I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 778: Xingwanli Road

When Yu Sheng heard this, both their expressions condensed, and they said loudly, "No."

"very good."

Sirius nodded slightly, and said with a flat face: "What you are going to walk now is not to cross the Yangtze River, but to climb upstream, about 20 kilometers or so, and you can come up. If you are weak, you It can be said in advance that we can also rescue you, but if we rescue you, you will face elimination and leave here immediately. Do you understand?"


"Now you can go into the water."

With an order from Sirius, the two of Yu Sheng jumped into the water one after another. Just as Lin Qingyun jumped into the water, he was severely choked, carrying a 30 kilogram weight, here it is. In the turbulent Yangtze River, even they are a little uncomfortable.

Sirius looked at Yu Sheng and Lin Qingyun indifferently, but did not act accordingly.

"I don't know if these two guys can withstand the Yangtze River." The wolf took a deep look at the two, and said casually.

"This Yangtze River is swiftly flowing. It is not so easy for most people to want to go there. Not only do you have to be familiar with the water, but also with the unknown dangers in the water. We have to look at them, but don't let anything go wrong. If something goes wrong, it will be in great trouble." Huang Lang said condensedly.

"Hey, now it's different from before. In the past, there were frequent battles, and the combat effectiveness has improved very quickly. Now it is a peaceful world..." At this point, the man wolf sighed slightly.

"Predecessors back then, how simple the Long March road was. I don’t know how many comrades have been sacrificed after this road. This is the peace they exchanged for their flesh and blood." Xuan Lang paused: "Just However, Sirius, we just imitated the 25,000-mile Long March here, not the real Long March. Do you think it will work for them?"

"I will give them some warnings more or less." Sirius said calmly: "It's just that the Long March roads are all remote roads, and even now there are no access roads in many places. The cliffs are extremely dangerous. It’s a little unrealistic to take the 25,000-mile Long March."

"If they can't get through here, they won't even want to go through the 25,000-mile Long March. After all, this is just a reduced version of the Long March."

"However, if the two of them can go through the Long March, they will definitely break through the Bing King, and this Bing King will be different from other Bing Kings."

Speaking of this, Sirius’s eyes also flashed a spirit of light: "If it is not possible, we will lead them through the Long March, let them taste the sufferings of their ancestors, and perhaps they will be able to condense the soul of the army at that time. Maybe."

"Soul of the army?"

The five gods of war are all full of vigor, and the five of them have already condensed the existence of the army soul. Their army soul is the five warriors of the wolf tooth. As long as the veteran does not die, the inheritance will continue.

They also hope that they can always do things without the country, clear obstacles for the country, and protect this quiet land.


At this time, the rest of their lives and Lin Qingyun had already jumped into the water. They didn't know what Sirius and the others were talking about. They were swimming quickly in the water, but the turbulent current made them both extremely difficult. Laborious.

At this moment, Yu Sheng realized the terrible part of the Yangtze River.

For the rest of my life, I couldn't help but think of the Long March. The Long March was a road that countless ancestors walked back then. Obviously, there is no road ahead. They are also the road they walked out. This road can even be said to be a road to the sky.

It is precisely because they have walked out of this path that this is what China is today.

The ancestors of the year have thrown their heads and sprinkled their blood in exchange for this land. At the same time, they also have the brand of the times on them. As soldiers, they have their own heritage and their own military spirit. That is China.

And they, as the younger generation, are the inheritance of the new generation.

"The ancestors are indeed the ancestors." Yu Sheng sighed with some admiration. These ancestors are all models they should learn from. Think about where there were soldiers when they fought, but these ancestors all broke through themselves one by one. , Reached a certain level, and became the existence of the king of soldiers.

A hundred years ago, a town marshal appeared.

He led these people, casting today's China.

Recalling history, this made Yu Sheng also slightly moved. At this moment, Yu Sheng's eyes gradually became tough. There used to be ancestors, but now, there are them.

The Chinese heritage is endless and will not be cut off in their cup.

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng shouted.

"The blood of a century-old Kunpeng sacred beast has leaped thousands of miles."

With Yu Sheng’s violent drink, at this moment, Yu Sheng’s whole person was quietly changed. Kun is a big fish in the water, no one knows how big he is, and Peng is a big bird, which is said to cover the sky. Cover the sun.

Of course, this fight is just an exaggeration.

But the rest of his life at this moment, it seems like a fish, swimming in this water, it can be said to be like a fish in water.

At this moment, Yu Sheng's body was stabilized in the Yangtze River. Yu Sheng stood in the middle, no matter how turbulent the current was, it could not have any effect on him.

Even the sea can't help him, let alone a small Yangtze River. If he can ascend to the third form, even the sea can swim.

That's really scary.

Yu Sheng stood quietly on the spot, his eyes staring at the front. For a while, Yu Sheng fell into a certain sentiment, as if he was feeling the threat here and the footsteps left by his ancestors.

That day, the wolf and the land wolf and others saw the rest of their lives in this scene, and everyone looked at the rest of their lives quietly.

"This kid... seems to have stabilized?"

"What's the matter? Why is this kid motionless~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Is something wrong?"

Everyone stared at Yu Sheng in unison, with a little dignity in their eyes.

"It's not right, this kid can still remain still in such turbulent water, how did this kid do it?"

At this moment, the human wolf seemed to be aware of something, which surprised the wolves. The rest of the people were a little surprised when they heard the human wolf's words.

"Yeah... how did this kid do it? How could he stand still in such a turbulent current?"

This scared everyone. You know, the water is so fast that no one can stand still in the water, not even the five of them.


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