I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 448: here we go

   After a while.

   After the rest of his life, he came to the wolfya special battle base.

   After Yu Sheng arrived at the Spike Special Battle Base, Yu Sheng looked at his body with joy. He found that after he broke through to the third form of the Dragon Elephant and Divine Beast Blood, the whole person became different.

  Especially when he returned to the Wolfya Special Combat Base, he was just a little gasping, but the intense muscle soreness disappeared.

   This made Yu Sheng very happy.

   "Smelly boy, how do you feel?" Fan Tianlei walked over, and Yu Sheng gave a military salute.

   "Chief of Staff."

   "I feel okay." Yu Sheng smiled and said.

   "You kid, this strength breakthrough is fast enough, I am afraid it will not take long, I will have another soldier king with Spike." Fan Tianlei exclaimed.


   Yusheng smiled, although he now has the strength of the quasi-soldier king, but...there is still a long way to go from the soldier king, and the soldier king needs more than just a steady gun, but also needs other places to temper.

He has fought with Lei Zhan, and he also knows the terrible aspects of Lei Zhan. Even if Lei Zhan is a king of soldiers, relatively speaking, Lei Zhan is an ordinary king of soldiers. .

   However, he can feel it, even if he meets Lei Zhan, the quasi-soldier king, it is not worth it.

   At the very least, it has the power of a battle, and if you really fight on the battlefield, it is still unknown who will live and die.

   "You kid... hurry up and rest." Fan Tianlei smiled.

   Yusheng nodded, and then took a quick rest. At this moment, He Chenguang and the others also ran over, but they were tired enough.

   "For the rest of my life, I ran to the finish line."

  Wang Yanbing panted heavily and said out of breath: "This guy is really a pervert, with a weight of 60 kilograms, and he can run so fast. This guy is simply not human."

   "Too tired, too tired...Every time I compete with this guy, I never win." Xu Tianlong couldn't help but vomit.

At this moment, everyone is lying on the ground. It is reasonable to say that after strenuous exercise, they will get up and take two steps, so that the disordered breath can be recovered faster, but... to their level, they just run away. Now, I want to stand up and take two steps. You don’t want to go if you walk.

   "The rest of my life, when did you arrive."

   He Chenguang leaned on his backpack, and big beads of sweat flowed down his cheeks. He looked at Yu Sheng and couldn't help asking.

   "It's been a while." Yu Sheng smiled.

   "Pervert, it's really a pervert." He Chenguang couldn't help but vomit: "You are not a human being."

   "You are not a human being."

   rolled his eyes for the rest of his life, and said silently.

   Fan Tianlei and others smiled when they saw the rest of their lives together. In the army, this kind of effect is what they want. Only in this way can they be more united.

   Sometimes, the military really cherishes this kind of comradeship.

  Perhaps a bit cruel and inhumane during training, that's because they want you to live on the battlefield, and they are responsible for you.

   Only after experiencing the battlefield do you know the cruelty of the battlefield. This is another kind of comradeship.

He Chenguang and the others rested for half an hour and gradually recovered their physical strength. At this time, they all took a deep breath and said: "Too tired, in the future, we should better train with this guy less, just follow This guy trains, and it will always be us who will be injured in the end."

   "Yes." Song Kaifei couldn't help but vomit: "This guy's stamina is too strong."

   "I don't know what strength he has reached. Last time, the members of the five playing cards were killed by him alone. It's really a pervert."


  Fan Tianlei who was on the side was also taken aback as he said this, and immediately said, "What did you say? You just said, the poker player?"

   "Yes, Chief of Staff." Xu Tianlong said loudly: "Before in the world system, we met people with playing cards and killed five criminals in their playing cards."

   Hearing Xu Tianlong's words, Fan Tianlei couldn't help taking a breath. He took a deep look at Yu Sheng, his eyes filled with shock.

   Others may not understand these organizations, but... he does.

He has a thorough understanding of some of the top organizations in the world, not only playing cards, but also some organizations in Israel, izo organizations, gods, and people from the cp group, etc., these organizations are the top organizations , Each of them was organized enough to shock the world.

   There are even many organizations that are listed as taboos in major countries.

   The former Yin Division was a powerful organization. He never expected that the playing cards would be destroyed for the rest of his life, which made Fan Tianlei take a breath.

   Poker organizations can only be regarded as a small onion in those organizations, and these organizations are the real green onions.

   However, playing cards are amazing to other people.

  Because there are two kings in poker.

   These two great soldiers are very terrifying. One quasi-soldier king, the other is at least the ordinary soldier king or even higher, that is, the big and small kings.

   However, playing cards are not in China. There is no organization in China ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ because they absolutely do not allow such people to exist in China.

   Therefore, the scope of activities of these organizations is basically abroad.

  Unexpectedly, Yu Sheng would kill the five playing card members alone. The playing card members are not ordinary special forces, but there are many top special forces in them.

   Therefore, this is why Fan Tianlei is so shocked.

   "Are you all right?" Fan Tianlei couldn't help asking.

"We're all right." He Chenguang said: "They are all great for the rest of their lives. One person played against five poker players and killed all five of them. At that time Captain Sirius wanted to leave the rest of his life, saying that he could enter at any time. The world system, but the rest of my life has not been left."

   After Fan Tianlei listened, he couldn't help taking a breath.

   Niangxi, he knew that Lao Yang, the old boy was not at ease, but he did not expect that Lao Yang, the old boy was so black-hearted.

   Fortunately, my baby bumps are still there.

   If he really stayed in Sirius for the rest of his life, he would cry without crying.

   "It's fine if it's all right."

Fan Tianlei nodded slightly, and said casually: "If you encounter these organizations in the future, try not to act alone and report to the headquarters immediately. When that happens, we will come and annihilate them. They are all very vicious criminals. They kill people like numb, so , You must be careful."

   "Yes, Chief of Staff." Yu Sheng and others responded.


   Fan Tianlei nodded in satisfaction.

   at this time!

   The alarm sounded at the base.


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