, The fastest update I have the latest chapter of a special forces system!

Judging from this grade, this figure is about forty years old. He is wearing a camouflage suit and has a bloodthirsty breath on his body. That breath makes people feel a little jealous and scared.

Obviously, this person is not a simple character.

When Yu Sheng and Long Xiaoyun and others saw this figure, the expressions of Long Xiaoyun and others all changed slightly, and their expressions became cold and stern.

Whoever is on the ship is their enemy.

For the rest of my life, I didn't expect that there would be someone hiding here, and the guy in front of him was not simple.

"You are from the Devil's Prison." Shark directly revealed the identity of Yu Sheng and others.

When Yu Sheng heard the words, his eyes flashed, and he said faintly: "I am Robb, my wife's person."

"Ha ha."

When the shark heard the words, he laughed blankly, and the shark said faintly: "Robo, he won't be here, he has only one purpose, and that is to train the prisoners on Alcatraz Island."

"You are here, then Robb must be dead."


After hearing this for the rest of his life, he couldn't help being a little surprised. How could this guy know so much: "Even Robb is dead, and he still knows that this is impossible."

For the rest of his life, there was an unspeakable shock, and he couldn't believe it.

He used Robb’s identity to even deceive Robb’s closest person. Unexpectedly, he would be seen through by the guy in front of him. It seems that the guy in front of him is not simple...

For the rest of his life, he was still playing Robb’s role. He felt that perhaps the guy in front of him wanted to bluff himself. Thinking of this, Yu Sheng said coldly: "I’m Robb, now Madam is in danger, I I order you to support Madam immediately."

"Ha ha."

When the shark heard the words, he wrenched his wrist, and the shark moved his neck. The shark's voice came slowly, and he said with a smile: "You really are not Robb."

"I am the watchman on the ship. No one can order it except Madam, even if it is Robb. Moreover, almost everyone knows that I am the watchman, but you don't know... "

Speaking of this, the shark's complexion gradually turned cold, which made Yu Sheng's complexion also slightly changed. At this time, Yu Sheng smiled and said: "It's an old fried dough stick, and he doesn't even believe his partner."

Shark said indifferently: "In this world, only oneself can be trusted. Other people... are unreliable."

Yu Sheng's words made Yu Sheng shook his head faintly, and Yu Sheng calmly said, "There are comrades in arms."

"You are a soldier." Shark said lightly.


Yu Sheng said calmly: "You can call me Yaoji."

For the rest of his life, the shark shook his head slightly, and the shark said faintly: "You should die when you get on the boat."

Yu Sheng smiled and said, "That also depends on your ability."

When the voice fell, Yu Sheng looked at Long Xiaoyun and Jin Jiao, and said, "You two will sail, right?"

"Yes." Long Xiaoyun said first.

"Me too." Jin Jiao said.


Yu Sheng said: "Now you two go to the driver's cab and drive the boat away. There is a battle going on over there, and we have no time. Our time is limited. They may arrive here in ten minutes, so leave here immediately. "

"What about this guy?" Long Xiaoyun glanced at the shark with some fear, and couldn't help asking.

"Leave it to me." Yu Sheng said lightly: "This old guy is not easy to deal with."

"Be careful."

Long Xiaoyun also knew that when it was not inked right now, once the lady's people came here, the three of them might not be able to leave.

Thinking of this, Long Xiaoyun's eyes flickered, and immediately said: "Let's go sailing."

After that, Long Xiaoyun quickly left here and ran towards the cab. As the captain, Long Xiaoyun naturally learned to sail, and Jin Jiao, as a special soldier, had to be familiar with transportation. There are many tools, and even airplanes have to be learned.

Of course, that kind of learning is definitely not comparable to ace pilots, but at least they can fly smoothly, otherwise...you can't be a special soldier.

As Long Xiaoyun and Jin Jiao left here, the shark didn't rush and didn't stop it. For him, he just had to kill the remaining three people, wait a while, and drive the boat back.

Yu Sheng stared at the shark so straight, his eyes flickered, and Yu Sheng said faintly: "I didn't expect that there is such a master here. I am very curious about what method the madam has used to win over so much. Master."

After hearing this, the shark smiled faintly, and said calmly: "How do you want to die."

Yu Sheng smiled and said: "Unexpectedly, you are refreshed, and when you meet, you will ask me how to die."

The shark smiled and said, "Because you can't live, so you can only die."

Yu Sheng smiled and said, "I don't know what you have."

"Soon...you will know..."


The shark's voice fell, and in the next instant, he slammed a punch at Yu Sheng as fast as lightning. The terrible force erupted, and even the air trembled slightly, even accompanied by a slight roar, such a terrible punch. , Yu Sheng's pupils all shrank suddenly.

"What a domineering punch."

For the rest of my life, I never expected that the opponent's punch would be so overbearing. Is this guy specializing in boxing?

When Yu Sheng thought of this, not only did he not retreat, but his eyes were cold, and the powerful force in the body was transported. Then, he also blasted out with a punch.

Head-to-head, he really hasn't been afraid of anyone.

"Unmoving like a mountain, the dragon elephant is violent."

At this moment, Yu Sheng's heart also yelled.


Seeing Yu Sheng not retreating and advancing instead ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This made Shark a little surprised. Shark was a little surprised. He didn't expect Yu Sheng, this guy, to dare to confront himself. It was really a bit out of his expectations. .

Thinking of this, the shark's mouth showed a cruel smile.


In the next instant, the two fists slammed together, and terrible power exploded.

The muffled sound also resounded abruptly.

At the next moment, the shark's body suddenly stopped, and then, he took a step back.

However, Yu Sheng's body remained unchanged.

When the shark saw the scene in front of him, the shark was slightly surprised. He didn't expect that for the rest of his life, he would be able to resist his own strength without moving a bit.

This kind of strength is indeed very powerful. What he is most curious about is how exactly did Yu Sheng develop it? This is how old it is, and its power is so strong.

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