I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 720: Researched something new

, The fastest update I have the latest chapter of a special forces system!

"Not bad." Fan Tianlei nodded slightly and said, "You are a man of our wolf teeth, and your talent is very good. At present, only they can teach you, but they can't accept it. It depends on your kid's ability. You Don’t think, kid, that if I send someone over, they will teach someone."

"Isn't it? This is also a choice?" Yu Sheng couldn't help but vomit.

"if not?"

Fan Tianlei opened his mouth and said: "If the Five God of Spikes teaches everyone, I guess his side will be full. The reason I tell you is that I hope your kid will perform better and be selected by the God of Spikes, otherwise... …Your kid broke through to the King of Soldiers, and you still don’t know the year of the monkey."


Yu Sheng nodded slightly. He also knew that it was really not easy to break through to the King of Bing. For now, he is only one step away from King of Bing. He feels that as long as he is gaining a gene or blood, he can do it. Breakthrough to the king of soldiers.

For others, it may be difficult, but for him, it is quite easy.

But... if he could be taught by the Five God of Spikes, this would be a good thing. He also wanted to see how strong this God of Spikes was.

"The chief of staff, when shall we go to Langya Mountain?" Yu Sheng asked.

"What Langya Mountain?" Fan Tianlei said casually.


This made Yu Sheng, slightly taken aback, and said, "Aren't we going to Langya Mountain?"

"Who told you to go to Langya Mountain?" Fan Tianlei asked suspiciously.

"Aren't you going to find the Five Gods of Langya? Didn't you say that you are in Langya Mountain?" Yu Sheng looked at Fan Tianlei with some dumbfounding, and said speechlessly.

"Oh." Fan Tianlei said casually: "Although our history of Langya is named after Langya Mountain, this does not mean that the five gods are also on Langya Mountain. Now they are in another mountain range and there are enemies over there. , They have been guarding over there, so if we want to go, we have to go to a mountain range on the border."

"I see."

Hearing this for the rest of his life, it suddenly dawned on him.

"You guys have to be careful, that kind of place, the climate is extremely bad, there are strong winds, heavy snow, heavy rain, and even earthquakes and other natural disasters from time to time." Fan Tianlei solemnly said: "I went to that place. Place, it’s not easy to live."

"Don't worry, the chief of staff, promise to complete the task." Yu Sheng confidently said: "If I can't even get past this point, I will still defend my home like this in the future."


Fan Tianlei smiled and nodded, and said, "You kid, I like your personality."


He smiled for the rest of his life.

"Chief of Staff, you haven't said yet, when will we leave?" Yu Sheng asked.

"Just these few days, your kid will go back and meet your parents first, and meet your kid's daughter-in-law by the way. When it's almost done, let's set off." Fan Tianlei said.

"Chief of Staff, are you giving me a holiday again?" Yu Sheng was taken aback, said.

You know, in this army, it's not like taking a holiday...There are all requirements in this army, and there are strict requirements on holiday time and so on.

Suddenly, he felt that this holiday was like a common meal for him, which made Wei Wei a little speechless for the rest of his life. Even he didn't know how many holidays were taken this year.

"You guys get cheap and sell well." Fan Tianlei said silently: "If you don't want to go back, you can continue to train in the army."

"Don't, don't..."

After Yu Sheng heard this, he smiled and said: "Go back, of course, I won't go back if I have a holiday. I'm not a fool."

"You kid..."

Fan Tianlei was also a little dumbfounded.

"Well, if there is nothing wrong, you kid go and prepare."

In fact, it wasn't that Fan Tianlei gave the rest of his life freely. The main reason was that this kid performed too many tasks. The tasks he performed in a year were many times more than them.

The most important thing is that this kid just came back and didn't know what happened. After all, there are some things that this kid wouldn't say, so Fan Tianlei gave Yu Sheng two days off to let Yu Sheng relax.

Sometimes, they kill too many people, and they will also be under certain pressure in their hearts.

Although they are soldiers and have their own missions, this does not mean that there is no psychological pressure.

Sometimes, they even have to go to some psychology department to help these soldiers to counsel their psychology, just because they are afraid that these little guys will have any psychological burden.

"Okay, Chief of Staff." Yu Sheng said with a grin: "But Chief of Staff, I still have something to trouble you."

"What's the matter?" Fan Tianlei asked in a daze after hearing this.

"During my mission, I studied the structure of the gun, so I came up with a compulsory structure blueprint. I feel that if I make it like this... the power of the gun will increase a lot, but the recoil will be very small, and the accuracy will be improved. many……"

"So, Chief of Staff, would you like this drawing?" Yu Sheng asked.

"Gun manufacturing drawings?"

When Fan Tianlei heard the news, he was instantly stunned. Fan Tianlei looked at Yu Sheng dumbfounded, and his eyes showed a thick and unbelievable.

Where the **** is this kid that ran out of the monster.

Are you on a mission and still have time to research guns? The key is what mandatory construction drawing you have come up with?

Shouldn't this kid come out and mess around?

Fan Tianlei looked at Yu Sheng suspiciously, a little bit unbelieving Yu Sheng's words...

"Chief of Staff, don't look at me like that, what I said is true."

With that said, Yu Sheng dug out a drawing in his pocket, and said, "Chief of Staff, this is part of the drawing. I have a lot of them. They are all drawings of this kind of gun. ?"

Yu Sheng said: "If our country can make it ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ it will also be of great benefit to our country, especially when we perform tasks, if we can carry this kind of compulsion, it can be said that there are hundreds of There is no harm to the benefit."

"You kid wouldn't be fooling around?" Fan Tianlei looked at Yu Sheng suspiciously and couldn't help but said, "You really made a gun?"

"It's not manufacturing, it can only be regarded as a transformation to a certain extent, but after this transformation, it can be regarded as a brand new gun." Yu Sheng opened his mouth.


Fan Tianlei took a deep breath. Fan Tianlei looked at Yu Sheng as if he was looking at a monster. This guy is absolutely terrible... You can still make blueprints when you are on a mission.

Rao is Fan Tianlei, but he doesn't know what to say.

Looking at the appearance of this kid, it shouldn't be unreasonable. I think this should be true.

If this gun is really powerful, then this kid has made a big contribution.

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