I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 441: Had to leave

However, the rest of his life did not care about anything.

Since the fifth type is powerful, sooner or later he will become as powerful as the fifth type.

Soon, they withdrew from the world system.

There was nothing to look at here, and everyone naturally chose to quit.

After exiting the world system, Yu Sheng walked out of the safety cabin. At this moment, Yang Tianye and others also walked out one after another. Yang Tianye glanced at Yu Sheng and laughed.

"Boy, how is it? My world system is pretty good, right?"

"True, it is too real." Song Kaifei on the side was full of excitement and said: "The picture inside is restored, it is too real. I did not expect that there is such a developed thing in this world, incredible and real. Unbelievable."

Song Kaifei was very excited. Not only him, but He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing, they all showed excitement, and their eyes were full of shock.

Unexpectedly, there is still such a magical thing in the world, especially the feeling in this world system, it is not much different from the reality.

If this is a game, it will definitely take the world by storm.

Unfortunately, they also knew that they were able to make this kind of thing thanks to that strange meteorite, and if it weren't, they wouldn't make this thing.

But this also lets them know that there are still many magical things in the world, but these magical things are not for outsiders to know.

In the following days, Yu Sheng and others continued to be in this Sirius. At the same time, they also saw the training method of Sirius. After seeing the training method of Sirius, Yu Sheng knew that their training method was compared with these. People come, it's really a little ugly.

There is no comparison at all.

They saw that Ye Feng and others would even often perform tasks, some in the world system, and some in reality. However, the speed of task completion is also quite terrifying.

As time went by, Yu Sheng and others stayed here for half a month.

In this half a month, they have all learned a lot.

However, what is more shocking is the terrifying ability for the rest of his life.

This surprised the entire Sirius people, and even Liu Li was surprised for the rest of his life.

For the rest of their lives, even they were amazed by the talent they showed.

None of them thought that the talent for the rest of their lives would be so high, it was a bit terrifying.

During this period of time, they were shocked. They had never seen a special force with such terrible potential. Moreover, according to Yu Sheng's current strength, it was infinitely close to the king of soldiers, and now Yu Sheng can even be called it. Quasi-soldier king.

They all know that the special forces are also hierarchical.

Some are just ordinary special forces, followed by intermediate special forces, and finally advanced special forces. Above the special forces there is a peak special forces, and finally the quasi-soldier king.

Above, there is the king of soldiers.

For the rest of their lives now, it can be said that they are a quasi-soldier king, and He Chenguang and the others are infinitely close to the peak special forces, but they are currently only high-level special forces.

As Yu Sheng’s performance potential is getting stronger and stronger, Yang Tianye at this moment is also getting more and more uncomfortable. In his opinion, as long as the rest of his life stays with them for a few days, the rest of their lives will not be surprised at the end. In Sirius.

However, the persistence of Yu Sheng and others went beyond their expectations.

Because, so far, for the rest of his life, he has not let go, nor has he any intention of staying in Sirius. For a while, Yang Tianye was a little bit unable to sit still.

Therefore, he couldn't help but talk to Yu Sheng and them alone, hoping that they could stay in Sirius for the rest of their lives. As for Fan Tianlei, he could lobby on behalf of him.

But even so, they did not agree for the rest of their lives.

At that time, Fan Tianlei was so intimidated, and for the rest of his life he did not have the mind to enter other places, so Yusheng still planned to go back.

This day!

For the rest of his life, he said goodbye to Yang Tianye.

Outside the Sirius special operations base, there was a military aircraft, which was obviously sent by Fan Tianlei.

At this moment, Yang Tianye and others are sending Yu Sheng and others.

When everyone came to the side of the military plane, Yu Sheng and others all saluted Yang Tianye.

"Boy, you really don't plan to stay in Sirius?" Yang Tianye asked again.

"Reporting chief, I need to obey the arrangement of superiors, wherever the superiors ask me to go, I will go."

Every time, the rest of my life will shirk in this way.

It is also impossible for him to reject Yang Tianye directly. This is not good either. After all, people have been serving delicious food and drink for half a month, so we can't be too unsympathetic, right?

Besides, this matter is Fan Tianlei's business. He is a soldier. Wherever the leader tells him to go, he will go wherever he is, and obey the arrangements above.

He knew that Lao Fan was not a vegetarian either. If he wanted to get him out of here, Lao Fan would definitely disagree, so he didn't need to worry about anything.

"You kid."

Yang Tianye glanced at Yu Sheng deeply, and was speechless for a moment.

They are all mature and refined people, how can you not know what Yu Sheng's words mean? This stinky boy said that, obviously wanting him to wrestle with Lao Fan.

Lao Fan is a difficult opponent, he has a deep understanding, he is not willing to go to Lao Fan to wrangling, because this would be a very headache.

However, Yang Tianye is really reluctant to have such a baby bump for the rest of his life. This guy is really rare, so Yang Tianye still plans to give it a try.

Of course, it's not the time yet. I can only find the person above me and try to see if I can transfer the rest of my life. Isn't it obeying the upper order? Then let the above transfer this kid.

Yu Sheng, of course, didn't know what Yang Tianye thought in his heart~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but he said, "Chief, thank you for your hospitality during this period of time. We will go back first."

Hearing this, Yang Tianye nodded slightly, and said casually: "Hehe, we will meet soon."

Yu Sheng was slightly taken aback by Yang Tianye's words. What do these words mean? What does it mean to meet again soon? Could it be that Yang Tianye hasn't given up on himself, and even has full confidence in getting him to Sirius?

The rest of his life was puzzled.

However, he didn't say much.

Instead, he said, "Goodbye, Chief."

"Goodbye, chief." He Chenguang and the others also got on the plane one after another, sitting on the plane of the red blood cell team.

As the plane started, Yu Sheng and others left here one after another.

At this time, Ye Feng couldn't help saying: "Captain, just let him leave?"

"Otherwise?" Yang Tianye said.

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