The wolves fled everywhere. Obviously, these wolves were also scared, and they continued to kill these wolves for the rest of their lives, and they were all frightened.

These wolves are not stupid, although they are not afraid of death, but this does not mean that they are not afraid.

Yu Sheng looked at the pack of wolves that fled, Yu Sheng sighed slightly, and finally he could kill and test his combat effectiveness. Unexpectedly, all these wolves escaped.

Not far from here, Sirius and Earth Wolf and others saw this scene before them, and they were all shocked and inexplicable. For a while, they admired the rest of their lives and were extremely surprised.

"This kid is really a living pervert."

"Yeah, this kid's combat effectiveness is so strong that even the wolves can't help him. It's really surprising."

The Five Gods of War also glanced at Yu Sheng in amazement, feeling amazed.

Yu Sheng’s combat effectiveness is indeed very strong, even they are somewhat admired, but Yu Sheng is not their opponent now, but if you are giving the rest of your life a period of time, let this kid learn killing skills, this kid, even if it is. Compared to them, they may not be much worse.

As soon as this thought came out, even the Five Gods of War was slightly surprised.

"Go, let's follow, this kid is almost reaching his destination." Sirius opened his mouth.


As Sirius's voice fell, they followed one after another. They watched Yu Sheng by the side, and Yu Sheng showed a slight smile at the corner of his mouth.

He naturally knew that Sirius had been following him all the time, and he laughed for the rest of his life. Immediately, his speed increased a lot, and his speed increased for the rest of his life, which caused Sirius and Earth Wolf and others to be slightly taken aback.

"What is this kid doing so fast? There is still time left. If you run at normal time, you can almost get there." The wolf asked in a little astonishment.

"Good boy."

Sirius glanced at the speeding up for the rest of his life, then laughed for a while, and said with a smile: "This kid wants to get rid of us."

"Leave us?" When the wolf and others heard the words, they were all taken aback, and then smiled and said: "This kid is too naive. He weighs 30 kilograms and wants to leave us."

"Go, catch up." Sirius' voice fell, and everyone speeded up.

The rest of his life is about ten kilometers away from the destination. At this moment, even for the rest of his life, he feels that his physical strength has been exhausted a lot, but he can still bear it.

Yu Sheng looked behind him, Sirius and the others all chased him up, and he laughed for the rest of his life, and then speeded up again. Now the speed of the rest of his life has increased several times, and it has become very terrifying.

When the rest of his life was running at full capacity, that day the wolf and the Earth Wolf and others followed madly behind, and the Sirius and the Earth Wolf and others were slightly surprised.

"This kid is really an enchanting evildoer." The yellow wolf said shockedly: "After running for so long, you can still maintain such a speed, this kid, how much stamina is left? Why does it seem endless."

"Indeed, this kid's physical strength is too terrifying, running so fast, this guy, it seems that he has not consumed any physical strength."

Xuan Lang couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Just when everyone was amazed, Yu Sheng speeded up again, this time the speed increased, making Sirius and the others a little shaken.

However, this is more than that.

After reaching a limit, the speed of the rest of his life unexpectedly increased again, this time the terrible speed of the rest of his life reached a speed of 60 kilometers in an hour.

Such a terrifying speed is almost comparable to a car. Besides, Yu Sheng still carries a weight of 30 kilograms on his body. At such a speed, Sirius and others are dazzled to see.

"How on earth did this kid do it? Such a terrible speed, I'm afraid it's 60 kilometers per hour, right? What the **** does this guy want to do?"

Sirius and the others were all a little stunned, because they didn't understand what they wanted to do for the rest of their lives. This Nima, is it too nonsense, right?

Is this guy crazy?

After running like this, how can I reach the finish line after a while.

However, their thoughts were obviously too much. Under these many gazes, the rest of their lives separated and ran wildly, while Sirius and others were chasing after them.

After running like this for about ten minutes, the rest of his life finally arrived at the destination. At this time, Sirius, Earth Wolf and others were all panting slightly.

After all, the speed was too fast at the beginning, even if they did not last long, but for the rest of his life, after arriving at the destination, his face was not red or breathless, just a little tired.

Yu Sheng saw Sirius and the others chasing him up, which made Yu Sheng also slightly surprised. For the rest of his life, he did not expect that these five war gods were so powerful.

The rest of his life also secretly admired.

"Boy, what are you doing so fast?" The wolf and others came to Yu Sheng's side and couldn't help but vomit.

"Isn't I so tired? Run to the finish line and take a rest for an hour."

After the words fell, Yu Sheng did not continue to pay attention to Sirius and others. After that, Yu Sheng lay on the ground and began to enter the training room.

As long as he trains for an hour in the training room, he can quickly recover his energy and energy, and his physical strength will also be restored. This is the scary part of the training room.


After hearing this, Xuan Lang and the others all had a dumbfounded look. They all gave Yu Sheng a dumbfounded look, mixed with a thick weirdness and surprise.

"What did I just hear?" The Yellow Wolf vomited.

"Too tired, want to run to the finish line to rest as soon as possible?" Xuan Lang couldn't help but explain.


Rao was the Yellow Wolf and the others. They couldn't help but swear an swear word. All the people in the group looked at Yu Sheng a little speechlessly. For a while, they didn't know what to say.

Horse Tired? So ran to the finish line ahead of time? Listen, is this what people say?

This is really too arrogant. Just because one sentence was tired, I went straight to the end to rest. If Lin Qingyun heard this, I didn't know what to think.

"Sirius, how is this done?"

Xuan Lang looked at Sirius, and said silently.

"Let him rest and rest." Sirius paused: "Looking at Lin Qingyun's appearance, it may take an hour to arrive. Let's wait here now."

"Okay." When the Earth Wolf and others heard this, they all nodded slightly, but did not refuse.

"No, you said that this kid would have arrived here when Lin Qingyun was a child, so this kid would rest here, right?" Huang Lang asked suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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