I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 739: Test (1)

"What a great technique of minelaying."

At the next moment, Yu Sheng's pupils shrank suddenly, revealing a little bit of amazement. Yu Sheng's expression was focused on the surroundings, and his eyes were shocked.

The second form of his earth-sensing shooting technique is extremely powerful and can even restore the original environment, but he never expected that the mine-laying technique this time would be integrated with nature, as if it were integrated with nature, making it very difficult. Perceived that if it were not for his sensitivity to danger, I am afraid that he had already stepped on a landmine.

Thinking of the rest of my life here, I was shocked in a cold sweat, but fortunately I didn't move on, otherwise... Maybe I would be blown to pieces.

"Are these mines also arranged by the Five Gods of War?"

The more I think about it for the rest of my life, the more I think it is possible.

After all, the Five Gods of War are here, and I am afraid that only the Five Gods of War can arrange this kind of natural landmine of honor.

This so-called honour of nature is to integrate landmines with the surrounding environment, as if landmines are also part of these plants, making it difficult to detect.

If you enter rashly, you are basically bound to die.

And in the distance, the person who had been watching for the rest of his life showed a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, and thought secretly: "Boy, it's a bit capable to find this minefield, but...this piece of mine. District, it’s not that easy to pass through...hehe..."

This person obviously also knew that there was a minefield near Yusheng, and also knew the terrible place of this minefield.

He doesn't think that the rest of his life can easily get through this minefield unless the minefield is completely destroyed, but this is not a good way.

If you destroy this minefield when encountering an enemy, you will also be alarmed by these enemies. Once you attract these enemies, it will be very bad, or you will be surrounded.

So, this is why they practice mine clearance.

Yu Sheng looked around, he also sneered: "Although this minefield is integrated with nature, it has not yet reached the level of letting it go. It is not that easy to stop me."

"Earth induction shooting, third form."

Yu Sheng's pupils began to change. For a while, he and the surrounding plants actually formed some kind of communication, and Yu Sheng felt the news coming from the surrounding plants.

This is the terrible thing about the third form.

At that time, Yu Sheng had completed the evolution of the third form in the dark night, that is, relying on the communication of this plant, it was possible to snipe the opponent's bullet in the dark night.

Now, with these plants, he can use the feedback of these plants to judge where there is danger and where there is no danger.

At this moment, he was like a friend of these plants, such a terrifying ability, I am afraid no one would have thought of it!

Even the Five Gods of War, I'm afraid they would never expect to have such an ability for the rest of their lives.

At this moment, Yu Sheng's brows frowned, and his complexion became dignified again. At this moment, he couldn't help taking a breath.

"Good guy... there are landmines all around here, damn..."

Even for the rest of his life, he couldn't help but cursed secretly, full of shock.

For the rest of his life, he discovered that there were at least a few hundred landmines in front of him. These landmines had no rules. There was one in almost every place. The average person would never deploy landmines so densely. Waste... and it's easy to be spotted by the enemy.

What keeps the rest of my life out of reach is.

The other party has arranged such a dense minefield, not only is it not so easy to be discovered by the enemy, but it is also integrated with nature. Such a terrible ability is not something ordinary people can have.

Now Yu Sheng is beginning to wonder what kind of person the Five Gods of War are, and they have such terrible methods. No wonder, so many people are so jealous of the Five Gods. Now, Yu Sheng vaguely understands a little bit.


Thinking of this, Yu Sheng smiled coldly again. He has a demining manual. His demining manual contains almost all kinds of landmines in the world. What's more terrifying is that in the demining manual, you can also make your own landmines and some Other bombs.

The knowledge contained in the demining manual is very rich, but for the rest of his life he has not used it much. Now that he saw these mines, Yusheng also had an impulse in his heart.

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng didn't talk nonsense. He picked up the dagger on his body and walked cautiously into a clearing. The sudden behavior of Yu Sheng naturally attracted the attention of the person in secret.

The man was taken aback when he saw Yu Sheng's actions, and muttered, "Is he stepping on thunder? But this is not like stepping on thunder?"

This person was paying attention to Yu Sheng's every move. When he saw Yu Sheng's movements clearly, he was slightly taken aback, and said with some surprise: "This kid is actually removing mines?"

This person knows that if he is replaced by someone else, if he knows that there is this minefield, he will definitely choose to take a detour instead of continuing to drive here.


What about the rest of your life?

He even chose to dismantle the mines in place. In this scene, he was a little surprised. Of course, it was just a surprise. Before that, there were people who wanted to do this and wanted to remove the mines here. However, these people undoubtedly all failed.

Because these mines are simply not something they can remove.

For the rest of his life at this moment, he patiently dug out the landmine, revealing the face of the landmine itself. Yu Sheng glanced at the mine, which surprised Yu Sheng slightly.

"What kind of landmine is this?"

For the rest of his life, he glanced at the mine in front of him in an inconceivable way. He felt that this kind of mine was different from some of the mines he had seen, and there was no such mine in the demining manual.

You know ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There are countless landmines in the world. His demining manual absolutely contains all the landmines in the world, and he can remove almost every type of landmine.

But this situation now makes the rest of his life extremely dignified.

He can judge that this landmine absolutely does not belong to any country, and there has never been such a landmine... Could it be that a new type of landmine has appeared in the world?

"No, no..."

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng realized that something was not right, he hurriedly looked at the mine, Yu Sheng's eyes flickered... and with a little shock.

"This this……"

When Yu Sheng thought of this place, Yu Sheng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. At the same time, the information in the demining manual also appeared in his mind.

"My own mine... Fuck."

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