I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 725: Let me try

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When everyone came to the laboratory, Yu Sheng saw these strict protection measures, which made Yu Sheng a little surprised.

When doing experiments, you need to use experimental tools strictly, and there must be a relative environment, otherwise, if there is any problem in the experiment, it will be very troublesome.

There are densely packed instruments and all kinds of computers. For the rest of my life, I am a little dazzled. I have to say that this laboratory is really powerful. These sophisticated instruments are all very expensive. .

Moreover, some instruments are not something you can get with money.

At this time they came to an instrument. Inside this instrument, there seemed to be a piece of iron or something like that, which must be the material mentioned.

Yu Sheng frowned and looked at the material. Yu Sheng had learned some knowledge about the material before. He also helped those people study it when he entered the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

However, he doesn't have any data in his hands, so he doesn't know what kind of material this material is.

"Professor Zhang, what should we do now?" Li Xueqi frowned and asked, "Should I add some other materials to try?"

"no need."

Zhang Haiguo shook his head when he heard this, and said: "As long as other materials are added, the hardness of this material will inevitably be reduced. This material is different from other materials. This material cannot be added to mixed metals."

"What should we do? If we can't increase the melting point, then our experiment will end here?" Li Xueqi's face changed slightly. They have been working on this project for two years. If this makes it impossible to find one that can increase the melting point Materials, then...their experiments will also stop.

Two years of hard work were all in vain.

Sometimes experiments are done like this. After one or two years of research, the experiment is likely to fail. In this way, it is equivalent to wasting two years of youth. You know, how many years are there in total? Two years is also a very valuable time. If it can be researched out, it will also have a huge contribution to society and can make society more progress.

Zhang Haiguo furrowed his brows and said, "Where are the data on the materials? Show me."

"it's here."

Li Xueqi handed a dozen documents to Zhang Haiguo. Zhang Haiguo looked at it carefully. After a while, Zhang Haiguo read the data. Zhang Haiguo knew the data before, so he didn't read it word by word. If you read it word by word, you won't want to finish it in a few hours.

After reading these data, Zhang Haiguo's expression became more solemn.

For a while, he couldn't find a breakthrough. At this moment, he will be able to fuse the new type of high-temperature resistant metals, almost all of them are almost fused again. Of course, this is only some high-temperature resistant metals, but this still doesn't work.

Do you really want to abandon this experiment?

Zhang Haiguo’s brain was running fast, thinking about countermeasures. They studied this area alone for half a year. During these half a year, this high-temperature resistant material has always troubled them. As long as the high-temperature resistant material cannot be studied, they You cannot proceed to the next step.

It can be said that this step is crucial.

Zhang Haiguo Chen thought endlessly.

"Professor Zhang, I wonder if you can show me these data?" Yu Sheng asked suddenly.


Zhang Haiguo and Li Xueqi's eyes fell on Yu Sheng, which made them a little surprised. At this time, Zhang Haiguo suddenly thought of something and said, "I'll give this to you. You can also take a look."

Yu Sheng took the file, and quickly browsed it. There were a lot of these files, but it was not difficult for Yu Sheng. Yu Sheng’s brain quickly browsed, and it only takes a few seconds to read a page. These data can be printed in his mind.

Because the intermediate data analysis for the rest of my life is so terrible.

It allows him to remember these data, even these words, relying on intermediate data, it also brings great convenience to the rest of his life.

Li Xueqi saw that Yu Sheng turned the book so quickly, which made Li Xueqi also a cluster of willow eyebrows. Li Xueqi glanced at Yu Sheng and couldn't help but mutter.

"This guy, is he reading a book~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Is there such a thing?"

For a while, Li Xueqi couldn't help but hate Yu Sheng. She is a person who prefers academics and is very rigorous in academics. What can he see if Yu Sheng is like this, flipping through it at will? Can you remember these data? Besides, can he understand the data?

This made Li Xueqi even more dissatisfied. If you haven't studied before, don't pretend to be here. Who is pretending to look like this?

Is it because of her?

I have to say that Li Xueqi's brain supplement picture is still very scary, and in the blink of an eye, I think of myself.

However, what Li Xueqi thinks in her heart, she doesn’t care for the rest of her life. You can think whatever you like. It has nothing to do with him. Now, he keeps all the data in his mind, and his brain just It is like a supercomputer, calculating these data frantically.

For the rest of his life, the brain has reached the intermediate level of data, which is already very scary. It is more scary than the highest-equipped computer on the market, and even comparable to a supercomputer.

Of course, this is still a bit worse than those supercomputers, but even so, the human brain has reached this level, it is already very scary.

This is the horror of intermediate data calculations. Yu Sheng is even thinking about how terrifying his brain will be if he gets advanced data calculations.

Zhang Haiguo frowned ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said, "Have you tried all the things I said before?"

"I tried it, but it still doesn't work." Li Xueqi shook her head.

Zhang Haiguo's brow furrowed deeper. He didn't expect that things would turn out to be like this. Is it really necessary to give up this experiment? This experiment took them two years of hard work, but this problem is as if stuck in them. The throat is average, so they can't go on smoothly.

After Yu Sheng had read the data, Yu Sheng slowly said: "Professor Zhang, this material is light, high in hardness, and high in density..."

"But there are advantages and disadvantages. The high temperature resistance of this thing is too bad."

"Professor Zhang, I think you are also a blend of seven or eight metals in this?"

Yu Sheng's words caused Zhang Haiguo to be slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and Zhang Haiguo gave Yu Sheng a surprised look.

He didn't expect that Yu Sheng could actually see this place, and he also knew something, which was a bit beyond his expectation.

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