I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 471: The rest of the devil

The words of the rest of his life made Li Fei feel a little unnatural. He used the exact same tent in order to cover himself so that these people could not find their exact position. In this way, the chance of the enemy killing him would be reduced.

Even, he withdrew a large number of guards, leaving only two. He was afraid that the number would be too large, which would attract the attention of the enemy. He even played a trick, that is, to use a lot of troops around, but also to attract The enemy thought he was in that tent.

I'm afraid no one can think of it, he is in the tent on the other side.

What's more, he still has a computer here, and this computer can issue all the commands. It is also a computer for his convenience.

It can be said that this is the headquarters in the true sense.

It was because there was a little chaos outside that Li Fei came out of the tent. It was a coincidence that Yu Sheng was seen by Yu Sheng, so this situation happened.


Li Fei looked at Yu Sheng, his face a little unpleasant.

He even felt a little aggrieved. This is his base camp. This is not good. He was killed directly by others. Therefore, this made him a little complicated.

With so many troops, it's a shame to be killed by the rest of your life? Although the opponent is a special force, but...I have a lot of troops, and there are so many weapons, compared with the equipment of these special forces, it is almost a sky and an underground.

At this time, Yu Sheng walked slowly to Li Fei’s computer, which made Li Fei vigilant, and Li Fei immediately said, "What are you going to do?"

"Hey, don't do anything."

When the voice fell, Yu Sheng moved his hands quickly. Li Fei saw this scene before his eyes, his face changed slightly, and immediately yelled: "Stop it, you are cheating."


When Yu Sheng heard the words, he glanced at Li Fei casually and opened his mouth: "I am using it reasonably within the scope of the rules, how can it be regarded as cheating?"

"and also……"

"You are a dead person now. Where did the dead guys come from so many bb? When did the drills be so unprofessional? It's also because you are still a commander, and you don't talk about the rules of the game at all."

"It's okay, you can be your dead man here, don't talk."


As soon as he said this, Li Fei's face flushed, almost choking Li Fei to death, but there was nothing he could do, after all, he had been killed by the rest of his life.

Now, in Yu Sheng's words, he is a dead person. How do the dead people talk?

Of course, even he dare not violate the rules of the exercise. If he violates the rules of the exercise, even if he is a regimental commander, he still has to go to a military court.

This matter is quite serious.

Therefore, he could only watch Yu Sheng's hands quickly tapping on the keyboard.

Soon, Li Fei saw that Yu Sheng had produced a small piece of software. After Li Fei saw this small piece of software, his pupils suddenly shrank.

"What... When did there be an extra text in my computer?"

"Nonsense, of course I implanted it before."


When Li Fei heard this, he couldn't help taking a breath.

What does this mean when implanted before? Doesn't it mean that Yu Sheng knows all his combat commands and plans? In other words, Yu Sheng had already hacked into his computer before.

However, I don't know anything about this matter.

This surprised Li Fei, if not surprised?

He is a computer expert, and even a hacker expert. He even has a habit of killing the virus every time he turns on the computer, but... he didn't find that the virus was caused by the rest of his life, that is to say. ...This virus even he ignored.

How can this be?

His hacking skills are ranked top in the country, and he especially likes fighting and life in a military camp. It is because of his own information technology that he has become the current regiment leader.

But... I was **** hacked unknowingly, and I was hacked by the young and immature guy in front of me.

This made Li Fei's eyes black, which is beyond belief.

Under his gaze, Yu Sheng easily broke his command authority code, and Li Fei took a breath at this moment. At this moment, even Li Fei was taken aback.

What the rest of my life showed was too strong.

Even he was horrified.

After entering the authority for the rest of his life, he ordered the blue army team.

And input: "According to the latest command of the headquarters, everyone unconditionally withdrew to the base camp."

As soon as these words came out, Li Fei's cheeks were stunned, and doing so for the rest of his life was equivalent to withdrawing their entire regiment.

Not only that, the levels and layouts he made before have all done useless work.

The angry Li Fei almost stared out.

After Yu Sheng had solved these problems, Yu Sheng glanced at Li Fei casually and opened his mouth: "When you stare at it, when the dead will stare at the eyeballs, take it back for me."


After hearing this, Li Fei almost ran away.

This kid in front of him is really too shameful. If he weren't dead now, he really wanted to find someone to kill Yu Sheng, even now he wanted to get a machine gun, and directly killed Yu Sheng.

Yu Sheng looked at Li Fei and wandered around Li Fei. He touched his chin with his hand and thought secretly.

For the rest of his life, Li Fei looked uncomfortable.

Li Fei couldn't help but said, "Is it enough?"

"Chief, take your clothes off."


As soon as he said this, Li Fei's eyes almost stared out, and the two guards next to him stared at Yu Sheng glaringly. They looked like they had an urge to kill Yu Sheng.


This is a shame.

Also, what does this kid want to do? Let a big man undress? You have a brain disease, right? You just have special hobbies, don't get any special hobbies here.

Li Fei shivered in anger.

"You gotta **** me~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The rest of your life said casually:" Chief, you'd better do it yourself, don't let me do it. Now, I want to requisition your clothes. You are dead now, you But must not violate the rules of the exercise. "

Hearing what Yu Sheng said, Li Fei even pumped.

Damn it, where did the **** come out? It's really sluggish.

Now Li Fei, can't wait to give the rest of his life a meal.

This is too wicked.

This **** soldier was trained by someone.

Li Fei is that angry.

"Head...you can't take it off."

The two guards at this time hurriedly said: "Boy, do you know who this is in front of you? This is Captain Li Fei, do you dare to do this, believe it or not, I make you inseparable from here."

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