I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 716: Terrible 1 shot

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The shadow licked his lips. As long as he showed up for the rest of his life or even showed a little bit of murderous intent, he could instantly catch it, and fired in advance.

The rest of his life was lying on the deck, afraid to move.

Yu Sheng's complexion was also extremely solemn: "What a great guy."

Yu Sheng took a deep breath, and the shadow was a strong enemy.

He doesn't know how strong the shadow is, but the shadow's sniper is no worse than some soldiers, and even stronger.

He couldn't help but think of what Fan Tianlei taught them at the time... When a person has practiced sniping to the extreme, he can integrate with the surrounding environment. At that time, the sniper is the surrounding environment, and the surrounding environment is also The same is a sniper, even if the sniper wants to shoot the opponent, the opponent doesn't know what he is dead. Only after hearing the sound will he know that the opponent shot.


The speed of sound is only more than 300 per second, but... the bullet speed of a sniper rifle far exceeds the speed of sound, that is to say, when you hear the sound... the bullet has penetrated your head. .

When Yu Sheng saw this, he licked his lips, and there was a slight sneer between the corners of his mouth. This shooting method is indeed very powerful, but his earth-sensing shooting skills are not vegetarian.

His earth-sensing shooting technique, the second form, can completely restore the surrounding environment, the first form is only to lock the opponent, as for the third form, you can know where the opponent is hiding through the feedback of the plants. , You can even judge the opponent’s bullet based on the plant’s feedback.

This is where the earth-sensing shooting technique is against the sky.

Now, the other party wants to use this method of blending with nature to shoot him... That is basically a idiot, because his earth-sensing shooting technique can almost be said to be the nemesis of blending with nature.

Even if you blend in with nature again, you are not a product of nature after all, and you are not living here all the year round. If you cannot truly integrate with nature, then you will be detected by his earth-sensing shooting technique.

Yu Sheng took a deep breath and let his body relax.

He took the sniper rifle in his hand. This sniper rifle was just an ordinary sniper rifle. It could not reach more than two thousand meters. What's more, it was still on the ocean. If you want to shoot more than two thousand meters, you must A special sniper rifle, so he can only see how he can hit so many meters with his bullet.

He held the sniper rifle in both hands, thinking a little.


At this moment, the rest of his life's hairs exploded in an instant.

The sudden danger also changed Yu Sheng's expression.

"not good……"

The rest of his life hurriedly fumbled.


There was a bullet that came straight to him and even penetrated the baffle in front of him. This shocked the rest of his life, and the rest of his life was full of horror.

"What a great guy, this guy, have you seen through?"

For the rest of his life, he was horrified and inexplicable. He was lying on the deck with obstacles in front of him. According to reason, the enemy shouldn't know that he was in this place, but he did not expect that the enemy could even detect this, and he felt that he was lying here, even He gave himself a shot without hesitation.

Such terrible judgment is terrifying.

Yu Sheng knew that I would not be able to hide anymore. If I continue to hide, I am afraid that he will be killed by this guy, so he must also act first.

Thinking of the rest of his life here, there was a little fierce look in his eyes.

He took a deep breath, his body arched slightly, it looked like a tiger pounced.

For this shadow, Yu Sheng was also quite cautious. This guy is a very powerful master, so he must play a twelve-point spirit.


At this moment, Yu Sheng's legs pressed hard, and the whole person was like a frog, suddenly jumping up.

The moment Yu Sheng jumped up, Yu Sheng had already twisted his body in the air.

The reason for this is to avoid enemy bullets.


Sure enough, at the moment Yu Sheng took off, the shadow had already completed the lock on Yu Sheng, so... a direct shot went through Yu Sheng's head.

When the shadow saw the rest of his life, a little coldness appeared between the corners of his mouth. He knew that the beating of the rest of his life almost gave him a chance to shoot the rest of his life. He didn't believe it, and he wouldn't die for the rest of his life.

The bullet shot out in a rage, like a human-eating dragon, coming straight for the rest of his life. With such terrible power, everyone who saw it had a numb scalp, especially this bullet, once it was shot into the human body, almost all The human body can be broken.

Therefore, this gun must not be shot into the human body. If it is shot into the arm, it will directly smash the arm and shoot it into the chest. It can even penetrate a large hole in the chest.

This is the terrible thing about this sniper rifle, otherwise it would not be called a cannon.

The moment Yu Sheng jumped up, he was also aware of it. He watched the other party's bullets coming straight towards him, which made Yu Sheng's eyes also flashed with coldness.


Suddenly, Yu Sheng shot two shots in one direction.

Two bullets... swiftly pierced forward.

However... if you look closely, you will find that these two shots were not shot at the shadow's bullet, because the rest of his life had never thought of sniping the shadow's bullet at the moment of taking off.

If someone can see the slow motion, they will be horrified to find that the two bullets for the rest of their lives are on the same horizontal line. The most terrifying thing is...

These two bullets ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, one in the front and the other in the back, the two bullets are actually side by side, even the bullet at the back is on top of the bullet at the front, which leads to After two bullets, the force is not the same.

If anyone can see this scene, they will inevitably exclaim.

To be able to shoot such a shot, such a person, is really terrifying.

The bullet pierced the air and pierced through the distant shadow as fast as lightning. The rest of my life thought was to kill the shadow directly.

Although he is some distance away from the shadow, this does not mean that he cannot do it. Two kilometers, for others, it may be difficult to hit, but for the rest of his life, there is still hope.

Therefore, for the rest of his life, he shot such a shot under all eyes.

This shot is amazing, almost no one in the world can shoot such a shot.


at this time……

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