I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 699: The rest of his life

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This guy is an evildoer.

If it was during the day, it would be fine if he could snipe off the opponent's bullets, but what I didn't expect was that in the dark, he could still snipe off the opponent's bullets. Such ability is an out-and-out metamorphosis.

But what made Long Xiaoyun and Jin Jiao very curious was how Yu Sheng did it.

"Captain Dragon, this guy is still not a human being? How can he see the enemy even in the dark?" Jin Jiao couldn't help but vomit.

"I don't know." So far, Long Xiaoyun has been stunned, because she doesn't know how the other party can see the enemy in the dark. Forget it, he can still sniper. Drop the other party's bullets... Are your eyes see-through eyes?

This is too nonsense, right?

Long Xiaoyun felt that Yu Sheng's move was completely beyond his comprehension.

In such a long time, he has never encountered such a perverted person, this is still not a human after all.

"This..." After hearing this, Jin Jiao also complained for a while: "This guy, it's too unhuman. You can snipe the opponent's bullets in the dark, and that's fine, it's so swaying..."

At this point, Jin Jiao was speechless for a while, and now he is more and more admiring Yu Sheng. Such a terrible combat power may have completely surpassed him. He felt that if he had a life and death battle with Yu Sheng, he must be the last to die. , The main thing is that the guy in front of him has too many cards, which makes people puzzled.

Let's talk about the rest of my life at this time.

Yu Sheng fired two shots and missed the two shots. This made Yu Sheng a little puzzled. He did not expect that the opponent could snipe his bullets in the dark, and even his own bullets would not cause any harm to the opponent at all. This made Yu Sheng frowned.

If the opponent can snipe his bullet, it means that the opponent is not afraid of his bullet. If he doesn't want a solution, he can't kill the opponent at all.

But what method should be used?

Yu Sheng thought about it, thinking of this, Yu Sheng once again came up and fired a shot.

However, the bullet for the rest of his life was undoubtedly sniped off again. There was no hiding for the rest of his life. It was just exposed to the air. When Robb shot at him, he did not hesitate to sniper the bullet. Lose.

All of a sudden, sparks were ignited in the air, and sparks flew everywhere. Before and after, the two shot at least five or six shots. In this case, everyone who was watching was also shocked. This kind of battle is really too great. It's fierce.

Moreover, in this kind of battle, as long as one person is not careful, he will be killed by the other party and become a cold corpse. This makes everyone not worried.

By the way, Yu Sheng hid it with five or six guns, but Yu Sheng's complexion also became more solemn, and the opponent's combat effectiveness was not worse than his, especially in the aspect of firearms. It's a little troublesome if you can't control the other party.

If this is the case, the group of them will inevitably stand in a stalemate, but it is very bad for Yu Sheng and others, because Robb and the others still have a lot of people. If those people find here, they will form an encircling posture. Then they will become turtles in the urn.

So he must think of a solution.

It’s just that Robb seems to be very experienced. He used all kinds of lure methods to lure this guy out. As long as he lures himself, the other party will not shoot. It seems that he already understands what he wants to do. However, As soon as he appeared, this guy would shoot at his own enemy without hesitation.

It was as if he had seen everything about himself, which left Yu Sheng extremely puzzled, how did the other party know his current thoughts? Still, there are cameras around here.

It's just that Yu Sheng felt that there are no cameras here. Besides, even if there is a camera, Robb and the others are in the forest, it is not so easy to check the camera, right?

"Jin Jiao, give me your gun." Yu Sheng thought of this, his eyes flickered, and he said in a deep voice.


Jin Jiao heard this, no nonsense, and threw the gun directly to Yu Sheng. Jin Jiao also knew that Yu Sheng was going to play double guns again. He had seen it once before. Yu Sheng played double guns and killed the enemy directly. Now Yu Sheng Playing Double Spear again, this made Jin Jiao also have an inexplicable excitement.

It seems that the person who is fighting is like him.

Yu Sheng got Jin Jiao’s sniper rifle and loaded the sniper rifle. He took a careful look at the front. According to the news from the surrounding plants, they knew that the other party was still in place and had no intention of moving. This made Yu Sheng too. Slightly overjoyed, as long as the other party doesn't move, it's a good thing for him.

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng stood up suddenly. At this moment, Yu Sheng also knew that as long as he suddenly appeared, the other party would shoot without hesitation, as if he was fighting for such an opportunity.

This is why the rest of his life will suddenly stand up.

If there are other people around him who can see him, he will definitely not stand up suddenly, because as long as he stands up, he will be the target of the other party, but now... but the night.

He doesn’t believe that in the dark, the other person can see him. If he can see himself, the other person should be aware of any flaws in himself, and then shoot at himself. If the other person has two Or if two or more people shoot, he will almost certainly die.

So he is very bold to guess that this person who can see clearly in the dark is probably only such a person~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This person is probably Robb.

Therefore, the rest of his life will stand up directly.

"Not good, for the rest of my life..."

Long Xiaoyun and Jin Jiao noticed that their complexions changed slightly again. They had done something like this for the rest of their lives, which shocked them all. Now, how can they be able to do such a thing again for the rest of their lives? Don't worry, Yu Sheng's way of playing is too dangerous, because this one is not careful, it just loses his life.

Their whole hearts were mentioned in their throats.

However, at this moment, they all heard a gunshot. Obviously...the moment Robb stood up for the rest of his life, he pulled the trigger without hesitation.

The bullet popped out of the chamber, breaking the calm of the night, and the terrible bullet came straight for the rest of his life.

This shot was obviously intended to kill the rest of his life!

However, at this moment, Yu Sheng showed a smile, which looked so weird in the dark night.

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