I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 437: Sentiment

Just when Yu Sheng just thought of this place, suddenly, he felt something general.

That feeling is like a natural rhythm.

For the rest of his life at this time, he slowly closed his eyes. At this moment, a wisp of breeze blew in. At this time, the wind was not too cold. It was blowing on people, and there was a feeling of comfort.

However, for the rest of his life at this moment, the brain has fallen into a certain perception.

Before, every time he fought, he basically relied on various skills. If there were no various skills, he would be no different from an ordinary special soldier.

However, this is nothing.

After all, he has a bug, which is definitely to be used.

At this time Yu Sheng began to imagine how he felt when he shot.

Before firing, they used various skills to aim and then fired.

However, as a real master, this shot, if it can catch up with the speed of brain thinking, then it is a real master master.

For a long time, there have been people who say that the sword is one, and naturally there are people who have the gun.

The so-called unity of man and gun means that the gun is oneself, and oneself is also a gun. You can kill the enemy in the best way and in the shortest time almost in an instant.

However, lifting the gun and raising the gun also requires physical strength. The hand speed can't keep up, and the physical strength can't keep up. All of this is naturally useless. Therefore, in the training of the past, the rest of my life pays great attention to physical training.

Even on the battlefield, physical training can save your life at the most critical moment.

Therefore, these trainings are essential.

Even though he himself has improved a lot, there is still such a distance when he breaks through the distance. He can't pierce the barrier, and if he can't break the barrier, he can't break through to a higher realm.

For the rest of his life, his brain was running fast, thinking about the battles during this period of time, thinking about some of the thorny problems he encountered during the battle, and also looking for his own contradictions.

Then, these experiences will be continuously verified.


At this moment, Yu Sheng opened his eyes abruptly, and a sharp glow was fleeting. At this moment, Yu Sheng's breath seemed to have undergone earth-shaking changes.

He felt that his limbs and corpses seemed to be full of power, and the sense of abundance of power gave the rest of his life a feeling of wanting to vent immediately.

Not only that.

For the rest of my life, I still felt that my reaction speed, speed, seemed to increase.

That feeling is very obvious. For a while, even for the rest of my life, it is full of excitement and incredibleness.

So far, he doesn't know what happened to him.

"Didi, the host has completed the epiphany, and the host's various physical attributes have increased by 1 point."

"Didi, congratulations to the host for completing the upgrade."

"Name: Yu Sheng"

"Age: 18 years old"

"Military Rank: Lieutenant" level up to get 100 points of military merit.

"Attributes: roots 10, comprehension 10, physique 10, strength 10, speed 10 (ordinary 1

"Military merit: 110 points."

"Skills: world actor-level acting skills, second form of earth-sensing shooting technique, second form of blood of the century-old golden winged roc..."

Yu Sheng hurriedly opened the panel and saw the scene above. For a while, Yu Sheng felt an indescribable excitement.

"I broke through?"

He didn't expect that just now he fell into a blank, and he would break through like this? This is really nonsense, right?

However, that feeling made him extremely addicted. He definitely broke through. This is absolutely not wrong. If he didn't break through, then he wouldn't become what he is now.

Especially the strength on his body, he felt a lot, a lot stronger, several times stronger than before, that feeling of abundance is what makes him most excited.

"Every attribute has been raised to ten points. It seems that the ability to comprehend various things has also become stronger."

"This time, it was a bumper harvest."

Thinking of this, there was a sneer between the corners of Yu Sheng's mouth. He still felt a little tricky to deal with the k of spades and the q of spades alone. After all, both of them are top players, he can certainly snipe bullets.

But... sniper bullets can at best sniper one person's bullets, it is impossible to sniper all.

As long as they are targeted by two people, then... is a dead end.

But now he feels that he is a little different. When facing these two people, he feels that the person in front of him is like a clown who has been jumping on the beam.


In the next moment, Yu Sheng's feet suddenly pressed hard, and with this kick of the ground, the whole person jumped up instantly, but the rest of his life at this time felt extremely excited.

The previous bounce ability was obviously weaker than the current bounce ability by such a level, which gave Yu Sheng unspeakable excitement and joy.

"It's coming out again."

When the q of spades and the k of spades saw the moment Yu Sheng jumped out, both of them looked overjoyed. If they fight alone, they may not be opponents for the rest of their lives.

But this does not mean that the two are not rivals for the rest of their lives.



Two dull gunshots resounded through the woods. The speed of shooting was not worse than those of the top special forces, and their hit rate was extremely high.

I noticed that these two bullets were flying over quickly, and for the rest of my life I had prepared for a sudden twist in the air, and his body also moved quickly.

The sudden movement also surprised both the q of spades and the k of spades.


You know, forcibly twisting one's body in the air, it is very difficult, and it is very difficult for ordinary people to do it because of the extraordinary skill.

However, this is not over yet.


Pulling the trigger for the rest of his life, its bullet quickly traversed the layers of space, and then pierced towards the q hole of spades. The bullet was very fast, almost in the blink of an eye, it came to the q of spades.

After all, the speed of the bullets ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is at least 800 meters per second. At this speed, no one can catch it.

The q of spades, who had already had a dike, hurriedly avoided, but at this time.


Nature suddenly hit the stone behind the q of spades, and the sound of the bullet hitting the stone resounded. The hardness of the stone was very high, while the hardness of the bullet was even higher.

The moment the bullet hit the stone, the bullet was unable to penetrate the stone, so it collapsed and flew out.


Strange things happened at this time.

After the bullet was crashed, and the direction of Bengfei was the direction of the q of spades, even the q of spades had not expected this scene.

Because it was too sudden.


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