I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 428: The fear of the second form

It's about time now, you guys are actually discussing what body odor is here.

Now, we are all on the battlefield, can you guys be a little more stable? Although this is in the virtual world system, but...

This battle is always a battle.

"I see, you follow me."

The rest of his life suddenly fell apart.

At this moment, Yu Sheng had already smelled the body odor. He knew that the body odor was probably the person in this so-called poker card.

It is said that the taste of the human body in the West is great, and it is not without reason. The person with the eight achievements of the body odor is playing cards, thinking of this, Yu Sheng quickly went in one direction.

The speed of Yu Sheng was very fast, which caused Ye Feng and the others to be a little bit unable to keep up, especially the running speed of Yu Sheng, Ye Feng and the others were also dumbfounded.

With a short period of effort, Yu Sheng's figure disappeared under their sight, which made Ye Feng and others all dumbfounded.

"Fuck, what is he doing so fast?" Xi Chen couldn't help but explode the foul language. Now they are fighting, not playing games.

Damn you, why are you running so fast? What's more, the enemy is still a poker player. The strength of these people cannot be underestimated. There are still five people on the other side.

If you as a person are surrounded by the other party, would you be worth it? Isn't that looking for death?

"Go, let's hurry up." Ye Feng said hurriedly.

At this moment, the rest of his life has also increased his speed to the maximum. Following this body odor, he constantly searches for the whereabouts of the enemy.

At this moment.

In this distance, there are five figures, these five figures constantly hide their bodies, and move quickly in one direction.

One of them, the king of spades, said, "It should be almost safe now."

"Damn, this group of people is too dark to start, and they drove the tank directly to bomb. I don't know why this shell suddenly exploded in the air. It's really strange." Q of spades.

"Indeed, that scene was really weird at the time, as if it was intercepted by someone, you said, could it be they were practicing?" J of spades curiously asked.

"Is it impossible? That direction seems to be where we are." Q of spades.

"It doesn't matter, now we leave here immediately. If this group of special forces from China chase over, then we will probably stay here. The mission has been completed, and now we will retreat immediately." Spades K said.


Immediately everyone retreated quickly.

But at this moment, the 9 of spades suddenly said: "It seems that someone is coming here."


As soon as the words were spoken, all of the spades k and the others condensed. They immediately looked into the distance. They hurriedly picked up the binoculars and observed quickly.

Sure enough, a figure in the distance was constantly approaching them, which made the spades k's look cold, and said coldly: "It's a special soldier of China."

"How is it possible?" The 10 of spades began in amazement: "Our group retreated, extremely secretive, and did not leave any obvious clues. How did they catch up?"

"It seems there is only one person." The **** k frowned, thinking: "I think it's someone who trains around here."

Q of spades said: "How? Do we want to kill this guy?"

The spades K's expression was slightly condensed, and he thought for a while and said: "No more, we evacuated here quickly, this guy may not have found us, if he is still following us, he is killing him."

"If we alarm these special forces, we might have to spend some means if we want to leave then."

"Well, if that's the case, then we will move forward quickly."

Immediately, a group of people swiftly moved forward and ran again.

At this time, after seeing the spades k and the rest of his life, his brows were frowned. After thinking about it, he quickly followed. As the rest of his life kept chasing behind, the 9 of spades frowned. Immediately he opened his mouth and said: "Old K, the man behind is getting closer and closer. If we continue like this, I'm afraid he will follow us soon."

"I think this guy has already discovered us, or should I stay here and kill him?"

The **** k frowned and said in a low voice: "Okay, you stay here and kill this guy, and then you will join us immediately."

The q of spades immediately said: "I guess, this guy should be more than one person. If there are others behind him, the 9 of spades might be dangerous."

The king of spades said: "9 of spades, if they have other people, you immediately retreat."


Immediately, the spades k and they left here quickly, but at this time the 9 of spades stayed.

The 9 of spades took a faint look at the rest of his life in the distance, with a slight sneer in his eyes, and immediately he picked up the sniper rifle, which separated the front and back for at least a thousand meters, and then he shot it confidently.

Then, it was shot towards the rest of his life who was coming quickly.


The howling bullets shot out angrily in the forest, like a furious lion, full of killing intent.

I have to say that the 9 of spades is a bit different from others. He seems to know in advance where he will fall for the rest of his life. This kind of prediction can be said to be very terrifying.

The bullet spins fast, and while breathing, it is catching up for the rest of his life.

"Hmph, under my bullet, few people have survived yet."

The 9 of spades smiled coldly, and his face was already covered with a cruel smile. In his opinion, his shot was enough to kill the rest of his life, and the rest of his life would almost certainly die.

Can be in a flash.

The smile of the 9 of spades condenses! Stiff instantly.

Because he saw it, Yu Sheng seemed to know in advance where he was going to shoot. When Yu Sheng’s footsteps had not yet fallen, Yu Sheng’s whole person was like a monkey, kicking directly on the tree, and then returning him in the air. Damn it came and rolled, and then landed steadily.

Then, he continued to chase him.


"Is this an advance judgment?"

With 9 of Spades holding a sniper rifle~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he quickly pulled the bolt, but there was a solemn look on his face.

He knew that there were no shortage of top masters in this world, and these masters were very powerful, but some of the masters he encountered died directly in his hands.

Judging from the rest of his life, this guy's strength should not be weak, he should be a master.

But what surprised him a bit was his ability to evade for the rest of his life.

His sniper rifle has been modified, and the gun body is painted with green paint. The purpose is also to be better hidden under nature. After all, they often fight in the forest.

Normal people can't avoid him with this shot. Most people who can avoid are undoubtedly a master. He has this kind of self-confidence.

"Who is this guy?"

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