I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 731: All stupid

, The fastest update I have the latest chapter of a special forces system!

Although Heiye was extremely proud, he was also very careful, otherwise...he would not be called Heye.

He likes to sneak in the dark, because sneaking in the dark is not easy for the enemy to find, and when the enemy has not been found, he will give the enemy a fatal blow.

This is what he likes to do the most, he also likes code, hoping to study a more powerful super virus, what he wants to do most is to replace the hand of God.

hand of God.

The world's top hacker is recognized as the top hacker in the world.

No one knows whether the hand of God is a man or a woman, and no one knows who the hand of God is. However, people all over the world know the horror of the hand of God.

The other party is called the Hand of God because five years ago, the Hand of God suddenly made a move. At least 50 million computers in the world were in crisis. Finally, these 50 million computers All scrapped.

The virus created by God’s Hand shows a hand on the computer screen, but this arm does not look the same as a normal arm. This arm looks like a person but not like one. People, therefore, many people call this arm the hand of God.

The name of this virus is therefore named.

As a result, the person who released the virus is also called the hand of God.

It’s just that after so many years, people rarely saw God’s hand making a move. The only time he saw him making a move was during the world hacker war.

That is, the hacker war a year ago.

At that time, hackers from almost all countries participated in the hacker war. This time the hacker war can be said to have set off stormy waves and plunged the whole world into a crisis.

Fortunately, these hacking wars are not aimed at a certain company or country.

At present, these hackers still dare not attack a country too blatantly, after all, this is internationally prohibited.

The reason why they started such a hacking war is to rank and see who is the top hacker in the world.

Therefore, this has led to countless hackers appearing one after another, just to fight for the first title.

The title of number one made them salivate. Therefore, countless hackers were caught in a battle. In this battle, countless hackers fell.

And this dark night has become the world's second-ranked hacker.

After all the hackers were caught in the war, and after hitting to a fever pitch, a hand suddenly appeared, that is, the legendary hand of God, and suddenly suppressed the night and the rest of the people. The hand of God, with its own power, defeated the three masters.

This has become a legend in the hacker world.

There are even many hackers who regard the hand of God as their idol.

Therefore, this immediately respected the position of the hand of God.

For so many years, the biggest wish of the night is to get rid of the hand of God. He sits on the first throne. However, so far, the hand of God has not yet appeared. He wants to find the trace of the hand of God, but he has not found it.

He even wondered if the hand of God had been hung up.

Although you have never seen the hand of God, the deeds of the hand of God have always been regarded as legends.

Many people are imitating the hand of God.

At this moment, the dark night's eyes flickered, his eyes flashed with raging fire, and a sneer appeared between the corners of the dark night's mouth.

"Finally it's about to break through... God's hand, I hope you come out, we can also fight against each other and see who is stronger after the year."


At the next moment, Dark Night spread his hands out, and he sneered, because his room was very dark, so this smile looked like a devil.


At this moment, the night pressed enter.

He was waiting for the breakdown of the opponent's firewall.

At the same time, there are Ace and Scarlet Flowers like him.

They are all waiting for the firewall to collapse. They all know that the firewall has reached its limit, and they have also obtained management rights.

Next, the firewall will be broken, and then many hackers will come in.

And their main purpose is to copy the information here.

As the night pressed the confirmation button, he saw that the firewall began to collapse little by little, and finally disappeared quickly in their eyes.


At this moment, suddenly, another golden dragon appeared in front of the night and Ace and others. After the night and Ace and the others saw the golden dragon, everyone smiled coldly. .

"Golden Dragon, I didn't expect this guy to come too."

Dark night sneered, and then his hands quickly changed. Under the attack of their three masters, Golden Dragon was retreating steadily, without any chance of resisting it.

In comparison, Golden Dragon is a full tens of thousands of miles away from them.

After all, he is ranked second, and Jinlong is only sixth, which is nothing to worry about.

Under the attack of the three masters, Jinlong quickly defeated the battle. At this moment, the night and Ace and others, without any hesitation, directly breached the last firewall of the laboratory.

When the last firewall of the laboratory was breached, an alarm sounded in the entire laboratory.


Just then!

Suddenly, a resplendent, and seemingly special-effect door appeared under the gazes of Dark Night and Ace and others.

When they saw the door in front of them, the expressions of the three of them were all stiff, and then they turned into incredible expressions.

They all stared with wide-eyed eyes, staring at the computer in front of them~www.wuxiaspot.com~ with a deep sense of incredibleness and disbelief in their eyes.


"How is it possible..." Ace said unbelievably, "Why is there a firewall here? Could it be Golden Dragon? It's impossible..."

"No, what do these three words... mean?"


The eyes of Dark Night and Ace and others all fell on the plaque above the gate. The special effects look very beautiful, and the gate also looks very high-end.

Judging from this video, this gate does not seem to be Fanpin at all.


Heiye got a translation here.

And the night at this time is also a little dumbfounded, because the name of the gate is...

"South Heaven Gate!"

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