direction of the old man.

When Athena arrived in front of her father, she said, "People have already caught it."

"It's his blood, can a vaccine be made?" The old man glanced at random and said calmly.

"According to the news, Dr. Chen used her blood to make a special medicine at that time." Athena said.


The old man smiled and nodded, and then said: "Take him away."


Athena pulled Pasha, who was constantly breaking free, and walked toward the car next to her.

At this time, the old man's eyes kept passing by, and when his father's eyes fell on Yu Sheng's body, there was a little cold and sharp passing in his eyes.

"Langya for the rest of his life, interesting."

If you stay here for the rest of your life, you will be horrified.

Unexpectedly, the old man actually knew him, which was beyond his expectation.

"Able to kill old cats, scorpions, black cats, but also some ability... It's a pity... I have to stay here after all."

The old man glanced at Yu Sheng indifferently, and shook his head slightly, which seemed to be a bit regretful.


Besides, for the rest of his life at this time, he had already fought with cockroaches to a feverish level.


Yu Sheng kicked the cockroach's belly fiercely, and the cockroach flew out fiercely. The cockroach stared at Yu Sheng with an angry face, his eyes flickering.

He didn't expect that the young man in front of him was so difficult. You must know that his strength was achieved between life and death, but he never expected that this young man was so terrifying.

This makes the cockroach extremely angry.


The cockroach drew out the dagger from his body, and then stabbed towards Yu Sheng fiercely.

Upon seeing this, Yu Sheng grabbed the cockroach's hand with both hands. At this time, the cockroach lifted its foot and kicked it hard towards Yu Sheng.


Yu Sheng rolled a bit, the cockroach did not kick this foot, but at this time the cockroach was still on the offensive, stabbing hard towards Yu Sheng.

At this time, the rest of his life saw this, raised the chair next to him, and fell violently towards the cockroach.

"Kang Dang..."

With this blow, the cockroaches hit were all kinds of meat and vegetables.

The chair fell apart, and the cockroach furiously attacked for the rest of his life.

The sound of the knife breaking through ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ makes my scalp numb.

However, Yu Sheng's body is extremely flexible, no matter how the cockroach moves, it can't hurt him for a while.

The cockroach was also more and more surprised. He felt that if he continued, he might be killed by the rest of his life.

Thinking of this, the cockroaches didn't dare to love fighting. At this time, they had already caught Pasha, and it was time to leave here.

Thinking of this, the cockroach threw the dagger in his hand, Yu Sheng avoided the blow on the side of his body, and at this time the cockroach ran towards the window quickly.

Upon seeing this, Yu Sheng smiled coldly, and stepped sideways to the cockroach. Just as the cockroach was about to jump down, Yu Sheng stretched out his right hand and grabbed the cockroach's back.

(End of this chapter)

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