I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 782: Encountered a beast

Yu Sheng took a deep breath, and deep in his eyes, there was also a little joy. This trick of himself can be used as a killer. At a critical moment, this trick may kill the enemy.

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng didn't hesitate anymore. He looked at the front. At this moment, Lin Qingyun had disappeared. Obviously, the other party had swam far, far away. If he didn't chase him, he might not be able to catch up.

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng no longer hesitated and swam forward quickly. I have to say that today's improvement is also an unexpected surprise for him.

Yu Sheng’s swimming speed was extremely fast. After a while, he disappeared from the sight of Sirius and others. Sirius and the others stared blankly at the direction Yu Sheng was walking. At this moment, all five of them It was silent.

"This kid is really a pervert... Such swimming speed, such a holding time, it is simply a robot." The wolf can not help swallowing saliva, and said: "This is the first time I have been in so many years. See such a genius."

"Monster, born to be a soldier." Sirius said solemnly.

"Born to be a soldier, it is indeed amazing." The wolves nodded slightly.

Now they have gradually recognized Yu Sheng. This ability is enough to be recognized by them, but so far, I don’t know how Yu Sheng’s shooting and other qualities are. After all, being a soldier is not only in physical strength. No matter how fast you are, no matter how strong you are, you cannot escape the threat of guns unless you are not a human being and can avoid bullets.

"Go, let's follow right away. After crossing the Yangtze River, they will almost reach their goal. I hope they won't be out of luck." Sirius said.


With an order, immediately everyone caught up. They walked on the shore and swam in the water for the rest of their lives.

For the rest of his life, he swam for about two hours. After two hours, he finally caught up with Lin Qingyun.

Lin Qingyun was also a little tired at this time, but the kind of willpower still made him hold on. You must know that the road is 20 kilometers long and it is still in the water. At present, he is only five kilometers away, and only needs five kilometers. He can go ashore for another 10 kilometers, and then he can reach the destination after another 10 kilometers. At present, the time from the destination is not very much. He has to insist. If he can't break through this level, she won't. Will let myself go.

Thinking of this, Lin Qingyun also speeded up again, but at this moment, Lin Qingyun saw a familiar figure. When she saw Yu Sheng's face clearly, Lin Qingyun's pupils suddenly shrank.

"So fast……"

Under Lin Qingyun's sight, after a while, Yu Sheng arrived at Lin Qingyun's side. Yu Sheng glanced at Lin Qingyun, ignored it, and continued to swim forward.

For the rest of his life, Lin Qingyun was surprised at such a speed.

"This guy, how can there be such a fast speed, how is this possible?" 520

Lin Qingyun looked incredible at the rest of his life in front of him. Even Lin Qingyun was slightly surprised. You know, they were swimming upstream. This current caused them a lot of trouble, but what about the rest of their lives? I didn’t know how far I was with him. I didn’t expect to catch up so quickly. Not to mention, judging from the swimming speed of this guy, such a speed, even in his heyday, may not be able to catch up. .

If this guy didn't cheat, wouldn't this guy stay there for half to an hour? Moreover, he caught up with him so quickly...This kind of water is more terrifying than those naval forces.

Lin Qingyun gritted her silver teeth lightly. The pride in her heart also aroused her fighting spirit. Lin Qingyun speeded up again and followed closely for the rest of her life.

But Yu Sheng, like a machine, never stopped swimming, swimming in the water, for Yu Sheng, it was like returning to his homeland.

For the rest of his life at this moment, it was like a big fish. The current here was turbulent, but... it did not cause her the slightest trouble. On the contrary, he was in the water, like a fish in the water, at such a swimming speed, even those swimming champions. It's too late, and this is the terrible thing about his skills.

You can even stay in the water for a long time, which is probably impossible for anyone to come here.

In a short while, Yu Sheng arrived at the shore, Yu Sheng arrived at the shore, this time he did not encounter any problems, Yu Sheng also breathed a sigh of relief.

To tell the truth, Yu Sheng is really a little afraid of things here, after all, Yunnan is different from other places, but here is full of murderous intent.

After Yu Sheng arrived at the shore, he continued to move forward. He didn't wait for Lin Qingyun. Now what he has to do is to reach the destination as soon as possible. After all, there is not much time.

After Yu Sheng had walked two kilometers, the expression of Yu Sheng at this moment became a little dignified.

Because in front of him, there is still a forest, but this forest looks a little dull, gray, such a forest, for the rest of my life, looks extremely solemn, because, in this forest, He faintly heard the roar of the beast, this terrible sound, even for the rest of his life, was a little jealous, and he didn't know what kind of beasts, wolves, or some other beasts would be in it.

No matter what kind of beast it is~www.wuxiaspot.com~ these things are fatal once encountered.

Yu Sheng took a deep breath. At this time, Sirius and others had already followed. Yu Sheng glanced at the five Sirius, Yu Sheng smiled, and then stepped into the forest.

After the rest of their lives stepped into this forest, the wolf and the others all looked at each other that day, and there was a little smile between the corners of their mouths. This was indeed their last level. As long as they passed this level, They can reach their destination, but they are also a little surprised at the physical strength for the rest of their lives. Such physical strength is indeed very powerful, but it is nothing more.

According to their training method, it only takes three hours to reach the destination of 50 kilometers. This is according to their own standards, and if they can arrive in such a short time for the rest of their lives, it is enough.

For the rest of his life, his firepower was fully fired and he ran quickly. His running speed was also increased several times. Such a terrifying running speed made the Sirius and others almost unable to keep up. The speed of the rest of his life was too great. Soon.


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