I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 356: The rest of his life

For the rest of my life..."

At this time, He Jianguo, Zhuo Yifan and others ran over.

Obviously, these people were hidden, so they were not taken away.

Seeing this for the rest of his life, he immediately said: "How are you doing?"

"We're all right." Zhuo Yifan was full of anger: "These **** are too arrogant, too arrogant."

Zhuo Yifan also experienced this kind of scene for the first time, especially this kind of crushed and beaten scene, which made him feel aggrieved and extremely uncomfortable.

"Just fine." Yu Sheng took a deep breath and said coldly: "Who are these people, do you know?"

"I know."

He Jianguo heard the words and said: "The leader should be the father. They are an organization that collects money to do things, and they are very powerful, especially their leader father."


Yu Sheng was also a little angry when he heard this.

The reason why they are so passive is because they are all ordinary people here, and they can't exert their full strength.

"People have been taken away, what should we do now?" Rachel couldn't help asking.

"These people must be locked in a place." Yu Sheng said solemnly: "Now we are trying to find this place, and then we will rescue these people."


He Jianguo nodded slightly, and said immediately: "I'm here to find their location, you go and make preparations."


Yu Sheng, Leng Feng and others nodded slightly.

At this moment, everyone is quickly preparing what they need. After preparing these things, everyone has recovered their mental and physical strength. After all, they are extremely tired at this moment. If you rescue it, you might even get yourself in.

So they must maintain sufficient physical strength.

Early the next morning.

They are driving the car and rushing in one direction.

When they came to a place, they stopped the car and carefully observed the front. There were a few figures in front of them. These figures were obviously people patrolling here.

"What to do?" Zhuo Yifan carefully looked at Yu Sheng's group and asked in a low voice.


After Yusheng saw these people in front of him, a sharp arc formed between the corners of his mouth, and he calmly said, "Kill them."


Hearing this, Zhuo Yifan's face changed slightly, and he immediately said: "There are so many people here, how can we kill them? Once the shot is fired, the people here will be on alert immediately. At that time, once we are surrounded, we will be in trouble."

"Besides, there are quite a few people here, among them there are quite a few masters. After that, at least about fifty people, right?"

Yu Sheng heard the words and said coldly: "Kill it all."

Yu Sheng's words left Zhuo Yifan speechless for a while, even He Jianguo couldn't help but look at Yu Sheng twice. Yu Sheng's personal strength was quite good, he admitted.


You are so straightforward. What's the difference between this and death.

"For the rest of your life, don't be impulsive." Leng Feng couldn't help but said, "We have to kill these people carefully."

"Let me come."

After that, Yu Sheng walked carefully to the side, which made Zhuo Yifan who still wanted to talk, his face changed slightly, and he couldn't help saying: "Who is he? What the **** does this guy do? Reckless?"

Zhuo Yifan was a little dissatisfied.

Leng Feng did not speak.

"Leng Feng, if it were your wolves, how would you fight this battle?"

As soon as he said this, Leng Feng shook his head slightly, and said, "We are too few in number and can only sneak attacks inside. It is best to be silent and silent, but there are many enemies. It is difficult to be silent and silent."

"This battle... is difficult to fight."


This is not the same as acting on TV. On TV, one person kills ten or eight people. That is a common thing. If you do it like this, it would be a bit too fascinating.

But here is reality.

If you make a noise here, you will be made dumplings.

While everyone was still discussing here, the rest of their lives at this moment had quietly approached these three people, and when Zhuo Yifan and He Jianguo saw this scene, they were all extremely shocked.

"Why is this guy so fast?"

The speed of the rest of his life scared all of them. They all knew that the rest of his life wanted to get close to these people and kill them... But, how easy is that?

Now in broad daylight, it is basically idiotic dreams to approach these people silently.

However, for the rest of his life at this time, he came directly next to these people...for a time, they were a little dumbfounded.

Leng Feng also looked at Yu Sheng with a little amazement, his eyes were full of unbelievable.


But at this moment, the enemy discovered something.


For the rest of his life, he wiped off the neck of one of them, and then, he gave it to the two of him and the other, and the other two also fell softly to the ground.

Yu Sheng took this opportunity to make up for these two people, and these people were killed directly.

After killing three people, Zhuo Yifan and He Jianguo both took a breath, and the shock to them for the rest of their lives was too great.

Quietly, he lurked near the enemy, and directly killed all three enemies, without even making a sound, which made them not surprised.

"Is this really a wolf-fang? The wolf-fang is so strong?"

Others may not know Langya, but He Jianguo knows it clearly.

Spike is a special force, very powerful.

But no matter how strong it is, there must be a limit, right?

But you shit... You killed three people when you said that you killed it. Is this a dead end?

Leng Feng nodded slightly when he heard the words, and said, "He is very strong."

At this time Zhuo Yifan didn't know what to say. The strength that Yu Sheng showed was also deeply shocking him, which made him feel unspeakable shock.

"Go, let's go over."

Yu Sheng gestured towards them, and then a group of people quickly walked forward~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At this time, they shuttled quickly in the factory still under construction.

For the rest of his life, a pair of sharp eyes can detect the location of these people.

"These people defend very tightly." Leng Feng said immediately.

"Pasha should be locked in one place by them. As long as we find a place with a little more people, it may be the place where Pasha and them are held." Yu Sheng thought for a while.

"Yeah." Leng Feng nodded slightly: "What should I do next?"

Having said this, Yu Sheng's mouth was raised, a tiny arc was outlined, and his eyes narrowed.

"It's very simple... just need..."

(End of this chapter)

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