, The fastest update I have the latest chapter of a special forces system!


A faint breath spread all over his body, which made him full of power for a while. Such a scene made the rest of his life a pleasant surprise.


It's oxygen.

Without oxygen, people will die, almost any living thing on the earth is like this.

Now, he clearly felt that his whole body seemed to be spreading out. He was madly drawing oxygen from the surrounding area. The hairs opened one by one, as if forming a certain breathing frequency, which caused him to even be in the water. Can breathe.

The appearance of such a scene also gave Yu Sheng an indescribable joy.

"Unexpectedly...you can breathe even in the sea...this sacred beast blood is really powerful." Yu Sheng was also inexplicably surprised.

You can breathe in the water, which is equivalent to doing anything you want in the water for the rest of your life. As long as you dive into the water, you can come out whenever you want, and you don't have to worry about being drowned.

The most important thing is...for the rest of his life he can even eat other fish in the water, which means that as long as he doesn't have any problems, he can always survive in the water.

Such a scene made Yu Sheng also a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, the blood of Hun Peng over the past century was so powerful.


At this moment, Yu Sheng seemed to have a message in his mind, which shocked Yu Sheng.

"The blood of a century-old Hunpeng sacred beast, the first form, leaps thousands of miles."

"This is the first form?"

Yu Sheng heard the sound of the system, which made him a little excited. He didn't expect that this first form would actually be a leaping a thousand miles. From this literal meaning, it means that his swimming speed will be very fast.

For the rest of his life, he was able to breathe, with a smile on his face.

At this time, the shark's hands were still holding him tightly, dragging him down for the rest of his life. At this time, there was a cold smile on the shark's face. His purpose was to drown the rest of his life.

Time is passing by a little bit, but Yu Sheng's body is still struggling non-stop. In the blink of an eye, ten minutes have passed.

From the sea level to sinking to the bottom, ten minutes have passed by now. What he didn't expect is that ten minutes later, he still has the strength to struggle for the rest of his life, which makes the shark feel a little unbelievable.

You know, it’s not easy for an average person to dive for ten minutes. The reason why he can dive for fifteen minutes is because he is very familiar with water, and he can even absorb a little oxygen in the water, which can lead him to persist in the water for fifteen minutes. Minutes.

But... even he couldn't hold on anymore at this moment.

Because he was fighting with the rest of his life, this caused the oxygen consumption in his body, which was also quite large. It turned out that he could stand still in the water for fifteen minutes, but this time, it is obviously not enough for fifteen minutes. This is still It has something to do with the muscle content in his body.

The harder you work, the more oxygen this consumes.

But for the rest of his life, there is no sign of death, which makes the shark's complexion more and more ugly, and the rest of his life must be killed as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, the shark increased its strength.

I wanted to strangle Yu Sheng, but Yu Sheng summoned his strength, and then a monkey came to steal the peach. The shark caught off guard was stolen by Yu Sheng. This made the shark unable to bear it anymore, moaning in pain, and drinking. Several mouthfuls of sea water.

For the rest of his life at this moment, he stared at the shark coldly. Yusheng opened his mouth with sweat and hair, absorbing the surrounding oxygen, and his water level was also increased several times.

After that, Yu Sheng rushed towards the shark again. The shark noticed that his complexion changed drastically and hurriedly stopped Yu Sheng, but Yu Sheng was so fast that he did not give the shark a chance at all. The next moment, Yu Sheng was hit with a punch. Shark's chest.


Accompanied by a muffled sound, the shark's body shook suddenly, which made the shark couldn't help it anymore, and a mouthful of blood protruded from its mouth, but the moment the blood appeared, it was washed up by the sea.

The shark felt that his lungs had reached the limit, and he had to take a breath as soon as possible, otherwise... he would be suffocated alive in the water.

The shark who noticed this scene did not hesitate anymore, and hurried up towards the sea level. After seeing this scene for the rest of his life, his eyes flickered. He knew that the shark might have reached its limit.

The rest of his life is obviously faster than the shark. When the shark perceives this scene, the shark's pupils suddenly shrink, and the shark's complexion changes drastically.


The sharks are dead, and the sharks can’t believe it. For the rest of their lives, this water looks very ordinary, its water is so good, how is this possible? Did he just pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger?

He just dragged Yu Sheng to sink, obviously wanting to drown Yu Sheng, but now it seems that the situation does not seem to be the case.

For the rest of his life at this time, he grabbed his foot and pulled it down fiercely.

The shark’s complexion changed drastically, and he hurriedly broke free, but Yu Sheng’s hands were like pliers, grasping the shark’s feet and dragging it down. At this moment, the strength of the rest of his life increased a lot, which caused the shark to be unable to escape. For the rest of his life.

As time went by, the shark was still madly breaking free for the rest of his life, but at this moment, the shark’s complexion had become red, and the shark’s movement range was gradually decreasing. He knew that after seeing this scene for the rest of his life. , The shark has reached its limit.

Yu Sheng gave a sneer and punched the shark with a fist. Although he used his strength and oxygen, he could supplement it in the water, but the shark couldn't.

Sharks want to replenish oxygen, they must go outside~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yu Sheng’s fists continue to attack the sharks, which leads to the lack of oxygen eyes of the sharks, and the sharks gradually lose their own strength, and then...

The shark's brain was blank. He knew that he was about to die here, but he had no choice. The guy in front of him was like a tarsal maggot, and he didn't let him go upstream at all.

At this moment, the shark is also extremely regretful. The reason why he jumped into the sea with the rest of his life was to force the ship to stop. As long as the other party cares about the rest of his life, the other party will definitely stop the boat. Not only that... so that he can also save money. Lost a lot of trouble...As long as the rest of my life reacts, I am afraid that three people will fight against him together. One is still so difficult for the rest of his life. If it is three people...

He would never be the opponent of the three.

At first... he thought that for the rest of his life, he was just looking for nothing, but now it seems that the opponent is obviously a master with super combat effectiveness.

The shark could no longer resist the frantic struggle, but for the rest of his life he caught the shark and did not give the shark a chance at all. As time went by, the shark struggled less and less, and in the end, it slowly stopped. .

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