I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 396: Got pitted

Seeing that the two of them completed the mine at the same time made the rest of them slightly surprised.

Of course, this mine is not a simple mine. It can be arranged for two hours. It can be seen that the two of them also spent a lot of time in this mine. If they are fighting, the enemy will never give you such a long time to mine.

The reason why the two of them did this was to see how strong each other was.

So the layout is extremely meticulous.

The two stood in front of each other again, their eyes staring straight at each other, and the moment their eyes collided, sparks were also ignited.

Fan Tianlei and Yang Tianye also stared at Yu Sheng and Leng Haoxuan with solemn expressions. Yang Tianye felt that Yu Sheng was extremely difficult, and even he was a little surprised by such soldiers.

Because for the rest of his life he doesn't look like a recruit.

Yu Sheng smiled and said, "Are you first, or me first?"

"Let me go first." Leng Haoxuan glanced at Yu Sheng indifferently, and said calmly: "If I go first, I'll be quicker, so you can recognize the gap between you and me and the reality earlier."

When Yu Sheng heard this, he shrugged. He ignored Leng Haoxuan’s words. Instead, he stretched out his hand and made a gesture of asking. Leng Haoxuan glanced at Yu Sheng indifferently, which was toward the minefield set by Yu Sheng. Go.

Everyone also followed along.

Soon, they came to the area arranged by Yu Sheng.

The area chosen for the rest of their lives is also a forest. Almost no one passes through this forest. Although the Spike is nearby, it does not mean that they have to run through every inch of land.

Yu Sheng glanced at Leng Haoxuan faintly, chuckled, and said, "You can go in. There is a minefield in front of you. I can tell you that there are a total of 20 mines laid out here."

Yu Sheng's words caused Leng Haoxuan's brows to frown, and then he let out a cold snort, seeming to be dissatisfied with Yu Sheng's reminder.

Leng Haoxuan took the lead in walking in. He carefully observed the surroundings, for fear of missing every detail. In the minefield, he would fight for his life with the **** of death, because if he was not careful, he might die here.

Therefore, we must be extremely careful.

At this time, Xu Tianlong couldn't help saying: "It's just a fool. How I look at this place is no different from nature. There is a bit of passiveness."

"I think so too." Wang Yanbing frowned. I see here, there is basically no sign of being excavated, and it doesn't look like a minefield has been laid out.

"For the rest of your life, did you really only arrange 20 mines?" He Chenguang couldn't help asking.

"Yeah." Yu Sheng said casually: "Indeed, only twenty landmines were laid out."

"Where did you arrange it?" Song Kaifei said.

"Ha ha."

When Yu Sheng heard the words, he smiled without saying a word. He didn't tell Song Kaifei the area of ​​the mine.

"Yu Sheng, there is nothing wrong with the mine you laid out?" He Chenguang couldn't help but said, "This Sirius man is really powerful, so be careful."

"Do not worry."

Yu Sheng smiled and said, "I've arranged eight booby traps here, and moved my whole body by one, that is to say..."

Speaking of this, He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and others all had their pupils slightly shrunk and their faces were full of amazement.

"Eight booby traps, moreover, they all touch one another..."

Thinking of this, the eyes of He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing looking at Yu Sheng also changed.

Damn, Yu Sheng, this guy, obviously wants to play Leng Haoxuan... and move his whole body...

Leng Haoxuan, who was in the minefield, watched cautiously. Suddenly, he noticed a place that was quite weird, as if someone had moved.

Leng Haoxuan lowered his head cautiously, and carefully observed in front of him, he noticed that the grass in this place seemed to be a bit crooked, and the soil under the grass obviously showed signs of being passive, but This trace is very small, and it is difficult to see if you don't observe it carefully.

Seeing this, Leng Haoxuan's eyes showed a slight sneer.

"There are mines here."

Leng Haoxuan turned his head and looked at Yu Sheng. At this time, Yu Sheng was also looking at him with a smile on his face. Leng Haoxuan sneered, and then pointed to his front. That meant telling Yu Sheng, I already knew There are mines here.

For the rest of his life, there was no fluctuation, just staring at Leng Haoxuan directly.

Seeing this, Leng Haoxuan thought secretly: "If you don't see the coffin, you won't cry, let me pass through your minefield."

When the voice fell, Leng Haoxuan stepped forward directly from here.

However, when Leng Haoxuan just hung over, suddenly, he clicked.

The sudden sound caused Leng Haoxuan's voice to abruptly ceased.

"Not good..." Leng Haoxuan's face changed drastically.

Not only Leng Haoxuan, but also Ye Feng, Lei Ling and others, their expressions changed slightly.

"Leng Haoxuan, I stepped on thunder."

Leng Haoxuan stepped on the thunder, which caused the whole heart of the people present to be raised, and He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and others were all overjoyed when they saw this scene in front of them.

"For the rest of my life, what is going on?"

When Yu Sheng heard the words, he smiled and said, "I exposed the flaw deliberately. The real master mine rarely reveals his own flaws, but I did the opposite and made him aware of it, of course. This flaw must be very, very secret, and there can be no slightest pretentiousness."

"This guy is too arrogant, thinking that he has found a mine, and there is no second mine in front of him. As everyone knows, I placed a total of four mines in front of him."

"These four mines almost contain several directions. If he wants to cross this minefield, he has to make a detour, but... I also placed two mines beside the road he circumvented. These two Landmines are well hidden, and you want to find them unless they are exceptionally meticulous."

"On the tree over there~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I also placed a mine. As long as he steps on the silk thread on the ground, the silk thread will twitch and the mine will explode."


"Lying down."

He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and others all looked at Yu Sheng with a monster look, their eyes filled with incredible and shocking colors.

"Yu Sheng, you are too weird, right now, this guy will suffer a big loss." Xu Tianlong couldn't help but complain.

The rest of the people also nodded one after another. For the rest of his life, this guy was simply scammed.

At this time, Leng Haoxuan, who was stepping on thunder, looked extremely ugly. .

His face is even more red, like bleeding.

He never expected that he was sore for a long time before he stepped on thunder.

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